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Title: Literature Review: Technological

Challenges And Its Impact On The

Consumer Satisfaction In
Qantas Between 2011 And 2017

Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction to the technical facilities in Qantas .................................................................................... 3
Technological issues faced by Qantas in 2011 to 2018 .......................................................................... 5
Impact of technical issues on consumer satisfaction............................................................................... 6
Mitigation adapted by Qantas of the technological issues ...................................................................... 7
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 8
References ............................................................................................................................................ 10

The literature review section in a research work is the most significant elements at it involves
a rich and wide literature related to the research topic and it also delivers clear insight
regarding the topic from almost every perspectives. Here, the topic intends to deliver a
detailed discussion of the technological practices and issues happened in Qantas in the last 7
years that from 2011 to 2018 (DeVaney, 2016). Thus, the part of the study would be
evaluating the technical facilities that Qantas has been facing since 2011. On the other hand,
the section also aims at evaluating the issues in the technical field encountered by Qantas,
through which the extent of its difficulties and complexity of work could be understood. It is
also evident that such technical issues have certain impact and influence on consumer
satisfaction and the literature review will be evaluating the aspects in the below section with
relevant evidence and supportive materials.

Introduction to the technical facilities in Qantas

In the context of an airline company, technological advancements are the most important and
apparent aspects that help the organisation to flourish and deliver expected service outcomes
for the consumers. Thus, the technological facilities delivered by Qantas to its consumers are
remarkable ones as the organisation has given special attention to its technical practices and
facilities. The respective organisation has been manifesting the most relevant and effective
technical practices. Therefore, the technical practices of Qantas airlines could be stated in
terms of the ability of the airline in serving its consumers with over 200 flights and the
flexibility to attain consumer demand at any point (Jawabreh et al. 2012). Qantas is one of
leading airline businesses that have expertise the technological developments and technical
facilities while keeping the consumer satisfaction in mind. Therefore, the technical services
adopted and practised by Qantas airlines could be stated in the in the following manner.

In accordance with Lee, (2018), the technical services of Qantas include the structural
engineering, system techniques, electrical engineering, avionics technical facilities and so on.
Apart from this, the organisation has also concentrated on developing best technical practices
to support the consumer demand and technical efficiency. The most efficient technical
services of Qantas airline is that it supports 24 hours technical support to the team or ground
staff for avoiding any severe accidents and chaotic situation. The restructuring of the current
technological system is necessary for the organisation as it has certain difficulties and the
introduction of new technology will help the organisation to reduce the burden of heavy

maintenance in the aircraft maintenance and in 2012 the organisation has evidently delivered
clear insight about the aspects technological advancements (Nirmalathas, 2017). Therefore,
the organisation has entered into an agreement with the technical services and implemented
new policies such as the implementing new technologies for the staff which eventually
contribute to consumer satisfaction.

On the other hand, in Qantas airlines, the pilots and the GE staff are working together to
develop an application that would be helping in the pilots to fly with great effort and
efficiency. The application FlightPulse will help the pilots to acquire relevant data while
onboard any flight. The application as initially developed in the commercialised context as it
as recommended by the GE’s platform and practices the acquirements of recoded data and
smart analytics that would help the pilots to manifest their individual skills and efficiency
matrices as well (Andrianova, 2017). Moreover, the application is designed by pilots intended
for pilots that also contribute to simplifying the process of understanding operational
efficiency to their flights.

Along with this, the organisation has also installed in-flight WiFi facilities in order t deliver
consumers best technology-based experience and information in this regard. Therefore, the
consumers travelling on board through Boeing 737-800 can experience fast and free
connectivity and internet-based journey in any Australian domestic flights. The facility was
launched during April 2017, as it was recognised by the management of the organisation that
consumer base may impact if the technological facilities are not improved. Simpson, (2017)
has stated that the organisation has adopted the facility in collaboration with the global
broadband service provider ViaSat and the NBN Sky Muster™, will support the Wi-Fi
services are being tested by the consumers on selected and specific flights such as Boeing
737 while in the meantime Qantas could fine-tune the technology with its other areas of
practices. By the end of 2018, the rollout of the WiFi-enabled flights will be completed
across 80 flights and it could be expected by the organisation that the consumer base would
increase along with consumer satisfaction (Sydney, 2017). Thus, the technology
advancements though have delivered enormous benefits to the organisation along with certain
challenges as well.

Technological issues faced by Qantas in 2011 to 2018
In order to state the technological challenges in Qantas airlines, it could be asserted that the
organisation has developed several technological advancements and facilities for the
consumers and in order to gain consumers base and satisfaction at the same time. But it is
also observed that the organisation has faced several challenges with the technological
advancements developed during 2011 and 2018 (Coyne, 2017). Thus, as discussed in the
above section the introduction and initiation of FlightPulse application for the pilots has
potential benefits. On the other hand, the application has helped pilots to work efficiently as it
contributes to accumulating data and performance metrics of the pilots and staff could rectify
their lacing areas depending on the recoded data. Moreover, the smart analytics is also
present to shape the pilot skills and efficiency in delivering their respective duties.

Instead of the facts and figures, certain challenges could be encountered in the
implementation of the application. Though the application is intended for the pilots, the
organisation has implemented it without providing any initial training to the new staff. As a
result, a technical gap was created and during 2014, the organisation has faced employee
dissatisfaction towards their job. It is quite evident that the human nature denies what is not
comprehensible to them. Apart from this, the challenge in this regard could also be realised in
terms of non-availability of data at the right moment which could lead to dire consequences.

On the other hand, another technological innovation has been introduced in this regard as the
In-Flight Wi-Fi connectivity for the consumers. The company has shifted its technological
practices in collaboration with Virgin in order to launch their own set of programme and in-
flight free Wi-Fi connectivity for the consumers. The Wi-Fi connectivity normally works
through the Skymaster geostationary satellites that contribute to connecting the ground-based
internet or broadband to mid aircraft. As a large number of passengers would be accessing the
internet from the same link the challenges could be identified in the context of on availability
of the desired internet speed and connectivity. Therefore, the organisation has encountered
with such other challenges such as security issues due to the Wi-Fi accessibility on a flight. In
2016, one of the passengers has changed the name of Wi-Fi connect on the flight which has
caused a chaotic situation among other passengers.

It was also observed that the organisation has called off the launch of in-flight Wi-Fi due to
the stability issues and its impact on consumer satisfaction. Though the in-flight Wi-Fi test
was successful with Boeing 737, later it was realised that the technologies are not aligned

with other flights rather creating stability issues such as connecting to social media and other
sites are not stable, the internet often goes off and so on.

Therefore, the technological issues have certain impacts on the Qantas business along with its
competitive advantages as well. Hence, the technological issues have instigated the consumer
dissatisfactions which could be discussed in the below manner.

Impact of technical issues on consumer satisfaction

In the context of stating the consumer satisfaction in Qantas, it could be delivered that the
technological issues have impacted the consumers’ perception evidently. The facility was
launched during April 2017, as it was recognised by the management of the organisation that
consumer base may impact if the technological facilities are not improved (Sydney, 2017). It
has stated that the organisation has adopted the facility in collaboration with the global
broadband service provider ViaSat and the NBN Sky Muster™, will support the Wi-Fi
services are being tested by the consumers on selected and specific flights such as Boeing
737 while in the meantime Qantas could fine-tune the technology with its other areas of
practices. In 2011, the consumer satisfaction had been recorded with declining effects and
84% consumers are provided with their negative response towards the technological services
(Coyne, 2017). But it is evident the in order improve the technical advancements the
company has implemented new measures.

But the consumer satisfaction has been influenced by the technological issues, specifically by
the in-flight Wi-Fi services, the consumers travelling on board through Boeing 737-800 can
experience fast and free connectivity and internet-based journey in any Australian domestic
flights. By the end of 2018, the rollout of the Wi-Fi enabled flights will be completed across
80 flights and it could be expected by the organisation that the consumer base would increase
along with consumer satisfaction. But the study has concentrated on evaluating the issues and
challenges faced by the company due to its technological inefficiencies or misapplications.
The section also aims at evaluating the issues in the technical field encountered by Qantas,
through which the extent of its difficulties and complexity of work could be understood
(Chong, 2018).

Apart from this, in 2016, the consumer satisfaction remained low throughout November, but
later it was mitigated by technological developments. But with in-flight Wi-Fi connectivity,
the consumer dissatisfaction could be recorded with effectiveness. Moreover, consumers

often recorded with shifting intention from Qantas to other companies as the technology has
created a sense of terror with them following certain incidents of Wi-Fi accessibility. Thus, in
order to mitigate the technical issues several mitigation policies and measures could be
livered in the following manner.

Mitigation adapted by Qantas of the technological issues

In order to incorporate mitigation policies and measures related to the technological issues in
Qantas, it could be stated that the organisation must concentrate on the development of
processes and connection tool of in-flight Wi-Fi services (Sydney, 2017). As it is realised that
the study has identified two most significant technical issues in Qantas thus, the
recommendations are stated in accordance with the issues.

i) The broadband channels should b adaptable with stringent design and operational
requirements to attain consumer needs while on board.

ii) On the other hand, the server should involve other lave links along with a master link for
better generation of internet connectivity.

iii) Thirdly, more efficient satellite receiver should be considered in order to rectify the
stability issues of Wi-Fi connectivity (Sydney, 2017).

iv) Fourth, the password system while connecting to the Wi-Fi should be determined with
the secure password so that it remains unchangeable.

v) The security measures and privacy concerns should also be taken into consideration as it
is quite evident that the organisational data could be violated intentionally by any third party
and unauthorised sources.

Therefore, keeping the measures in mind the issues could be mitigated with effectiveness. On
the other hand, the measures are effective as well in order to increase and maintain consumer
satisfaction. Moreover, Qantas has manifested its place as the potential services provider
since its inception in 1920, but between the year 2011 and 2018, the company has faced
several challenges and specifically the technological challenges were influential in the
context of the consumer base and consumer satisfaction at the same time (Andrianova, 2017).
With the above-mentioned recommendation, it could be stated that the company would be

able to deliver more improved technological services to the consumers and eventually
increase the competitive advantages of the company.

In conclusion, it could be stated that Qantas airlines is one of the leading airline services that
has provided utmost travel experience to the consumers and with new innovation it has the
potential to take the leading place in the industry technological facilities delivered by Qantas
to its consumers are remarkable ones as the organisation has given special attention to its
technical practices and facilities. Instead of the fact, that the technical services may
incorporate certain complexities within the service providing channels. The respective
organisation has been manifesting the most relevant and effective technical practices. Apart
from his, the study has also talked about the restructuring of the current technological system
is necessary for the organisation as it has certain difficulties and the introduction of new
technology will help the organisation to reduce the burden of heavy maintenance in the
aircraft maintenance and in 2012 the organisation has evidently delivered clear insight into
the aspects technological advancements. Therefore, the technical practices of Qantas airlines
could be stated in terms of the ability of the airline in serving its consumers with over 200
flights and the flexibility to attain consumer demand at any point. Qantas is one of leading
airline businesses that have expertise the technological developments and technical facilities
while keeping the consumer satisfaction in mind.

Moreover, the study has identified the issues related to the new application called FlightPulse
which is created by pilots for pilots. The organisation has faced several challenges with the
technological advancements developed during 2011 and 2018. Consumer satisfaction has also
been influenced by the technological issues, specifically by the in-flight Wi-Fi services; the
consumers travelling on board through Boeing 737-800 can experience fast and free
connectivity and internet-based journey in any Australian domestic flights. Thus, due to its
complexity new recruits are unable to work efficiently with such application; therefore, it has
been recommended that the company must concentrate on incorporating training programmes
for the new and existing employees.

On the other hand, other technical issues could be realised as challenges of in-flight Wi-Fi
connectivity. The company has shifted its technological practices in collaboration with Virgin
in order to launch their own set of programme and in-flight free Wi-Fi connectivity for the

consumers. The Wi-Fi connectivity normally works through the Skymaster geostationary
satellites that contribute to connecting the ground-based internet or broadband to mid aircraft.
As a large number of passengers would be accessing the internet from the same link the
challenges could be identified in the context of on availability of the desired internet speed
and connectivity. Therefore, the organisation has encountered with such other challenges
such as security issues due to the Wi-Fi accessibility on a flight. Thus, it could be stated that
with the provided recommendations the company would be able to overcome the challenges
and attain required consumer satisfaction.

Andrianova, Y., 2017. WI-FI: TRENDS AND PROJECTS. LastMile, 3(64), pp.34-39.

Sydney, 2017. Qantas Pilots Work With Ge Aviation To Develop New Flight Data
App. Qantas. [online] Available at: <
releases/qantas-pilots-work-with-ge-aviation-to-develop-new-flight-data-app/> [Accessed 24
Apr. 2018].

Sydney, 2017. Qantas Wi-Fi To Get A Workout With Foxtel, Netflix And Spotify On
Board. Qantas. [online] Available at: <
releases/qantas-wi-fi-to-get-a-workout-with-foxtel-netflix-and-spotify-on-board/> [Accessed
24 Apr. 2018].

Chong, J., 2018. Qantas’s inflight internet wi-fi takes off. Australian Aviation. [online]
Available at: <
off/> [Accessed 24 Apr. 2018].

Coyne, A., 2017. Qantas cancels launch of free inflight wi-fi. itNews. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 24 Apr. 2018].

DeVaney, S., 2016. Fifty Years of Consumer Issues inThe Journal of Consumer
Affairs. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 50(3), pp.505-514.

Jawabreh, O., Allahham, M., Alrjoub, A. and Ahmad, M., 2012. Impact of Information
Technology on Profitability of Airlines Industry: A Case Study of Royal Jordanian
Airlines. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(18).

Lee, R., 2018. A scary as hell WiFi name just caused absolute chaos on a Qantas
flights. Techly. [online] Available at: <

hell-wifi-password-just-caused-absolute-chaos-on-a-qantas-flights/> [Accessed 24 Apr.

Nirmalathas, T., 2017. Inflight Wi-Fi highlights challenges of satellite broadband delivery on
land and in the sky. The Conversation. [online] Available at:
delivery-on-land-and-in-the-sky-75381> [Accessed 24 Apr. 2018].

Simpson, C., 2017. Qantas' In-Flight Wi-Fi Seems To Be Up To The Challenge. Gizmodo.
[online] Available at: <
to-be-up-to-the-challenge/> [Accessed 24 Apr. 2018].


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