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PRIMARY GROUP- is a small, intimate, and less specialized group whose members engage in face-to-face and

emotion-based interaction.

Ex: Family, close friends, work-related peers, classmates, and church groups.

BIOCULTURAL EVOLUTION- “the mutual interactive evolution of human biology and culture.” The concept
focuses on the idea that “biology makes culture possible and that developing culture further influences the direction if
biological evolution.”

NETWORK- Refers to the structure of relationships between social actors or groups. These are interconnections, ties,
and linkages between people, their groups, and the larger social constitutions to which they all belong to.

MARKET FAILURES- refers to cases when the market becomes inefficient due to imperfect competition,
imperfect information, imperfect mobility, and the like.

REFERENCE GROUP- is a group to which an individual compares himself or herself.

CONFORMITY- refers to the process of altering one’s thoughts and actions to adapt to the accepted behavior within
his or her group or society.

PEER GROUP- is both a social group and a primary group of people who have similar interests (homophily), age,
background, or social status

FAMILY- is a group of people who are related by birth, marriage, and shared residence

SOCIAL CONTEXT- is define as any systematic means and practices used to maintain norms, rules and laws;
regulate conflict; and discourage deviant behavior.

PLURALIST MODEL- portrays media as an ideological market place that enhance debate and electoral choice.

NUCLEAR FAMILY- families that are composed of parents children.

CHIEFDOM- Consisted of tribes united under one leader or chief.

HUMAN DIGNITY- Refers to the idea that a person has the innate right to be valued, respected, and treated well.

RELIGION- exerts a great influence on the views of a person, legitimizes accepted social practices, provides influence
on the views of a person.

AGGREGATE CROWD- A mere collection of people whitin a particular place and time.

SELF-CATEGORIZATION- their identity in other in other groups (university, family, community, etc.) may be
overshadowed by their sense of belonging to the in-group.

LAISSEZ-FAIRE- Is the principle of nonintervention of government in economic affairs.

INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION- as societies evolved, social and political institutions developed along with the
ideas of law, political leadership, governance and citizenship.

RECONSTITUTED FAMILIES- Composed of the spouses and their children from a previous marriage.
BOURGEOISIE- is the social class that came to own the means of production during modern industrialization and
whose societal concerns are the value of property and the preservation of capital to ensure the perpetuation of their
economic supremacy in society.

Society as a Natural Institution (SNI)

Society as product of Social Contract

(SPSC), or Modernization Theories (MT)
Charismatic, Traditional, or Legal-rational

Nation vs. State

Nuclear, Extended, Reconstituted,

Monogamy, Polygyny, or Polyandry.

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