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Mark Clyde R. Jugalbot July 5, 2019

Teacher Date

Through varied learning activities, the students with at least 75% of accuracy will be able to:
a. define folk dancing and internalize its importance;
b. identify the five classifications of Philippine Folkdance and trace the origin of
different dances in its group;
c. value the practices and traditions of Filipinos through tracing the history;
d. analyze and execute the fundamental positions of arms and feet in folk dancing;
e. interpret dance terms and steps, and dance literature; and
f. perform a folkdance gracefully and with the correct timing of the music;


TOPIC: Philippine Folkdance
Audio- visual presentation
Dance Literature
REFERENCES: Philippine Folkdances
Jucel A. Jaluage, pp. 159- 163
Physical Education and Health Vol. II
Conrado R. Aparato, et al., pp. 23- 32
Our World of MAPEH 7
Hazel P. Copiaco, et al., pp. 293- 307

- The class will be divided into 4 groups.
- Each group will make a yell.
- They are given 5 minutes to make a yell.
- After the given time, the teacher will randomly pick the group who will be presenting
their yell.
- After all the group presented, the teacher will ask questions.
-Nature and Background-
- Will discuss it through an audio- visual presentation.
-Basic Movements-
- With the same group, each is given a task card containing the different basic steps and
movements of cheerdance. Each group will be given task cards containing the different
basic step and movements of cheerdance.
- Each group is given 2 minute to master and familiarize the content of the task cards.
- After the time, group 1 will give their task card to group 2, group 2 to group 3, group 3
to group 4 and group 4 to group 1.
- They will be doing this until all of them are done with all the task cards.
- After, every group will present the basic steps and movements randomly.

-Name the Cheerdance Movement and Position-
- Everyone are ask to get a pen and paper to answer the activity.
- The teacher will provide the photos of the different movements and positions that will
be projected on the Television.
- And, the teacher will randomly picked a student to answer in front for them to know the
correct answer and will let the student execute it again.
Refer to WW 2.5
- As a class, they will make 4-5 minute cheerdance routine and that’s with a music
- They will be graded with the rubric below:


Exceeds Fully Meets Meets Expectations Not Yet Within
Criteria Expectations Expectations (minimal level) Expectations
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points
Develops a dance
Develops a dance
Develops a dance Develops a dance sequence that is
sequence that is not
sequence that is sequence that is uncreative, incomplete
Creative very creative,
creative, complete creative, complete and and displays no effort
Dance incomplete and
and displays lots of displays some effort or practice.
Sequence displays little effort
effort and practice. and practice. OR
and practice.
Does not develop a
dance sequence.
Works very well with Works very well with
Works very well with Did not work well with
their group most of the their group some of
their group all of the their group.
time. the time.
time.  contributes no ideas
 contributes some  contributes few
 contributes lots of  remains quiet
ideas ideas
ideas  refuses to practice
 listens to others most  listens to others
Group  contributes OR
of the time / when sometimes
Work suggestions for  contributes ideas
agrees with what  displays impatience
modification  refuses to listen to
was being said more than once
 listens to others others & their ideas
 displays impatience  requires teacher
 displays patience  commands others to
at one time assistance to
 motivates other listen and follow
 displays frustration refocus and remain
group members demands
with others at times in group
Performs complete Performs complete
Performs complete Performs complete
dance with lots of dance with some
dance with little dance with no
confidence and confidence and
confidence and confidence or
enthusiasm, making enthusiasm, making
enthusiasm, making enthusiasm, making
few errors. some errors.
many errors. constant errors.
 performs all  performs most
 performs some OR
Choreographed sequences from sequences from
sequences from Does not perform
Sequences / memorization memorization
memorization complete dance.
Overall  rarely needs to  sometimes needs to
 mostly needs to  unable to perform
Performance follow instructor follow instructor
follow instructor any sequences from
 always  sometimes
 rarely demonstrates memorization
demonstrates demonstrates
enthusiasm by  always needs to
enthusiasm by enthusiasm by
showing energy in follow instructor
showing energy in showing energy in
movements and  never demonstrates
movements and movements and
giving their best enthusiasm
giving their best giving their best

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