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Idea – To make an inexpensive Cell Phone Shield that Shields from EM and RF Radiation that is not


Material used – Aluminum and Copper will be the basic metals that we will use. Aluminum Foil and
Copper Sheets will be used to obtain the metals.

Introduction -
Aluminum and Copper are two of the absolute most reliable metals when it comes to blocking and
shielding EMF radiation. This is primarily due to their ability to attenuate magnetic and electrical waves.
This has a multitude of common applications, such as hospital MRI machines in hospitals, computer
equipment, server rooms, etc.

When it comes to blocking EM radiation, you’ll often see copper used as a wire mesh, which will still act
to completely block both radio and microwave radiation. How thick the copper mesh is doesn’t matter,
what is important is that the holes are not any bigger than the shortest wavelength of the radio or
microwave the mesh is attempting to block.

However, you do need to remember that although Aluminum and Copper does block EMR radiation, it
does not absorb it. RF and microwave EM radiation travel in straight lines. Therefore we are only
protected if there is a material capable of blocking the radiation directly between you and the source of
the radiation.

Aluminum foil does block, or shield, radio frequency waves. Since the Aluminum is a conductor of
electricity, it forms a barrier often called a Faraday Cage, entirely stopping the radio waves.

Our project is focused on making that particular shield which fulfills all these necessities and we have
successfully tested a shield which reduces over 90% of the total radiation.

Effects on Human Health

1. Affects Our Sleep

This is probably one of the best reasons to consider disabling your Wi-Fi at night, and for the
same reason, you shouldn’t sleep next to your cell phone.

In 2013, the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at The University of Melbourne
completed an extensive study on how EM radiation affects the quality of our sleep, especially in
relation to the pineal gland. What they found was that our bodies sense EMR radiation very
similar to how we perceive light. As our bodies since this radiation, the pineal gland (the gland
responsible for producing melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep and circadian
rhythm) slows down production.
When we’re unable to get proper sleep, our ability to fight disease, repair damage, grow
muscle, and expel toxins is diminished. Sleep is one of the most important parts of a healthy
lifestyle, and EMF radiation dramatically affects our ability to get that sleep.

2. Affects Our Bodies Ability to Produce Healthy Cells

Next let’s talk a little bit about how EM radiation actually causes harm to the body, a topic that
many articles ignore.

Our body is constantly producing new red blood cells, a little over 2 million every second in fact.
This rapid production of healthy blood cells leaves it vulnerable to disruption, including stress
on the body, like that from EMR radiation.

Inside the cell membrane of each one of those red blood cells is a receptor, sort of like a
microscopic antenna. This receptor has a huge responsibility, as it’s the primary method
through which our body communicates messages through chemical signals. The trouble is that
this tiny has also been shown to receive signals from EMR radiation.

They sense this radiation as a danger and take steps to protect the body that ultimately ends up
hurting it. When the cells sense radio frequency radiation from things like the Wi-Fi in your
home, three things happen almost immediately:

1. Impacts our bodies ability to create round, complete, and healthy cells (see dark field
microscopy videos for examples)
2. Reduces our cells ability to absorb healthy and crucial nutrients
3. Impacts our cells ability to shed toxins and free radicals.

The combination of these things causes a domino effect that impacts the health of your entire
body. Your body is unable to get the nutrients it needs, free radicals build up in your cells, and
improperly formed cells are not able to carry as much oxygen as your body desires.

In fact, in 2015, France passed national laws banning and limiting the use of Wi-Fi in schools,

 Banning the use of Wi-Fi in nurseries

 Limiting use of Wi-Fi in primary schools to only be used when it is absolutely necessary
for educational purposes.
 Mandating signs for areas with Wi-Fi such as coffee shops etc.

Scientific Phenomena on Various Causes for Aluminum and Copper blocking the
radiation BEST

1. Skin Effect
Skin effect is the tendency of an alternating electric current (AC) to become distributed within a
conductor such that the current density is largest near the surface of the conductor, and
decreases with greater depths in the conductor. The electric current flows mainly at the "skin"
of the conductor, between the outer surface and a level called the skin depth. The skin effect
causes the effective resistance of the conductor to increase at higher frequencies where the
skin depth is smaller, thus reducing the effective cross-section of the conductor. The skin effect
is due to opposing eddy currents induced by the changing magnetic field resulting from the
alternating current.

 At 60 MHz in copper, the skin depth is about 8.5 μm. At high frequencies the skin depth
becomes much smaller.
 At 60 MHz in aluminum, the skin depth is about 10.6 μm. At high frequencies the skin
depth becomes much smaller.

2. Faraday Cage

A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure used to block electromagnetic fields. A

Faraday shield may be formed by a continuous covering of conductive material or in the case of
a Faraday cage, by a mesh of such materials. A Faraday cage operates because an external
electrical field causes the electric charges within the cage's conducting material to be
distributed such that they cancel the field's effect in the cage's interior. This phenomenon is
used to protect sensitive electronic equipment from external radio frequency interference

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