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Relationship of Cell-Free Hemoglobin to Impaired

Endothelial Nitric Oxide Bioavailability and Perfusion
in Severe Falciparum Malaria

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Tsin W. Yeo,1 Daniel A. Lampah,4 Emiliana Tjitra,5 Retno Gitawati,5 Enny Kenangalem,4 Kim Piera,1
Donald L. Granger,6 Bert K. Lopansri,6,a J. Brice Weinberg,7 Ric N. Price,1,2,8 Stephen B. Duffull,9
David S. Celermajer,3 and Nicholas M. Anstey1,2
International Health Division, Menzies School of Health Research and Charles Darwin University, and 2Division of Medicine, Royal Darwin
Hospital, Darwin, and 3Department of Medicine, University of Sydney and Department of Cardiology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney,
Australia; 4Menzies School of Health Research–National Institute of Health Research and Development Research Program, and District Ministry
of Health, Timika, Papua, and 5National Institute of Health Research and Development, Jakarta, Indonesia; 6Division of Infectious Diseases,
University of Utah and Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Centers, Salt Lake City; 7Division of Hematology-Oncology, Duke and VA Medical Centers,
Durham, North Carolina; 8Centre for Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital,
Oxford, United Kingdom; 9School of Pharmacy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

Background. Hemolysis causes anemia in falciparum malaria, but its contribution to microvascular pathology
in severe malaria (SM) is not well characterized. In other hemolytic diseases, release of cell-free hemoglobin causes
nitric oxide (NO) quenching, endothelial activation, and vascular complications. We examined the relationship of
plasma hemoglobin and myoglobin to endothelial dysfunction and disease severity in malaria.
Methods. Cell-free hemoglobin (a potent NO quencher), reactive hyperemia peripheral arterial tonometry
(RH-PAT) (a measure of endothelial NO bioavailability), and measures of perfusion and endothelial activation
were quantified in adults with moderately severe (n p 78 ) or severe (n p 49 ) malaria and control subjects
(n p 16) from Papua, Indonesia.
Results. Cell-free hemoglobin concentrations in patients with SM (median, 5.4 mmol/L; interquartile range
[IQR], 3.2–7.4 mmol/L) were significantly higher than in those with moderately severe malaria (2.6 mmol/L; IQR,
1.3–4.5 mmol/L) or controls (1.2 mmol/L; IQR, 0.9–2.4 mmol/L; P ! .001 ). Multivariable regression analysis revealed
that cell-free hemoglobin remained inversely associated with RH-PAT, and in patients with SM, there was a signifi-
cant longitudinal association between improvement in RH-PAT index and decreasing levels of cell-free hemoglobin
(P p .047). Cell-free hemoglobin levels were also independently associated with lactate, endothelial activation, and
proinflammatory cytokinemia.
Conclusions. Hemolysis in falciparum malaria results in NO quenching by cell-free hemoglobin, and may
exacerbate endothelial dysfunction, adhesion receptor expression and impaired tissue perfusion. Treatments that
increase NO bioavailability may have potential as adjunctive therapies in SM.

Hemolysis of infected and uninfected red blood cells is falciparum malaria is microvascular obstruction re-
an important cause of anemia in falciparum malaria sulting from cytoadherence of parasitized erythrocytes
[1], but its contribution to other pathophysiological to activated endothelial cells, associated with impaired
pathways in severe malaria (SM) is less well character-
ized. A central process in the pathogenesis of severe
Potential conflicts of interest: N.M.A., D.L.G., and J.B.W. are named as inventors
in a US patent for the use of L-arginine as treatment for severe malaria but have
transferred all their rights to their respective institutional malaria research
collaborations. This patent is issued for US rights only, and no rights are being
Received 23 March 2009; accepted 12 June 2009; electronically published 2 sought in other countries. All other authors report no other conflicting interests.
October 2009. Presented in part: Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Tropical
Reprints or correspondence: Dr Anstey, International Health Division, Menzies Medicine and Hygiene, New Orleans, December 2008 (abstract 1194).
School of Health Research, PO Box 41096 Casuarina, Darwin, NT 0811, Australia Financial support: National Health and Medical Research Council (International
( Collaborative Research Grant [ICRG] 283321 and practitioner fellowship to N.M.A.),
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2009; 200:1522–9 Wellcome Trust (ICRG GR071614MA and career development award 074637 to
 2009 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. R.N.P.), VA Research Service, National Institutes of Health (grants AI55982 and
0022-1899/2009/20010-0007$15.00 AI041764), and the Tudor Foundation.
DOI: 10.1086/644641 Present affiliation: Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois.

1522 • JID 2009:200 (15 November) • Yeo et al

bioavailability of endothelial nitric oxide (NO) [2, 3]. Reduced PATIENTS, MATERIALS, AND METHODS
NO bioavailability in malaria contributes to increased endo-
thelial activation, increased cytoadherence of parasitized eryth- Study site. The study was performed at Mitra Masyarakat
rocytes, and impaired vasomotor regulation [3, 4], and it is Hospital in Timika, Papua, Indonesia, an area with unstable
associated with increased mortality in murine malaria [5] and transmission of multidrug-resistant malaria [17, 18]. Written,
disease severity in both adults and children [3, 6]. The etiology informed consent was obtained from all patients or relatives;
of impaired NO bioavailability in malaria appears to be mul- ethical approval was obtained from the institutional review
tifactorial [3, 6]. Decreased l-arginine (the substrate for NO boards of the National Institute of Health Research and De-
synthesis) is noted in SM. This hypoargininemia is considered velopment and Menzies School of Health Research.
a major contributor to the low NO bioavailability in both adults Patients. Patients were ⭓18 years old with moderately se-
and children [3, 7, 8], but recent data suggest that hemolysis vere or severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria without Plas-

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may also be important. modium vivax infection and with a hemoglobin level of 160 g/
Intravascular hemolysis plays a central role in the outcome L; they had been prospectively enrolled in a study of endothelial
and pathogenesis of hemolytic diseases, such as sickle cell dis- dysfunction, as reported elsewhere [3]. In brief, SM was defined
ease (SCD) and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria [9, 10]. as P. falciparum parasitemia and ⭓1 modified World Health
The proposed mechanism is a reduction in endothelial NO Organization (WHO) criterion of severity (excluding severe
bioavailability due to stoichiometric inactivation of NO by the anemia) [3]; moderately severe malaria (MSM) was defined as
cell-free hemoglobin released with erythrocyte rupture [9, 11]. fever within the preceding 48 h, 11000 asexual P. falciparum
In SCD, cell-free hemoglobin is elevated and strongly correlated parasites/mL, no WHO warning signs or SM criteria, and a
with measurements of NO quenching, decreased NO-mediated requirement for inpatient parenteral therapy because of in-
vascular flow, and increased endothelial activation [11]. He- ability to tolerate oral treatment. Healthy controls were unre-
molysis also releases erythrocyte arginase, an enzyme that me- lated hospital visitors with no history of fever in the last 48 h
tabolizes l-arginine. This reduces the amount of l-arginine and no parasites seen at microscopy, negative results of histi-
available for conversion to NO, further contributing to en- dine-rich protein 2 (HRP2) antigen testing, no evidence of
dothelial dysfunction [7, 12]. In SCD, these mechanisms con- intercurrent illness, and no history of smoking in the preceding
tribute to complications, including pulmonary hypertension 12 h [3]. On recruitment, a standardized history was obtained,
and mortality [13]. physical examination was performed, and endothelial function
Although most erythrocyte destruction in falciparum malar- was measured. Heparinized blood was collected daily and cen-
ia occurs extravascularly [14], a significant proportion of he- trifuged within 30 min of collection, and plasma was stored at
molysis occurs in the intravascular compartment, with plasma ⫺70C. Patients with MSM were treated with intravenous qui-
haptoglobin concentrations markedly decreased during active nine, and those with SM received either intravenous quinine
disease [3, 14]. The clinical consequences of increased cell-free or artesunate, with both groups also receiving either doxycy-
hemoglobin levels in malaria and other infections causing in- cline or clindamycin. Parasite counts were determined from
travascular hemolysis have not been well characterized. Muscle microscopy of Giemsa-stained thick and thin films. Hemoglo-
breakdown during falciparum malaria increases plasma myo- bin, biochemistry, acid-base parameters, and lactate level (as a
globin [15], which, like hemoglobin, can quench NO [16]. We measure of tissue perfusion) were measured with a bedside
have described elsewhere an inverse association between en- analyzer (i-STAT), and LDH, creatine kinase, and creatinine
dothelial function and plasma lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels were measured with a COBAS analyzer (Roche).
levels in falciparum malaria [3]. However, LDH may not be a Cell-free hemoglobin, cytokines, endothelial activation, ar-
specific measure of hemolysis in malaria, with extraerythrocytic ginase, and l-arginine. Plasma concentrations of cell-free he-
sources of LDH likely to be significant. moglobin were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent
The association between cell-free hemoglobin, myoglobin, assay (ELISA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions
and endothelial NO bioavailability is not known in malaria. In (Bethyl Laboratories). Plasma concentrations of the endotheli-
a prospective observational study, we tested the following hy- al activation markers, intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-
potheses in adult falciparum malaria: (1) levels of cell-free he- 1), E-selectin and angiopoietin 2 were measured by ELISA
moglobin and myoglobin (mediators of NO quenching) are (R&D), as described elsewhere [4]. Total parasite biomass was
increased in proportion to disease severity; (2) these levels cor- quantified by measuring plasma HRP2 with ELISA, as described
relate with impairment of both endothelial function and tissue elsewhere [3]. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin
perfusion; and (3) these levels correlate with increases in en- (IL)–6 concentrations were measured by flow cytometry (BD
dothelial activation, proinflammatory cytokine levels, and par- Cytometric Bead Array). Plasma arginase activity was measured
asite biomass. using a radiometric assay [3, 12], and plasma l-arginine was

Cell-Free Hemoglobin in Severe Malaria • JID 2009:200 (15 November) • 1523

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Patients, According to Clinical Status

Patients with malaria

control subjects Moderately severe Severe
Characteristic (n p 16) (n p 78) (n p 49)
Age, mean years (range) 25 (19–42) 28 (18–56) 29 (18–56)
No. (%) of male subjects 12 (75) 32 (41) 36 (74)
Weight, mean kg (range) 58 (45–85) 58 (43–77) 57 (45–70)
Ethnicity, no. (%) of Papuan highlandersa 15 (94) 59 (76) 27 (55)
No. (%) of current smokers 8 (50) 31 (40) 22 (45)
Duration fever before presentation, median days (IQR) … 2 (1–5) 4 (1–7)
Systolic blood pressure, mean mm Hg (range) 131 (116–145) 110 (80–134) 105 (60–154)

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Pulse rate, mean beats/min (range)b 65 (44–91) 81 (54–118) 98 (61–138)
Respiratory rate, mean breaths/min (range) 20 (18–24) 23 (16–32) 30 (16–60)
Temperature, mean C (range)b 35.6 (35–36.7) 36.5 (34.8–40.2) 37.2 (34.8–40.3)

NOTE. IQR, interquartile range.

P ! .01, by x2 test.
P ! .01, by analysis of variance or 2-sided t test.

measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (Shi- tralateral index finger without reactive hyperemia. Patients were
madzu), using methods described elsewhere [3]. assessed in a quiet, temperature-controlled environment, with
Endothelial function. Endothelial function was measured arms relaxed and supported by cushions, according to the man-
noninvasively by using peripheral arterial tonometry (Endo- ufacturer’s instructions [3, 19]. The RH-PAT index is at least
PAT) to determine the change in digital pulse wave amplitude 50% dependent on endothelial NO production [20]. Endothe-
in response to reactive hyperemia, giving a reactive hyperemia lial function was measured daily until death or discharge or
peripheral arterial tonometry (RH-PAT) index. With this tech- until the RH-PAT index was above an a priori cutoff value
nique, the arterial pulsatile volume of the index finger at rest (1.67) for 2 consecutive days [7].
is compared with that after an increase in shear stress induced Statistical methods. Statistical analysis was performed with
by 5 min of forearm ischemia (sphygmomanometer inflated to Stata software, version 9.2 (Stata). Intergroup differences were
200 mm Hg). Systemic influences were reduced by simulta- compared by analysis of variance or Kruskal-Wallis test, where
neously performing peripheral arterial tonometry in the con- appropriate. Pearson’s or Spearman’s correlation coefficients

Table 2. Baseline Laboratory and Physiological Measurements, According to Clinical Status

Patients with malaria

control subjects Moderately severe Severe
Measurement (n p 16) (n p 78) (n p 49)
White blood cell count, ⫻ 103 cells/mL ND 5.9 (5.4–6.9) 9.5 (8.5–10.5)
Hemoglobin, mean g/L (range) ND 121 (70–170) 109 (60–163)
Cell-free hemoglobin, median mmol/L (IQR) 1.2 (0.9–2.4) 2.6 (1.3–4.5) 5.4 (3.2–7.4)
Plasma myoglobin, median mmol/L (IQR) 0.002 (0.001–0.0025) 0.002 (0.001–0.003) 0.015 (0.005–0.03)
RH-PAT index 1.77 (1.5–2.0) 1.82 (1.71–1.93) 1.37 (1.32–1.42)
Plasma creatinine, mmol/L ND 88 (82–94) 286 (207–365)
Lactate, mmol/L ND 1.4 (1.2–1.6) 2.93 (2.3–3.5)
Parasite density, geometric mean mL (range) ND 14,900 (850–127,000) 35,100 (125–725,000)
HRP2, mean loge ng/mL (range) ND 5.75 (1.34–8.79) 8.08 (1–10.98)
Soluble ICAM-1, pg/mL ND 569 (516–623) 938 (792–1084)
Soluble E-selectin, pg/mL ND 106 (95–118) 153 (113–193)
Plasma angiopoietin 2, pg/mL 2700 (2000–3300) 6500 (5000–8000) 17,000 (14,000–22,000)
Plasma arginase activity, mmol/mL/h 0.13 (0.07–0.16) 0.20 (0.14–0.24) 0.26 (0.22–0.31)
Plasma L-arginine, mmol/L 78 (67–89) 41 (37–44) 49 (43–56)

NOTE. Data are means (95% confidence intervals), unless otherwise indicated. P ! .01 for all variables, by analysis of variance (overall)
or 2-sided t test. HRP2, histidine-rich protein 2; ICAM-1, intercellular adhesion molecule 1; IQR, interquartile range; ND, not determined;
RH-PAT, reactive hyperemia peripheral arterial tonometry.

1524 • JID 2009:200 (15 November) • Yeo et al

L (interquartile range [IQR], 1.9–8.4 mmol/L). These values
were not significantly different from those in patients with dys-
function of 2–4 organ systems. A patient with blackwater fever
and acute renal failure had a cell-free hemoglobin concentration
of 17 mmol/L. In patients with SM, there was no significant
difference in cell-free hemoglobin concentration between sur-
vivors and those who died. Plasma myoglobin was signifi-
cantly increased in patients with SM compared with those with
MSM and controls (P ! .001). In longitudinal analysis, there
was a significant decrease in plasma cell-free hemoglobin con-
centration with clinical recovery, with a median decrease

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of 1.50 mmol/L per day during the first 5 days of hospitali-
zation (P ! .001) (Figure 2).
Cell-free hemoglobin, myoglobin, and the RH-PAT index.
Patients with SM had significantly lower RH-PAT indexes at
enrollment than those with MSM and control subjects (P !
.001) (Table 2). Cell-free hemoglobin levels were inversely as-
Figure 1. Cell-free hemoglobin concentrations in patients with mod- sociated with RH-PAT indexes at univariate regression (Figure
erately severe and severe malaria and healthy controls (P ! .001, by 2 and Table 3) in all patients with malaria (r p ⫺0.36; P !
Kruskal-Wallis test). Horizontal lines indicate medians for each group.
.001) and in the subgroup with SM (r p ⫺0.29; P p .06). There
Differences among groups were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis
test, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used for post hoc pairwise was an inverse association between myoglobin and the RH-
comparisons. PAT index in all patients with malaria (rs p ⫺0.32 ; P ! .001)
but not in those with SM (Table 3). In the bivariate model that
were determined depending on normality of distributions. Mul- included plasma myoglobin and cell-free hemoglobin, myoglo-
tiple stepwise linear regression was used to adjust for confound- bin was no longer significantly associated with RH-PAT. For
ing variables. Mixed-effects modeling using generalized estimat- this reason and because concentrations of myoglobin were
ing equations was used to assess longitudinal associations. 1100-fold lower than those of cell-free hemoglobin, myoglobin
was excluded from subsequent regression analyses. After ad-
RESULTS justment for confounders (including plasma HRP2, angio-
poietin 2, plasma arginase, and disease severity), plasma argi-
Patients. Of the 177 subjects prospectively enrolled in the
original study, plasma was available for cell-free hemoglobin
assay in 49 (96%) of 51 patients with SM, all 78 with MSM
(100%), and 16 (33%) of 48 healthy control subjects. Baseline
characteristics of these 143 patients were not significantly dif-
ferent from those in the original group (Table 1). Of the patients
with SM, 26 (53%) had coma, 17 (35%) had acute renal failure,
23 (47%) had hyperbilirubinemia with either renal impairment
or high parasitemia (parasite load, 1100,000/mL), and 30 (61%)
had ⭓2 severity criteria. In total, 35 patients with SM (71%)
were treated with intravenous artesunate and 14 (29%) with
intravenous quinine, whereas 77 of the 78 patients with MSM
were treated with quinine (the other received artesunate). Eight
patients (16%) died in the SM group, and none in the MSM
group. Repeated measurements were possible in only 1 of the
8 fatal cases.
Cell-free hemoglobin, myoglobin, and clinical disease. Plas-
ma concentrations of cell-free hemoglobin were significantly Figure 2. Longitudinal course of cell-free hemoglobin concentrations
in patients with severe malaria. Median values (circles) and interquartile
elevated in patients with SM, compared with those with MSM
range (bars) are displayed for all time points. The x-axis values represent
and control subjects (overall, P ! .001 ) (Table 2 and Figure 1). time from the start of antimalarial therapy (day 0, 0–12 h; day 1, 13–
Among patients with SM, the median cell-free hemoglobin level 36 h; day 2, 37–60 h; day 3, 61–84 h; day 4, 85–109 h; and days 5–14,
in the 14 patients with isolated cerebral malaria was 5.4 mmol/ 1110 h).

Cell-Free Hemoglobin in Severe Malaria • JID 2009:200 (15 November) • 1525

Table 3. Correlation between Cell-Free Hemoglobin Concentration and Physiological
Measures or Biomarkers of Severity

All patients with malaria Patients with severe malaria

a a
Measurement Correlation, rs P df Correlation, rs P df
RH-PAT index ⫺0.36 !.001 136 ⫺0.29 .06 48
Lactate 0.38 !.001 128 0.29 .04 47
HRP2 0.50 !.001 109 0.25 .10 45
ICAM-1 0.40 !.001 109 0.29 .04 47
E-selectin 0.34 !.001 117 0.19 .20 47
Angiopoietin 2 0.34 !.001 143 0.18 .20 48

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… … … 0.33 .04 39
IL-6b … … … 0.41 .01 39

NOTE. df, degrees of freedom; HRP2, histidine-rich protein 2; ICAM-1, intercellular adhesion molecule
1; IL, interleukin; RH-PAT, reactive hyperemia peripheral arterial tonometry; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.
Correlation with cell-free hemoglobin level.
TNF and IL-6 levels were measured only in patients with severe malaria.

nase and cell-free hemoglobin remained significantly inverse- SM, with median plasma concentrations of 2.4 pg/mL (IQR,
ly associated with RH-PAT both in all patients with malar- 1.5–4.2 pg/mL) for TNF and 84 pg/mL (IQR, 15–501 pg/mL)
ia (P p .02 and P ! .001, respectively) and in those with SM for IL-6. In patients with SM, cell-free hemoglobin level was
(P p .046 and P p .02, respectively). In a longitudinal mul- correlated significantly with both TNF level (r p 0.33; P p
tivariable, mixed-effects model in patients with SM who sur- .04) and IL-6 (r p 0.41; P p .01) (Table 3).
vived 124 h after enrollment, there were significant associa- Cell-free hemoglobin, LDH, and markers of organ dys-
tions between improvement in RH-PAT index and both de- function. The LDH levels were correlated significantly with
creasing cell-free hemoglobin (P p .047) and increasing l-ar- levels of cell-free hemoglobin (rs p 0.65; P ! .001), creatinine
ginine (P p .001) concentrations. (rs p 0.68; P ! .001), and creatine kinase (rs p 0.48; P ! .001).
Cell-free hemoglobin and endothelial activation. Relative These associations remained significant after stratification by
to patients with MSM, patients with SM had significantly higher disease severity.
plasma concentrations of soluble ICAM-1, E-selectin, and an- Cell-free hemoglobin, plasma arginase activity, and markers
giopoietin 2 (Table 2). Cell-free hemoglobin was correlated with of hepatic function. Plasma arginase activity levels were in-
all 3 parameters among all patients with malaria: ICAM-1 creased in patients with SM (P ! .001) (Table 3). Among all
(r p 0.4; P ! .001), E-selectin (r p 0.33; P ! .001), and angio- patients with malaria, plasma arginase activity was correlated
poietin 2 (r p 0.42; P ! .001) (Table 3). After adjustment for with levels of cell-free hemoglobin (r p 0.29 ; P p .005) and
plasma HRP2 and disease severity, cell-free hemoglobin re- alanine transaminase (r p 0.29; P p .01), suggesting potential
mained significantly associated with ICAM-1. contributions to circulating arginase from both erythrocytic
Cell-free hemoglobin and biomarkers of severity. Com- and hepatic sources.
pared with patients with MSM, those with SM had higher con-
centrations of lactate (P ! .001) and plasma HRP2 (P ! .001) DISCUSSION
(Table 2). Blood lactate was correlated with cell-free hemoglo-
bin, both in all patients with malaria (rs p 0.38 ; P ! .001) and The plasma cell-free hemoglobin concentration increases with
those with SM (rs p 0.29; P p .04) (Table 3). Although plasma malaria disease severity, and levels are associated with impaired
HRP2 was correlated with cell-free hemoglobin (r p 0.5; P ! endothelial NO bioavailability, endothelial activation, increased
.001), this association was not significant in the subgroup with parasite biomass, and impaired tissue perfusion, as measured
SM. In multivariable analysis including all patients with ma- by blood lactate concentrations. Quenching of NO by cell-free
laria and controlling for disease severity, lactate was associated hemoglobin probably contributes to impaired endothelial ho-
with plasma HRP2 (P ! .001) and cell-free hemoglobin (P p meostasis with microvascular dysfunction, increased adhesion
.05). In a longitudinal mixed-effects model, the fall in lactate receptor expression, increased microvascular sequestration of
during clinical recovery from SM was significantly associated parasitized erythrocytes, and tissue hypoxia. Endothelial dys-
with the decrease in cell-free hemoglobin concentration (r p function was independently associated with increases in plasma
⫺0.5; P ! .001). cell-free hemoglobin and plasma arginase activity. This suggests
TNF and IL-6 levels were measured only in patients with that, as in SCD, both of these consequences of hemolysis con-

1526 • JID 2009:200 (15 November) • Yeo et al

tribute to the impaired bioavailability of endothelial NO found comparable to those reported from other studies of acute ma-
in malaria. laria in both children and adults [14, 31, 32]. Although the
Similar to the findings in SCD, we found a significant as- plasma hemoglobin concentrations are not markedly elevated,
sociation between LDH and cell-free hemoglobin [21]. LDH the physiological effects on endothelial NO bioavailability, even
levels are much higher in malaria than in SCD, and they are at these concentrations, have been shown to be highly signif-
associated with creatinine and creatine kinase levels—measures icant in vitro [23].
of renal and muscle damage [3]. Thus, unlike the mechanism The clinical consequences of hemolysis-related NO quench-
in SCD, nonerythrocytic sources probably contribute signif- ing have been best studied in SCD, a disorder in which in-
icantly to the elevated LDH concentrations. Cell-free hemo- creased plasma cell-free hemoglobin is associated with elevated
globin has been clearly shown to be a direct measure of NO plasma NO-quenching capacity, decreased blood flow in re-
quenching in SCD [11] and therefore accurately reflects both sponse to NO donors, and increased endothelial adhesion re-

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hemolysis and NO quenching capacity in malaria. The rate ceptor expression [10, 11]. NO quenching is also hypothesized
constants for the NO dioxygenation reactions of myoglobin to explain the increases in blood pressure and mortality seen
and hemoglobin are similar. However, plasma myoglobin con- with use of artificial hemoglobin solutions [33].
centrations were ∼160-fold lower than cell-free hemoglobin Although there are differences in the clinical features and
concentrations, indicating that the contribution of myoglobin pathogenic mechanisms between SCD and severe falciparum
to NO scavenging in malaria is much less significant than that malaria, there may be similarities in the microvascular conse-
of cell-free hemoglobin. quences of increased plasma hemoglobin. Concentrations of
NO reacts with oxyhemoglobin, producing methemoglobin cell-free hemoglobin in SM were comparable to those found
and nitrate. The rapid rate of this reaction, together with the in SCD [11], which are sufficient to result in increased ICAM-
large amount of erythrocytic hemoglobin, should theoretically 1 and E-selectin levels and attenuate the blood flow response
reduce NO to levels too low to function physiologically [22, 23]. to NO donors [11]. In vitro, 6 mmol/L hemoglobin, a level simi-
In explaining this paradox, NO diffusion is reduced by up to lar to the median values found in the patients with SM, inhibits
600-fold by an erythrocyte-free zone at the edge of the endo- the vasodilator response to NO [23]. Furthermore, quantitative
thelium and erythrocyte submembrane barriers [24, 25]. How- models show that the micromolar amounts of cell-free hemo-
ever, intravascular hemolysis with hemoglobin release into globin found in SCD (and now shown in SM) can reduce NO-
plasma can reduce endothelial NO bioavailability dramatically mediated vasodilation in arterioles [34]. Cell-free hemoglobin–
[9, 26]. Furthermore, cytoadherence of parasitized erythrocytes related NO quenching will therefore impair arteriolar vasodila-
to the endothelium with loss of the erythrocyte-free zone may tory regulation, the microcirculatory mechanism in which NO
be an additional mechanism increasing NO quenching in malaria. is most effective in regulating organ perfusion [23]. In malaria,
In vitro, NO decreases endothelial adhesion receptor ex- this may cause decreased functional capillary density [35], adding
pression [27] and cytoadherence of P. falciparum–parasitized to the impaired microvascular flow and tissue hypoxia [36] al-
erythrocytes [28]. The association between plasma ICAM-1 ready occurring from microvascular sequestration of parasitized
concentrations and cell-free hemoglobin suggests that quench- erythrocytes [29]. Decreased functional capillary density is as-
ing of endothelial NO in malaria contributes to increased ad- sociated with increased mortality in rodent malaria models [37]
hesion receptor expression in vivo. Endothelial activation in- and human sepsis [38]. Deleterious effects of decompartmen-
creases parasite sequestration, which is suggested by the in- talized hemoglobin are minimized by binding to haptoglobin,
dependent associations observed between cell-free hemoglobin but this system is usually overwhelmed in malaria, with 190%
and both ICAM-1 and HRP2. Increased blood lactate, a prog- of adults with SM having undetectable plasma haptoglobin [3].
nostic marker in SM, is considered to be a result of reduced Increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines, including
tissue perfusion and oxygen delivery. In our study, both HRP2 TNF, are associated with a poor clinical outcome in African
and cell-free hemoglobin were independently associated with children and Asian adults with falciparum malaria [39, 40]. In
increased lactate concentrations, suggesting that both parasite vitro, hemoglobin impairs NO-mediated cytotoxic activity in
sequestration and NO quenching contribute to impaired per- macrophages [41]. NO attenuates proinflammatory cytokine-
fusion [29]. mia by inhibiting activation of nuclear transcription factor kB
In both malaria and SCD, most erythrocyte destruction oc- [42]. The association between cell-free hemoglobin and TNF
curs extravascularly through phagocytosis of erythrocytes by and IL-6 in malaria suggests that NO quenching may increase
macrophages, with a lesser contribution from intravascular he- nuclear transcription factor kB–mediated production of pro-
molysis [14, 30]. Nevertheless, hemolysis in the intravascular inflammatory cytokines, endothelial activation, cytoadherence,
compartment is sufficient to result in increased plasma he- and consequent cellular damage.
moglobin, with the concentrations we describe in malaria being Our study has several limitations. RH-PAT is at least 50%

Cell-Free Hemoglobin in Severe Malaria • JID 2009:200 (15 November) • 1527

NO dependent [20]. We cannot exclude a contribution to RH- haled NO) may also have potential as adjunctive therapies in
PAT in malaria from other vasodilators, such as prostacyclin SM.
and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor [20]. Assess-
ment of digital arteriolar function may not fully reflect micro-
circulatory NO bioavailability in malaria-affected organs. It is Acknowledgments
possible that increased cell-free hemoglobin may be an epi- We thank Govert Waramori, Marlini Malisan, Margaretha Ferre, Fer-
phenomenon, with the pathological associations arising from ryanto Chalfein, Prayoga, Roesmini, and Yoshi Elvi for nursing, technical,
and logistical assistance; Mitra Masyarakat Hospital staff for clinical care;
the effects of pathogenic parasite products released during and Jeanne Rini, Paulus Sugiarto, Mauritz Okeseray, and Lembaga Pen-
erythrocyte rupture. This is unlikely, however, because most gembangan Masyarakat Amungme Kamoro for support. Purified P. falci-
hemolysis in malaria arises from the destruction of nonpara- parum HRP2 protein was kindly supplied by David Sullivan.
sitized erythrocytes [1]. Furthermore, cell-free hemoglobin re-

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