Non-Finite Clause: Ininfinitive

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Non-finite clause

We use both the full ininfinitive ( drink) and the bare ininfinitive (e.g.drink) to bake ininfinitive clauses.
- The full ininfinitive clause is used
+ with do/need/dare when they are used as full verbs
+ With adjectives expressing emotion or desire
+ With some other adjectives, e.g. fit, able, et.
+ After a noun group that includes an ordinal number, a superlative, or aword like next, last, or only
+ After some nouns
+ After some verbs
+ After know and certain other verbs with wh-words: ask, explain, imgine, learn,understand, decide, forget,
remember, wonder.
+ With to/in order to/so as to in expressing purpose
+ When there is a change of subject, we may use for…+ ininfinitive
+ In ‘absolute’ constructions
+ Sometimes in exclamtory sentences, or in wishes unlikely to be realized

- Extraposed subject
- Subject complement/Subject Predicative
- Direct Object
- Object Complement/Object predicative
- Part of adjective phrase/Adjective complement
- Part of noun phrase
+ Post-modifier of a noun or an indefinite pronoun
+ Post-modifier of an indefinite pronoun
+ Noun complement
- Accusative infinitive construction, i.e. noun/pronoun+ infinitive that form the object of a verb
- Adverbial, generally of purpose or result

+ What he bought was awful.
+ I’m not looking for what he likes.
+ I will fail in french unless I work harder
+ They fought as heroes do
+ She dresses like that so that everyone will notice her.

- The following verbs take a gerund clause after them advise, avoid, con sider, delay, finish, forbid, postpone,
- The gerund clause is modified by a possessive adjective or by the possessive form of nouns that can take this
- Verb + noun/pronoun + gerund clause
- The gerund clause is used after the phrases: it’s no good, it’s no use, is worth, to be fond of, capable of, sick
of, look forward to.
- Subject
- Complement
- Direct object
Object of a preposition apposition to a noun
+ To keep money you have found is stealing
+ I remember seeing him
+ It’s no use crying over spilt milk
+ We postponed making any decisions
+ Going to work today took all my energy.

- Present participle clauses
- Past participle clauses
- As adjective clause equivalents
- As adverb clause equivalents
+ Participle clause in place of reason
+ Participle clause in place of clause of time
+ Participle clause in place of clause of concession
+ Participle clause in place of conditionals
Present participle clause in place of co-ordinate clause

+ If aken literally, the sentence is nonsensical
+ tired from studying all afternoon, she went for a walk.


A clause-like construction in which a verb element is implied but not present. Such clauses are usually
adverbial, and the omitted verb is a from of be.

- Adverbial clause
- Noun clause
+ Subject
+ Direct object
+ Prepositional complement
- Adjective clause
Howerer sich and famous, my teacher never gives up teaching (adrerbial clause of)
+ Too sich, he bought a new car for his english teacher ( a dresbial clause of season medifies
+ The kittens in the box were taken are of by kate
+ Katie took care of the kittens in the box
+ My favesite book is the one on the shelf orer there
+ If sich enough, I would buy a house for my be loved teacher.

My Holiday
Last summer, I had a good holiday. I never forget that meaningful holiday. When I came back
home from my holiday. First of all, I went to visit all my uncles and aunts, then some of my
friends and me went to visit all my old teachers. We talked about our lives and works very
much. After that day, I stayed at home with my family and helped my parents to paint the
house and did something else. I talked about my life in Da Lat city and my work. My parents
was very proud of me and I was very happy. After my holiday, I came back Ho Chi Minh city
to go on working. I think that I had a good holiday and I'll never forget it.

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