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4-694 (Rev.


U.S. Department of Justice ·-

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Washington, D.C . 20535

Mr. A. J. Weberman JUN 2 61998

Post Office Box 2091
New York, New York 10013-0875
Frank Sturgis
Subject of Request:

FOIPA No. ~3~7~6~1~1~3'--~-

1 1_9_0_-=1~6~3~6::<.-~~~~-

Dear Requester:

Enclosed arc copies of documents from FBI records . Excisions have been made to protect information
exempt from disclosure pursuant to Title 5, United States Code, Section 552 (Freedom of Information Act) and/
or Section 552a (Privacy Act). In addition, where excisions were made, the appropriate exempting subsections
have been cited opposite the deletions. Where pages have been withheld in their entirety, a deleted page
information sheet has been substituted showing the reasons or basis for the deletion. The subsections cited
for withholding informati on from the enclosed documents are m arked below:

Section 552 Section 552a

[XI (b)(l) [XI (b)(7)(A) 0 Cd)(5)

[XI (b)(2) D (b)(7)(B) D rnc2)

D (b)(3)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ [XI (b )(7)(C) D (k)(I)

[XI (b)(7)(D) D (k)(2)

D (b)(7)(E) D Ck)(3)
D (b)(7)(F) D Ck)(4)

D (b)(4) D Cb)(8) D Ck)(s)

D (b)(s) D Cb)C9) D Ck)(6)

D (b)(6) D (k)(7)

(See Form 4-694a, enclosed, for an exp lanati on of these exemptions.)

Pursuant to your request, pages(s) were reviewed and _ _....___ _ _ page(s) arc being

During the review of material pertinent to the subject of your r equest, documents were located which

[XI originated with another Government agency(ies).

These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you.

0 contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies) . You will be advised by

the FBI as to th e releasability of this information following our consultation with the
other agency( ies).
lXJ [f you desire, you ma y appeal a ny denial s contained herein. Appea ls sh ou ld be directed in writing t o the
Co-Direct or , Office of Information and Privacy, U.S. Department of Ju sti ce, Flag Building , Suite 570.
Washin gt on, D.C . 20530, within thirty days from receipt o f this letter. T he envelope a nd the letter
should be clearly ma rked "Freedom of Informa tion Appeal" or "Information Appeal. " Please cite the
FOIPA number assigned to your request so that it may be easily identified.

lXJ The enclosed materia l is from the main investigative file(s) in which th e subj ect of your request was
the s ubject of the investigati on. There a re additi onal references to the subject(s) of your request in fi les
relating t o other indi vidu als, organizati ons, events or activities. These additi ona l mentions o r references
h ave not been r eviewed to determine if, in fact, th ey ar c identifiable with the s ubjcct(s) of your r equest.
Our experience h as sh own that such references arc frequ e ntly similar t o informati on contained in the
processed main file(s). We will pro cess those references if you now make a specific r equest for them .
However, becau se of a signifi cant inc rease in FOIPA reque sts and an expanding backl og, we have given
priority to the processing of m ain investigative fi les and can only comp lete the processing of these
additional references as time a nd resources pe rmit

lXJ See additional information which fo ll ows .

Si ncerely yours,

Chi ef
Fr eedom of Infor mation·
Privacy Acts Section
I nforma t io n Re sources Division

Enclosu res ( 2 )

At t h e present t ime we are unable to locate one file which may b€

ident i f i able with Mr . Sturgis . When this file is l ocated we will review
i t to determin e whet her or not it is identical to your subject and
advise you of t he resul ts of this rev iew.

Fra nk A . Sturgis i s also me ntioned in fi l e 139- 40 89 , a Wate rgate

fil e , wh ich ha s bee n previous l y processed and can be revi ewed in the
FBI ' s reading room. You must make arrangements at l ea st 24 hours in
advance b y ca lling (2 0 2) 324 - 3789 to estab li sh an appoi ntment to review
material which h as already been processed.

In addition to the enclosed fi l es , indi ces to cen tral records

system fil es r evealed fi les which are current ly being processed under
the Pres ident John F . Kennedy Assass i nati o n Records Co ll ection Act of
1992 . These records may or may not pertain t o the subject of your
request. When the proces sing h as been compl eted pursuant to the Record s
Collect i on Act of 1 992 , the r ecord s will be t ransferred to the National
Archives for retention , and will be available to t he public . Experience
indicates t h at much l ess informatio n is redacted under the Records
Collection Act than is redacted under the Freedom of Information Act ;
there fore you may wish to direct a request for you r desired subject to
t h e National Archives. Unl ess yo u spec i fical ly indicate in wri t i ng
wi thi n 30 days that you desire t hese r ecords to be processed under the
Freedom of Info rmatio n Act , we wil l consider this matter c l osed .


SUBJECT~ /2,,dtwr~

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:AT£• 9/29/77 memorandum

SAC, MIAMI (2-551) (P)
(-' ' { i
/1 /-:.
·' V Re B.ureau 'routing slip· with enclosure dated / . /....___,(
8/22/7'7. 0 . .
Enclosed for the Bureau are five copies of an
LHM dated and captioned as above.~

The following sources of the Miami Division

were contacted relative to captioned matter, but could
. ' provide no information of value: J


1 :·~?'.·~ ~: ~·__ z~
. ;-~·;::~g-
\..,.. ,_
: ·. :::·~ ~1
'· ~-- :,;.J <
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._. :.::: ·.r..:
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- -:: ... j


At Miami, Florida

•(_ '
• l

""" In Reply, Please Refer to

Fi!e No. Miami, Florida

September 23, 1977

DATE.;{· 5·'¥0 "'B'{Sl'·;f--rfl?/iJ.
. ..
.~ '

On September 15, 1977, Frank Sturgis was inter-

viewed at 3600 Biscayne Boulevard,. Miami, Florida, by
Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Miami. After being advised of the identity of the inter-
viewing Agents he provided the following information: J-)

He returned to the United States approximately

three months ago after extended travel in England and in
_E:urope. The purpose of that trip was to obtain background
information concerning United States Army Intelligence
matters for an autobiographical book he is researching.
The book, which he is in the process of writing, will be
based primarily on his own personal experiences while a
member of a United States Army Intelligence unit. Li

He is familiar with the United States Code

provisions covering Neutrality Act matters and his
activities while in England and Europe were not in
violation of those sections. He is not involved in
efforts to collect firearms or raise money to recruit
mercenaries for any type of military or paramilitary
action in Angola, Zaire or Panama. He 'likewise knows of
no Cuban or Panamanian exiles being trained in the United
States, Costa Rica or elsewhere for any type of military/
or paramilitary activities in Angola, Zaire or Panama. U
He has heard from his own sources of information
that efforts are being made to establish a Cuban government
in exile in Angolan territory held by rebel soldiers.
Details of the plan ar.e.,.unknown to him; however, he has :ieard
' .

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of
the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your
agency; it and its contents are not to be di,tributed outside
your: agency. r:J__ ~ ;,( ;.: ? )
• (_l

who he believes
involved along with
b 7 C..,
other Cuban exiles in Venezuela. He has heard that con-
tacts have been made with Cuban exiles in Miam~ relative
to this matter, but the Venezuelan group is in charge of
the operation. u

and he
involved in efforts
to overthrow the Panamanian government of General Torrijos.
He advised thattlllllhas never given him money for any
purpose whatsoever. He could provide no further information
of value. Lf · -
Certain sources of the Miami Office, who are
knowledgeable regarding terrorist activities in Miami,
were contacted relative t~ the subject, but could provide
no information of value. u1

- 2* -

... ;· ..
• UNI f 1:.U :::> f Ar C.:::> l:JUVl:.r-'(N/Ylt.N I

DATE: memorandum
SAC, MIAMI (2-551) (C)


(00: MIAMI)

TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (2-2279)

-: . ~ ~· .' ;:
' ,
• . .'·1 · Re Miami Letterhead Memorandum (LHM) ·dated
9/29/77. i.S
Enclosed for the Bureau are five copies of
.'· -..., an LliM dated and captioned as above. U


The following source of the Miami Division

was contacted relative to captioned matter, but could
provide no information of value: iJ


In view of the fact that no further investigation

is being conducted by the Miami Office, this case is being
closed. u ('! _ _\?>G
,. i}
!£C '8 . 1 - J :J- 79 / ;'/-_,,.
~-- o'- ---
2. OE.C 12 1977

. .,

Cl) - Bureau (Enc. s~MC~OSUI\~·

hr·~:~' .cot#rn11~L
5 bI J_,. ?}~ ~u~ ~;.'?savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan
~. ..r
(REV. 7-76)
GSA FPMR(41CFR)101-11.6
I .5010-112.

0. ) CST ICE


In Reply, Plea.3e Refer to Miami, Florida

File No. December 9, 1977



He advised he has
the Panamanian Committee For Human
of which are Panamanian exiles and the purpose of which
is to expose to the United States public the shortcomings
of the current regime in Panama. He claimed the PCFHR
violates no United States laws. LJ'
- said he has no knowledge of an American
named FRANK STURGIS or FRANK-FIORINI, and knows nothing

blc of alleged training by Panamanian, Cuban, and/or Haitian

exiles in Florida, Costa Rica, or elsewhere, with the
purpose of overthrowing.the Government in Panama or in
any other_ country. U

above, advised is not acquainted with

FRANK STURGIS, also known as FRANK FIORINI, and has no
knowledge of Panamanian exiles being trained in the
United States, Costa Rica, or anywhere I else, "to over-
throw the current Panamanian regime. U


DATEd-··.S· St· BYS1h,}1JrP/"
This document contains neither recommen9.ations
nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the
FBI and is loa.ned to your agency; i t and its contents
are not to be distributed out:;ide your agency.
Dote of tronscrlpHon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

29, l977,
advised that he has not heard that
representatives of the President-of Zaire had contacted
Cuban exile leaders in Miami about recruiting a military
unit of Cuban exiles in the United States for service in
Zaire against Cuban-led Angolan mercenaries. , He .. commented
that formation of such an exile unit could not be carried
out secretly.~ould have been among the first
to know if su~been formed. He furnished the
following additional information: l)
~- ..

interrupted with his opinion that

NORIEGA and OMAR TORRIJOS, Panamanian chief of state, are
·""'rfro-CASTRO ·and, therefore, ..Pro-communist . said ..-.a
that opinion was based on erroneous data s~dia
opponents of the Panamanian Government .

.heard nothing in recent months

from or

He said he had heard of no actual or seriously

contemplated plans to militarily train Cuban, Panamanian,
or Haitian exiles, or any combination thereof, in Florida,
Costa Rica, or elsewhere, for the purpose of overthrowing the
present regime of any nation. He said there is always talk·
of Cuban exiles training in the Florida Evergla¢ or in,
Central America, but no ope pays any att.entioh to th~se ·
unsubstantiated rumors. U · , ·.·
He said he heard that FRANK STURGIS recently was
in Europe and Africa. He knows nothing of any possible

I d
9/29/77 I
Miami, Florida Miami 2-530
File# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
n«,v;owo on~:.----------------

.by . SA _ _m_e_J_·_________ Dot• fatoted _ _ _ _l_0_/_4_/c--7_7______

1hh document contain~ neithe; recommendation~ nor ·conclusions of the FBI. II i.s the properly of the FBI and h loaned lo you~ ogency;
ii and it~ conlenls ore no! to be di.strlbuted out.side your agency.
-";}. -

MM 2-530

involvement in

He said that plans for a Cuban Government In

Exile could be announced within a few weeks. He would not
say who was involved, ind~details would be
publicized. He said that. . . . . . . . . . . . is not presently
involved in these plans as he c~U. S.
Tourist Visa to enter the U. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J
He said that he is not currently
anti-CASTRO activities, and is out of town often,
uch of the country. [..)

He said that he has no involvement with the

Panamanian Committee For Human Rights. tJ'

Q_ . .
- ~

date of birth
~ who is strongly anti-communist, is also a Venezuelan
citizen, however, approximately two months ago, • • • • • • •
was denied a visa to visit the United States. The ~inerican
Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela, claimed that is
:pro-communist, .a security risk to the United States, and,
therefore, den:Led him a visa to enter this country·.: In
the past, had had no difficulty in obtaining
a visa to visit hit-I here in Miami. I.)
~is presently residing at an unknown
address in~Venezuela, and can be contacted through
an individual named tele hone number
provide no informa-
usiness or political
he provi e any information
Name· unknown) or

One source of the Miami Office, who is knowledgeable
regarding certain terrorist activities in Miami, was
contacted relative to the subject, but could provide
no information of value. L.J ·

- 4* -


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