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Greek mythology and medical

and psychiatric terminology
Loukas Athanasiadis

A great number of terms in modern psychiatry, Narcissus gave his name to narcissism (ex
medicine and related disciplines originate from treme self-love based on an idealised self-image).
the Greek, including pathology, schizophrenia, He was a young man extremely proud of his
ophthalmology, gynaecology, anatomy, pharma beauty and indifferent to the emotions of those
cology, biology, hepatology, homeopathy, allo who fell in love with him. A goddess cursed him
pathy and many others. There are also many to feel what it is to love and get nothing in return.
terms that originate from figures from ancient He subsequently fell in love with his own image
Greek mythology (or the Greek words related to when he saw his reflection in the water of a
those figures) and I think that it might be fountain, and believed that this image belonged
interesting to take a look at some of them. to a spirit. Every time he tried to embrace the
Psyche means 'soul' in Greek and she gave her image it disappeared and appeared without
names to terms like psychiatry (medicine of the saying a word. At the end the desperate
soul), psychology, etc. Psyche was a mortal girl Narcissus died and was turned into a flower that
with whom Eros ('love', he gave his name to still bears his name.
erotomania, etc.) fell in love. Eros's mother Echo was a very attractive young nymph who
Aphrodite had forbidden him to see mortal girls. always wanted to have the last word. One day
He defied her order and started seeing Psyche in she deceived the goddess Juno, who then passed
the dark, while she was not allowed to ask his a sentence upon her not to be able to speak but
name or look at his face. When she disobeyed only to reply by repeating the last words of the
him and lit a lamp, Eros fled away. Psyche then person talking to her. When Echo fell in love with
wandered long in search of him, they were Narcissus she was unable to express her feelings
eventually united and, even better, she became and she could only repeat his last words - the
immortal. affair was of course very short-lived! Echo gave
Aphrodite was the goddess of beauty, daughter her name to echolalia (almost automatic repeti
of Diane and Jupiter, and sprang from the foam tion of words or phrases heard) and echopraxia
of the sea at Cyprus. She was married to the ugly (involuntary mimicking of another's movements).
god Hephaestus and had numerous affairs. She Priapism is named after Priapus. He was the
gave her name to the aphrodisiacs and as Venus god of reproductive power and fertility and was
(her Latin name) to the venereal diseases. later regarded as the chief deity of lasciviousness
Phobos ('fear' in Greek), from whose name the and obscenity.
phobias derive, was another son of Aphrodite. Sappho was a (real person), a poetess who wrote
Officially he was the son of Hephaestus, however lyrical poems about sex and love, probably
his real father was Ares the god of war, whom he between women. She lived on the island of Lesbos
used to accompany into battle. (Mitilini) which was named after the mythical
Hygeia (health) gave her name to terms like Lesbos the son of Lapithes. From Lesbos and
hygiene and hygienic. She was the daughter of Sappho are derived the words lesbianism and
the famous physician Asclepius, god of medicine. sapphism.
The piece of the elastic membrane to the Hypnus was probably the son of Nyx (Night)
entrance to the vagina is called after Hymen or and Erebus and twin brother of Thanatos
Hymenaeus. He was the son of Dionysus and (Death). His name in Greek means 'sleep'.
Aphrodite and the god of marriage. Hypnosis, hypnagogic phenomena, etc. have
Syrinx was a beautiful nymph who was turned the same root.
to a tuft of reeds when the satyr Pan tried to rape Nyx was also the mother of Géras(old age) from
her. The air sounding through the reeds pro whose name terms such as geriatric medicine
duced a plaintive melody and a musical instru originate.
ment was named after her. The syringe used in Morpheus was one of Hypnus's 1000 children.
injections might bear a connection. The drug morphine was named after him.

Psychiatric Bulletin (1997), 21, 781-782 781


Mania was the personification of madness. him. However, Oedipus survived and years later
Lethe (oblivion) was the daughter of Eris and met, had an argument with and killed his father
she gave her name to the river of oblivion in the (without knowing his identity). He then solved
underworld. Her name has the same root as the the riddle of the Sphinx and married his mother
terms lethargy and lethargic. Jocasta. When he found out what happened (and
Mnemosyne was a Titaness, daughter of his mother killed herself) he put out his eyes. His
Uranus and Gaia and the personification of story has been told in Oedipus the King,
memory. Amnesia, amnestic, etc. are related Antigone, and Oedipus in Colonus by Sophocles
terms. and Seven against Thebes by Aeschylus. Sig-
The word hebe (adolescence) is the root of the mund Freud named his famous complex after
term hebephrenic. Hebe was the daughter of the Oedipus.
goddess Hera, wife of Heracles and personifica The Electra complex refers to the erotic
tion of youth. attachment of a daughter to her father and is
Another son of Aphrodite was Hermaphroditus. named after the daughter of Agamemnon and
He was a very handsome young man with whom Clytemnestra. Electra persuaded her brother
the nymph Salmacis fell in love. One day he got Orestes to kill their mother and her lover
undressed and plunged into the lake of Salma Aegisthus, who had previously killed Agamem
cis. When she tried to embrace him Hermaphro non.
ditus did not like it and tried to push her away. As you can see there is usually a remarkable
She then prayed to the gods to cause their bodies resonance between the characteristics of the
never to be separated. That eventually happened figures in Greek mythology and the conditions
and an hermaphrodite was born. and behaviours that were named after them in
The Satyrs gave their name to satyriasis the later years.
(obsessive insatiable desire for sexual gratifica
tion). They were half men (upper part) and half
goats (lower part) and became infamous for their Further reading
lasciviousness and sexual appetite. GRIMAL. P. (1990) A Concise Dictionary of Classical
King Laius of Thebes ordered his newborn son Mythology, London: Blackwell.
Oedipus to be put to death following an oracle's
LASS.A.. KIREMIDJIAN, D. & GOLDSTEIN,R. (1987) Dictionary
pronouncement that Oedipus would finally kill of Classical and Literary Allusion, Ware: Wordsworth.

782 Athanasiadis

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