SIGMUM 2018-Budget Proposal: Per Unit (RM) Unit Total (RM) Total Income Total Expenses

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SIGMUM 2018- Budget proposal

Per unit (RM) Unit Total (RM)
Total income
Member fees 7 100 700
Total expenses
Suturing workshop 385
Laparoscopy workshop 159
Short career talks x3 318
Long career talk x1 468
Trauma simulation 185
Total 1515
Deficit or surplus
Total income 700
Total expenses 1515
Balance -815

Event Date Event description

Suturing workshop April Chicken thigh practice
Laparoscopy workshop May Laproscopy simulation
Short career talks x3 May, July Life/job scope
Long career talk x1 August Specialization pathways
Trauma simulation September Demo + team challenge
Suturing workshop  
A one-day workshop to teach students different suturing techniques and to allow
practice using chicken thighs. Divided into am & pm sessions.
Date End of Apr/beginning of May, Saturday
Time 10.00-3.00
Venue Clinical skills room
No. of sessions 2
No. of participants per session 25
Total no. of participants 50
No. of tutors needed 5

Per Unit (RM) Unit Total (RM)

Expected income
Registration 0 50 0
Expected expenses
Chicken thighs 1.70 50 85
Suturing equipment & material 0 50 0
Paper plates 0.2 50 10
Lunch for tutors 10 5 50
Token of appreciation 15 5 75
Tea & snacks 3 55 165
Deficit or surplus
Total income 0
Total expenses 385
Balance -385
Laparoscopy workshop  
A one-day workshop to introduce laparoscopy techniques and background knowledge
useful for a houseman’s knowledge, and to allow hands-on practice using simulation.
Prioritize students in years 4 & 5.
Date July
Time 10.00-3.00
Venue Clinical skills room
No. of participants 30
No. of tutors needed 3

Per Unit (RM) Unit Total (RM)

Expected income
Registration 0 30 0
Expected expenses
Equipment & material 0 30 0
Token of appreciation 20 3 60
Tea & snacks 3 33 99
Deficit or surplus
Total income 0
Total expenses 159
Balance -159
Short career talks 
A 2-hour weekday evening session for surgical specialists to share their job scopes and
lives that their respective specialties offer.
Tentatively planning for 3 such evenings depending on turnup and demands from
Date May, July, August
Time 4.30-6.30
Venue Seminar room
No. of participants per evening 30
No. of speakers per evening 2

Per Unit (RM) Unit Total (RM)

Expected income per evening
Registration 0 30 0
Expected expenses per evening
Equipment & material - - -
Token of appreciation 20 2 40
Tea & snacks 3 32 96
Deficit or surplus
Total income 0
Total expenses 106
Balance -106
Total balance of 3 evenings -318
Long career talk 
A 1-day weekend event for surgical specialists to share their pathways to their
respective specialties, including variations in different countries e.g. UK, Singapore.
Students from years 4 & 5 will be prioritized.
Date August
Time 9.00-3.00
Venue Monash 3
No. of participants per evening 50
No. of speakers per evening 6

Per Unit (RM) Unit Total (RM)

Expected income per evening
Registration 0 50 0
Expected expenses per evening
Equipment - - -
Token of appreciation 30 6 180
Lunch for tutors 20 6 120
Tea & snacks 3 56 168
Deficit or surplus
Total income 0
Total expenses 468
Balance -468
Trauma simulation 
A 1-day workshop using a simulated mannequin ‘Trauma Man’ with a demonstration
of how to manage trauma, followed by team challenge to manage simulated trauma
scenario. Years 4 & 5 prioritized.
Date September
Time 9.00-3.00
Venue Clinical skills room
No. of participants 40
No. of tutors ‘Trauma Man’ company employees

Per Unit Unit Total (RM)

Expected income per evening
Registration 0 50 0
Expected expenses per evening
Equipment - - -
Token of appreciation for entire company 50 - 50
Tea & snacks 3 45 135
Deficit or surplus
Total income 0
Total expenses 185
Balance -185

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