LP Symbiotic

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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Science

(June 25,2019)

At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
a. identify and describe the ecological relationships among living things;
b. describe the effects of interactions among the organisms in their
c. cite examples showing how living organisms depend on each other for their needs to


a. Topic: Symbiotic Relationships
b. References:
 Http://www.factmonster.com/math-science/biology/plants-animals/animal-
c. Materials:
Illustration, puzzle, power point presentations
d. Process Skills:
Observing, Analyzing, Describing, Creating, Applying


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Daily Routine
 Opening Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Cleanliness and Attendance
2. Review
The students will search the answer of the following questions on the word hunt.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation:
The students will be grouped into five and each group will be given different
pictures/puzzle pieces to be arranged within five minutes. Each group will have a representative
to discuss what they have observed in the pictures.

2. Discussion
The teacher will discuss Ecological Relationships using the pictures posted on the board
and a power point presentation.
3. Generalization
The students will share what they have learned about the lesson.
4. Application
The class will be group into five and asked to choose one relationship among organisms
that were discussed in the lesson. The students will talk about how the relationship is
advantageous or disadvantageous to the organisms involved. Each group will do differentiated
activities. The teacher will assign each group by which they will present the results of their group
discussion. They will be given 10 minutes to prepare and 5 minutes to present their work.

 News report – Adapt a certain portion of a news TV program to explain the chosen
relationship. The group members will act out as reporters or news anchors and the
characters in the report.
 Rap – Compose and present a rap about the benefit and/or harm caused by the
chosen relationship to the organisms involved.
 Commercial or advertisement – Prepare and present a commercial to explain the
positive things about the chosen relationship.
 Talk show – Act out as celebrities promoting the chosen relationship among
organisms. They have to say good things about the relationship.
 Poem – Create and recite a poem to explain the chosen relationship.

The teacher will be using a rubric to assess the group activity of the students.

Rubric 8 6 4 2
Product fully Product relates Product relates Product doesn’t
Content related to the to most of the to part of the relate to the
content content content content
4 3 2 1
Enthusiasm and
Enthusiasm and
Enthusiasm, smiles were
smiles and no
smiles and a seen sometimes Very little or no,
Performance mistakes for the
small number of or major enthusiasm
mistakes mistakes
Very few
Sometimes in
Movement Totally in sync Mostly in sync movements if any
were in sync
Cheer was Cheer was
Cheer was loud usually loud mostly hard to Cheer was not
and fully enough to hear hear and loud or
comprehendible and sometimes not comprehendible
comprehendible comprehendible
Grade / 20

Multiple Choice. Read and answer the questions on the interaction of living things.
Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answer on the blank before the number.

_____b____1. What ecological relationship exists when the banana plants are planted on the
same area?
a. commensalism b. competition c. predation

_____a____2. A worm lives on the leaves of the calamansi plant. Which of the two organisms is
the parasite?
a. worm b. calamansi plant c. leaves

_____b____3. Which of the following is an example of organisms that show commensalism?

a. eagle on snake
b. egret to a carabao
c. orchids on the branches of trees

_____b____4. Which of the following organism is NOT a predator?

a. eagle b. fly c. lion

______c___5. What ecological relationship exists on the butterfly and flower?

a. parasitism b. predation c. mutualism


1. What are the ecological problems we experienced nowadays?

2. Give some conservation measures on improving the environment and
preserving the natural resources.
Prepared and demonstrated by:

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