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Example 112115 I

A synchronous genen1tor of rcactance 1.20 pu is connected 10 an infinite bus


bar (I Vt= 1.0 pu) through transformers and a line of total .reactance of 0.60 pu.
The generator no load voltage is 1.20 pu and its inertia constant is ff = 4 MW-
s/MV A. The resistance and machine damping may be assum.ed negligible. The
system frequency is 50 Hz.
,C alculate the frequency of natural oscillations if the generator is loaded to
(i) 50% and (ii) 80·% of its maximum power limit.
(i) For 50% loading

sin lb = .~ = 0.5 or 4. = 30"

Power System Stability

ob w
= 1.2 X 1
COS 300

= 0.577 MW (pu)/elect rad

M(pu) = 1r H50 = 1r 450

s·/clcct rad

From characteristic equation

_ . (0.577x50,r)½ _ .
-±) 4 - ± )476

Frequency of oscillations = 4.76 rad/sec

4 76
· 0.758 Hz = =
(ii) For 80% loading

sin 4, = ~ =0.8 or ~ = 53.1°


86 53.1·
= '-2 X I cos 53.1°
= 0.4 MW (pu)/elect rad
p=±j. (0.4X5011') =±J.

3 96
Frequency of oscillations = 3.96 rad/sec
3 96
= · = 0.63 Hz

\ Example 12.61 · - - - · - - - - - - · - -- -- -- - - - -

Find the steady state power limit of a system cons1stmg of a generator

equivalent reactance 0.50 pu connected to an infinite bus through a series
rcactancc of 1.0 pu. The terminal voltage of the generator is held al 1.20 pu and
the voltage of the infinite bus is 1.0 pu.
The system is shown in Fig. 12.16. Let the voltage of the infinite bus be taken
as reference.
111111,...______M_ode_m_ P_o_w_e_r_Syat...,_em_ Anafysi
_____ ·s_ _ _ _ _ _ __
Then V = 1.0 L Cf, V, = 1.2 L 8

I= V,-V = l.2L8-1.0
jX jl

X= 1.0

IE'JL6 Vt = 1.2L8 V= 1.0L0°

Fig. 12.16

E = 1.8 L 8 - 0.5 = (1.8 cos 0- 0.5) + jl.8 sin ()
Steady state power limit is reached when E has an angle of o= 90", i.e., its real
part is zero. Thus,
1.8 cos 0- 0.5 = 0
or 8= 73.87°
Now V, = 1.2 L 73.87° = 0 .332 + jl.152

I = 0.332 + jl.152 - I = 1.152 + 1'0.668

E = 0.332 + jl.152 + j0.5 (1.152 + j0.668)
= - 0.002 + jl.728 : 1.728 L 90°
Steady state power limit is given by
p . = IE I I V I = l.728 x 1 = 1. l 52 u
mu Xd + X 1.5 p
If instead, the generator emf is held fixed at a value of 1.2 pu, the steady
state power limit would be
1.2 XI O
PmH = = ·8 pu
It is observed that regulating the generator emf to hold the tenninal generator
0Jtage at 1.2 pu raises the power limit from 0.8 pu to 1.152 pu; this is how
the voltage regulating loop helps in power system stability.
Find the critical clearing angle for the system shown in Fig. 12.36 for a three-
phase fault at the point P. The generator is delivering 1.0 pu power under
prefault conditions.
j0.15 j0.15
j0.15 bus

IE'l=1.2 pu j0.14 P /0.14


)).15 /0.15
Fig. 12.36

l Prelsult operation Transfer reactance between generator and infinite
bus is

X1 =0.25 + 0.17 + O.lS+ 0. 2S+0.1 5 =0.71


P - 1.2 x I . £ - 1 69 SID
. u£
/ ---SID u-. (i)
0.71 ~
The operating power angle is given by
1.0 = 1.69 sin ~
or <\, = 0.633 rad
II. During fault The positive sequence reactance diagram during fault is
presented in Fig. 12.37a. P

Modem Power Sysfem Analysis

/0.15 /0.28 /0.15

/ 0.25

/0.15 /0.14 /0.14 /0.15

V=1 .0L

(a) Positive sequence reactance diagram during fault

/0.25 /0.145 /0.145 . /0.17


IE'l-=1.2 /0.0725 V=1.0L0°

(b) Network after delta-star conversion

IE'l=1 .2

(c) Network after star-delta conversion

Fig. 12.37

Converting delta to star•, the reactance network is changed to that of Fig.

l 2.37(b). Further, upon converting star to delta, we obtain the reactance
network of Fig._ 12.37(c). The transfer reactance is given by
(0.25 +0.145) 0.0725 + (0.145 + 0.17) 0.0725 + (0.25 + 0.145)
(0.l 45 + 0.17)
Xn = - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - -
= 2.424

p 11 ·= 1.2 x 1 sin 6 = 0.495 sin 6 (ii)

' 2.424
m. Postfsult opt1rstlon (faulty JJnt1 6Wltcbed off)

Xm =0.25 + 0.15 + 0.28 + 0.15 + 0.17 = 1.0

•Node elimination ~ chnique would be. used for complex network.
Power System Stability

p ~111 = t.2xl
u = 12. SIR. 6 (iii)

With reference to Fig. 12.30 and Eq. ( 12.66), we have

5. = 1t - sin- 1- = 2.155 rad
mu 1.2
To find the c~itical clearing angle, areas A1 and A2 are to be equated.

A 1 = 1.0 (6c, - 0.633) - . J

0.495 sin 6 d6

A2 = J l.2 sin 6 d6- 1.0 (2.155 - 6c)



6c, = 0.633 ... J0.495 sin 6 d 6


= J l.2 sin 6 d6 - 2.155 + 6c,

OJ' - 0.633 + 0.495 COS 6 = - 1.2 cos 6 - 2.155
0.633 16u .

or - 0.633 + 0.495 cos 6" - 0.399 = 0.661 + 1.2 cos 6c, - 2. 155
or cos 6c, = 0.655
or 6cr = 49.1°
IExample 12.91
A generator operating at 50 Hz delivers 1 pu power to an infinite bus through
a transmission circuit in which resistance is ignored. A fault talces place
reducing the maximum power transferable to 0.5 pu whereas before the fault,
this power was 2.0 pu and after the clearance of the fault, it is 1.5 pu. By the
use of equal area criterion, determine the critical clearing angle.
All the three power angle curves are shown in Fig. 12.30.
; I Modern P0wer System Aniatys1s

Initial loading P,,. = 1~0 pu, 1

. -.
= sin 1
( )
_ m
P. ,
P.Offl.&JII I'
•· - I
= sm t _,.... -
0 . 523 rad

· _- .sm
1r .. _-1 ( ,P'" )
I ::

. .pmakm '

sin- 1 - 2..41 rad

3: 1r - - ......:..

Applying Eq. (12~67)
' . I . £ = 1.0(2.41 •- 0.523)_~ 0.5 cos 0 . ,523 + 1.5 cos 2.41 , = o- 3-: 3~7
COS ocr - . . . . .. .
1.5 ~-0 .5 1

or 6.:er - 7-..·o•3°
- ,_ .


- O

A 20 M ·v A~ 50 Hz generator delivers i 8 MW over a do uble circuit line to a.n ·

1 1

·i nfinite bus~The generator has kinetic energy of 2 . 52 MJ/MVA at .r ated spf'..ed.

The ge·ne.rator transi ent reactance is X d = 0. 35 pu. Each transmission circuit

has R = 0 and a rea.ctan.c e of 0~2 pu on a 20 MV A ~~. lE'l = 1..1 pu and

infinite bus voltage V = 1~O L0°. A three-phase short circuit occurs at t·h e mid
point of o,ne of the trans,mission lines . .Plot curves with fault cleared b,y
sim11ltaneous opening of 'breake·rs at both ends of the line at 2 ..5 cycles and 6. 25
cycles after the -occurre.nce of fault Also plot the, s.wing curve over the peri,od
of 0.5 s if the fa.u lt is sustained.
Power System Stability t;ARr
Solution Before we can apply the step-by-step method. we need to calculate
the inertia constant M and the power angle equations under prefault and
postfault conditions.
Base MVA = 20

· constant, 1Y1
Inert1a 11()pu = H - l.0 x2.52
180 f 180 x 50
= 2.8 x 10-4 s2/elect degree
I Prefault
X1 =0.35 + · = 0.45
Pel = pmaxi sin 6
!.l x I . c .
= -·-
sm u = 2 .44 sm
u (i)

Prefault power transfer= = 0.9 pu
Initial power angle is given by
2.44 sin £b = 0.9
or 60 = 21.64°
II During fault A positive sequence reactance diagram is shown in Fig.
12.39a. Converting star to delta, we obtain the network of Fig. 12.39b, in which
Xn = 0._~5 ~..9.1 + 0.2 ~ 0.1 + 0.35 x 0.2 1_25 pu
Pell = p mL'III sin 6

= I.Ix 1 sin 6 = 0.88 sin 6 (ii)





Fig. 12.39
.... I
m Postfault With the faulted line switched off,
X111 = 0.35 + 0.2 = 0.55
Pem = pmaxIII sin 6

= ~:! >< 1- sin 6 = 2.0 sin 6 (iii)

0 .55
Let us choose flt = 0.05 s
The recursive relationships for step-by-step swing curve calculation are
reproduced below.


Since there is a discontinuity in Pe and hence in P,,, the average value of P0
must be used for the first interval.
P 0 (0_) = 0 pu and P11 (O.) = 0.9 - 0.88 sin 21.64° = 0.576 pu
Pa<0avcrage) = - - - - = 0.288 pu
Sustained Fault
Calculations are carried out in Table 12.2 in accordance with the recursive
relationship (iv), (v) and (vi) above. The second column of the table shows Pmu
the maximum power that can be transferred at time t given in the first column.
P mu in t;1e case of a sustained fault undergoes a sudden change at t = o. and
remains constant thereafter. The procedure of calculations is illustrated below
by calculating the row corresponding to t = 0.15 s.
(0.l sec)= 3 l.59°
Pmx = 0.88
sin 6 (0.1 s) = 0.524
Pe (0.1 s) = Pmax sin 6 (O.l s) = 0.88 X 0.524 = 0.461
P0 (0.1 s) = 0.9 - 0.461 = 0.439
(llt) 2 o
-'--~Pa (0.1 s) = 8.929 x 0.439 = 3.92
(6t) 2
6(0.15 s)= 66(0.l s) + M Pa (0.1 s)

= 7.38° + 3.92° = 11.33°

b(0.15 s)= 6(0.l s) + D.6(0.15 s)
= 31.59° + 11.300 = 42.89°
Power System Stability

c5 (t) for sustained fault as calculated in Table 12.2 is plotted in Fig. 12.40 from
which it is obvious that the syste1n is unstable.


Substained fault

Fa ult cleared
at 6.25 cycles


20 fault cleared
at 2. 5 cycles
0 .I I I __ I .. I I i _J _ .
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
I (s) -► •

Fig. 12.40 Swing curves for Example 12.10 fo, a sustained fault and for
clearing in 2.5 and 6.25 cycles

11.6. A 60-Hz synchronous generator has a transient reactance of0.2 per unit and
an Inertia constant of 5.66 MJ/MVA. The generator Is connected to an infinite bus
through a transformer and a double circuit transmission line, as shown in Figure 92.
Resistances are neglected and reactances are expressed on a common .MVA base
and are marked on the diagram. The generator is delivering a real power of 0.77
per unit to bus bar I. Voltage magnitude at bus I is I. I. The infinite bus voltage
V = 1.0L0° per unit. Determine the generator excitation voltage and obtain the
swing equation as given by (prl 1.36).

1 2
E' Xt =0.158

~ >--D-1

System of Problem 11.6.

IV1II V2I . <

P = XL smu1

_ (1.1)(1.0) . ,
0 .77 - O smo1

61 = 16.26°

I= Vi - V2 = l.1 L16.26° - l.OL0° = 0 77 _ ·0.14

jXi j 0.4 . J
= 0.7826L- 10.305° pu

The total reactance Is X = 0.2 + 0.158 + 0.4 = 0. 758, and the generator excitation
voltage ls

E' = 1.0 + j0.758(0.77 - j0.14} = 1.25L27.819°

from (11.36) the swing equation with 8 in radians is

5.66 J28 _ O 77 _ {1.25)(1) .· ,

5 111 0
601r dt 2 - · 0.758
0.03 dt2 = 0.77 - l.65 sint5

11.14. The machine of Problem 11.6 is delivering a real power input of 0.77 per
unit to the infinite bus at a voltage of 1.0 per unit. The generator excitation voltage
is E' = 1.25 per unit. Use eacpower(P,,., E , V , X ) to find
(a) The maximum power input that can be added without loss of synchronism.
(b) Repeat (a) with zero initial power Input. Assume the generator Internal voltage
remains constant at the value computed In (a) .

In Proble m 11.6, the transfer reactance and the generator Internal voltage were
found to be X = 0.758 pu, and E' = 1.25 pu.

We use the following commands

disp( ' (a) Initial real power PO= 0.77')

PO= 0.77; E = 1.25; V = 1.0; X = 0.758;
eacpower(PO, E, V, X)
disp('(b) Zero initial power')
PO = 0;
eacpower(PO, E, V, X)

which result in

(a) Initial real power PO = 0.77

Initial power = 0 . 770 p .u.
Initial power angle = 27 . 835 degrees
Sudden additional power = 0 . 649 p.u .
Total power for critical stability = 1 . 419 p.u.
Maximum angle swing =120 . 617 degrees
New operating angle = 59 . 383 degrees
Current plot held
(b) Zero initial power
Initial power = 0 . 000 p.u .
Initial power angle = 0 . 000 degrees
Sudden additional power = 1 . 195 p.u .
Total power for critical stability = 1 . 195 p.u.
Maximum angle swing =133 . 563 degrees:
New operati ng angle = 46 . 437 degrees:

11.15. The machine of Problem 11.6 is delivering a real power Input of 0. 77 per
unit to the Infinite bus at a voltage of 1.0 per unit. The generator excitation voltage
is E' = 1.25 per unit.
(a) A temporary three-phase fault occurs at the sending end of one of the trans-
mission lines. When the fault is cleared, both lines are intact. Using equal area

criterion, determine the critical clearing angle and the critical fault clearing time.
Use eacf:ault(P111 , E , V, X1, X2, X3) to check the result and to display the power-
angle plot.
(b) A three-phase fault occurs at the middle of one of the lines, the fault is cleared.
and the faulted line is isolated. Determine the critical clearing angle. Use eacfault
(P,,., E, V, X 1 , X2, X:1) to check the results and to display the power-angle plot.

(a) For a bolted fault at bus 1, the transfer reactance are

Reactance before the fault X 1 = 0. 758
Reactance during the fault X2 = oo
Reactance after the fault X3 = 0. 758
(b) A bolted fault at the middle of one transmission line results in the circuit shov.n
in Figure (11.5).

A 0.358 c 0.8 B

)E' /0.4 00 V = 1.0

1 F
Equivalent circuit with It.rec-phase fault at the middle of one line.

Converting the Y-circuil ABF to an equivalent J, and eliminatingjunction C, the

transfer reactance durin~ the fault is

= (0.358)(0.8) + (0.358)(0.4) + (0.8)(0.4) = 1874
0.4 . pu

From Figure (11.2), the reactance when the faulted line is isolated is X3 = 1.158

We use the following commands

<ll!!p('(a) Faull. al. Lill:! lll:lll<llug l:lll<l, ...

both linoo intnct ~hon fnult io cloarod')
Pm= 0.77; F.= 1.?.5; V = 1.0; XI = 0.758; X2 = inf; x~ = 0 .758;
H = 5.66;
Plmax=E•V/Xl; P2max=E•V/X2; P3nax=E•V/X3;
dO=asin(Pm/Plmax); dmax=pi-dO;

dcdeg=dc•180/pi ;
disp( [ 'Critical clearing angle = ', num2str(dcdeg)])
tc = sqrt(2•H•(dc-d0)/(pi•60•Pm));
disp( [ 'Critical clearing time=', num2str(tc)])
% Check using eacfault
eacfault(Pm, E, V, X1, X2, X3)

disp('(b) Fault at the mid-point of one line, ....

faulted line is isolated')
X2 = 1.874; X3 = 1.158;
eacfault(Pm, E, V, Xi, X2, X3)
which result in

(a) Fault at the sending end,

both lines intact when fault is cleared
Critical clearing angle= 82.5927
Critical clearing time= 0.27302

For this case tc can be found from analytical formula.

To find tc enter Inertia Constant H, (or Oto skip) H = 5.66

Initial power angle = 27.835

Maximum angle swing = 152.165
Critical clearing angle= 82.593

Critical clearing time = 0.273 sec.

Current plot held

(b) Fault at the mid-point of one line,

faulted line is isolated

Initial power angle = 27.835

Maximum angle swing = 134.494
Critical clearing angle= 77.817

11.2. 600"/sec2 = lOOrpm/sec, 20°, 3620 rpm

11.3. 376°/sec2 = 62.667rpm/sec, 28.2°, 3609.4 rpm
11.S. H = 2.4 MJ/MVA, Pm= 0.5 pu, P= = 2,
~ = 4500(1 - 2sin6) , (6 is in degrees)
11.6. E' = l.25L27.189° , 0.03~ = 0.77 - l.65sin 6) , (6 is in radians)
11.7. 0.03~ = 0.77 - 0.5sin 6) , (6 is in radians)
11.8. 1fo~ + Pa..1.6 = 0, where Pa= lfG-16o = Pmucos6o + 2P,. cos26o
11.9. ( =0.6, w4 = 4.0 rad/sec
11.10. 6 = 27.835° + 16.0675e-2· 4977t sin(6.5059t + 69°)
/ = 60 - 0.3lle- 2· 4977' sin 6.5059t Hz
A = [ -48~5649 -4.~955 ] B = [ ~] c = [ ~ ~] D = [ ~]
11.12. 6 = 27.835° + 5.8935(1 - 1.0712e-2· 4977' sin(6.5059t + 69°)
I = 60 + o.1222e-2· 4977t sin 6.5059t Hz

11.13. A, B, Dare the same as in Problem 11.11, B = [ 4 _9~ 55 ]

11.14. (a) 0.649 pu, (b) 1.195 pu
11.15. (a) 8c = 82.593°, tc = 0.273 sec (b) 8c = 77.82°
11.16. tc = 0.37 sec
11.17. (a) Stable (b) Unstable (c) tc = 0.29 sec
11.18. (a) Stable (b) Unstable (c) tc = 0.72 sec

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