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“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special

Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.


India is a secular country. Secularism means State neutrality in the matters

of religion, it means there is no official or sponsored religion of India like

Shri Lanka, where Buddhism is official religion. Pakistan is having Islam as

a national religion. Such sponsorship of religion is not available in India.

Indian constitution is the supreme law of land. It determines the Rights,

Duties, Liabilities, powers of persons and institutions. Part III of Indian

constitution is pivotal sector under Indian constitution. Fundamental Rights

are also called as Human Rights rather they are called as Natural Rights.

These rights are basic in nature, without these rights it is impossible to live a

Human life. India is a secular country it means there is no authenticates

religion of Government of India. Supreme Court of had played important

role in the maintenance of India as a secular nation. The religious freedom

granted under Indian constitution is most sacred part under which very

person's belief, faith and worship is protected. Still this right is not absolute,

uncontrolled freedom is not available to India citizens. This freedom is

subject Public order, Morality, health, and other provisions of Part III of

Indian constitution. It means this freedom of religion can be curtailed under

certain circumstances.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

1.1 Constitutional Provisions

The secular Indian Constitution provides religious freedom. Article 25 to 28

of Indian constitution devoted to Religious freedom. It means that the

citizens of India will have choice of religion, they can profess, and precise

and propagate any religion as per their choice. If there is a violation of

fundamental Rights of citizens are violated then they can knock the doors of

Supreme Court and High courts under Article 32 and 226 respectively. Apex

court then determines the contours of Religious freedom of citizens of India.

1: Preamble of Indian Constitution: - - Preamble of Indian Constitution is

key to read mind of makers of Indian Constitution. By 42"d Amendment Act

1976 word secular was added and there by India became Secular Country


Article 19(1) (a) of Indian Constitution: -Out of one of the six golden

freedoms freedom of speech and expression is very important freedom.

Freedom of religion is also a part and parcel of freedom of speech and


Article 21 of Indian Constitution: - It is duty of state to protect life of the

people and for that purpose the incidental rights of persons shall be

protected. As provided in Article 39 of Indian Constitution.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

Article 25 of Indian Constitution: - Freedom of conscience and free

profession, practice and propagation of religion-

I: subject to public order morality and health and to the other provision of

this part, all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the

freely to profess practice and propagate religion.

II: Nothing in this Article shall affect the operation of any existing law or

prevent the state from making any law - regulating or restricting any

economic, financial political or other secular activity which may be

associated with religious practice; providing for social welfare and reform or

throwing open of Hindu religious institutions of public character to all

classes and sections of Hindus.

Explanation I: The wearing and carrying kripans shall be deemed to be

included in the profession of Sikh religion.

Explanation II : In sub-clause (b) of clause (2) the reference to Hindus shall

be construed as including a reference to professing the Sikh, Jaina or

Buddhist religion and the reference to Hindu religious institution shall be

construed accordingly.

5. Article 26 of Indian Constitution: -Freedom to manage religious

affairs. - Subject to public order, morality and health, every religious

denomination or any section thereof shall have the right-

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

(a) to establish and maintain institutions for religious and charitable


(b) to manage its own affairs in matters of religion;

(c) to own and acquire movable and immovable properly; and

d) to administer such property in accordance with law.

6. Article 27 of Indian constitution: -Freedom as to payment of taxes for

promotion of any particular religion.-No person shall be compelled to pay

any taxes, the proceeds of which are specifically appropriated in payment of

expenses for the promotion or maintenance of any particular religion or

religious denomination

7. Article 28 of Indian constitution: Freedom as to attendance at religious

instruction or religious worship in certain educational institutions.-(1) No

religious instruction shall be provided in any educational institution wholly

maintained out of State funds.

(2) Nothing in clause (1) shall apply to an educational institution which is

administered by the State but has been established under any endowment or

trust which requires that religious instruction shall be imparted in such


(3) No person attending any educational institution recognized by the state

or receiving aid out of State funds shall be required to take part in any

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

religious instruction that may be imparted in such institution or to attend any

religious worship that may be conducted in such institution or in any

premises attached

There to unless such person or? If such person is a minor, his guardian has

given his consent thereto.

8. Article 29 of Indian constitution: protection of interests of minorities.-

(1) Any section of the citizens residing in the territory of India or any part

thereof having a distinct language, script or culture of its own shall have the

right to conserve the same'

(2) No citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution

maintained by the state or receiving aid out of State funds on grounds only

of religion, race, caste, language or any of them'

9. Article 30 of Indian constitution: Right of minorities to establish and

administer educational institutions.-(1) All minorities, whether based on

religion or language, shall have the right to establish and administer

educational institutions of their choice'

(1A) In making any law providing for the compulsory acquisition of any

property of an educational institution established and administered by a

minority, referred to in clause (1), the State shall ensure that the amount

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

fixed by or determined under such law for the acquisition of such property is

such as would not restrict or abrogate the right guaranteed under that clause'

(2) The State shall not, in granting aid to educational institutions,

discriminate against any educational institution on the ground that it is under

the management of a minority, whether based on religion or language.

10. Article 44 of Indian Constitution: Uniform civil code for the citizens. -

The State shall end endeavor to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code

throughout the territory of India.

International Safeguard:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.

Article1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one

another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 18. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and

religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and

freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private,

to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and


“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

1.2 Significance of research Problem:

Indian is secular country. It means there is no official religion of India as

such. Religion plays very important role in human life. Human being is an

animal but due to intellectual capacity he is different from rest of animals.

Religion provides certain moral principles, which shall be followed by the

persons. Religion is an agency of social control up to certain extent. It

provides model for living. It also creates ideas and values beneficial for

human life. It can help the young generation to become moral and civilized.

But Indian secularism is different from other country's secularism. So it is

need to study the Concept of Secularism and Role of Supreme Court of India

with special reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution and to analyze the

pivotal role played by the Supreme Court of India in upholding the concept

of secularism. Indian Constitution has provided the religious freedom to

each and every citizen of India. In India religion is a matter of personal

liberty one can convert from faith to another faith without any hurdle.

According to H. V. Kamath a Prominent member of drafting committee said

that "A secular state is a neither a Godless State nor an Irreligious State or

Anti-religious State." It means the citizens can follow their religion. And

court will decide the freedom religion. Apex Court in His Holiness Srimad

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

Perarulala Ethiraja Ramanuja Ieeyer Swami v. State of Tamil Nadu 1 held

that what constitutes an essential part of religion or religious practice has to

be decided by the Court with reference to the doctrines of particular and

include practices which are regarded by the community as part of its

religion. The freedom provided under Indian Constitution is not absolute or

uncontrolled. But they are subject to reasonable restrictions on freedom of

religion on the ground of public order, morality, and health and other

provisions of part III of Indian Constitution. In Moulana Mufti Sayeed

Mohammad Noorur Rehman Barkariq V. state West Bengal2, Where the

Calcutta High Court held that a restriction imposed by the State on use of

microphones and loudspeaker at the time of Azan is not violation of Article

of Indian Constitution. The Court will decide the contours of religious

freedom as Supreme Court in Acharya Jagdhishwaranand Avdhut v.

Commissioner of police, Calcutta3, observed that performance of tandava

Dance at public place with lethal weapons was not considered as essential

religious practice of Anand Margi's. The State can intervene in the religious

freedom of citizens on the ground of secular activity, Economical Activity as

in Adithayan v. Travancore Devaswom Board4, Supreme Court has upheld

AIR 1922 SC 1586
AIR 1999 Cal 15
AIR 1984 4 SCC 522
AIR 2002 SCC 123,124

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

the appointment of non Brahmin to perform the puja and other religious rites

in Shiva Temple. Apex Court observed in Mohd. Hanif Qureshi v. State of

Bihar5, the cow sacrifice has been held not to be an obligatory or essential

practice on Bakr-Id day. The Court opined that according to hadaya it is

optional for Muslim to sacrifice a goat or camel, so they can not allowed

sacrificing cow. Though the religion is matter of personal faith still the state

can impose reasonable restrictions as in Guruleen Kour v. State of Punjab6,

where the Bench High Court, held that keeping unshorn hair is essential

component of Sikh religion. Therefore rule by which admission was denied

to a male student who had shorn hair and female student who had plucked

her eyebrows was upheld. The secular activity of government is exception to

the freedom of religion in Aruna Rai v. Union of India7, Supreme Upheld the

national Curricular framework for Secondary education (NCFSE) rejecting

the contention that it was an attempt to saffronize education by BJP lead

NDA government. It is the duty of Court to travel in the integral philosophy

of religion and find out the essential requirements for a religion as Supreme

Court in State of Bombay v. I. B. Mali8, where a petitioner contended lord

Krishna were having 16108 wives and hence it is a part and parcel of Hindu

AIR 1958 SC 731
C.W.P No.14859 of 2008 decided on 30.05.2009
AIR 2002 SC 2773,
AIR 1952 Bom. 84

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

religion. A second marriage by Hindu male in the presence of his first wife

does not constitute integral part of Hindu religion. As Supreme in R. M. K.

Singh v. State of Bihar9, the Court held that Shradha and Pinda is integral

part of Hindu religion. The State can interfere in the economic activities of

religion and it will not infringe the Article e 25 of Indian Constitution. As

Supreme Court held in Shri Jagadnath Puri Management Committee v.

Chintamani10, where the right of temple attendants to be given a share of

offerings to the deity in the temple is not part of religion and collection and

distribution of these offerings among temple sevakas is purely a secular

activity. There is personal liberty to citizen to procreate the children's

according to their will and wish still State can intervene in the very private

affairs of individual as it was held in Javed v. State of Haryana11, the

Supreme Court held that the section 175(11) (q) of Haryana Panchayati Raj

Act lgg4, which disqualifies the persons having more than two children from

Contesting the election for the post of SARPANCH and PANCH in

Panchayat does not violet Article 25 of Indian Constitution. There is state

neutrality in the matters of religion. Supreme Court of India has to decide

from time to time the limitations of freedom. Supreme Court is playing very

AIR 1976 Pat. 198
AIR 1997 SC 3839,
AIR 2003 SC 3057,

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

vital role and deciding under what circumstances citizens can exercise their

freedom. Supreme Court of India is a final interpreter of Indian constitution

and due to such position it can determines horizons of freedom of religion.

Religion plays vital role in person's life of Human beings. It is the duty of

state to protect the freedom of citizens. This is the significance of present


1.3 Objectives of Study:

The basic object of present study it to examine the role of Supreme Court of

India in the area of Freedom of religion and up to what extent this freedom is

available to citizens. Following are the objectives of the study.

 To determine the Role of Supreme court of India in the area of

secularism and freedom of religion.

 To analyze the power of Supreme Court of India in interpreting

freedom of religion and maintenance of secularism.

 To define the contours of secularism and religious freedom in India.

 To define the limits and extent of secularism and freedom of religion

of Indian citizens.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

1.4 Scope of Research:

Present research is going to be conducted to determine concept of secularism

and the limitations of religious freedom. The Article 25 to 28 of Indian

constitution deals with religious freedom of citizens. The Interpretation of

Articles by the Apex court of India to determine the reasonable restrictions.

Present Research is going to be conducted to determine the religious

freedom guaranteed under Indian constitution Therefore to describe the

scope of research problem researcher is going to refer various documents

articles from journals on implementation of Religious freedom and to trace

out the instances of reasonable Restrictions on religious freedom as provides

by the provisions of India Constitution. The researcher is referring,

constitution of India, various amendments under Indian constitution, to

analyze the judgments of Supreme Court on Religious freedom and

Reasonable restrictions. Therefore to conduct present Doctrinal Research the

Researcher is going to refer various documents-primary and secondary,

various reports on Directive principles, various articles published in journals,

news papers and the online information available on various websites.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

1.5 Hypothesis

I. Supreme Court determines contours of secularism and religious freedoms

of persons.

II. Religious freedom is subject to reasonable restrictions and the concept of


III. Religious freedom is subject to rights of others.

1.6 Research Methodology:

The researcher has adopted Doctrinal Research methodology for conducting

the present research. The present research problem needs to be analyzed

with the help of Library and the most of documents on such problem; on this

topic many authors have expressed their views. So for this purpose

researcher selects the doctrinal method. The judgments of Supreme Court

and various High courts are also needs to be studied.

The doctrinal research involves analysis of case laws arranging,

ordering and system systematizing legal propositions. The Acts of

parliament and the Acts passed by original sources of Law fall under this

category of Legislations. The case laws decided by the Supreme Court and

High courts, which are binding on Lower courts, fall under the category of

precedent. The doctrinal research attempts to verify the problem by first

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

hand study of authoritative sources. A doctrinal researcher uses the Law

Library mostly depends on Law Library. The sources of data for doctrinal

researcher are reports of Appellate court and conventional Legal Theory.

1.7 Literature Review:

The Researcher adopted the doctrinal research methodology for that

purposes it is necessary to study the judgments of Supreme Court of India

and respective high courts of the state. It is also necessary to study the

various enactments by the parliament of India and several of policies of

Government of India freedom of religion. The researcher also studied the

international as well as municipal provisions about the concept of freedom

of religion under Indian Constitution.

As we adopted the democratic form of government liberty to persons has

significant role to play for individual development. Freedom of religion is

one of such liberty granted to everybody. We use to follow secular form of

government means there is no official religion of as such. Religion is a

matter of personal beliefs and faiths. Our constitution is secular in nature and

in S.R. Bommai’s12 case Supreme Court of India held that secularism is basic

AIR 1994 SC 1918

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

stricture of Indian constitution. The present research is undertaken by

research to analysis the role of Supreme Court of India in the arena of

freedom of individual and secular nature of constitution. The adopted

doctrinal research methodology and hence gone through primary and

secondary data to complete this research work.

1. Constituent Assembly Debates:

Indian constitution is Suprema Lex it means supreme law of land. This
document is created by the constituent assembly of India; each and every
word of constitution is debated and inserted in Indian constitution. The
constituent assembly of India inserted freedom of religion to all but state that
such freedom is not absolute but with reasonable restrictions. Freedom of
religion of person is discussed as well as interference of state is defined
under Article 25 of Indian constitution.

2. Law and Social Pluralism by Shimon Shetreet LexisNexis

This book is a comparative study of freedom of religion and secularism
India and Israeli. It emphasized on various aspects of freedom of religion in
democratic countries. If a state is democratic in nature then it shall follow
the concept of secularism, because population may be hydrogenous multi
lingual and multi religious so law is an important tool to control between
both' It highlighted the secularism in its strict manner. The judiciary should
be central role in these matters because whenever there will be a dispute
regarding freedom of religion and secularism. "Courts have an essential role

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

in society in protecting fundamental human rights. The legislature is under

strong political pressure to introduce changes of favorable to human rights.
The judiciary has an important role in every society, but even an important
role in a multicultural society,13
3: Pluralism and Equality values in Indian Society and politics14.

The present book published is a landmark textual contribution in the area of

plural societies and role of state. A workshop was held at Neemrana Fort

Palace, Rajastan, between 5th to 8th March 1999. This workshop was

conducted for intercultural and interreligious dialogue. It also emphasized on

values of cultural in Europe and India. India is among very few countries of

the world where all the major religions of the world are practiced today,

rather have been practiced historically for centuries The unity and diversity

is characteristic of Indian constitution hence it is necessary to protect such

nature with great efforts.

4. Laws of India on Religion and Religious Affairs15

Tahir Mahmood is a well known scholar, who has contributed in religious

freedom in India and secular character of India Constitution. This book

consists of various laws passed by union as well as state legislatures which

directly or indirectly deal with freedom of religion of individuals. It also

Shetreet Shimon, Law and Social Pluralism LexisNexix ISBN 81-8038-003-3 P.17
Ahmad Imtiaz, & Ghosh Partha, Pluralism and Equality values in Indian Society and politics Helmut
Reifeld Sage Publications, New Delhi ISBN 81-7036_956-8 P.177
Mahmood Tahir Prof. Laws of India on Religion and Religious Affairs, Universal Law Publishing
House Co., New Delhi ISBN 978-81-7534-659-8

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

stress on communal harmony and unity and integrity of nation. It also

provides checks and balances on state power to observe equality among the

equals' Religion has been a powerful social factor in all phases of human

history and all parts of human world16.

5. Constitutional Law of India17

This book is a well-known critical of the book on Indian Constitution. The

Author of book H.M. Seervai is a renowned constitutional law practitioner

before the Supreme Court of India and respective High Courts of the States.

In Volume No II fourth Edition Reprinted 2008 from page no. 1 259 to l30g

devoted to freedom of religion guaranteed under part III of Indian

Constitution i.e. Article 25 to Article 28. The Author criticized the Indian

judiciary for not following the constitutional mandate. He stated that Article

25 clause 2 and Article 27 and 28 are facets of secularism.

6. Legal Theory, W. Friedman18

The present book is master piece of work by Famous jurist Dr. W. Friedman

who had contributed in building the foundation of legal theory and

jurisprudence. In this book from p-398 to page number 435 deals with legal
Mahmood Tahir Prof, Law of India on Religion and Religious Affairs. Universal law publishing House
co, New Delhi ISBN 978-81-7534-659-8 p.l
Seervai H.M. , universal law Publishing House Co., New Delhi, vol-II Fourth Edition ISBN 978-81- 7534-
Friedman W. Legal Theory, Universal law Publishing House co. New Delhi , First Indian Reprint 1999
ISBN -g 175 34-1444-7

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

values of modern democracy where he explained the concept of individual

freedom in following words "the beliefs and thoughts that guide the legal

philosophies of socialism, fascism and Catholicism are based on certain

clear cut and essentiality single principles.

7. Religious Freedom and Secularism: Theory and practice19

This is an edited book by S Sudarshan. This book is a comparative Study

between India and other nations. According to S Sudarshan, Religious

freedom is basic inalienable human right and symbol of mature society. It

allows the individual to maintain specific divine relationship with the

supernatural power. Liberty is endowed with the individual to worship the

god of his own choice. The Religious freedom involves the right to profess,

preach, practice, and prop agate any religious faith according to his

conviction. Now it is fundamental right guaranteed to all the

Citizens/religious groups in most of the democratic countries throughout the

world' the religious freedom is very popular in secular countries. Theocratic

states also allowing religious freedom in addition to official religion of their

own. There the people of other religion are allowed to observe their own

religious practices. However the freedom is limited when compared to

secular nations. Religious freedom is not absolute right and is limited with

Religious Freedom and Secularism: Theory and practice Amicus books, The Icfai university Press,
Hyderabad, First Indian 2007, ISBN -81-314-1372-1.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

certain restrictions in larger interest of society. Every Citizen is expected to

enjoy this freedom with certain reasonable limits. If any individual /religious

groups transgress the religious freedom of persons of other religious faith,

the state instantly intervenes to take steps to ensure a serene social

environment. Thus the modern governments are playing balanced role by

ensuring the religious freedom to all and following a policy of secularism."

8. Constitutional Justice and Judicial process20

This book is edited by Madabhushi Shridhar and forwarded by justice V. R.

Krishna Iyer. This book primarily explains the concept of law, justice and

society. Form page number 45 to 49 deals with constitution, secularism and

religious freedom. It elaborates religious values and human values under

Indian Constitution. It States that the State protects and promotes indirectly

legitimate genuine spiritual practices of all religions without discrimination.

Hence one can say that healthy reasonable progressive equation between

State and religion is arrived at through Constitutional and legal system in


Shridhar Madabhushi Professor, Asia Law House, Hyderabad, First Edition 2014, ISBN 978-81-928563- 8-

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

9. Independence of Mind, Timothy Macklinle21

This book deals with the concept of liberty and its various forms like

freedom of expression, privacy and liberty, conscience and rational

personality. Under chapter of this book reason and religion are discussed in

widest since with a psychological perspective.

10. Democracy and Human Rights and The Rule of Law22

This book is an edited book by Venkat Iyer. It contains 1l essays in the

honor of Nani Palkhiwaia. The 8th essay of book is devoted to distortion of

Secularism by M.V. Kamath, who was Constituent Advisor. He elaborated

Secularism and various existing religions and their respective practices. It

describes various incidents which hamper the secular character of Indian


11. Supreme Court on constitution of India, N.K. Acharya23.

This is a reference book by N.K. Acharya. It contains Role of Supreme

Court of India in interpretation of Various Articles of Indian Constitution.

From page number 497 to 410, it provides plethora judgments of Supreme

Timothy Macklinle Independence of Mind, Oxford university Press, New York, First Edition 2006, ISBN-
Iyer Venkat, Democracy and Human Rights and The Rule of Law Butterworths India, New Delhi,
first Edition 200, ISBN-81-87162-18-X
Acharya N.K. Supreme Court on constitution of India Asia Law House Hyderabad, First Edition 2012,

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

Court of India on freedom of Religion and rights of minorities guaranteed

under Article 25 to 30 of Indian Constitution.

1.8 Scheme of Cauterization:

The researcher framed the title of the research and formed certain tests in the

form of hypothesis. To study the secularism and freedom of religion under

Indian Constitution and role of Supreme Court of India, the researcher has

prepared the following scheme of Cauterization.

1: Introduction.

The first chapter deals with Introduction to research problem. The researcher

has traced out the Conceptual perspective of secularism and freedom of

religion under Indian Constitution.

2: Concept of Secularism:

In second chapter researcher has elaborated and analyzed the concept of

secularism minutely. According to Chairman of drafting of Indian

Constitution secularism means, "We can abolish the religion, it does take

into consideration the religious sentiments of the people or Parliament shall

not be competent to impose any particular religion up on the people".

Religion means binding moral principles and the ways of worship generally

followed by a community into their day-to-day life.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

3: Concept of Religion and Essence of freedom of Religion:

The third chapter deals with concept religion under Indian scenario. Religion

is a system of belief symbols, vales and certain moral principles which are

binding on a defined community which is generally in the search of ultimate

solution of ultimate truth.

4: constitutional perspective of freedom of religion and Secularism.

The Forth chapter of present research is about the study of concept of

secularism and Freedom of religion

Article 25 of Indian Constitution: - Freedom of conscience and free

profession, practice and propagation of religion subject to public order

morality and health and to the other provision of this part, all persons are

equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the freely to profess practice

and propagate religion.

5: Freedom of Religion and Secularism'

The fifth Chapter is devoted to systematic study of Part III of Indian

Constitution and with special reference to Article 25 and concept of

secularism under Indian Constitution.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

6: Role of Supreme court of India in shaping Religious freedom and


The sixth chapter is related to Role of Supreme Court in maintenance of

secularism and enforcement of freedom of religion in Indian scenario. It is

necessary to study the microscopic view of Supreme Court of India to

maintain India as secular Country. In present chapter the researcher has

studied minutely the decisions of delivered by the Supreme Court of India

and the attitude of Supreme Court for the enforcement secularism and

religious freedom.

7: Conclusions and Suggestions. The researcher arrived to conclusions and

made suggestions which will be the sweet fruits of the present research


“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.


Multiculturalism denotes plurality of faith and belief in a specific

territory. It is fundamental characteristic of Indian social democracy. One

important issue concerns the distinction between multiculturalism and what

may be called plural monoculturalism? Does the existence of a diversity of

cultures, which pass each other like ship in the night, count as a successful

case of multiculturalism?24 Freedom of religion is a sacrosanct liberty

provided by Part III of Indian constitution. Again in free democracies it is a

matter of free choice for an adult person whether to belong to any religion or

not. He may not believe in any religion or he may change his religion. But

the membership of a religion inevitably limits the freedom he would have

enjoyed if had not belonged to any religion 25. We also adopted the concept

secularism under Indian constitution, though the world secular added in

1976. The nature of Indian constitution was secular for very inception of

Indian constitution. Freedom of religion and secularism are antonymous to

each other but still makers of Indian constitution nicely clubbed two

concepts to in such a way to achieve harmonious and peaceful coexistence in

the nation. Freedom of religion and secularism are not defined under Indian

Sen, Amartya Identity and Violence the Illusion of Diversity Penguin Books London, ISBN 978-0-713-
99938-9 Page No. 156
Seervai H.M., Constitutional Law of India, Universal Law Publishing Co.pvt. Ltd. Vol. 2 Reprint 2008
ISBN: 978-81-7534-403-7 Page No. 272

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

constitution hence it triggered the significance of judicial interpretation to

solve many disputing situations. The role of judiciary in country like India is

very vital as there is always tussle between the freedom of religion and

secularism. Secularism can be defined as neutrality of state regarding

religious matters. It is expected in secularism country like India that religion

will not interfere in temporal powers of the state and state will provide at

most liberty to religion to practice it without any hurdle.

Constitutional Provisions

As we know that India is secular country still it provides religious freedom.

Article 25 to 28 of Indian constitution devoted to Religious freedom of

Indian citizens. Freedom of conscience is fundamental of right of person

under which any religious faith can be practiced, professed, and propagated.

This freedom is subject to public order, morality, and health. Indian

constitution is world’s best constitution to have such liberal provisions. In

order to keep society cohesive, religious liberty is necessary 26. Part III forms

Article 25 to 30 are totally devoted to freedom of conscience Article 25

merely protects the freedom of religion to practice rituals and ceremonies

etc. which are integral parts of the religion. A disposition towards making

Shetreet Shimon, Law and Social Pluralism, Lexis Nexis Butterworths, New Delhi ISBN: 81-8038-003-3

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

gift for charitable or religious purpose may be a pious act of a person but the

same cannot be said to be an integral part of any religion27.

Preamble of Indian Constitution:

Preamble is introduction to Indian constitution it plays vital role in

interpretation of provisions of constitution. The secular world secular was

absent in original constitution and formally it was incorporated in 1976 by

forty second amendment. The concept of secularism was not defined under

constitution it empowers judiciary to interpret it as situation demands.

Article 25 of Indian Constitution:

Constitution is a sacrosanct legal document created by the mutual

understanding of the people. It is will of people in which way they wants to

live their life. There are several provisions under Indian constitution which

empowers to practice religion as fundamental right. Mere entries in

telephone application & voters list cannot be the sole ground for proving that

the applicant is professing Christianity28.

Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of


Bakshi P.M., The Constitution of India, Universal Law Publishing co New Delhi, xii edition ISBN: 978-93-
5035-290-8 Page. No. 75
Bakshi P.M., The Constitution of India, Universal Law Publishing co New Delhi, xii edition ISBN: 978-93-
5035-290-8 Page. No. 76

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

I: subject to public order morality and health and to the other provision of

this part, all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the

freely to profess practice and propagate religion.

II: Nothing in this Article shall affect the operation of any existing law or

prevent the state from making any law - regulating or restricting any

economic, financial political or other secular activity which may be

associated with religious practice; providing for social welfare and reform or

throwing open of Hindu religious institutions of public character to all

classes and sections of Hindus.

Article 44 of Indian Constitution:

Uniform civil code for citizens. - The State shall end endeavor to

secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.

Concept of Secularism

There was a well known tussle between spiritual and temporal power

between state and church, according to English model of secularism power

of church and state differentiate from one another and each shall not

interfere in either's working. One sward moreover, ought to be under the

other and temporal authority to be subjected to the spiritual.... Both swards

are in the power of church, the one by the hand of priest29, Secularism as we

Ebenstein, Great political Thinker Oxford and IBH3rd Edition 1969 p. 257-258

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

know today is a philosophy of state not to provide nay supremacy of religion

in sate matters. This is philosophy bifurcates the temporal and spiritual

powers. It is expedient to know the concept of secularism in India. Ideas like

secularism can’t be held as a dividing tool but it is a collection of abstracts,

philosophical and lofty principles of statehood because of the purpose for

which it has been introduced in the constitution. Constitutions are made for

creation of a collective identity but not for divide policy30. Secularism in its

literal sense means complete neutrality of state in the matters of religion.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary states that the word 'secular' is concerned

with the affairs of the world, worldly not sacred, not monastic, not

ecclesiastical, temporal, profane, lay. The Encyclopedia Britannica says the

word 'secular' means: non-spiritual, having no concern with religion or

spiritual matters. Structural Characteristics of Secularism If secularism has

to be a process of overall31. Secularism is an idealism followed by any

democratic state. The notion of secularism as west model is not followed in

India because Indian secularism is unique one.

The state is empowered to interfere in the matters of religion when religion

tries to overreach secularism notion. The power of this secularized type of

Vol. II – Issue 3 ISSN 2278-6996 B.L.R p.413 (2014)
Hassan Rajib Ph.D Scholar, Lecturer'. Haldia Law College. Haldia Voice of Research Vol. 3, Issue 1
June 2014 ISSN 2277-7733 p.67

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

idealism derives in large part from its close connection with science and in

this union of social and scientific secularism the movement which since the

middle age has been gathering momentum finds its logical climax 32.

Secularism is most controversial concept under Indian condition because

there is dispute which model of secularism India is following. What is the

fate of Indian secularism? What are the secular principles followed in India

it needed judicial interpretation and scrutiny. It is very much necessary to

separate the spiritual and temporal powers for better tomorrow.

Secularism and the Constituent Assembly Debates:

When Indian constitution was drafted the word 'secular' was not deliberately

included under Indian constitution. The basic reason behind such omission

is that constitution makers intentionally avoided inserting world secular

under Indian constitution to avoid implications the anti-religious overtone

associated with the doctrine of secularism. Due to this word secular was not

inserted under Indian constitution.

Secularism in United State of America:

The original American constitution is unaware about the freedom of religion

and secularism. American constitution was amended by first constitution

amendment Act and in this way America become first official secular state. I
Groethuysem, B, Secularism in Encyclopedia of the Social science 1962 Macmillan Company New York

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people

which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an

establishment of religion or prohibiting free exercise thereof thus building a

wall of separation between church and the state"33

The role of judiciary is not satisfactory to adhere the concept of secularism

because many decisions make it clear that some sort of religious interfere is

allowed in state affairs and vice versa. The judiciary is empowered to

interpret the first amendment to such an extent to keep church and state

away from each other.

Secularism in United Kingdom:

The position of secularism in England is very much different form United

States of America and India. In ancient England the decision of church were

final and binding on state. The church was in strong capacity to give

directions to the state. It is asserts by the state temporal and spiritual powers

are derived from God or almighty itself and hence church can make binding

decisions on state.

Jeff Works. 113, quoted by Waite G.1. in George Reynolds v. United States 98 US 145. 164

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

The present scenario is reversed and King/Queen is head of church and

direction can b given by the state to church. The secularism in England

which follow model of religious interfere in the administration of the

country. The priests can hold many positions in state departments.

Indian Secularism:

The concept of secularism followed in India is different model of

secularism form western countries. Indian constitution declares India as

secular state hence there is no official religion of India. . India’s Constitution

is somewhat unique in that instead of reflecting India’s society, one of its

main aims was and still is t shape Indian society and to bring around social

reform. Indeed freedom of religion has been limited in certain cases34. The

state cannot declare any religion as state sponsored religion nor shall

discriminate among the religion and religious denomination. The state was

barred from discriminating among Indians on the ground of religion.

Religious freedom is available to all subject to secularism concept followed

in India. The Indian secularism is criticized sudo secularism means it is only

to appease to minorities in India. It is the duty of majority to protect the

religious minorities in India. It is also said that secularism is not followed in

Shetreet Shimon & Chodosh Hiram E., Uniform Civil Code, Oxford University Press 1st edition 2015 ISBN:
978-0-19-807712-1 Page No. 27.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

India in letter and spirit. Article 25 clause 2 sub clause (b) provides that state

can interfere in the matters of religion on the basis economic and secular

activity of the religious denomination. The social reforms are yet another

ground on which state can interfere in the religious matters of individual.

Freedom of Religion

Freedom of religion is required to have a faith in some super human power

or almighty or creator of this world. Every religion has own stories of

inception of human beings on this earth. Religious freedom is essential for

inner satisfaction. Religion is code of ethical rules and also means rituals,

observations, ceremonies, and modes of worship, which are its outer

manifestations. It can be identified with feelings, emotions, sentiments,

instincts, perception, conscience, and belief, or faith 35.This concept of

conscience, belief, faith and worship is varying from person to person.

Religion is matter of individual choice and it shall not be compelled by

external force. Indian constitution gives freedom or religion as fundamental

right to every person. True religion is the foundation of society, the basis on

which all true civil Governments rests, and both sanctions36. Article 25 is

the reservoir of freedom of religion in India. It provides liberty to profess,

practice, and propagate any religion as per the choice of individual. If any
Radhakrishnan. Sarvapalli Dr, An Ideal View of Life Chapter III, Page No.84
Ambedkar Babasaheb Dr, Annihilation of Caste with Reply to Mahatma Gandhi Secretary, Higher &
Technical Education Department Government of Maharashtra 14 April 2014, page no. 52

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

freedom conferred by part III of Indian constitution is infringe by the state or

individual then aggravated party can knock the doors of judiciary.

Essence of Freedom of Religion:

What is the importance of religion in person life? Whether to believe in

religion is compulsory? Why a religion has dominancy over individual?

Answers to above mentioned question don’t have tailor-made answers

because, it is highly impossible to tress the grounds of religious belief. It is

the individual choice to have or haven’t belief in religion. It is the inner

conscience of person which drags him to have belief on particular religion.

This important freedom is guaranteed under Indian constitution. The

fundamental object of any religion is to organize the individuals under one

umbrella and inculcate the concept of common brotherhood under the

philosophy of any religion.

Freedom of religion and freedom from religion are always discussed any

times. Freedom from religion means liberty not to believe in any particular

religion. A person is allowed not have belief and faith in particular religion.

If a person can enjoy the fruits of religion as per the choice of person, and if

he/she wants change belief, faith and can convert another religion.

If a person wants to follow the doctrines of any religion then it is free. When

he professes any religion then he must follow essential or integral part of

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

religion. When an individual rejects basic tenants of any religion then he

may not called follower of any specified religion. In Gurlen Kaur v. State of

Punjab, Supreme Court held that it is the duty of follower of religion to

follow all the basic modes prescribed by the religion. In this case a Sikh girl

was dined admission to religious institution run exclusively for Sikh

minorities. The girl trimmed her eyebrows which are against the Sikh

religion because it is the duty of all followers to keep unshorn hairs. This

rule was not followed hence she was denied admission in religious

institution. The religion can prescribe code of conduct for its followers. The

behavior of religious person can be controlled and a pacific mode may be

prescribed. Jaina religion follows strict vegetarianism and majority follows it

as religious rite or ritual. Non vegetarian items or food is strictly prohibited

in their day to day life. The concept of non violence is followed in its

extreme sense. There is a tussle between Christian, Jews and Islam on

Jerusalem a holy place treated as sacred place for all these religions. There is

a constant claim of religion on this place and due to this there is a bloodshed

going on till today in the name of religion. Religion can motivated to

followers to commit violence also and many religions are justifying their

immoral and anti religion acts. Freedom of religion shall be exercised with

care and not to violate the rights of others religious feeling.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

Spiritual development and prosperity of individual is the prime object

any religion. The satisfaction is outcome of religious faith and belief and

same cannot count through any measure. Whenever an individual is

exercising religion it shall not violate rights guaranteed to other religion.

Indian secularism is the best example secularism in the world because

secular Indian constitution provides freedom of religion to all. This right has

made fundamental right enforceable against the state and in some cases

against the private individual

It is expedient to know what is mean by religion. Various religions

have provided different definitions of religion but there is uniformity among

them. Hence we must know what is expected to Supreme Court. The apex

court of India is the ultimate interpreted of Indian constitution. Whenever a

freedom of religion is violated then party must file writ petition for

enforcement of fundamental right. The Supreme Court of India

In a very famous landmark case in Commissioner of Hindu Religious

Endowment, Madras v. Lakshmindra Tirtha Swamiar of Shri Shirur Mutt37,

Supreme Court of India held that freedom of religion can’t be taken away

because religion is very much personal faith and belief. Apex court also held

that God is not essential requirement of any religion. There are religions

AIR 1954 SC 282

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

which are not believed in the God or almighty. This Judicial interpretation

permits to have faith in none. As we know that every religion is worship

some God if we apply this judgment then it is possible that atheists who do

not believe God religion certainly follow a religion, which does not believe

in God. Hence this judgment contributes significant contribution that God is

not precedent requirement of God.

In Mohd. Hanif Qureshi v. State of Bihar38 case apex court of India was

dealing with constitutional validity of total ban cow slaughter in India.

While delivering landmark judgment court held that there are certain

principles of religion which constitutes essential part of that religion. The

question may arise regarding what is essential for religion or integral part of

religion? The answer is that the Judiciary will deice the integral part of

religion as and when required. The court may examine the customs or

traditions of religion on the basis of its holy scriptures or other reliable

sources of that particular religion.

Freedom of Religion in United States of America:

American democracy is the oldest democracy in the world. It

constitution was came in to existence in 1793. The first constitution

amendment was inserted under American constitution to provide freedom of

AIR 1958 SC 731.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

religion as per the amendment congress shall not establish any religion of its

own. The state shall not impose any religion on citizen and they are free to

exercise. In Everson v. Board of Education39 the Apex court of India held

neither a state nor the federal government can set up a church or religion.

Freedom of Religion in England (United Kingdom)

The church and state has under controversy regarding use of powers

and who should be under whose control. Initially church establishes

supremacy over the church. The church claimed authority to give directions

to state rather it was made compulsory to obtain aid and advice for the

church. The spiritual and temporal powers were equal still upper hand was

given to churches. The present situation is exactly opposite and Queen of

England is head of the Church of England and churches are under the control

of state. All persons shall enjoy full liberty of conscience and the free

exercise of their forms of worship, subject only to the maintenance of public

order and morals40.

330 U.S.I. (1947 )
The King’s order in Council 1922 Art. 17 (1) (a)

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

Freedom or Religion in India

Religion is not in doctrines in dogmas, nor in intellectual

argumentation; it is being and becoming, it is realization 41.While exercising

freedom of religion persons must be aware of the right of others. It is

observed that whenever religion is practiced it shall not disturb or create

nuisance. The freedom of religion guaranteed under Indian constitution is

subject to the right of others. In Church of God (Full Gospell) in India v.

K.K.R. Majestic Colony Welfare Association42 court was having a close look

at religious freedom of person provided by Article 25 of Indian constitution.

It was the routine of church that to sung prayers for that purpose they fixed a

loudspeaker outside the church so that people can understand that prayers

are going on. It was distributing to neighbors because it was residential area.

Petitioners claimed that it is the fundamental right of church to sung prayers

and they never crossed permissible level of noise pollution. The apex court

of India held that it is volition of right to sleep as part and parcel of Article

21 of Indian constitution held that use of loudspeakers in not essential part of

freedom of religion guaranteed to persons. This kind of freedom of religion

is not expected to Article 25 of Indian constitution.

Sen, Gautam The Mind of Swami Vivekananda, 19th Edition 2008 page. no 536
AIR 2000 SC 2773.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

In yet another trend setting judgment Acharya Jagdhishwaranand

Avdhut v. Commissioner of Police, Calcutta43, the petitioners in this were

restrained from conducting procession on Public Street carrying sharp

weapons in their hands. The petitioners in this case claimed that freedom of

religion is available them under Article 25 of constitution. The court held

that freedom of religion exercised and same is creating law and order

situation then such practice of religion is not permissible. The court evolved

a very basic principle that freedom of religion can be curtailed when it

hampers the public order.

In Narendra v. State of Gujarat44 apex court was encountered with a


As per article 26 of constitution the religious denominations can

establish religious institutions. The movable and immovable property can be

acquired by the religious institutions. In this case Gujarat government passed

ceiling on holding of Agriculture land Act and property was acquired ad

declared as surplus. This Act was challenged as violative to freedom of

religion. Apex court of India held that Act is valid and ceiling on holding

land is applicable to religious institutions and freedom of religion is not

available in is area.

AIR 1984 SC 5
AIR 1974 SC 2092

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

In Sarala Mudgal's case45 this case was trend setting decision of apex

court of India. A person was converted to Islam for taking the benefit of

bigamy i.e. A Muslim can marry up to four wives and protection is provided

under Muslim personal law. It was a colorable conversion to take undue

advantage of Muslim personal law. Section 494 of Indian Penal Code 1860

provided that “Marrying again during lifetime of husband or wife. Whoever,

having a husband or wife living, marries in any case in which such marriage

is void by reason of its taking place during the life of such husband or wife,

shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which

may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine.

Supreme Court of India held that he is guilty under section 494 of

Indian constitution and very important observation was made regarding

Uniform Civil Code for all without any discrimination. Justice Kuldeep

Singh state that Article 44 remained as dead letters of law and directed

central government to have fresh look at Article 44 of Indian constitution.

The nexus between Freedom of Religion and Secularism

The constitution of India provided detailed provisions about freedom of

religion. Amendment provided under Indian constitution but certain parts

cannot be amended. This doctrine of basic stricture was evolved by top court

AIR 1995 SC 1531

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

of India in Keshwanand Bharti’s case court declare features of constitution

as basic structure.

In S.R. Bommai v. State of Kerala46 Supreme Court of India held that

secularism is a basic structure of Indian constitution. It means neutrality in

the matters of religion will remain as stance of state. The state cannot

declare official religion of India as a state sponsor religion, now it is part and

parcel of Indian constitution hence out of reach of parliament.

Legislative action in shaping freedom of Religion and Secularism:

Legislature is one of the most vital pillars of democracy; it represents

the will and wish of millions. It is the duty of legislatress to legislate for the

betterment of public at large; the representation must be used for true

presentation purpose. Secularism is held as basic structure of Indian

constitution it is the duty of state to protect the secular characteristics of

Indian constitution.

Acquisition of Certain Area of Ayodha Act 1993:

After the demolition of Babri mosque at Ayodha in 199, the violence broke

out through the. The civil cases are pending before the courts. It was

necessary to interfere in the matter to maintain status quo in the matter. The

parliament of India enacted this law and acquired the land till final judgment

AIR 1994 SC 1918.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

will not come out. Definitely it was state interfere in the matter of Hindu and

Islam religion. This interfere was challenged in Ismail Farooqui case where

Supreme Court of India upheld the constitutional validity of Act. Public

order is exception to freedom of religion in this incident there was a great

threat to public order, unity and integrity of nation.

The Dargah Khwaja Saheb Act 1 955:

Ajmer is a district in Rajastan there is a Khwaja Garib Nawaz saheb

Dargah. It is very famous among all the religion people in India. It is

symbol of unity and integrity of nation. The state government of Rajastan

passed this law to regulate secular administration of Dargah. It was declared

as valid and constitutional, court held that though interfere in religious

matter but till secularism is basic structure of Indian constitution hence it is

the duty of state to protect it and can interfere in secular activities of Dargah.

In Dargah Committee, Ajmer v. Syed Husain Ali47 Supreme Court of India

held that the Act cannot be challenged as violation of Article 26 of Indian

constitution as the object of the Act is to administer the property which is

secular activity of the religion.

1962 1 SCR 383

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

Andhra Pradesh Devdasi Protection Act 1988:

The custom of sati was heinous tradition followed in the state of Andhara

Pradesh. Where married women after the death of her husband use to or

compel to go sati her husband. It was treated as most sacrosanct on earth.

After her death temple is built in that village. All these things were done as a

part and parcel of Hindu religion. This Act given challenge as infringement

of freedom of religion under constitution. The Supreme Court of India held

that Act is valid and constitutional as health of women is in danger, to

protect the health of women and ensure her dignified life this law was passed

and upheld by the judiciary.

Supreme Court as guardian of religious freedom and Secularism

Out of three organs of the judiciary is most important and supreme organ of

the state. We adopted the democratic form of government hence every organ

of the state is vital for successful governance. The most critical problem in

our legal system today is delay in justice48.

The judiciary is top adjudicatory authority in India. This organ is also called

as final interpreter of constitution and watch dog of fundamental rights of

persons. Freedom of religion and secularism are two contrasting terms are

used under Indian constitution. It is the prime duty of judiciary to protect the

Singhvi, L.M Dr. Evolution of Indian Judiciary, Ocean Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, ISBN 978-81-8430-
127-4 Page No. 308

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

freedom of religion of individuals and maintain secularism in the country.

There were many contrasting situations came before judiciary, where

judiciary have to pick up one whether to protect individual liberty in the

form of freedom of religion. Constitution therefore seeks ensure state

neutrality in this area49. The judiciary is under massive pressure in deciding

such kind of cases. Rights are not absolute, and hence, nor is this right.

According to Prof. Raz, the limit of this right is the individual autonomy of

others50. The role played by judiciary is very important hence it is

necessary to see what kind of role played through various cases. Freedom of

religion is subject to following exceptions:

Public Order:

Maintenance of law and order situation in the society in the primary duty of

state, it shall restrict or prohibits situations which give rise to communal

disharmony. While exercising fundamental rights guaranteed under

constitution or practice of any religion crate or likely to create or disturb

public order in the society. The state is under duty to curb such activities.

There may arises question of freedom of religion or interference in religious

activities but for the sake of secular character of nation it is required to

reasonable interfere. The question is that what creates public order? How to
Vol. II – Issue 3 ISSN 2278-6996 B.L.R p.380 (2014)
Shetreet Shimon, Law and Social Pluralism Lexis Nexis Butterworths, New Delhi, ISBN: 81-8038-003-
3 Page No.26

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

tackle such situations? What are the measures to curb such situations? The

policy enshrined for freedom of religion under constitution is very much

clear; it states provisions under which state can take necessary steps.

Sometimes it is necessary to take hard and fast action to have effective

control to overcome such public order situations.


Law and morality is a point of discussion since form ages. Whether

amorality can interfere in law and vice versa? What is the permissible

limitation for interference between secular laws of nation? Morality depends

on society and culture, as we are secularized in character our laws and its

enforcement must be in secular way. It can be defined as all manners, of

rules, standard, principles, or norms by which men regulate guide and

control their relationship with themselves and with others 51. Morality is

vague concept hence very time it may not be allowed to interfere. Moral

principles can be enforce but up to what extent? The judiciary shall decide

the matters as and when required. The apex court many times came across

such situation and handled it very tactfully. Thus no society can afford to

free murderer even with the consent of the victim nor can any societies

approve polygamy or polyandry, even if the parties to it have no objection.

Harding, A.L. Religion, Morality and Law, P. 28

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

Thus there are certain central areas where there is little scope for

disagreement but the same cannot be said about matters falling at the

periphery and therefore, each society, must have freedom to discuss them

and decide whether it would like to bring law into that area52.


The human activities have affect on health. Health is most important

aspect of for people of the country. State is under obligation to protect and

improve health of citizens. If the state is intervening in religious matters

which have effect human health then it is not violation of Article e 25 of

Indian constitution. In Nikhil Soni v. union of India & ors, dated10.8.2015, a

religious custom or traditions of Jaina named Santhara or Sallekhana was

declared as violation of right to life and personal liberty guaranteed under

constitution. Jaina religion is one of the ancient faith traditions of India. It is

distinct religion having its own identity53. Health was considered as at most

importance than religious freedom, religion may prescribe certain acts or

customs but it should be examine by judiciary. The judiciary will decide the

fate of such customs and traditions. In Jagdhishwaranand Avaduth’s case

apex court of India struck down the custom of tandava dance on Public

Singh, M.P. Outline of Indian Legal, & Constitutional History, Eights Edition, Universal Law Publishing
Co. New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-7534-558-4 Page. No. 186
Mahmood Tahir Prof., Laws of India on Religion and Religious Affairs, Universal Law Publishing co.
edition 2008 ISBN: 978-81-7534-659-8 Page. No.124

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

Street, which carries lethal sharp weapons. It is pivotal to have a close

scrutiny by judiciary of each and every custom, tradition or mode of


Freedom of is most essential liberty to individual to profess, practice

and propagate any religion. It is a liberty of individual’s conscience, but it

shall not infringe the fundamental rights of public at large. Secularism is

followed in India to keep sate distance for all religions. Whichever of the

models is the better one, the constitution of India seems to have elected to

follow the model of neutrality. Article 15 forbids discrimination on the

ground of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth, while Article 44 seems

to be clear as it calls for a uniform civil code, thus proclaiming, one rule for

all54. Indian Supreme Court has nicely and strategically shaped the freedom

of religion in India. It was very super human task to shape Indian secularism

and protects the freedom of religion. Plethora of verdict of top court of India

has directed states to mold their actions or change the policy to ensure the

freedom of religion and in certain cases allowed state interference as and

when necessary. A constitution cannot secure fundamental rights by merely

making pious declarations. To make the promises of fundamental rights

Shetreet Shimon & Chodosh, Hiram E, Uniform Civil Code, Oxford University Press 1 st edition 2015
ISBN: 978-0-19-807712-1 Page No. 27.

“The concept of Secularism and Freedom of Religion: Role of Supreme Court of India With Special
Reference to Article 25 of Indian Constitution” An Analytical Study.

enforceable a measure of judicial review is essential and indispensible55.

Hence it is ample clear that Supreme Court of India is protector of freedom

of religion and maintenance of secularism in India.

Singhvi. L.M. Dr, Evolution of Indian Judiciary, Ocean Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, ISBN 978-81-8430-
127-4 Page No. 367


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