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Water Global Problems and Conservation

Written Report
MATS 312 - Selected Topics In Environmental Science
Ryan Joie L. Aguirre - Discussant


Water is essential to life such that it connect different aspect of our lives. Access
to safe water and sanitation can swiftly divert problems into potential to one’s nation. It
can be in the field of education, health, business and agriculture. We can also say that
it plays a large part in sustainable development and somehow the heart of adaptation
to climate change.
Today, we are putting more pressure on freshwater resources than ever before.
Between a rapidly growing population and a shifting climate, water stress is increasing
around the world. Because of this, the United Nations also put water issues into
account. As of the moment they are aiming to finish their Sustainable Development
Goal 6 which is focused on water.


 Today, 1 out 9 people lack access to safe

 1 out of 3 people lack access to toilets.
 Women in other parts of the world spend 6
hours to collect water every day.
 Every 90 seconds a child dies due to water-
related disease
 1 M people water, sanitation and hygiene-
related disease
 1/3 of all school lack access to basic water
and sanitation.
 844 M people lack access to safe water Photo Credit to: Jessica Mulder

 2.3 B people living without access to

improved sanitation
 Nowadays, more people have mobile phone than toilet.
 Aside from this, women and their children suffers a lot from water crisis.
 Women suffer more than due to their sanitation and hygiene needs plus it
consumes their time in family, work and other recreational activities
 Children on the other hand give up their time for play, study and family
 Aside from that, the 3rd leading cause of death to children is diarrhea ( under 5
years old)
 Also, this affects economy cause water crisis can affect the productivity of
different employees

Retrieved June 28, 2018
Water Scarcity

In all articles I’ve read, it always come to the

conclusion that water scarcity is a prevalent Global
issue. Basically, here in our place we are not that
experiencing that water scarcity. But on the other
parts of the world it is very prevalent and even in some
parts of our country.

Causes Of Water Scarcity

 Geographic Location
 Water Pollution
 Over Population
 Wasting of Water resources
 Climate Change
 Ground Water and Fresh Water Depletion

Countries with The Worst Water Scarcity Issues

 Yemen
 Libya
 Jordan
 The Western Sahara
 Djibouti

Source: Arizona University, March 31, 2016

In July 2010, the UN General Assembly recognize that water and sanitation is one of
the human rights.
• Recognized the need of the human to access to sufficient water for personal
and domestic use which is 50-100 liters per day.
• Also the physical accessibility of water must be around within 1000 meters and
collection time should not be more than 30 minutes.
• Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6) Ensure availability and sustainable
management of water and sanitation for all. They project the accomplishment
of this by 2030.
• May 22 – World Water Day
• November 19 – World Toilet Day

Conservation of Water

• Developed by VICI Labs
• Pull moisture from the air and produce 11
gallons of water/day. (Semi-arid Conditions)
• Device blows wind into the underground
chamber which eventually condenses and
become water.
• Well, as of the moment there no devices
available since its still in progress


• Developed by F&T water solutions .
• They utilize electro coagulation to remove contaminants in the water which
filtration cannot do.

• Remove 99.99 bacteria and micro plastics
• Filter about 1000 L to 4000 L of water
• Developed by Vestergaard


• Developed by Sawyer
• Weight 2 ounces
• Can filter up to 100 000 gallons removing 99.99
• Produces clean drinking water from human feces
• Aside from that this machine produces electricity and ash which can be used or
• Primary focus is not to produce drinking water but a project as sanitation in cities.

, Retrieved June 28, 2018

greatest-water-scarcity-issue, Article Dated: March 31, 2016; Retrieved June 28,
 www.un.og/en/sections/issues-depth/water/, Retrieved June 28, 2018
 Article, The World’s Water Challenges, Hammeyer, October 19, 2017, Pacific
Institute Insights
Retrieved June 28, 2018
, Dated: February 13,
2018, Retrieved June 28, 2018

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