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Republic of the Philippines


Regional Special Training Unit 3
Camp Olivas, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Email address:
Name:_________________________________ Score: _________________
Police Station:___________________________ Date: _________________


General Direction: This is a 100-item test, read each instruction written in

every type of test, answer the test in two hours.

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES (20pts). Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The right of a police officer to search without warrant if the individual has been
legitimately stopped with reasonable suspicion and when the police officer
has reason to believe that the individual possesses weapon/s on his person
and poses a threat to the police officer’s or another person’s safety.

a. Plain view doctrine

b. Body Frisk/Pat-Down Search
c. Warrantless Search
d. Search Warrant

2. The random and unpredictable character of patrol, cultivation of the feeling of

police omnipresence, high hazard areas, adequacy of the number of men to
meet the need, likelihood of criminal apprehension, and safety of patrol
officers determine:

a. Patrol Coverage and Deployment

b. Type of Weapons to be Used
c. Degree of Police-Community Relations
d. Deployment of Intelligence Agents

3. You are the Patrol Supervisor for the morning shift, and you don’t have
enough men to cover all the patrol beats. Which of the following is the best
strategy that you will implement?

a. Assign roving mobile patrol with no foot patrol

b. Assign mobile patrols only in strategic places
c. Maintain your patrolmen at the station and just wait for calls for police
d. Assign foot patrol in congested and busy patrol beats but assign
a roving mobile patrol to cover beats which are not covered by
foot patrol.

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4. A Peace and Order Council organized in every City/Municipality by virtue of:

a. Executive Order 039

b. Executive Order 093
c. Executive Order 309
d. Executive Order 903

5. Includes service of Warrant of Arrest, Implementation of Search Warrant,

Enforcement of Visitorial Powers of the Chief, Philippine National Police and
Unit Commanders, Anti-Illegal Drugs Operations, Anti-Illegal Gambling
Operations, Anti-Illegal Logging Operations, Anti-Carnapping Operations, Anti-
Kidnapping Operations and similar operations that are conducted to enforce
laws, statutes, executive orders and ordinances.

a. Public Safety Operation

b. Law Enforcement Operation
c. Internal Security Operation
d. Special Police Operation

6. Immovable properties owned and controlled by the government, including

private properties such as school, churches, reservoirs, towers, resorts
irrigation, malls, etc,. the PNP is mandated to secure from being
attacked/harassed/destroyed by the enemy.

a. Vital Instellation
b. Vital Instollation
c. Vital Installation
d. Vital Instalation

7. The Systematic collection and analysis of information about the social and
economic condition of a particular area that affects the safety and security of
its constituents.

a. Area Profiling
b. Area of Responsibility
c. Area Proofing
d. Area Mapping

8. What are the basic requirements of Police Operation?

a. Mark police Vehicle

b. Lead by a Police Commission Officer
c. With personnel in prescribe police uniform
d. All of the Above

9. Patrol officer first to arrive and respond at the crime scene.

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a. Patroller
b. First Responder
c. Mobile Patrol
d. Beat patrol

10. Fail or refuse to take command in an emergency in order to carry out police
duty, being the officer present with highest rank, grade or position.

a. Serious neglect of Duty

b. Simple neglect of Duty
c. Less Grave Neglect of Duty
d. Grave Neglect of Duty

11. The QUAD concept of anti-criminality planning involves the following except:

a. Intelligence
b. Operations
c. Police Visibility Patrols
d. Police Community Relations

12. Type of Patrol conducted by Police Officers in a buddy system moving about
in a beat area by foot.

a. Mobile Patrol
b. Motorcycle Patrol
c. Foot Patrol
d. Bicycle Patrol

13. The place where the crime occurred to include its immediate surroundings’.

a. Crime Area
b. Crime Scene
c. Crime Prone Area
d. Scene of the Crime

14. Patrol officer are the public symbols of their department, hence those who
perform in a slovenly or ineffective manner.

a. Appear inattentive to duty

b. Disregard their appearance
c. Speak discourteously or disrespect to any
d. All the above

15. What is the main focus of police patrol?

a. Crime Prevention and Maintain Social Order

b. Catching Criminals
c. Ensure Domestic Peace
d. All the above responses are correct

16. To carry out the main objective of proactive policing activity, the Head of Patrol
Unit of the local PNP increased the number of police patrol officers who are
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well-trained in community relations. They had been oriented to establish a
healthy relationship with the residents to gather their confidence and
cooperation especially in watching for any untoward incidents, and to report
the same for police actions. What objective of police patrol operation is being
emphasized in the given scenario?

a. Police Immersion
b. Participative Law Enforcement
c. Criminal Detection
d. Team Policing

17. Immediate Commanders/Directors shall be responsible for the effective

supervision, control and direction of their personnel and shall see to it that all
government resources shall be managed, expanded or utilized in accordance
with laws and regulations and safeguard against losses thru illegal or
improper disposition.

a. Command Responsibility
b. Loyalty
c. Discipline
d. Commitment to Public Interest

18. The highest degree of restraint that the police, military and other peace
keeping authorities shall observe during a public assembly or in the dispersal
of the same.

a. Maximum Tolerance
b. Maximum Overload
c. Zero Tolerance
d. None of the above

19. Due courtesy must be accorded to the motorists, traders and the commuters
during the conduct off checkpoint.

a. Strongly Agree
b. Disagree
c. It depends
d. Not necessary

20. The responsibility of every police officer is to serve the public and protect life
and property. No police operation shall be conducted in order to serve or
protect illegal activity of particular person, group or criminal syndicate.

a. To Serve and Collect

b. Public Safety
c. To Serve and Protect
d. Protect Life and Property

II. ENUMERATION (20pts). List down the correct answer.

1. Give at least 10 Patrol Guidelines.

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2. Cite the duties of a Patrol Supervisor.

III. ESSAY (60pts). Discuss your answer in at least 200 words.

1. Discuss the importance of Patrol in the maintenance of peace and order

within a community.

2. As a chief of police of a Crime Prone Municipality what are the patrol

strategies the you can consider to help lessen or eradicate the crime within
your Municipality.

3. Code 1 is scheduled to have a visiting engagement at Pampanga State

Agricultural University, Magalang Pampanga and you were tasked to be the
overall Security Supervisor on the said event, discuss your deployment plan
to secure the President.

4. Discuss the composition of Checkpoint.

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Duties of Patrol Supervisors

a. In any operation, careful planning is a must in order to

avoid waste of time, effort and resources. Make a patrol
plan with the following details:

(1) Area Coverage: safe haven, ambush areas and

crime-prone areas;
(2) Organizational Detail of Personnel;
(3) Duration;
(4) Stand-by points; and

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(5) Route plan.

b. Designate and select the members of the patrol team/s;

c. Inspect the members of the patrol for completeness of

uniforms, operational readiness and all government issued
equipment (firearms, mobile car, radio, etc.) to
ensure that these are well-maintained and properly
used by the Patrol Officer;

d. Conduct briefing prior to dispatch by disseminating

any orders, directives or instructions from the Chief of
Police or higher authorities and new policy or guidelines
being implemented by the PNP Organization;

e. Remind the patrol team about the strict observance of

the PNP Operational Procedures;

f. Strictly observe “Buddy System” during the patrol operations;

g. Render hourly report of location and situation through

radio/telephone/cellphone to Police Community Precinct
(PCP)/Station Headquarters Tactical Operation Center

h. Render after-patrol report duly signed by detailed

personnel. PCP Commanders shall collate and submit
significant details to the Station Patrol Supervisor, who
in turn, will submit the same to the Provincial/District
Patrol Supervisor; and

i. Conduct debriefing after the patrol to assess its conduct

and make necessary corrective measures on defects

Procedures and Guidelines

a. Spot Check/Accosting

(1) When approaching the individual, the police officer

shall clearly identify himself as a police officer. If not
in uniform, the police officer must identify himself
by announcing his identity and displaying official
identification card and/or badge.

(2) Police officers shall be courteous at all times but

maintain caution and remain vigilant for suspicious
movements like attempting to retrieve weapon,
conceal or discard contraband, or other similar

(3) Before approaching more than one individual,

police officers should determine whether the
circumstances warrant a request for back-up and
whether the spot check/accosting can and should
be delayed until such back-up arrives.

(4) Police officers shall confine their questions as

to the person’s identity, place of residence, and
other inquiries necessary to resolve the police
officer’s suspicion. However, in no instance shall a

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police officer hold a person longer than the period
reasonably necessary to be able to make these
limited inquiries and to resolve suspicions.

(5) Police officers are not required to inform the person

of his rights under the law (i.e. Miranda Warning,
Anti-torture law, etc.) unless the person is placed
under arrest.

Composition of Checkpoint

In the conduct of checkpoint, the checkpoint team shall

be composed of, but not limited to, the following:

a. Team Leader (TL) - shall lead and take responsibility in

the conduct of checkpoint preferably an officer with the
rank of at least Police Inspector;

b. Spotter - PNP personnel who will point/profile suspected

vehicle subject for checkpoint;

c. Spokesperson - TL or member who is in charge of

communicating with the motorists subject for checkpoint;

d. Investigation Sub-team - in charge of investigation and

documentation of possible incidents in the checkpoint
to include issuance of Traffic Citation Ticket (TCT) or
Traffic Violation Report (TVR);

e. Search/Arresting Sub-Team - designated to conduct

search, seizure and arrest, if necessary;

f. Security Sub-Team - tasked to provide security in the

checkpoint area; and

g. Blocking/Pursuing Sub-Team - team tasked to block/

pursue fleeing suspects/vehicle.

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