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CL) )) Kroll _/ Proj ae cra rking Paper to the _Detailed Report es . Oa tracing analysis ( A \ (on (L) Privileges end Confidential Kroll Project Tenor Il, Confidential Working Papers Part | to Detailed ‘ivileged and Confidential Restricted Use Warning Any communication, publication, disclesure, dis tathe Detailed Report or any 2ortion ofits content of Krol. Kroll assumes no direct, indirect or conseq} -paity or any person ether that fois, or for omissions, ar tor reliance Inthis confidential working available records, such information, as is, which have nat been corroborated paper to the Ostaled Roped ss bat presented, relies upon the acsuracy ‘general observations based solely on Kroll’s financial, regulatory or legal advice, which KrGi ie ndt authorized jo provide, All such matters should be further ‘corroborated through appropr ate lege 8 Lend Content )) Kroll Project Tenor Il, Confidential Working Papers Part | to Delail Contents 1. Intrecuction to detailed tracing analysis... 1 Coveat 2. Individual Moldovan beneficiaries / transit accounts... 3. Transactions with corporate accounts linked to individuals > 34 Accounts tiniked wh Pahetriue. 21 Longfond Partners (USE 24.8 lion). aun 3LF-2 Rast! European Trace Corp (USD 6.3 mile). BEE Rowallan Overseas $A, (USD 0.5 mor. td Borgh Traders Corp (sseaneay inka |fs6—Tukumagn Lined (soeenery/ Keke 314 Brample of fonds tom owns fowng B47 Fipar best SRL ICS... Bt OTIV Prime Hoksng B.v AN — GomantSA Catade Co B10 Prime Management SAL: ByRERRRRRS Ss sar “i 2s aze ts i aaa ts that received suspected fraud funds from further tracing, 2 302.1 mi. Maksovan banks) (USO 169.3 aon... id to Victoiabank (USD 106.9 miton) 3 Cannietorviot ‘Kroll 5. ats sta ars ate nr ate sn ante sat ante srs arte ans Project Tenor Confidential Working Papers Part I to Detaile (Detailed Tracing A 22 Amounts paid to Moliindeoabant (USD 0.5 eit} Cyprus (USD 1124 min) fay (USD 16.8.0) Remon {USD'158 mito... Germany (USD 11 1 Ten (USO: MBO Netherton (USD 8.8 mio)... LUnted Arab Eminies (URE) (USO 6.) tad onion 1) Kroll Project Tenor Il, Confidential Working Papers Patt | to Detail List of Figures and Tables Figure 1 ~ Fund flow example linking loans to the Three Mokiovan Banks ta Plahotniuc.. i Figure 2 ~ Screenshot from = showing links betws Management Figute 4: Sequence of transactions made in Gotha Club bi Figure 5; Past by @maxcremers placing Filat at Gotha Club in th Figure 6: Photograph of Luka Filat and @maxeremers in Goth ABLY and Privatbank ib trangacting win ABLV and Privatbank accounts (links to Shor Group or other high profile ‘Table 4: Alef Bank accounts in the Teble 5: Summary of transters to ace Table 6: Summary of transters to ‘Table 8: Overview of transters to, Table §: Overview of transfers to

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