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A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements
The BBA-MBA Program (Class of 2019)
KLU Business School
 Understanding Hotel Management .
 Understanding Customer Relation Management.
 Learn to make healthy relations in world of business.

 To promote the hotel industry and to protect the lawful rights

of its members.
 To create uniformity in the rules of administration and
management of the hotels and other hospitality businesses.
 To raise the standard of the hospitality service by interchange
of personnel, assistance in staffing of hotels
 through education and trainings in the fields of hotel industry.
 To investigate and inquire into all the issues and problems
faced by the members.
 To develop laws related to the hospitality industry and
tourism sector and raise voice against any laws detrimental to
the development of this industry.
 To further international partnership and cooperation.
 To promote good relationship and understanding among the
employee and employers within the industry.
 To promote co-operation among national, international and
regional organizations related to the hospitality and tourism
 Retaining existing customers and discovering new ones

1. To know about the company structure and its functioning.
2. To have a knowledge about the parent company and its
3. To achieve the objectives of the SIP.
4. To study various departments in the organization.
5. To prepare a SWOT analysis regarding the company.
6. To do the assigned work within the time frame.
7. To learn about the salaries and wages administration in the
8. To gather information from the employees regarding the
working environment in the company with the help of a
9. Improve customer service experience, create engaged

 Giving information regarding Fortune Murali park Hotel food
variety and room service .
 Continuously Improve the Customer Experience through
innovation and simply listening to the customers.
 Giving them more and more reasons to experience the
hospitality and services of our hotel .
 Explaining the benefits of the lodging in the hotel.
Employee Motivation

Employee motivation is the level of energy, commitment, and

creativity that a company's workers bring to their jobs. Whether
the economy is growing or shrinking, finding ways to motivate
employees is always a management concern. Competing
theories stress either incentives or employee involvement
(empowerment). Employee motivation can sometimes be
particularly problematic for small businesses. The owner has
often spent years building a company hands-on and therefore
finds it difficult to delegate meaningful responsibilities to others.
But entrepreneurs should be mindful of such pitfalls: the effects
of low employee motivation on small businesses can be harmful.
Such problems include complacency, disinterest, even
widespread discouragement. Such attitudes can cumulate into

But the small business can also provide an ideal atmosphere for
employee motivation: employees see the results of their
contributions directly; feedback is swift and visible. A smoothly
working and motivated work force also frees the owner from
day-to-day chores for thinking of long-term development.
Furthermore, tangible and emotional reward can mean retention
of desirable employees. People thrive in creative work
environments and want to make a difference

One approach to employee motivation has been to view "add-
ins" to an individual's job as the primary factors in improving
performance. Endless mixes of employee benefits—such as
health care, life insurance, profit sharing, employee stock
ownership plans, exercise facilities, subsidized meal plans, child
care availability, company cars, and more—have been used by
companies in their efforts to maintain happy employees in the
belief that happy employees are motivated employees.

Many modern theorists, however, propose that the motivation an

employee feels toward his or her job has less to do with material
rewards than with the design of the job itself. Studies as far back
as 1950 have shown that highly segmented and simplified jobs
resulted in lower employee morale and output. Other
consequences of low employee motivation include absenteeism
and high turnover, both of which are very costly for any
company. As a result, "job enlargement" initiatives began to
crop up in major companies in the 1950s.

While terminology changes, the tenets of employee motivation

remain relatively unchanged from findings over half a century
ago. Today's buzzwords include "empowerment," "quality
circles," and "teamwork." Empowerment gives autonomy and
allows an employee to have ownership of ideas and
accomplishments, whether acting alone or in teams. Quality
circles and the increasing occurrence of teams in today's work
environments give employees opportunities to reinforce the
importance of the work accomplished by members as well as
receive feedback on the efficacy of that work.

There are as many different methods of motivating employees
today as there are companies operating in the global business
environment. Still, some strategies are prevalent across all
organizations striving to improve employee motivation. The best
employee motivation efforts will focus on what the employees
deem to be important. It may be that employees within the same
department of the same organization will have different
motivators. Many organizations today find that flexibility in job
design and reward systems has resulted in employees' increased
longevity with the company, improved productivity, and better
Giving employees more responsibility and decision-making
authority increases their realm of control over the tasks for
which they are held responsible and better equips them to carry
out those tasks. As a result, feelings of frustration arising from
being held accountable for something one does not have the
resources to carry out are diminished. Energy is diverted from
self-preservation to improved task accomplishment.

Creativity and Innovation

At many companies, employees with creative ideas do not
express them to management for fear that their input will be
ignored or ridiculed. Company approval and toeing the company
line have become so ingrained in some working environments
that both the employee and the organization suffer. When the
power to create in the organization is pushed down from the top
to line personnel, employees who know a job, product, or
service best are given the opportunity to use their ideas to
improve it.

If employees are given the tools and the opportunities to
accomplish more, most will take on the challenge. Companies
can motivate employees to achieve more by committing to
perpetual enhancement of employee skills. Accreditation and
licensing programs for employees are an increasingly popular
and effective way to bring about growth in employee knowledge
and motivation. Often, these programs improve employees'
attitudes toward the client and the company, while bolstering
self-confidence. Supporting this assertion, an analysis of factors
which influence motivation-to-learn found that it is directly
related to the extent to which training participants believe that
such participation will affect their job or career utility

Quality of Life
The number of hours worked each week by American workers is
on the rise, and many families have two adults working those
increased hours. Under these circumstances, many workers are
left wondering how to meet the demands of their lives beyond
the workplace. Often, this concern occurs while at work and
may reduce an employee's productivity and morale. Companies
that have instituted flexible employee arrangements have gained
motivated employees whose productivity has increased.
Programs incorporating flex-time, condensed workweeks, or job
sharing, for example, have been successful in focusing
overwhelmed employees toward the work to be done and away
from the demands of their private lives.
Monetary Incentive
For all the championing of alternative motivators, money still
occupies a major place in the mix of motivators. The sharing of
a company's profits gives incentive to employees to produce a
quality product, perform a quality service, or improve the
quality of a process within the company. What benefits the
company directly benefits the employee. Monetary and other
rewards are being given to employees for generating cost-
savings or process-improving ideas, to boost productivity and
reduce absenteeism. Money is effective when it is directly tied
to an employee's ideas or accomplishments. Nevertheless, if not
coupled with other, non-monetary motivators, its motivating
effects are short-lived. Further, monetary incentives can prove
counterproductive if not made available to all members of the

Other Incentives
Study after study has found that the most effective motivators of
workers are non-monetary. Monetary systems are insufficient
motivators, in part because expectations often exceed results and
because disparity between salaried individuals may divide rather
than unite employees. Proven non-monetary positive motivators
foster team spirit and include recognition, responsibility, and
advancement. Managers who recognize the "small wins" of
employees, promote participatory environments, and treat
employees with fairness and respect will find their employees to
be more highly motivated. One company's managers
brainstormed to come up with 30 powerful rewards that cost
little or nothing to implement.

Impact of Employee Motivation?

Maintaining Stability

Employees are a company's livelihood. How they feel about

the work they are doing and the results received from that
work directly impact an organization's performance and,
ultimately, its stability. For instance, if an organization's
employees are highly motivated and proactive, they will do
whatever is necessary to achieve the goals of the organization
as well as keep track of industry performance to address any
potential challenges. This two-prong approach builds an
organization's stability. An organization whose employees
have low motivation is completely vulnerable to both internal
and external challenges because its employees are not going
the extra mile to maintain the organization's stability. An
unstable organization ultimately underperforms.

Reduction in Productivity

Lack of motivation equates to less work being accomplished.

Productivity does not disappear; it is usually transferred to
aspects not related to the organization's work. Things like
personal conversations, Internet surfing or taking longer
lunches cost the organization time and money. Reduced
productivity can be detrimental to an organization's
performance and future success

Negative Changes to Reputation

Word travels fast. Low employee motivation could be due to

decreased success of the organization, negative effects from
the economy or drastic changes or uncertainty within the
organization. No matter what the cause, having the reputation
of having an unpleasant work environment due to low
employee motivation will ultimately impact how existing and
potential clients or partners view working with an
organization. A reputation can precede an organization and
dictate its future in the industry.

Why Employee Motivation?

Employee motivation is a critical aspect at the workplace which

leads to the performance of the department and even the
company. Motivating your employees needs to be a regular

There are companies that sadly fail to understand the importance

of employee motivation. Research shows that many companies
have disengaged employees with low motivation; only 13% of
employees are engaged at work (Gallup).

Why Employee Motivation in Murali Fortune Park?

This research project is about employee motivation in hospitality

organisations. Employee motivation is important to the
competitiveness and success of companies, especially during the
current difficult economic conditions. The main reason that
managers should motivate workers to give their best efforts
towards is because it relates to the organisational outcomes.
However, motivating workers to do their best at work is not an
easy task for managers to do. This is because managers must
know factors that can be used to motivate them to do their best
or to work hard. However, all companies may have motivation
policy that might not satisfy all workers. This is especially true
for companies in hospitality segment

Accordingly, the objectives of system are to:

1. Enable an organization (Murali Fortune) to have the quantity
and quality of staff it requires.

2. Retain the employees in the organization.

3. Motivate employees for good performance for further

improvement in performance.

4. Maintain equity and fairness in compensation for similar jobs.

5. Make the system cost-effective.

6.To understand the needs of employees motivation in
hospitality companies, focusing on small and medium sized
pubs and restaurants
7.To understand factors that can motivate workers in small and
medium sized hospitality firms to work with their best effort
8To examine the significance of motivation and its important the
organisational outcome in hospitality firms
9.To provide strategic ideas for motivating employee whilst
better development and smooth running of the business

Components of Employee Motivation

As a nurse manager, part of your job is keeping employees

motivated and working to the best of their abilities. This results
in reduced turnover and higher patient satisfaction. Following
are six key elements that make up the framework for employee
motivation and performance:

Element #1: Purpose. The first task a manager or supervisor

should undertake is to align the individual's purpose with that of
the organization, says Dan Strakal, EdD, an expert speaker on
workplace issues and president of Capable-Performance-
Solutions, a consulting firm in Albuquerque, NM.
Element #2: Expectations. Communicating exactly what's
expected of each employee improves motivation. "Clear
expectations promote longer periods of sustained effort to
achieving desired outcomes," Strakal says.
Take a few minutes to speak with employees one on one, he
recommends. Ask the employee to share with you any barriers
or challenges he or she faces on a daily basis.

Element #3: Competence. One way that effective managers

build competence is to create opportunities for others to be
challenged, to grow, and to develop their skills without causing
employees to become overly frustrated, Strakal says.

Element #4: Feedback. "Effective feedback shapes performance,

builds confidence, and encourages sustained effort," Strakal
says. Managers can achieve effective feedback in several ways,
such as:
 Creating an atmosphere that encourages the free flow of

performance feedback
 Giving feedback that is specific, accurate, objective, and
focused on behavior
 Trying not to soften a message by mixing positive feedback
with reprimands
 Providing timely feedback immediately after desired
behavior is demonstrated
Elements #5: Support. Respect is another important factor that
affects employee motivation, says Jacqueline Coates,
MA, practice administrator at Apple Hill Eye Center in York,
PA. "With my former employer, we implemented a gazillion
different promo ideas to motivate staff. They all worked for a
brief period of time, then the newness would wear off and
motivation would decline," she says. "Through a closer
assessment of the programs, we learned that supervisors were
the direct link to a weak or solid foundation to build motivation.
If the relationship between the supervisor and staff was not a
positive one, the motivational ideas and techniques were futile."
Element #6: Rewards. After a respectful relationship has been
established, find out what incentives are most influential to your
staff, Coates says. "Our ideas might seem grand, but may be less
stimulating to staff. Seek out the informal leaders and get them

Employee Motivaion Process

The motivation process is presented in the following diagram;

Employee motivation is of crucial concern to management;

mainly because of the role that employee motivation plays in
5 Steps of Motivation Process

1. Identify Unsatisfied Needs and Motives.

2. Tension.
3. Action to satisfy needs and motives.
4. Goal accomplishment.
5. Feedback.
Steps of motivation process explained below;
1. Identify Unsatisfied Needs and Motives
The first process of motivation involves unsatisfied needs and
motives. Unsatisfied needs activated by internal stimuli such as
hunger and thirst.
They can also be activated by external stimuli such as
advertisement and window display.
2. Tension
Unsatisfied needs create tension in the individual. Such tension
can be physical, psychological, and sociological. In this
situation, people try to develop objects that will satisfy their
3. Action to satisfy needs and motives
Such tension creates a strong internal stimulus that calls for
action. The individual engages in activities to satisfy needs and
motives for tension reduction.
For this purpose, alternatives are searches and choice are made,
the action can be hard work for earning more money.
4. Goal accomplishment
Action to satisfy needs and motives accomplishes goals. It can
be achieved through reward and punishment. When actions are
carried out as per the tensions, then people are rewarded others
are punished. Ultimately goals are accomplished.
5. Feedback
Feedback provides information for revision or improvement or
modification of needs as needed. Depending on how well the
goal is accomplished their needs and motives are modified.
Drastic changes in environment necessitate the revision and
modification of needs.
Usually, performance is determined by;
1. ability,
2. environment and
3. motivation.
If any of these three factors is missing or deficient, effective
performance is impossible.


 Complete understanding about the company and its

 Prepared a questionnaire based on the employees review.
 Had a tour of various departments of the hotel.
 Interacted with some employees and managers regarding
our queries formed during the SIP program.
 Held a meeting with some employees and also reviewed
their previous earnings files.
 Gave suggestions and feedbacks regarding their level of
performance and also to get more incentives with the help
of Company guide.


The study made by me in Murali Fortune Park was confined to

determine wage and salary method and practices being followed:

 The lack of availability of information.

 The collected one does not give the complete
 As time period is 2 months, it is very difficult to get a
clear picture.
 The sample size taken for the research is small due to
constraints of time.
 Some of the employees had not co-operated in filling of


It has been a wonderful experience working with MURALI

FORTUNE PARK HOTEL as they have given me an
opportunity to learn about the human resource management
sector of the company. I have been to various departments in
the company and knowing about all the operations of the
organization. I have visited various managers and employees
who explained about the various things and methods of wage
and salary administration which the company uses to
evaluate the salaries/wages for its employees. It is very
important to maintain good relations in the world of business
to ensure survival. An effective time management allows us
to do our assignment efficiently and meet our schedules on
time which thus increases the credibility of the employees
thus leading to more incentives in their pockets. In working
environment, teamwork is vital in contributing to a strong
organization. Teamwork is also essential in reaching the
goals of the organization as an entity. Thus, communicating
and sharing is much needed in the working environment
among the employees as well as between the various levels
of the company. This is because working together as a team
is easier in reaching our targets, rather than operating

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