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Behavior Intervention Plan

Teacher Name: Angela DiMaio

Student Name: Steven Fitch
Age: 9
Classroom: Variety Club Summer Camp Team 3
Initial Plan: Yes


Steven Fitch is 9 years old and attends Variety Club Summer Camp for eight

weeks over night in the summer. Steven was observed on Tuesday, Wednesday, and

Thursday mornings for a two week time span. During this observational period, Steven

took part in activities such as Music, Dance, Art, Sports, Nature and Science/Technology.

Steven exhibits behaviors that interfere with his participation in the activities listed

previously. The behavior of most concern is his vocal yelling, in which he yells at a high-

pitched tone, at a loud volume, which also can be done while putting his face within

inches of someone else’s face. This is typically done to receive personal attention.

1. A. B. Inappropriate/Target Behavior to be Reduced:

Vocal Yelling and Lack of personal space

C. D. Definition of Inappropriate/Target Behavior to be Reduced:

Vocal Yelling is defined as yelling which is high-pitched and loud. Lack of personal

space is defined as turning his head and putting his face within inches of someone else’s.

2. What was the result of the FBA?

Hypothesis Statement:
When there is a lack of direct attention being given to Steven, Steven will yell loudly and

in a high-pitched tone, while putting his face within inches of someone else’s face in

order to gain personal attention.

2. A. Alternative (appropriate) Behavior(s) to be taught:

Seek attention in a positive manner.

B. Do the alternative behaviors serve the same function as the inappropriate



3. Teaching Plan for Alternative Behavior(s):


Steven will begin using the shaping technique to work on seeking attention in a positive


First, Steven will be rewarded with M&Ms when he asks “Squeezes please?”.

Next, Steven will be rewarded with M&Ms when he asks “Can I have squeezes please?”

Then, Steven will be rewarded with M&MS when he asks “ Will you squeeze my hands


After, Steven will be rewarded with M&Ms when he asks “Will you squeeze my hands

please Mr. or Mrs. (insert counselor name)?”

Finally, Steven will be rewarded with M&Ms when he asks “Will you squeeze my hands

please Mr. or Mrs. (insert counselor name)?” and responds “Thank you”.

Social Stories:
Each morning before morning activities, Steven will read a social story to prepare

him for the three activities ahead. The social story will have pictures of minions along

the way, which will act as a motivator to follow the social story because they are Steven’s

favorite characters. The social story will read:

My name is Steven.

I will participate in morning activities today.

I will ask for attention in full sentences in a polite way.

I will say “Will you squeeze my hands please?” and “Thank you” to my


When I ask for attention in a positive way in a full sentence, I will earn time with

My iPad to play the Minion game.

I am happy when I get to play the Minion game.

Contingency Contract:

Steven enjoys eating, but more specifically enjoys pepperoni pizza for lunch. A

behavior contract will be used during morning activities, when Steven most frequently

exhibits his target behavior of vocal yelling to receive attention. The contract will state

the following:

 “When Steven seeks attention in a positive manner in 2 out of 3 of the morning

activities, he will receive pepperoni pizza for lunch.”

Both the teacher and Steven will sign their names on the behavior contract. Each morning

before morning activities at camp, Steven will read his contract with his camp counselor

to remind him of his potential reward. The contract will be posted on the wall in the cabin

to remind him of his agreement. The camp staff should know that pepperoni pizza should

only be accessible to Steven when he seeks attention in a positive manner in 2 out of 3 of

the morning activities.

D. Generalization Plan for Alternative Behavior(s):

When teaching Steven strategies for seeking attention in a positive manner, Steven should

also be using these strategies throughout the rest of his day at camp. Steven should seek

attention in a positive manner when interacting with any counselor, activity leader, or

aide at any time throughout the camp day. Through this practice, Steven will learn that

seeking attention in a positive manner should be used all the time, in order to receive

what he needs.

5. Reinforcement Plan for Alternative Behavior(s):

Steven will earn the following positive reinforcers:
-iPad time
-Minion movies

Acquisition Stage: Steven’s behavior will be reinforced on a continuous schedule of

reinforcement. Steven will earn two M&Ms each time he seeks attention in a positive

manner. He will also earn his contingency contract reward is he complies to the terms of

the contract.
Practice Stage: Steven’s rewards will change to a fixed ratio schedule, in which he will

now earn two M&Ms every 2 times he seeks attention in a positive manner. He will now

earn his contingency contract every other day he complies to the contract.

Mastery Stage: Steven will now be rewarded on a variable-ratio schedule. Steven will be

rewarded about every 5 times he seeks attention in a positive manner. He will earn his

contingency contract about once a week when he complies to the contract.

Goal: Steven will seek attention in a positive manner at all times during camp.

6. Strategies to Reduce Inappropriate/Target Behavior:

Loss of Privileges:

If Steven does not exhibit the desired behavior, of seeking attention in a positive

manner, he will lose his privileges to iPad time. Steven loves time on the iPad, so losing

this time will help to encourage him to seek attention in a positive manner. Steven will

also lose his reward of pepperoni pizza for lunch if he breaks the contract. Steven will

also not receive any M&Ms.


Steven’s target behavior of vocal yelling will be placed on extinction. This means that

when Steven is engaging in vocal yelling, the behavior will be ignored to help decrease it.

Steven’s behavior of vocal yelling will be ignored, but Steven himself will still be paid

attention to. Steven will be notified beforehand that his vocal yelling will be ignored, but

seeking attention in a positive manner will still be reinforced with M&Ms or iPad time.

Changes to Physical Environment:

- Steven is better at seeking attention in a positive manner when he is familiar with

the staff he is working with. The camp should keep one counselor with Steven at

all times throughout his stay at camp to help him feel more comfortable. If

Steven’s counselor needs to change, this should be explained to him ahead of


- The counselors need to be persistent in rewarding Steven for his replacement

behavior. Counselors should pay attention to Steven to be sure that he is

receiving all necessary reinforcements. Counselors also need to make sure that

Steven is reading his social story each morning before morning activities.

Counselors should also make sure to not give Steven attention when he is

engaging in vocal yelling.

- Steven should be provided with time to interact with counselors in order to

receive squeezes and attention from them. His vocal yelling typically is done

because he is trying to reach the attention of a counselor, so he needs to be

provided with opportunities to gain this attention.

7. Crisis Intervention Plan

Throughout the observational period, Steven was not seen displaying any behaviors that

would require a crisis intervention plan. In the case that this were to happen, the plan

should go as follows:

1. A counselor will call Tim, the day camp coordinator, to come for assistance.

2. The other campers will be moved away and occupies with another counselor.

3. If the behavior is threatening to other people, Steven will be taken to the sensory

room which has mats where he can calm down safely.

4. Tim and the counselor that is assisting will let Steven know that this behavior is

not allowed.

5. Tim will remain with Steven until he calms down.

8. Annual Goal and short-term objectives

Steven will seek positive attention at all times during his stay at camp.

- Steven will seek positive attention in all 3 of the morning activities.

- Steven will say “Please” and “Thank you” when seeking positive attention.

- Steven will use full sentences when asking for attention.

9. Schedule for review

Steven’s goals will be reviewed quarterly in the following months:

 November

 January

 April

 June

1. The team will meet mid-September to review Steven’s annual goals for the year.

2. The team will meet again in December to discuss progress made towards Steven’s

annual goal.

3. The team will meet again in March to discuss further progress made towards

Steven’s annual goal.

4. The team will finally meet in May to discuss how Steven did progressing towards

his annual goal.

5. If the team finds it necessary, they will meet again in the summer to make annual

goals for Steven the following school year.

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