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STD-SSPC PA 2-ENGL 1946 MM A427440 DOONeEL 270 mm SSPC-PA 2 Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages cE8 ‘The Society for Protective Coatings ‘SSPC Publication No. 97-02 ISBN 1-889060-07-0 SSC. The Sxl for Proline Coking 00 STD+SSPC PA @-ENGL 1996 MMH Sb27940 COO4bb2 307 Rm DISCLAIMER ‘Ths standard has been developedin accordanco with volun ‘ary consensus procedures by SSPC Advisory Commitines and is believed to represent good current practice, All SSFC specil- ‘ations, guides and recommendations ara morored and revisod ~aspraciices improve, and suggestions for revision are welcome. ‘ther methods, materials, and spocifications may be equally effective or superior. SSPC is not responsible fr the application, interpretation, or administration of its specications, guides and recommendations. Moreover, SSPC does not issue intoprota- tions of its specifications, quides or recommendations; and no person is authorized to issue an interpretation of an SSPC. ‘specification, guide or recommendation on behalt of SSPC. 'SSPC specifically disclaims responsiblity for he se ormiguse ct its specifications, uides and recommendations. The supplyingot {eiails about patented formulations treatmorts, or processes is not to be regarced ax conveying any right or permitting the user ofthis quidetouse orselanypatentod invertion. Whonitisknown thal the subject matter of the text Is covered by patent, euch patents are reflected in the text. ‘Copytgt 1997 by ssPC ‘The Society for Protective Coatings (tonnerty Steel Structures Painting Council) 40 24th St, 6th Floor Pitsburgh, PA 15222 Attrights reserved This document or any pant thereof may not be reproduced in _any form without the writen permission ofthe publisher. Printed in USA ty he SSP: The Sxl fr Protein Cots 500 2002 s Be Coit Wa Oe. STD-SSPC PA @-ENGL L994 MM Ab27940 OOO4LL3 O49 Ml ssPc-ea2 une 1, 1996 SSPC PAINT APPLICATION STANDARD NO. 2 Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages 4. Scope 1.1 GENERAL: This standard deseribes the procedures to ‘moasura the thickness of a dry film of a nonmagnetic coating applied on a magnetic substrate using commercially available ‘magnetic gages. These procedures are intendedtocupplement ‘manufacturers’ instructions for the manual operation of the ‘gages and are no! intended te replace them, 1.2 The procedures for calibration and measurement aro described for two types of gages: pull-oft gages (Type 1) and Constant pressure probe gages (Type 2). 1.8 The standard defines a procedure to determing if the ‘tim thickness over an extended area conforms to the mirimum fend the maximum lavels specified. 2. Description and Use 24 DEFINITIONS: 24.1 Gage Reading: A singls reading at one point 2.4.2 Spot Measurement: The average of at least thro, ‘gage readings made within a 1.5 inch (4 em) diameter cite, 2.2 DESCRIPTION OF GAGES: 2.2.4 Gage Types: The gage type is determined by the specific magnetic properties employed in measuring the thick ‘ness and is not determined ny the made of data readout. 12. digital or anaiog. This standard doss nat cover gages thal ‘measure the effect of eddy currants produced in te substate, 2.2.2 Type t~PutlOH Gagee: In pull-off gages, a per- manent magnet is brought into dvect contact with the coated ‘surface and a calibrated scale measures the force nacecsaryto pull the magnet ‘rom the surface. Less force is required to remove the magnet froma thick coating. The scale s nonlinear. + Type 1A. A magnets attached to one end af a pivating balance arm. Thie assembly is connected to a calibrated helical spring. By rotating a cial, the spring increases the force on the magnet and pulls it from the surface. The ‘Type 1A gages are commanly callod “banana” gages. + Type 1B - A magnet is mounted directly er indirect to a Cail spring. The spring acts perpendicularly to the surface te pul off the magnet. The Type 18 gages are commonly called *penci gages. 2.2.3. Type 2—Constant Pressure Probe Gages: Acon- stant pressure probe gage uses a probe which exerts a constant i by he SSC The Say for Poin Cains D208 20 Pressure on the coated surface during the entire measuring operation. Electronic circuitry is used to convert a reterenca, signal into coating thickness. (See 8.1.) 2.3 USE OF STANDARI following: : This document containe the + Calloration, veriicaiion and measurement procedures (ection 4). + Requirednumber of maaeuromonts for conformance toa thickness specication (Section 5) + Notes on gage principles and various factors affecting thickness mocauroment {Seation 8), ‘+ A numerical examois of thickness measuremant aver an coxtended area (Appendix 1), + A numerical example cf veritication of the calibration of ‘Typo 2 gages using plastic shims (Appendix 2) Reference Standards 8.4 The documents and standards referenced inthis stan- ‘dard are listed In Section 3.4 ard torm a part ofthis standard 3.2. The latost issue, revision or amendment of the refer. fenced documerts in effact on tho date of invitation to bid shall, ‘govern unioss ctherwise specified 8.9 there is a conlict between the requirements of any of the cited documants and ths standard, the requirements of this, ‘Standard shall provail. 3.4 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECH- NOLOGY (NIST) STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIALS. (Soe. Section 8.18) 4. Calibration, Verification andMeasurement Procedures 44 GENERAL AAA AccesstoBare Substrate: All gages are alfactedto some degree by substrate conditions such as reughness, shape, thickness and compostion. To correct for thie effect, access to the uncoated substrate is recommended. Another option is to use separate uncoated reference panels with similar rough- ness, shape, thickness snd composition. (See Sections 8.3 t0 8.0.) Those would be used as the bere substrate in the proce- dutes of Sections 4.2 and 4.3. Reference pares shall be of sufficient size te procludo edge affects. (Soe Section 8.7.) Measurements on the bare substrate can be taken before

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