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What is the problem?

1. Same sex marriage is not harming anyone.

2. Same sex marriage does not produce negativity (except for homophones). But instead positivity
through the happiness of a marriage union.
3. Equal rights
4. I hope I don't offend, but religion is not an entirely proven phenomenon, and even so, many biblical
passages such as Romans 8:38-39 describe God as all-loving

Marriage Does Not Have to Be Religious

Marriages can be performed in a secular civil ceremony or a religious one. Therefore, even if most
Christians keep quoting Leviticus 20:13 in your face and "nyehh the book that was written by people
2000 years ago says so" homosexuals can still have the rights to marry without having to cross paths
with the secret club "no homos allowed" of the Christians. Please do not push your beliefs onto others if
it would deny them equal treatment or harm. It is fantastic that you have a religion, and it is definitely
okay to be proud of it but your beliefs should never directly affect other people. Your beliefs do not
define how anyone else should act and you should respect that.

So many reasons

-This generation is becoming more and more confusing, blurring the lines...So where would we end up 1.
Equal rights: It is offensive to me because it makes me want to barf, It takes away the chances of
another beautiful child being born, Adopted children need both the love of a mother and a father,
not a mother and a mother or a father and a father. Don't children have any rights or are they just
garbage. 2. God did not make theses disgusting people like this, they themselves did it, God
specifically created a man and a women, for those who don't believe in God, The earth started out
with a man and a women, why, so that the human race can go on, this is going against morality and
nature. 3. Happiness: are they truly happy or are they just exaggerating, what about children, can't
they be happy with a mother and a father. For one, i'm not happy. 4. Harmful: it harms us and
future generations. It scars my eyes seeing a man and a man or a woman and a woman kiss. As it
becomes more legal, it will spread and as it spreads, the future generations will think it is ok and
more will be gay and the human race will end.eventually if more and more rules are becoming broken?
-it promotes homosexual sex, and that isn't normal, and increases risks of sexually transmitted diseases
-union between a couple is also to reproduce, and with the same genders you an't do that
-because of the reason that they cant have kids, some would adopt children, and that is not at all fair to
the child. A child has the right to have two gender opinions for a healthy upbringing
-Now onto to religious reasons. And before I start people have to understand that christians do not hate
gays at all. That is a widespread lie created to rebuff us and to make us seem hateful
-God intended marriage sacred only for man and woman, thus same-sex marriage goes against the laws
of nature
-I believe it has become more of a man-made trend that has evolved over time, through people saying its
'normal' and what not
-Although you can't 'change' the person, hating on them is not right at all as well. Obviously you cannot
hate them because that would be irrelevant, but you should tell them that they shouldn't have sexual
contact with the same gender because of the reasons above
a woman has a right to choose what to do with her body.there are certain cases where an abortion may
be the only option - how about a 14 year old who is raped by her father?she shouldn't have to go through
that trauma only to have to bring her half-sibling AND son/daughter into the world

pro-lifers see this issue as black and white,it really isn' don't know anyone circumstances,why they
have chosen to abort.ive helped several friends through theirs,including one late term,and it isn't easy,not
in the slightest.they suffer through the entire process

i wish people would stop making judgements - judge not lest ye be judged as the bible says.nobody has
the right to judge another for their personal decisions.i would not return to the days when women risked
future fertility and life to have an illegal abortion

i shall be pleased to pass your views onto my partner - i didnt realise that we should only have sex to
make a baby.i thought it was a lovely,physical showing of our love for each other,thank you for
enlightening me!

cjsmummy · 4 years ago

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I support abortion, not as a form of birth control though. If a woman is raped, if the child will have some
sort of terminal disease or disorder, or quality of life will be extremely low (as in the case of health/birth
defects/etc), then I believe it is only the correct choice to abort. (If you yourself have a genetic disposition
for something, then maybe not think about having a child to spare future generations those genetic
abnormalities. Also, just because you can procreate does not mean you should, the world population is
increasing at such a rate that the Earth's resources will become limited. For all of the comments saying
that if you are going to have an abortion you may as well go kill something, you already do kill living
beings everyday, inadvertently for food and clothes. If you are going to talk about the value of life,
humans aren't the only important beings on this planet.
tags_magilicuty · 1 year ago

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