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Quiz audio script

Units 13–14 [Track 8]

A A server is taking an order. Listen and complete the order

SERVER: Good afternoon. How are you doing today?
CUSTOMER: Just fine, thanks.
SERVER: May I take your order now?
CUSTOMER: Yes, I think I’ll have a hamburger.
SERVER: One hamburger. And would you like cheese with that?
CUSTOMER: Yes, please.
SERVER: OK. What else would you like with it?
CUSTOMER: An order of french fries, please.
SERVER: All right. One order of fries. And how about a salad?
CUSTOMER: That sounds good. A small green salad.
SERVER: What kind of dressing would you like?
CUSTOMER: Blue cheese, please.
SERVER: Anything else? Would you like something to drink?
CUSTOMER: Yes. Do you have iced coffee?
SERVER: No, but we have iced tea.
CUSTOMER: That’d be fine. I’ll have a large one.
SERVER: How about dessert? We have pie, cake, ice cream . . .
CUSTOMER: I’ll have some chocolate ice cream. And actually,
I’ve changed my mind about the french fries.
SERVER: You don’t want the fries?
CUSTOMER: No, thanks.
SERVER: OK, that’s fine. I’ll bring your salad right away.
CUSTOMER: Thanks a lot.

Interchange Assessment Material 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 13–14 Quiz audio script 1

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