Lesson Plan

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Activity Presentation MUSI90012 2018 Rhythm/Pitch Games

Lesson Plan

Goals: Hypothetically by the end of a series of classes spanning a certain time period,
students will:
- Learn to identify and be able to verbalise and clap common rhythmic patterns.
(Kodaly rhythm syllables)
- Be able to memorize rhythmic patters
- Be able to keep a steady pulse/tempo
- Be able to identify pitch through solfege with relative ease (verbal and written)
- Be able to sing familiar songs with solfege and lyrics
- Be able to sing in canon (harmonize for more advanced)

Target Age group: Flexible. Difficulty level can be adjusted. Late primary to Early high
Prior Knowledge covered during core music lesson: Basic knowledge of Solfege, and
relating them to each pitch, can verbalise and audiate basic rhythmic patterns i.e. Ta , Ti Ti,
Tika Tika Tika Ti , Ti Tika. Understand the relationship and the idea of subdivisions between
rhythms at different tempos.

Activities: To put into practice the theoretical elements of pitch, reinforce Solfege, basic
rhythmic patterns covered during lesson, metre, part-work/harmony.
 Subdivisions, rhythm game.
 Singing, pitch, canon.
 Intervals and reaction times.

Scaffolding – Prior classes will build up from achievable levels of difficulty to final levels of
harder exercises.
Catering for different learning styles: I.e. Trying to include a wide variety of activities
involving movement, singing, listening, reading, writing, creating, thinking. Groupwork.

 What was difficult or easy.
 Suggestions for songs they would like to learn next time for canon work.
 Get into pairs and test each other’s rhythmic patterns by making them up for each

Sophia F. Y. Lai 1856994

Activity Presentation MUSI90012 2018 Rhythm/Pitch Games

Sophia F. Y. Lai 1856994

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