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SUSAN SCHWARTZ McDONALD Like just about everyone else here, I’m
preaching to the choir by reiterating the
President and CEO notion that you can harvest stored brand
National Analysts value through strategic line extension.
And, of course, by stating the obvious
corollary: that you can squander your
hard-earned equity by using it to
subsidize misextensions.

Several years ago, Booz•Allen & Hamil-

ton* conducted a survey of companies
which have had varying degrees of success
in new product introduction, in order to
arrive at an understanding of what we
called “best practices” -- that is, what dif-
ferentiated the companies which suc-
ceeded more often than others in the new
products development process. To talk
about the results would require more than
the time I have here, but I’d like to begin
this discussion by sharing at least one
useful point with you. Success in new
product introduction is increasingly as-
sociated with the expenditures of money
earlier in the development process. And, al-
though there are many ways to spend that
money, one of the most obvious is on a
more deliberate examination of brand --
what we might call “brand testing” as a
NATIONAL ANALYSTS, INC. preface to “new product testing.”
1835 Market Street ___________
This is the text of a presentation delivered
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-2984 at the 2nd Annual Advertising Research * National Analysts was a division of Booz•Allen & Hamilton for 22 years, until April 1, 1992 when it
Foundation Advertising and Promotion became an independent business entity.
Tel: (215) 496-6800 ◆ Fax: (215) 496-6802 Workshop (February 1990 ◆ NY, NY).
2 Brand Equity

I plan to spend most of the time allotted The common denominator is, of course,
me today in talking about research goodwill, but it’s hard to imagine an
techniques that minimize risk in this sort algorithm that successfully models and
of brand research enterprise. But before I values all those aspects of equity in dollar
do, I need to join the swelling ranks of terms, since the relationships are complex
marketing lexicographers who define and the predictor variables are sometimes
terms like brand and brand equity. I don’t crude.
propose any provocative definitions.
When I speak of brand, I am talking here Brand valuation per se is a concept more ABOUT NATIONAL ANALYSTS
about the set of images and associations interesting to those who aim to sell or
linked to a commercial identity which: acquire brands than to those who seek to
lever them, so I will generally confine my National Analysts, Inc. is a research and consulting organiza-
• Distinguish it from others remarks to the latter -- by talking about the tion providing marketing guidance to corporations in a range
role of disciplined thinking and research in
of industries and product categories. Originally established as
• Create specific consumer expecta- successful brand extensions.
tions and an independent entity in 1943, National Analysts was acquired
I think we need, first, to acknowledge that by Booz•Allen & Hamilton Inc., the international management
• Promote some behavioral orienta- the process of conversing about brand and technology consulting firm, in 1970. In 1992, National
tion (i.e., to buy or avoid) equity has been, in many cases, a lively Analysts once again became an independent, privately-owned
exchange of anecdotes among old brand company with a continuing focus on marketing research and
When I use the term “brand equity” -- one warriors: “Let me tell you about the time strategic consulting
I personally like because it’s very ex- Minute Maid launched orange soda” and
pressive, even though imprecise -- I am “How about the time Sunkist stretched to Throughout its long history, National Analysts has addressed
referring to the stored value built up in a fruit candy extensions?” and so on. And
a wide range of business problems, earning a reputation for
brand which can be used to gain market like any process that builds on examples
methodological innovation and unusual success in handling
advantage. What makes that value hard to and old yarns, there is always the risk that
quantify, especially before the fact, is that we will be more canny in our retrospective challenging and complex assignments. It is distinguished by
it can be realized in a variety of ways: assessment than in our predictions. We a unique balance of research and consulting resources, and a
can always find a logic or a set of brand professional staff whose methodological skills are comple-
1. Brand Resilence: Resistance to boundaries to explain either success or mented by depth of market knowledge and industry
new competitors in the category failure. I contend that if Jello Pudding experience.
Pops had failed, a lot of us would have
said, “You see, Jello has a room
2. New Product Trial: Increased
temperature or shelf stable equity, and
consumer willingness to try new
those folks at General Foods didn’t
products or line extensions under
recognize that.”
that name -- what you might think
of as “referred equity”
Now if this seems unduly cynical, I can
only say in defense that we need to take
3. Brand Premium: Consumer ourselves a little less seriously and to
willing-ness to pay a premium for remind ourselves continually that a lot of
your current product or a new one these brand ventures -- or adventures --
under that name can go in more than one way, depending
upon how well we execute and market
4. Channel Leverage: Increased or them. “Brand heredity” is important, of
sustained access to distribution course; I’m not arguing that General Foods
channels can necessarily put the name Maxwell
Brand Equity 3

House on coffee cake or that Lysol can brands are alike, no rigid formula for
become a personal deodorant. But it is researching them will apply. To revive the
possible to fail with a plausible exten-sion disease metaphor, a good diagnostician
-- (like Welch Grape Jelly Donuts) and to decides what information he needs based
succeed against odds with the wrong name on patient presentation and does not
and the right product -- for instance, the necessarily submit each patient to the
Honda automobile. Like certain di-seases, same battery of tests in the same order.
brand misextensions are a function of This is one of the things that stands
unfortunate “genes” and some tactical between good market research and the
errors in living, and it’s not always clear development of a rigidly reliable brand
which set of factors account for the greatest instrument. On the other hand, there are
proportion of the variance. I say this some rules of logic and research
because I want to unburden the research progression that should guide our
community of some of the heavy approach
responsibility they’ve shouldered in this
process. We can be good advance scouts, Step 1 in the process is typically a
but we can’t sweep all the mines or survey qualitative phase designed to help you
all the territory. understand your brand character and the
sort of license and boundaries which the
What, then, is a reasonable goal for us as character seems to impose. These sessions
marketers and researchers? Well, our pri- tend to include a lot of ideation and
mary goal should be to learn as much as projection, and, though the approach is not
we can about the way consumers view our always uncontroversial, I believe it does
brand competence and our brand per- help management to think about its brand
sonality or style, and then along with that, in new, sometimes startling ways. Step 2
what sort of permission consumers will is quantification of the things we have
extend to us as we prepare to enter neigh- learned or the hypotheses we have formed
boring territories. A number of research- in the qualitative phase. The yield from
ers have surfaced with claims to propri- that two-step research process should
etary techniques, but my impression is ultimately be a few selected concepts for
that, in fact, many of us are doing largely testing (following whatever norms or
the same thing because, like the automo- customs you feel comfortable with). I do a
bile or the transistor, timely discoveries disservice to the complexity of the process
tend to get made in more than one place at by referring to only two steps, and I’ll try
the same time. to remedy that a little later. I should
probably also state the obvious point here
The analogy may be forced because, to my that careful secondary analysis must be
knowledge, no truly new research tools carried out in con-junction with the
have yet been invented in this arena. What research, and that, at any point along the
we are doing is recombining established way, it is legitimate to use that analysis as
techniques in more thoughtful and a basis for narrowing the field of
systematic ways. And that may be the best contenders (prod-ucts or categories) which
we can hope for, at least in the near term. you subject to market research.

One caution I’d raise about the limitations Let’s talk then about your research goals --
of the discipline is that because no two what must you attempt to learn about the
character of your brand?
4 Brand Equity Brand Equity 9

Brand character tends to involve two consumers made uncomfortable by a may not recognize ... or which they may revelations, pleasant or not. There is also
different elements -- brand competence and brand that behaves in surprising and not truly feel for months or years. Un- the risk that people will expect a program
brand personality -- and you need to inconsistent ways. This kind of in- fortunately, the issue, and the data, both like this to yield a set of finished product
examine both in order to understand the formation has both strategic and tactical get muddier as the chasm between your concepts, and I think most of us here know
raw material at your disposal. If your implications since it tells you where you present location and your target narrows. that this sort of process is going to produce
brand is Coke or Chiquita circa 1980, I can legitimately extend, as well as the style Indeed, there comes a point where the only only a mission statement, not a blueprint.
think there’s very little question about to which your customers have grown valid answer is “It depends.” It depends
what your competence is, or was. On the accustomed. Brands that enter extension entirely on execution in the new category Earlier today, someone mentioned that his
other hand, if you have what I like to call a categories with competence but the wrong and continued vigilance at home base. brand research experiences had involved
“horizontal” brand, like Heinz, that has style may not succeed unless they create a him primarily with management, and that
already extended laterally in a variety of new brand or supporting identity to For all my misgivings about the question, I only now was he interacting more closely
different categories, it may not be easy to bridge the image gap. Jello cannot, I think we’re obligated to ask it in some with the market research department. That
get a firm grasp of how consumers define submit, do a true gourmet mousse, even way, i.e.: “Would a line of ’X’ products by has not been my own experience. On the
your competence. Is it condiments? Is it though the technical capability is there to Company Q make you think better of the contrary, I believe that some of these
barbeque? Is it piquancy? And so on. The support it. Sober, button-down, adult IBM company, less, or have no effect?” And projects flounder or are underfunded
more diffuse the brand, the more difficult would have difficulty selling kids’ creative maybe, in time, we will have some precisely because senior management is
it can be to identify the common de- computing toys unless it took pains to reasonably sensitive norms to help us shielded or disengaged from the process.
nominator. Unless you have a brand that spawn an intermediating brand identity. make solid use of the answers. But, if we
is literally defined by a single product -- do ask questions like that, I think we My final word of counsel, therefore, is that
what Ed Tauber has referred to as brand It’s important to remember that whether should acknowledge, going in, that this researchers and brand managers do what
prototypicality -- it’s wise to be sure you we speak of brand competence dimensions question is only a dim light in a foggy they can to ensure that the findings bubble
really understand what special expertise or brand style, we are generally not talking channel, not sensitive radar. up as high in the organization as possible.
you have, since it tends to define your only about the kinds of product per- This process of “self-discovery,” which
opportunities. formance attributes that companies normal- In my experience with studies of this kind, brand equity research tends to involve, is
ly think of when they think of brand image one of the overwhelming challenges -- and one that should command unusually close
The other important element of your brand tracking -- for example, “good-tasting,” this probably applies to all complex attention from the very top levels of the
character that needs careful examination is “creamy texture,” etc. One of the big leaps market research, by the way -- is creating company. The ultimate brand manager is,
personality or style. A good friend of for everyone involved in brand extension and managing expectations. These after all, the CEO, and it’s that individual
mine and a master of creative brand is learning to separate the name on the studies, who’s ultimately responsible to the
thinking, Ron Mogel, likes to describe it as package from the thing inside it -- long when properly done, are expensive, and shareholders for a misstep under the
the way your brand “walks, talks and enough, at least, to help you think about they are as unsettling as therapy. It’s the family name.
dresses” -- and I think that’s a nice way to what the brand could mean when you put point where corporations meet them- ♦ ♦ ♦
put it. IBM is sober, serious, responsible, it on another substance entirely. If you selves face-to-face, and sometimes there
masculine, smart but rigid. Jello is were attempting to track the image of are
childlike and playful, enthusiastic and fun, Ragu Pasta Sauce, for example, you would
but not reckless. consider recipe dimensions:

It doesn’t matter where these images come Rich

from. They can arise from your product Tomato-ey
design, your technology, your packaging, Thick
your sales reps, your ads, your Sweet
spokesmen, your target audience, your Properly spiced
product applications. But they’re as real Has fresh ingredients, etc.
and as liberating or delimiting as your
own personalities. Just as people are If, on the other hand, you wanted to learn
generally made uncomfortable when more about the character of the Ragu brand,
friends or relatives behave out-of- you’d probably focus on more
character, so are
8 Brand Equity Brand Equity 5

transcendent attributes that incorporate described by users in terms that suggested

personality or style as well as broad finesse and intellectual achievement while
competence. nonusers raised images of potency and
aggression. Clearly, we need both views
Authentically Italian going into quantitative research.
A tomato expert
Pioneering A few final points on the exploratory
Fancy qualitative phase. While it’s important to
Sophisticated invite respondents to invent new product
Contemporary opportunities for you in order to reveal the
way they view your brand, don’t count on
You’d be asking: Is Ragu a brand that ideation exercises to raise any meaningful
wears jeans or dresses? Is this brand more or logical extension opportunities you
like Mama Leone or Angelica Huston? By haven’t already thought of. If they do, in
the way, if you look closely you’ll notice most cases it means that you haven’t done
that there isn’t always a clear distinction all of your homework. The purpose of the
between “competence” and “style” and, of qualitative research is not to have con-
course, there needn’t be. What’s important sumers stretch the bounds of logic to sup-
is that we capture the brand’s (consumer- ply you with whimsical ideas; it is to
defined) area of expertise and the manner understand the way they prioritize those
in which the brand delivers it. Fred As- ideas once they’re on the table, so that you
taire and Nureyev were both great dancers! can evolve a set of decision rules to help
you pare down and refine your own list of
We try to elicit personality dimensions new product ideas. Furthermore, don’t ex-
with projective techniques, and those pect that the qualitative research will lead
techniques tend to work quite well, so you inexorably to a compact set of three or
long as you have a tolerance for poetry four product ideas to test. Qualitative re-
and improvisation. Since the sort of work search should not bear that burden alone.
we do in these sessions requires a fair If you have broad brand competence or
degree of abstraction, we like to screen for you are in a neighborhood full of logical
people who seem comfortable with possibilities, you may emerge with five to
projective exercises and all they imply. ten reasonable near-term prospects and an
The pre-sumption is that people with a equal number of longer-term possibilities -
flair for metaphor and flexible thinking i.e., product areas you might work your
look at products much the way others do -- way toward over a period of years if the
but they approach our market research proper bridges can be built. As I men-
knowledge and a degree of “irrationality” and the fun. But if you ask them whether exercises with greater vitality and express
that not everyone can display. kid’s computing products will diminish themselves in more creative terms.
their regard for IBM, they may very well
Let me explain what I mean by say “no.” Why should any new product There is always some controversy around
“irrationality” by returning to the earlier that doesn’t clearly divert resources or the role of users and nonusers of your
example that has IBM moving into the make you question corporate sanity brand at this stage of the research process.
kid’s computing category. Consumers are diminish your respect for the parent Users know it well, and their associations
likely to believe that IBM will bring company? To say “yes” to that question is are richer; nonusers, however, are usually
conscientious quality and technical to demonstrate a certain emotionalism and out there in large numbers, and their
sophistication to that category, although rigidity of expectations which many impressions may be quite different. Re-
they may wonder about the child empathy people will want to deny...or which cently, we heard a brand of
they medication
6 Brand Equity Brand Equity 7

First, you want to confirm consumer your time pitting a megabrand like Every one of these studies involve some information you want from them. Our ap-
impressions of your brand character -- the McDonald’s against its more parochial wheel reinvention and a lot of custom proach, where possible, is to have them
technical competence you can claim and competition when you could pit that name craftsmanship. That’s an important tell us three things:
the personality traits ascribed to your against a brand like Disney and realization, and it’s one that may make
brand. Next, you want to determine get away with it. Who is most efficient? people looking for intellectual order and 1. What kinds of transcendent at-
whether your brand and its characteristics Who is most caring and nurturing? demonstrability in this process a little tributes are most important to
conform well to the requirements of the Consumers can probably handle that kind uneasy. products in the target category,
extension category. Third, you want to try of comparison but they can’t sensibly taking care to include, for test
to assess the risk of debasing or diluting compare Jello with IBM because the two Let’s go to the second step in the purposes, the attributes we believe
your present brand equity by extending don’t coexist in the same perceptual space. quantitative phase where we attempt to will be definitive of our own brand
into any of the new jurisdictions. I’d like gauge the fit between the subject brand competence and character?
to share some of the issues and challenges No I don’t propose for us to review or go and the target extension categories. Here,
that arise in following that general research through the exercise of defining the “right” let me make the rather pedestrian
formula. 2. How they would expect our brand
brand set for McDonald’s because it’s clear observation that the people who have a to perform relative to principal
that whatever logic you used here and right to be heard on this subject are
One of the most challenging tasks can be competitors on those dimen-
whichever choice you made wouldn’t generally the consumers who are already
the construction of an appropriate brand sions?
necessarily guide you in the next research users of those extension categories. This
context. Brand attributes are never per- enterprise. Selection of an appropriate requirement tends to make line extension
ceived in a vacuum, after all. Brand brand set will reflect a number of vari- research more expensive and cum- 3. And, finally, what is the likelihood
character arises, in part, through contrast ables, including: bersome to do because it extends your that they would try the product at a
effect and is recognized only in the context sampling requirements and it gives you premium price, a parity price or a
of competing brands. McDonald’s is a discount?
• What kind of brand do you have? virtually no flexibility.
“fun” brand relative to Denny’s, and it’s a
fun brand relative to AT&T, but not, of -- Megabrand vs. branded product The first two measurers we call Brand
You’ve got to commit in advance to a few
course, relative to Disney. So if we wanted Transfer Analysis; the last we call Brand
-- Horizontal vs. vertical brand options and configure the sample ac-
to understand the character of McDon- Premium Analysis. A research veteran
cordingly. I don’t hold personally with
ald’s, we’d first have to obtain ratings of -- Product vs. service will contend that you can’t expect people
“quickie” quantitative screens that ask any
McDonald’s relative to its category peer to try most new brands at a premium, and,
-- Prototypical or generic brand and everyone to rate the logic of Hershey
group -- however we choose to define that. indeed, that’s true. We do not propose
vs. other cookie dough or a Prince pasta sauce. The
And I need hardly add that, in some that this measure be used to guide pricing
answers you get are often different when
categories, our latitude to define the rele- policy. It merely uses price as a rough
-- Company name vs. product name you compare people in the category (i.e.,
vant set for rating purposes is greater than metric to separate the categories in which
who have direct product experience and
others. Consider the implications of these our brand may be seen as heroic from
• On which categories have you set real problems to be solved) with the
alternative selections: those in which it will be seen as a
your sights? responses of those who can only rate brand reasonably strong competitor and those in
McDonald’s McDonald’s -- How close to home base? which it is just a me-too or a weak
contender unable to kindle any real
Versus -- How broadly defined are they? Non-category users should be included in excitement at all.
Wendy’s Denny’s research only if you have reason to believe
• Who might your competition be? that the addition of a new brand would Finally, we must address one of the
McDonald’s is probably going to look like capture nonusers for the category of it -- thorniest issues of all. How to measure the
-- Established players? and this goes virtually without saying --
it’s more “fun” to be at if we choose one extent to which extension into any one of
pair, but I could make a case for either one, -- Current competitors in expansion the category is brand new. Both of these these target categories will debase or
depending on how sensitive a measure we mode? conditions tend to be the exceptions, not dilute our present equity. Of all the
want and our ingoing hunches about the the rule, in packaged goods. questions we’ve posed, I’m most
likelihood of seeing meaningful discrimi- -- Brands converging from different uncomfortable
nation, among other things. In fact, one directions? Once you’ve got the ear of your target with this one because I think it is the
could argue that you’re probably wasting audience, you have to decide what kind of toughest of all for people to answer
realistically. It calls for a level of self-
6 Brand Equity Brand Equity 7

First, you want to confirm consumer your time pitting a megabrand like Every one of these studies involve some information you want from them. Our ap-
impressions of your brand character -- the McDonald’s against its more parochial wheel reinvention and a lot of custom proach, where possible, is to have them
technical competence you can claim and competition when you could pit that name craftsmanship. That’s an important tell us three things:
the personality traits ascribed to your against a brand like Disney and realization, and it’s one that may make
brand. Next, you want to determine get away with it. Who is most efficient? people looking for intellectual order and 1. What kinds of transcendent at-
whether your brand and its characteristics Who is most caring and nurturing? demonstrability in this process a little tributes are most important to
conform well to the requirements of the Consumers can probably handle that kind uneasy. products in the target category,
extension category. Third, you want to try of comparison but they can’t sensibly taking care to include, for test
to assess the risk of debasing or diluting compare Jello with IBM because the two Let’s go to the second step in the purposes, the attributes we believe
your present brand equity by extending don’t coexist in the same perceptual space. quantitative phase where we attempt to will be definitive of our own brand
into any of the new jurisdictions. I’d like gauge the fit between the subject brand competence and character?
to share some of the issues and challenges No I don’t propose for us to review or go and the target extension categories. Here,
that arise in following that general research through the exercise of defining the “right” let me make the rather pedestrian
formula. 2. How they would expect our brand
brand set for McDonald’s because it’s clear observation that the people who have a to perform relative to principal
that whatever logic you used here and right to be heard on this subject are
One of the most challenging tasks can be competitors on those dimen-
whichever choice you made wouldn’t generally the consumers who are already
the construction of an appropriate brand sions?
necessarily guide you in the next research users of those extension categories. This
context. Brand attributes are never per- enterprise. Selection of an appropriate requirement tends to make line extension
ceived in a vacuum, after all. Brand brand set will reflect a number of vari- research more expensive and cum- 3. And, finally, what is the likelihood
character arises, in part, through contrast ables, including: bersome to do because it extends your that they would try the product at a
effect and is recognized only in the context sampling requirements and it gives you premium price, a parity price or a
of competing brands. McDonald’s is a discount?
• What kind of brand do you have? virtually no flexibility.
“fun” brand relative to Denny’s, and it’s a
fun brand relative to AT&T, but not, of -- Megabrand vs. branded product The first two measurers we call Brand
You’ve got to commit in advance to a few
course, relative to Disney. So if we wanted Transfer Analysis; the last we call Brand
-- Horizontal vs. vertical brand options and configure the sample ac-
to understand the character of McDon- Premium Analysis. A research veteran
cordingly. I don’t hold personally with
ald’s, we’d first have to obtain ratings of -- Product vs. service will contend that you can’t expect people
“quickie” quantitative screens that ask any
McDonald’s relative to its category peer to try most new brands at a premium, and,
-- Prototypical or generic brand and everyone to rate the logic of Hershey
group -- however we choose to define that. indeed, that’s true. We do not propose
vs. other cookie dough or a Prince pasta sauce. The
And I need hardly add that, in some that this measure be used to guide pricing
answers you get are often different when
categories, our latitude to define the rele- policy. It merely uses price as a rough
-- Company name vs. product name you compare people in the category (i.e.,
vant set for rating purposes is greater than metric to separate the categories in which
who have direct product experience and
others. Consider the implications of these our brand may be seen as heroic from
• On which categories have you set real problems to be solved) with the
alternative selections: those in which it will be seen as a
your sights? responses of those who can only rate brand reasonably strong competitor and those in
McDonald’s McDonald’s -- How close to home base? which it is just a me-too or a weak
contender unable to kindle any real
Versus -- How broadly defined are they? Non-category users should be included in excitement at all.
Wendy’s Denny’s research only if you have reason to believe
• Who might your competition be? that the addition of a new brand would Finally, we must address one of the
McDonald’s is probably going to look like capture nonusers for the category of it -- thorniest issues of all. How to measure the
-- Established players? and this goes virtually without saying --
it’s more “fun” to be at if we choose one extent to which extension into any one of
pair, but I could make a case for either one, -- Current competitors in expansion the category is brand new. Both of these these target categories will debase or
depending on how sensitive a measure we mode? conditions tend to be the exceptions, not dilute our present equity. Of all the
want and our ingoing hunches about the the rule, in packaged goods. questions we’ve posed, I’m most
likelihood of seeing meaningful discrimi- -- Brands converging from different uncomfortable
nation, among other things. In fact, one directions? Once you’ve got the ear of your target with this one because I think it is the
could argue that you’re probably wasting audience, you have to decide what kind of toughest of all for people to answer
realistically. It calls for a level of self-
8 Brand Equity Brand Equity 5

transcendent attributes that incorporate described by users in terms that suggested

personality or style as well as broad finesse and intellectual achievement while
competence. nonusers raised images of potency and
aggression. Clearly, we need both views
Authentically Italian going into quantitative research.
A tomato expert
Pioneering A few final points on the exploratory
Fancy qualitative phase. While it’s important to
Sophisticated invite respondents to invent new product
Contemporary opportunities for you in order to reveal the
way they view your brand, don’t count on
You’d be asking: Is Ragu a brand that ideation exercises to raise any meaningful
wears jeans or dresses? Is this brand more or logical extension opportunities you
like Mama Leone or Angelica Huston? By haven’t already thought of. If they do, in
the way, if you look closely you’ll notice most cases it means that you haven’t done
that there isn’t always a clear distinction all of your homework. The purpose of the
between “competence” and “style” and, of qualitative research is not to have con-
course, there needn’t be. What’s important sumers stretch the bounds of logic to sup-
is that we capture the brand’s (consumer- ply you with whimsical ideas; it is to
defined) area of expertise and the manner understand the way they prioritize those
in which the brand delivers it. Fred As- ideas once they’re on the table, so that you
taire and Nureyev were both great dancers! can evolve a set of decision rules to help
you pare down and refine your own list of
We try to elicit personality dimensions new product ideas. Furthermore, don’t ex-
with projective techniques, and those pect that the qualitative research will lead
techniques tend to work quite well, so you inexorably to a compact set of three or
long as you have a tolerance for poetry four product ideas to test. Qualitative re-
and improvisation. Since the sort of work search should not bear that burden alone.
we do in these sessions requires a fair If you have broad brand competence or
degree of abstraction, we like to screen for you are in a neighborhood full of logical
people who seem comfortable with possibilities, you may emerge with five to
projective exercises and all they imply. ten reasonable near-term prospects and an
The pre-sumption is that people with a equal number of longer-term possibilities -
flair for metaphor and flexible thinking i.e., product areas you might work your
look at products much the way others do -- way toward over a period of years if the
but they approach our market research proper bridges can be built. As I men-
knowledge and a degree of “irrationality” and the fun. But if you ask them whether exercises with greater vitality and express
that not everyone can display. kid’s computing products will diminish themselves in more creative terms.
their regard for IBM, they may very well
Let me explain what I mean by say “no.” Why should any new product There is always some controversy around
“irrationality” by returning to the earlier that doesn’t clearly divert resources or the role of users and nonusers of your
example that has IBM moving into the make you question corporate sanity brand at this stage of the research process.
kid’s computing category. Consumers are diminish your respect for the parent Users know it well, and their associations
likely to believe that IBM will bring company? To say “yes” to that question is are richer; nonusers, however, are usually
conscientious quality and technical to demonstrate a certain emotionalism and out there in large numbers, and their
sophistication to that category, although rigidity of expectations which many impressions may be quite different. Re-
they may wonder about the child empathy people will want to deny...or which cently, we heard a brand of
they medication
4 Brand Equity Brand Equity 9

Brand character tends to involve two consumers made uncomfortable by a may not recognize ... or which they may revelations, pleasant or not. There is also
different elements -- brand competence and brand that behaves in surprising and not truly feel for months or years. Un- the risk that people will expect a program
brand personality -- and you need to inconsistent ways. This kind of in- fortunately, the issue, and the data, both like this to yield a set of finished product
examine both in order to understand the formation has both strategic and tactical get muddier as the chasm between your concepts, and I think most of us here know
raw material at your disposal. If your implications since it tells you where you present location and your target narrows. that this sort of process is going to produce
brand is Coke or Chiquita circa 1980, I can legitimately extend, as well as the style Indeed, there comes a point where the only only a mission statement, not a blueprint.
think there’s very little question about to which your customers have grown valid answer is “It depends.” It depends
what your competence is, or was. On the accustomed. Brands that enter extension entirely on execution in the new category Earlier today, someone mentioned that his
other hand, if you have what I like to call a categories with competence but the wrong and continued vigilance at home base. brand research experiences had involved
“horizontal” brand, like Heinz, that has style may not succeed unless they create a him primarily with management, and that
already extended laterally in a variety of new brand or supporting identity to For all my misgivings about the question, I only now was he interacting more closely
different categories, it may not be easy to bridge the image gap. Jello cannot, I think we’re obligated to ask it in some with the market research department. That
get a firm grasp of how consumers define submit, do a true gourmet mousse, even way, i.e.: “Would a line of ’X’ products by has not been my own experience. On the
your competence. Is it condiments? Is it though the technical capability is there to Company Q make you think better of the contrary, I believe that some of these
barbeque? Is it piquancy? And so on. The support it. Sober, button-down, adult IBM company, less, or have no effect?” And projects flounder or are underfunded
more diffuse the brand, the more difficult would have difficulty selling kids’ creative maybe, in time, we will have some precisely because senior management is
it can be to identify the common de- computing toys unless it took pains to reasonably sensitive norms to help us shielded or disengaged from the process.
nominator. Unless you have a brand that spawn an intermediating brand identity. make solid use of the answers. But, if we
is literally defined by a single product -- do ask questions like that, I think we My final word of counsel, therefore, is that
what Ed Tauber has referred to as brand It’s important to remember that whether should acknowledge, going in, that this researchers and brand managers do what
prototypicality -- it’s wise to be sure you we speak of brand competence dimensions question is only a dim light in a foggy they can to ensure that the findings bubble
really understand what special expertise or brand style, we are generally not talking channel, not sensitive radar. up as high in the organization as possible.
you have, since it tends to define your only about the kinds of product per- This process of “self-discovery,” which
opportunities. formance attributes that companies normal- In my experience with studies of this kind, brand equity research tends to involve, is
ly think of when they think of brand image one of the overwhelming challenges -- and one that should command unusually close
The other important element of your brand tracking -- for example, “good-tasting,” this probably applies to all complex attention from the very top levels of the
character that needs careful examination is “creamy texture,” etc. One of the big leaps market research, by the way -- is creating company. The ultimate brand manager is,
personality or style. A good friend of for everyone involved in brand extension and managing expectations. These after all, the CEO, and it’s that individual
mine and a master of creative brand is learning to separate the name on the studies, who’s ultimately responsible to the
thinking, Ron Mogel, likes to describe it as package from the thing inside it -- long when properly done, are expensive, and shareholders for a misstep under the
the way your brand “walks, talks and enough, at least, to help you think about they are as unsettling as therapy. It’s the family name.
dresses” -- and I think that’s a nice way to what the brand could mean when you put point where corporations meet them- ♦ ♦ ♦
put it. IBM is sober, serious, responsible, it on another substance entirely. If you selves face-to-face, and sometimes there
masculine, smart but rigid. Jello is were attempting to track the image of are
childlike and playful, enthusiastic and fun, Ragu Pasta Sauce, for example, you would
but not reckless. consider recipe dimensions:

It doesn’t matter where these images come Rich

from. They can arise from your product Tomato-ey
design, your technology, your packaging, Thick
your sales reps, your ads, your Sweet
spokesmen, your target audience, your Properly spiced
product applications. But they’re as real Has fresh ingredients, etc.
and as liberating or delimiting as your
own personalities. Just as people are If, on the other hand, you wanted to learn
generally made uncomfortable when more about the character of the Ragu brand,
friends or relatives behave out-of- you’d probably focus on more
character, so are
2 Brand Equity

I plan to spend most of the time allotted The common denominator is, of course,
me today in talking about research goodwill, but it’s hard to imagine an
techniques that minimize risk in this sort algorithm that successfully models and
of brand research enterprise. But before I values all those aspects of equity in dollar
do, I need to join the swelling ranks of terms, since the relationships are complex
marketing lexicographers who define and the predictor variables are sometimes
terms like brand and brand equity. I don’t crude.
propose any provocative definitions.
When I speak of brand, I am talking here Brand valuation per se is a concept more ABOUT NATIONAL ANALYSTS
about the set of images and associations interesting to those who aim to sell or
linked to a commercial identity which: acquire brands than to those who seek to
lever them, so I will generally confine my National Analysts, Inc. is a research and consulting organiza-
• Distinguish it from others remarks to the latter -- by talking about the tion providing marketing guidance to corporations in a range
role of disciplined thinking and research in
of industries and product categories. Originally established as
• Create specific consumer expecta- successful brand extensions.
tions and an independent entity in 1943, National Analysts was acquired
I think we need, first, to acknowledge that by Booz•Allen & Hamilton Inc., the international management
• Promote some behavioral orienta- the process of conversing about brand and technology consulting firm, in 1970. In 1992, National
tion (i.e., to buy or avoid) equity has been, in many cases, a lively Analysts once again became an independent, privately-owned
exchange of anecdotes among old brand company with a continuing focus on marketing research and
When I use the term “brand equity” -- one warriors: “Let me tell you about the time strategic consulting
I personally like because it’s very ex- Minute Maid launched orange soda” and
pressive, even though imprecise -- I am “How about the time Sunkist stretched to Throughout its long history, National Analysts has addressed
referring to the stored value built up in a fruit candy extensions?” and so on. And
a wide range of business problems, earning a reputation for
brand which can be used to gain market like any process that builds on examples
methodological innovation and unusual success in handling
advantage. What makes that value hard to and old yarns, there is always the risk that
quantify, especially before the fact, is that we will be more canny in our retrospective challenging and complex assignments. It is distinguished by
it can be realized in a variety of ways: assessment than in our predictions. We a unique balance of research and consulting resources, and a
can always find a logic or a set of brand professional staff whose methodological skills are comple-
1. Brand Resilence: Resistance to boundaries to explain either success or mented by depth of market knowledge and industry
new competitors in the category failure. I contend that if Jello Pudding experience.
Pops had failed, a lot of us would have
said, “You see, Jello has a room
2. New Product Trial: Increased
temperature or shelf stable equity, and
consumer willingness to try new
those folks at General Foods didn’t
products or line extensions under
recognize that.”
that name -- what you might think
of as “referred equity”
Now if this seems unduly cynical, I can
only say in defense that we need to take
3. Brand Premium: Consumer ourselves a little less seriously and to
willing-ness to pay a premium for remind ourselves continually that a lot of
your current product or a new one these brand ventures -- or adventures --
under that name can go in more than one way, depending
upon how well we execute and market
4. Channel Leverage: Increased or them. “Brand heredity” is important, of
sustained access to distribution course; I’m not arguing that General Foods
channels can necessarily put the name Maxwell

SUSAN SCHWARTZ McDONALD Like just about everyone else here, I’m
preaching to the choir by reiterating the
President and CEO notion that you can harvest stored brand
National Analysts value through strategic line extension.
And, of course, by stating the obvious
corollary: that you can squander your
hard-earned equity by using it to
subsidize misextensions.

Several years ago, Booz•Allen & Hamil-

ton* conducted a survey of companies
which have had varying degrees of success
in new product introduction, in order to
arrive at an understanding of what we
called “best practices” -- that is, what dif-
ferentiated the companies which suc-
ceeded more often than others in the new
products development process. To talk
about the results would require more than
the time I have here, but I’d like to begin
this discussion by sharing at least one
useful point with you. Success in new
product introduction is increasingly as-
sociated with the expenditures of money
earlier in the development process. And, al-
though there are many ways to spend that
money, one of the most obvious is on a
more deliberate examination of brand --
what we might call “brand testing” as a
NATIONAL ANALYSTS, INC. preface to “new product testing.”
1835 Market Street ___________
This is the text of a presentation delivered
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-2984 at the 2nd Annual Advertising Research * National Analysts was a division of Booz•Allen & Hamilton for 22 years, until April 1, 1992 when it
Foundation Advertising and Promotion became an independent business entity.
Tel: (215) 496-6800 ◆ Fax: (215) 496-6802 Workshop (February 1990 ◆ NY, NY).

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