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[ Validation Case Studies.

Paul L. Pluta

Case Study #3—Process

Validation Failure of a Liquid
Product Batch Size Increase—
“Identical” Manufacturing Tanks
Paul L. Pluta

“Validation Case Studies” discusses situations useful tion. The validation performance qualification
to practitioners in validation. Each case presented (PQ) was a failure. Mixing in the tank was not
deals with a specific validation problem, elements of sufficiently rigorous to dissolve the formulation
which are described to demonstrate strategy to solve ingredients.
the problem. We intend this column to be a useful • The supposedly identical tank did not have the
resource for daily work applications. The main objec- same impeller arrangement as the other large
tive of this column: Useful and practical information. mixing tanks at the site. Although the volume
Reader comments, questions, and suggestions are of all tanks were the same, the mixing impellers
needed to help us fulfill our objective for this column. were different.
Case studies illustrating validation issues submitted • A new manufacturing process was developed
by readers are most welcome. Please send your com- using a reduced solution volume at an inter-
ments and suggestions to journal coordinating editor mediate process stage that enabled successful
Susan Haigney at manufacturing.
• Corrective action and preventive action (CAPA)
KEY POINTS DISCUSSED activities included a new manufacturing process,
The following key points are discussed: training, documentation, process validation,
• A case study involving process validation of a post validation monitoring, equipment quali-
batch size increase for a liquid solution product fication, and application of lessons learned to
is described. other site products.
• The batch size increase was considered to be a • Equipment qualification and equipment
relatively simple change because other similar equivalence documentation were reviewed and
products at the site were already manufactured modified.
at the same increased batch size, and the equip- • Several other products were also manufactured
ment to be used was thought to be identical to using the new manufacturing procedure.
other site equipment. • Minor equipment differences may have a very
• Manufacturing was started and the formulation significant effect in manufacturing. “Identical”
ingredients did not dissolve in the product solu- may really not be so.

For more Author Paul L. Pluta, Ph.D., is a pharmaceutical scientist with extensive technical and management experi-
information, ence in the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Pluta is also adjunct associate professor at the University of
go to Illinois College of Pharmacy in Chicago. He edited and contributed chapters of Cleaning and Cleaning Validation, published by PDA and Davis Healthcare International. He may be reached by e-mail at paul.

18 Journal of Validation T echnology [Summer 2010] iv

Paul L. Pluta.

INTRODUCTION mixing tank with central impeller. Ingredients in

This case study was provided to the Journal of Validation the formulation included the active drug, hydrophilic
Technology by a reader who requested anonymity. The polymer to increase viscosity, buffer salts to maintain
event described is an actual occurrence. pH, preservatives, flavor, color, and hydrochloric acid
A small molecule pharmaceutical company required or sodium hydroxide. The manufacturing process for
a batch size increase for a liquid solution product to the product comprised the following steps:
meet increased commercial demands. The batch • Approximately 85% of purified water was added
size increase was considered to be a relatively simple to the mixing tank. Solution volume was mea-
change because other similar products at the site were sured with a dip stick.
already manufactured at the same increased batch size. • The mixer was started.
The need for validation was questioned because the • All solid ingredients including the active drug
product and process appeared to be identical to other were added to the mixing tank through a port at
product manufacturing, and the equipment to be used the top of the mixing tank. Powder adhering to
was thought to be identical to all other mixing tanks. the side of the tank was rinsed into the solution
Agreement on a one-lot confirmatory performance with a small amount of purified water.
qualification (PQ) validation batch was ultimately • After all ingredients were added, the solution was
decided because the change was considered to be of mixed for 60 minutes.
minimal risk. An infrequently used mixing tank of the • Solution pH was measured. If necessary, pH
appropriate size to make the large batch solution would was adjusted with hydrochloric acid solution or
be used. Manufacturing was started. The unexpected sodium hydroxide solution.
happened—manufacturing had to be aborted after • Additional purified water was added to make the
several hours of mixing, much longer than the process final solution volume. Final volume was mea-
should have required. Ingredients did not dissolve in sured with a dip stick.
the product solution. The validation was a failure. • The solution was mixed for 15 minutes.
This discussion provides the following: • Solution was filtered and filled into the com-
• Process description background. The manu- mercial packaging.
facturing process for the increased batch size prod-
uct is briefly described. VALIDATION EVENT
• Compliance event. A description of the event, A small molecule pharmaceutical company required
the key issues to be addressed, and applicable a batch size increase for an oral liquid solution prod-
current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) uct. Plant management and supply chain person-
requirements. nel ordered an increased batch size for commercial
• Investigation. Interviews and actions conducted supply and cost reduction purposes. Equipment to
to investigate the event. accomplish the increased batch size was available—an
• Discussion. Key information, activities, and infrequently used mixing tank of the appropriate size
analysis. would be used to make the large batch. The mixing
• Corrective action and preventive action tank was the same size as several other tanks in the
(CAPA). Actions and improvements implemented. facility and was thought to be identical to all other
These included development of a new manufac- tanks. However, it was a backup tank that had not
turing process, training, documentation, process been used for several years. The validation group
validation, post-validation monitoring, equipment prepared a process validation protocol as requested by
qualification, and application to other similar plant management. The plant manufactured several
products at the site. other oral solution products at the same increased
• Post CAPA. Maintaining validation and perfor- batch size in other tanks. Management assumed that
mance. Other actions and improvements imple- there would be no problem with the increased batch
mented as a result of knowledge gained and activi- size and ordered an immediate batch size increase.
ties associated with the incident. The product had a good manufacturing and quality
history at the smaller batch size. One lot was request-
PROCESS DESCRIPTION BACKGROUND ed to validate the increased batch size because several
The manufacturing process in this case study involved other similar products were already manufactured at
manufacture of an aqueous solution in a standard this same large batch size. The existing batch record
gxpandjv Journal of Validation T echnology [Summer 2010] 19
Validation Case Studies.

documentation was modified to manufacture the products at large batch size using an equivalent pro-
increased batch size. No problems were expected. cedure at the site many times. They had also man-
Manufacturing operators manufactured the larger ufactured the specific product of this case study at
batch size according to the specified directions. The small batch size many times. There were no training
procedure used was scaled from the smaller batch size issues or variation in performance associated with the
procedure. The procedure used was also the same as manufacturing procedure.
used for other products at a similar batch size. When
certain inactive ingredients were added to the mixing Batch Record Review and Approval
tank, these materials floated on the top of the water in All relevant personnel had reviewed and approved the
the tank but did not dissolve. Mixing continued for new manufacturing batch record with the increased
several hours. The inactive ingredients still did not batch size. The change had been evaluated by the vali-
dissolve. The manufacturing process was terminated. dation approval committee and one PQ conformance
The validation PQ conformance lot had failed. lot was recommended. There was no expectation
that the process would not be completely success-
What are the Issues? ful. Other products in the plant had been success-
There were several critical issues to be investigated fully manufactured at the same batch size. These lots
as follows: had been manufactured in what was thought to be
• Did manufacturing operators follow batch record equivalent mixing tanks. Validation documentation
directions properly? indicated that all mixing tanks of this volume were
• Did all groups approve the new batch record? equivalent.
• Did the technical group review the process and
approve the new batch record? Technical Personnel Evaluation
• Why did the process validation fail? Technical personnel affirmed that there should have
• Was something wrong with the equipment? been no problem with manufacturing the increased
batch size under normal circumstances. The manu-
CGMP Requirements facturing process was straightforward as follows:
Relevant good manufacturing practice (GMP) require- • Approximately 85% of purified water was added
ments applicable to the event are listed as follows: to the mixing tank
• Subpart D—Equipment • Solid ingredients were added to the mixing tank
• 211.67. Equipment Cleaning and • The solution was mixed for 60 minutes.
• Subpart J—Records and Reports All ingredients were expected to dissolve within
• 211.180. General Requirements the 60-minute mixing time.
• 211.188. Batch Production and Control Records
• 211.192. Production Record Review. Key Information
The general manufacturing process was used to
INVESTIGATION manufacture a small batch size many times. This
Investigation and ultimate resolution of this event same process was appropriately scaled for use with
required involvement of several groups. These includ- the increased batch size. The engineering staff was
ed personnel involved in the incident (e.g., manu- requested to evaluate the mixing tank used for the
facturing and quality assurance [QA]) and technical failed PQ conformance run. The mixing tank that was
personnel responsible for the manufacturing process used to manufacture the increased batch size was an
and process validation. There were many details that infrequently used tank. This tank did not have the
needed to be investigated or confirmed. Personnel same impeller arrangement as the other large mixing
from all groups were interviewed and interacted to tanks at the site. All mixing tanks, except the tank
address the issues. used for the process validation, had three pitched-
blade impellers located at the top, middle, and bottom
Manufacturing Personnel Interviews of the mixer shaft. The tank used for the failing batch
Manufacturing personnel affirmed that all batch had only two pitched-blade impellers: one located at
record directions were performed as specified. Manu- the bottom and one located mid-level on the mixer
facturing operators had manufactured equivalent shaft. The mixing tank with two impellers did not
20 Journal of Validation T echnology [Summer 2010] iv
Paul L. Pluta.

provide adequate axial flow to pull solid ingredients Figure: Mixing tank with different impellers.
into the bulk liquid to effect dissolution. The mixing
tank used in the failed PQ run was significantly differ-
ent from all other mixing tanks at the site. However,
because this tank was a backup tank that had not
been used for several years, no one was aware of the
difference. Although the volumes of all tanks were the
same, the mixing impellers were very different (see
Figure). No one had looked inside the tank.

Information obtained through interviews and sub-
sequent experimental work enabled good under-
standing of the problem and ultimate solution.
Technical personnel conducted experimental runs
and proposed processing changes to enable manu-
facturing in all mixing tanks. Two experimental
runs were conducted.

Run Number One mentation was also developed. Three PQ runs were
The first run comprised addition of purified water recommended because the manufacturing process was
to the mixing tank. The amount of water added was completely new to the site. Manufacturing, QA, engi-
measured to be just above the middle impeller. This neering, and technical support management approved
water level provided good mixing as evidenced by a the change and all associated documentation.
strong vortex and did not cause excessive splashing.
Approximately 55% of the final solution volume was CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE
required to cover the impeller. Mixing was initiated ACTIONS
and observed to provide a vortex that would dissolve The following CAPA and associated activities were
the ingredients. The hydrophilic polymer was known conducted:
to be the slowest dissolving of all ingredients. The • New manufacturing process
required amount of hydrophilic polymer was added • Training
to the purified water in the tank. The polymer was • Documentation
quickly drawn into the liquid and easily dissolved. • Process validation
• Post-validation monitoring
Run Number Two • Equipment qualification and equipment
A second trial run was conducted using all ingredients equivalence
except the active pharmaceutical ingredient. Not • Other similar products manufactured at the
including the active ingredient considerably reduced site.
the cost of the trial run. Purified water was added
to the mixing tank at 55% of the final volume. Mix- New Manufacturing Process
ing was initiated. All inactive ingredients were then A new manufacturing process comprising the following
added to the purified water. All ingredients quickly was implemented when the backup tank was used:
dissolved. This second run confirmed that all formula- • Approximately 55% of purified water was added
tion ingredients would be dissolved in the 55% solu- to the mixing tank
tion volume during the mixing process. The trial run • Mixing was started
greatly increased the confidence of all involved that • All solid ingredients were added to the mixing
the process validation would be successful. Because tank
the active ingredient was readily soluble in water, it • After all ingredients were added, the solution was
was not expected to impact the solution process. mixed for 60 minutes
A new batch record was developed using the newly • Purified water was added to the mixing tank to
developed mixing process. New validation docu- 95% of the final volume
gxpandjv Journal of Validation T echnology [Summer 2010] 21
Validation Case Studies.

• Solution pH was adjusted with hydrochloric IQ documents were accurate, equipment equivalence
acid solution or sodium hydroxide solution, documents incorrectly indicated that all tanks were
if necessary interchangeable because they all were the same size
• Purified water was added sufficient to make the and volume. Equipment equivalence documents were
final solution volume changed to indicate that the two-impeller tank was not
• The solution was mixed for 15 minutes listed as equivalent to the other three-impeller tanks
• Solution was filtered and filled into the com- for all products. While the manufacturing volumes
mercial packaging. of all tanks were identical, the mixing capabilities
of the tanks were significantly different because the
Training impellers on the tanks were different.
All personnel were trained on the new manufactur- The two-impeller and three-impeller tanks in this
ing procedure. The importance of adding only 55% example were originally designated as equivalent
of the final solution volume to the mixing tank was many years ago when the site manufactured relatively
stressed in the training. This procedure was used simple formulations. These formulations contained
only when using the two-impeller mixing tank. very soluble ingredients that dissolved quickly in all
tanks. All tanks provided equivalent performance
Documentation when these simple formulations (no slow-dissolving
All work associated with the original validation was polymers) were manufactured, and they were thus
completed. All investigations, analyses, and conclu- deemed to be equivalent at that time.
sions were documented to close the original failed Equipment equivalence documentation was modi-
validation. Development of the new manufacturing fied to indicate that all tanks could be used inter-
process including trial runs was documented and changeably for certain formulations, but were not
filed in the validation library as supporting informa- equivalent for other formulations. This approach gave
tion for the new validation PQ runs. manufacturing maximum flexibility and prevented
future potential mixing problems from occurring
Process Validation when more complex formulations containing certain
The increased batch size manufacturing process for ingredients were manufactured.
product in the backup two-impeller manufacturing
tank was validated. Three lots were tested. All test Other Similar Products Manufactured at
data passed acceptance criteria. The new manu- the Site
facturing process was successful and the process Manufacturing batch records for other products with
was validated. large batch sizes were reviewed. Master batch records
for certain products were noted to exclude the two-
Post-Validation Monitoring impeller tank from optional use in manufacturing. All
Additional monitoring of manufacturing the products specified initial addition of 85% of purified
increased batch size product was conducted to con- water to the mixing tank. This volume would have
firm successful process validation. Visual obser- resulted in inadequate mixing if the two-impeller tank
vation of the mixing and dissolution process was was used for manufacturing of products containing
required for subsequent lots manufactured during certain formulation ingredients. If the two-impeller
the next three months. One lot was manufactured tank would be needed for manufacturing flexibility
each month. The manufacturing process using the of certain products, the master batch records of the
new process was successful in all batches. Visual other products would be changed to add 55% of puri-
observation of the manufacturing process was docu- fied water to the mixing tank in the first step of the
mented and filed in the validation library. manufacturing process.

Equipment Qualification and Equivalence POST CAPA

The installation qualification (IQ) for the manufac- Several other products were later required to be
turing tank with the two impellers was reviewed to manufactured in the two-impeller tank in the fol-
be sure that its documentation correctly stated its lowing months. Manufacturing experience with
impeller arrangement. The IQ documentation for all the product of this case study including trial runs
other tanks was also reviewed. While the respective were used as supporting justification to modify the
22 Journal of Validation T echnology [Summer 2010] iv
Paul L. Pluta.

respective master batch records of the additional This incident reminded all groups at the site that
products. The formulations for all products were they must be sensitive to perceived minor differences
essentially identical excepting the active ingredient. in equipment. The two-impeller and three-impeller
In all cases, the active ingredient was readily soluble tanks in this example were originally designated as
in purified water. Manufacturing processes were equivalent many years ago when the site manufac-
modified, and PQ runs were conducted to verify the tured relatively simple formulations. These formula-
success of the new manufacturing process. One PQ tions contained very soluble ingredients that dissolved
run was conducted for validation. quickly in all tanks. All tanks provided equivalent
performance when these simple formulations were
CONCLUSIONS manufactured. However, when more complex for-
A case study involving the process validation of an mulations requiring enhanced mixing were manu-
increased batch size of an aqueous liquid solution factured, differences between mixing tanks (i.e., two
product was described. The batch size increase was impellers vs. three impellers) became apparent.
considered to be a relatively simple change since other This case study demonstrates the need for compli-
similar products at the site were already manufactured ance professionals to be vigilant even when apparently
at the same increased batch size. The need to actu- mundane changes are initiated. “Identical” may really
ally demonstrate successful processing in validation not be so (see Reference). Another lesson: Look inside
was even questioned because the product and process the equipment.
were identical to other manufacturing, and the mixing
tank was thought to be identical to all other tanks. REFERENCE
There was thought to be no possibility of any prob- FDA, “Validation and Equipment Qualification–When
lems occurring. Manufacturing was started, and the ‘Identical’ Really Isn’t,” Human Drug CGMP Notes, Vol-
unexpected happened—ingredients did not dissolve ume 7, Number 3, September 1999. JVT
in the product solution, and the manufacturing batch
was a complete failure. ARTICLE ACRONYM LISTING
The cause of the failure was easily determined. The CAPA Corrective Action and Preventive Action
impellers on the mixer in the specific mixing tank used CGMP Current Good Manufacturing Practice
for the increased batch size were different than all other GMP Good Manufacturing Practice
site mixing tanks. Mixing in this tank was inadequate. IQ Installation Qualification
A new manufacturing process was ultimately developed PQ Performance Qualification
that enabled adequate mixing and successful manufac- QA Quality Assurance
turing. All associated documentation affirming that
all mixing tanks were equivalent was corrected.

gxpandjv Journal of Validation T echnology [Summer 2010] 23

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