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Guava: The Queen of Fruits

Botanical name: Psidium guajava

If pineapple is known as the "king" of fruits, guava is considered the queen. Thought to
be native to southern Central America and Mexico where it's been a major crop for
centuries, guavas are members of the myrtle and eucalyptus family, growing throughout
the tropics on small trees with smooth, copper-colored bark. Another type, Psidium
cattleianum, grown in flower and foliage gardens, is not for eating.

Soft, sweet, and fragrant when ripe, guavas are small and round or oval, with varying
colors from yellow to pink to dark red, depending on the variety. Each fruit contains a
large number of tiny, edible seeds at the center. Guavas are very good simply sliced for
a snack or added to salads. In other areas of the world, guava is popular as a thick, rich
paste made into cheese. Fresh guava juice is common in Hawaii. In Fiji, guavas are
used to make tasty jelly.

While one of the first references to guava fruit was made in 1526 in the West Indies,
they were only introduced in Florida in 1847, where they became familiar commodity
within about 40 years. Between 1948 and 1969, 21 guava cultivars from seven
countries were introduced in Hawaii. Today, about 125,327 acres are dedicated to
guava cultivation in India, yielding more than 27,300 tons every year.

Apparently a somewhat fragile fruit, a sharp dip in temperatures can threaten guava
trees in northern California, while the intense heat of Southern California scorches

Health Benefits of Guava

It's no wonder guava is called a “super fruit.” Compared to the same amount
of pineapple, guavas contain 30 more calories per serving, but three times the protein
and more than four times the fiber. All that fiber makes guavas a great "regulator," while
helping to protect the colon by reducing the risk of cancer-causing toxins and chemical
build up; the fiber actually binds to the toxins and helps move them out of the body.
While pineapples provide 131% of the daily value of vitamin C in a serving, guavas offer
628%. Guava should be eaten with the skin, like an apple, imparting even higher
concentrations of vitamin C. Eating fruits rich in this vitamin helps the body build up
resistance to infection, including infectious diseases, while scavenging free radicals that
could cause serious illnesses.

Guavas contain: vitamin A (21% of the daily value), essential for maintaining healthy
mucus membranes and skin; folate (20%), great for pregnant women to help prevent
neural tube defects. Flavonoids include beta-carotene (a known cancer inhibitor);
lycopene, which in pink guava has been found to protect the skin against UV rays and
help prevent prostate cancer; lutein and cryptoxanthin, both antioxidants. Guavas have
potassium, too - more per serving than even a banana - which is important as heart rate
and blood pressure regulators.

Smaller amounts of other vitamins in guava deserve mention: pantothenic acid, niacin,
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine),vitamin E and K, and the minerals magnesium, copper, and
manganese, the latter imparting the enzymesuperoxide dismutase.
However, consume guavas in moderation because they contain fructose, which may be
harmful to your health in excessive amounts.

Guava: The Queen of Fruit

Botanical name: Psidium guajava

If pineapple is known as the "king" of fruits, guava is considered the queen.
Thought to be native to southern Central America and Mexico where it's been
a major crop for centuries, guavas are members of the myrtle and eucalyptus
family, growing throughout the tropics on small trees with smooth, copper-
colored bark. Another type, Psidium cattleianum, grown in flower and foliage
gardens, is not for eating.

Soft, sweet, and fragrant when ripe, guavas are small and round or oval, with
varying colors from yellow to pink to dark red, depending on the variety. Each
fruit contains a large number of tiny, edible seeds at the center. Guavas are
very good simply sliced for a snack or added to salads. In other areas of the
world, guava is popular as a thick, rich paste made into cheese. Fresh guava
juice is common in Hawaii. In Fiji, guavas are used to make tasty jelly.

While one of the first references to guava fruit was made in 1526 in the West
Indies, they were only introduced in Florida in 1847, where they became
familiar commodity within about 40 years. Between 1948 and 1969, 21 guava
cultivars from seven countries were introduced in Hawaii. Today, about
125,327 acres are dedicated to guava cultivation in India, yielding more than
27,300 tons every year.

Apparently a somewhat fragile fruit, a sharp dip in temperatures can threaten

guava trees in northern California, while the intense heat of Southern
California scorches them.

Health Benefits of Guava

It's no wonder guava is called a “super fruit.” Compared to the same amount
of pineapple, guavas contain 30 more calories per serving, but three times the
protein and more than four times the fiber. All that fiber makes guavas a great
"regulator," while helping to protect the colon by reducing the risk of cancer-
causing toxins and chemical build up; the fiber actually binds to the toxins and
helps move them out of the body.
While pineapples provide 131% of the daily value of vitamin C in a serving,
guavas offer 628%. Guava should be eaten with the skin, like an apple,
imparting even higher concentrations of vitamin C. Eating fruits rich in this
vitamin helps the body build up resistance to infection, including infectious
diseases, while scavenging free radicals that could cause serious illnesses.

Guavas contain: vitamin A (21% of the daily value), essential for maintaining
healthy mucus membranes and skin; folate (20%), great for pregnant women
to help prevent neural tube defects. Flavonoids include beta-carotene (a
known cancer inhibitor); lycopene, which in pink guava has been found to
protect the skin against UV rays and help prevent prostate cancer; lutein and
cryptoxanthin, both antioxidants. Guavas have potassium, too - more per
serving than even a banana - which is important as heart rate and blood
pressure regulators.

Smaller amounts of other vitamins in guava deserve mention: pantothenic

acid, niacin, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine),vitamin E and K, and the minerals
magnesium, copper, and manganese, the latter imparting the
enzymesuperoxide dismutase.
However, consume guavas in moderation because they contain fructose,
which may be harmful to your health in excessive amounts.
Health benefits of guava fruit
 Guava is low in calories and fats but carry several vital vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidant poly-phenolic and flavonoid compounds
that play a pivotal role in the prevention of cancers, aging,
infections, etc.

 The fruit is very rich source of soluble dietary fiber (5.4 g per 100
g of fruit, about 14% of DRA), which makes it a good bulk
laxative. The fiber content helps protect the colon mucous
membrane by decreasing exposure time to toxins as well as
binding to cancer-causing chemicals in the colon.

 Guava-fruit is an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin-C. 100 g

fresh fruit provides 228 mg of this vitamin, more than three times
the required DRI (daily-recommended intake). Flesh just
underneath its outer thick rind contains exceptionally higher
levels of vitamin C than its inner creamy pulp.

 Scientific studies suggest that regular consumption of fruits rich

in vitamin C helps human body develop resistance against
infectious agents and scavenge cancer causing harmful free
radicals from the body. Further, it is required for collagen
synthesis within the body. Collagen is one of the chief structural
protein in the human body required for maintaining integrity of
blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones.

 The fruit is a very good source of Vitamin-A, and flavonoids like

beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and cryptoxanthin. The
compounds are known to have antioxidant properties and
therefore essential for optimum health. Further, vitamin-A is also
required for maintaining healthy mucusa and skin. Consumption
of natural fruits rich in carotene is known to protect from lung
and oral cavity cancers.

 100 g of pink guava fruit provides 5204 µg of lycopene, nearly

twice the amount than in tomatoes. (100 g tomato contains 2573
µg of lycopene). Studies suggest that lycopene in pink guavas
prevents skin damage from UV rays and offer protection from
prostate cancer.

 Fresh fruit is a very rich source of potassium. It contains more

potassium than other fruits like banana weight per weight.
Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that
helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.

 Further, the fruit is also a moderate source of B-complex vitamins

such as pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin
E and K, as well as minerals like magnesium, copper, and
manganese. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the
antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Copper is required for
the production of red blood cells.

Selection and storage

Guava fruits, pink-flesh variety.

In the tropical region, guavas can be readily available year around. Red
flesh variety such as "Thai maroon" flesh guavas are rich in nutrition
than green-apple guavas. Oftentimes, the fruits are left to ripen on the
tree to experience their intense, natural flavor. They can also be picked
while green but mature, and later allowed to ripen at room
temperature. Ripe guavas have a characteristic color and pleasant
In the stores, buy fresh fruits featuring intact skin without any cuts,
bruises, or patches. Placing the fruit wrapped in a paper with
a banana or apple will hasten its ripening process.

Mature, yet green fruits may be stored for two to five weeks under
ideal, regulated temperature between 46°F and 55°F, and relative
humidity of 85 to 95 percent. Over-ripe fruits may keep well inside the
refrigerator only for few days.

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