IC5 L1 WQ U15to16 Script

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Quiz audio script

Units 15–16 [Track 9]

A Listen to two telephone conversations. Check the correct

WES: [phone rings] Hello?
LAURA: Hi, Wes. This is Laura.
WES: Oh, hi, Laura. How are you?
LAURA: Pretty good, thanks. Listen, would you like to come
to a beach party on Saturday? Amy and Terry are going to
be there.
WES: Amy and Terry? Great! Uh, what time on Saturday?
LAURA: Well, we want to start around 6:00 in the evening.
WES: Oh, no! I start work at 6:00. I have a part-time job in a
LAURA: Oh, that’s too bad, Wes. Well, maybe another time.
WES: Yeah, I hope so. Thanks for thinking of me.
LAURA: No problem. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.
WES: Bye, Laura.
RITA: [phone rings] Hi, this is Rita.
CHARLIE: Hey, Rita. This is Charlie. How’re things?
RITA: Not bad. How are you doing, Charlie?
CHARLIE: Fine. Say, would you like to come to a dance
performance this weekend?
RITA: I’d love to, but I’m pretty busy this weekend. I have to
study for a test on Monday morning.
CHARLIE: Hmm. Are you going to study all weekend?
RITA: Well, no. I’m going to a basketball game on Saturday night
with Lucinda. But I really have to keep some time on the
weekend for studying.
CHARLIE: OK. I see. How about tomorrow evening then? The
tickets are half price during the week.
RITA: That’s a good idea! Let’s do it.
CHARLIE: Great! Meet me outside the Odeon Theater at about
7:45, OK?
RITA: Excellent! See you there! Bye. Oh, and thanks.
CHARLIE: You’re welcome. See you tomorrow.

Interchange Assessment Material 1 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Units 15–16 Quiz audio script 1

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