Organic Waste

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Speedy economic development has increased the living standard of the

populace around the globe. This has directly converted into more material
utilization and more waste production. Solid waste material, generated
particularly in the urban areas is as follows.
1. Organic waste
2. Plastic waste

3. Metal waste material

4. Glass waste material

5. Paper waste material, and

6. Electronic waste

7. Others (Ash, Sand, Grit, etc.)

Types of Waste

Recycling: Recycling is also effectual process of managing waste. It is the collection

and use of materials that would otherwise have been unwanted as the raw
materials in the production of new products. It is the process of converting waste
products into new products to avoid energy usage and utilization of fresh raw
materials. Recycling is the third component of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Waste management in Indian perspective: India is considered as second most

populous country in the world, India constantly keeps on accumulating waste
material in its physical boundaries. In densely populated urban areas, land for
proper waste treatment, disposal and overall management is limited. Recent and
sustained economic growth increasing living standards of the people, increased
manufacturing and production activities has led to increase in the waste generation
rate. Statistical reports indicated that India produces approximate 42 Million tons of
solid waste annually. In India, main issue of waste management is the absence of
systematic assessment of quality and pollution potential of waste. Initial data has
been collected by Ministry of environment and forest, pollution control board and
institution such as NEERI and National productivity counsel. These data indicated
that disposal procedure practices for waste management are not compatible (Arora,
2004).waste hierarchy. Main principle of recycling is to reduce energy usage, reduce
volume of landfills, reduce air and water pollution, reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and preserve natural resources for future use.

Recycling can prevent wastage of natural resources, can prevent pollution, can
provide more job opportunities, can save the environment, and can create more
useful items.

1. Recycle can prevent wastage of resources.

a.Can save raw materials.

i. Some raw materials are available only through expensive mining process
and pollutants.
ii. Helps to preserve important natural resources such as water, timber, and
iii. Its helps to save the cost of management waste.

b. Economic benefits.
i. Can reduce the inflation of prices of the raw materials and resources.

5. Recycle can help in create more useful items.

a. Artworks.
i. People can use recycle items to make handcrafts.
ii. Can help in stimulate young people creativity.
iii. Some country had hold competition create creative items by using recycled

b. Save money.
i. People can reuse recycled items in their daily life.
ii. They can use cartons as their trashes.
iii. Some people use recycled items to decorate their houses.

c. Technology.
i. A lot country nowadays trying to use recycle items to manufacture smart cars.
ii. Solar energy items.
iii. Government encourages industries to develop products using recycle items.
The importance of recycling

According to Chief Seattle, an Indian who lived in the western part of North
America in the 1800s, “Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a
strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” This statement
illustrates the importance of taking care of the earth, not merely to avoid global
warming, but to preserve the natural balance of the planet. An essential problem
of the 21st century is world pollution. Some of the most pressing problems are
the destruction of natural habitats, the depletion of natural resources, and the
polluting of rivers, lakes, and oceans. One idea now debated is whether or not
the government should require communities to participate in recycling programs.
What’s the deal with recycling? It is such an important environmental issue, and
yet it seems as though there isn’t much done about it as a community. If you ask
a random person on the street what they think about recycling, nine times out of
ten they’ll smirk and tell you “It’s good for the environment.”

But, really, they don’t understand the significance of recycling. Although the
concept of recycling is preached in the schools, on the television set, and on
billboards, people don’t take it seriously enough. Our nature has provided
abundant resources for us to use and live with. But we humans use these
resources for our convenience and we polluted the environment. This action will
transform earth to a non-livable place. Now, it is our responsibility to preserve
the natural resources so that our successors can live a healthy life. Everyone
can help the environment by recycling the things we use. We can recycle almost
everything we use. But, before we start recycling, we must first understand what
is recycling? According to the Wikipedia, recycling is the processing used
materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials,
reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce
pollution, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin
production. Normally, the recycling process involves three stages.

First of all, the old products or unwanted products are collected and processed,
where they are sorted, cleaned and made ready for recycling new products.
Second stage involves the manufacturing of new products from the raw material
obtained by the processing of the old products. Finally, the process ends with
the purchasing of recycled goods by the consumers. Recycling is important
because recycling can prevent wastage of natural resources, can prevent
pollution, can provide more job opportunities, can save the environment, and
can create more useful items. Recycle can prevent wastage of natural
resources. Generally, we can save raw materials through recycling. Why this is
important? This is because some raw materials are available only through
expensive mining process and pollutants. According to Office for National
Statistics (2011, “Inflation Threat Grows as Raw Material Costs are Passed on to
Customers”), rising oil prices, combined with the conflict in Libya, are expected
to push the cost of raw materials even higher in the future.

According to the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance, the average

office worker uses 10,000 sheets of copy paper each year. If they recycle all the
paper, it’s not only let them earn extra income but also help to save the
environment. Moreover, recycling can decrease the levels of destruction of our
natural resources. Recycle paper can reduce the amount of deforestation hence
reduce the amount of landslide since we don’t need timber to produce new
paper. Recycle soft drink cans help to reduce the amount of mining of raw
materials. By practice recycling, it does also prevent pollution.
Like killing two birds with one stone, recycle not only provided job opportunities
but also contributes for the growth of economic. That’s why recycle is more and
more important in nowadays. Undeniable, recycle can save the environment.
Nowadays, the rising temperature has caused the polar caps to melt, thus
resulting in an increase amount of ocean water, raising sea levels, etc. which
had caused global warming. To quote Henry David Thoreau, “what’s the use of a
house if you don’t have a tolerable planet to put it on?” If the problem of global
warming continues to happen, all living creatures are going to extinct. Global
warming can lead to the extinction of earth. Therefore, in order to prevent that
from happening in the future, we should start to recycle now. Recycle used
items allows people stop hurting the earth. At least 30% of global warming can
be reduced through recycling. Besides, recycle can reduce the wanton
destruction of rain forests. Recycling helps to maintain our ecosystem because
people can produce new products through the recycled materials instead of
using or mining a raw material. This can prevent our rain forests being
destroyed. Additionally, many species of plants and animals that are on the brink
of extinction inside the rain forests also can be saved by practicing the habits of
recycling. Nowadays, people use recycled items to perform artworks. People
can use recycle items such as soft drink cans, recycled paper/cardboard and
recycled plastic bottle to make handcrafts. In addition, this could help in
stimulating young people’s creativity. In order to encourage the young people to
participate in this type of activity, some country had hold competition of inventing
creative item by using recycled items and giving reward to the winner. This is a
part of the importance of recycle. Without recycle, this type of activity would not
appear. Other than that, recycle save money too. In daily life, people can reuse
recycled items. For example, they can use cartons as their waste bin, use
plastic bottles as their container to fund money and etc. Some people even used
recycled items to decorate their houses. They put soft drink cans that they
collected in a rack as a collection or maybe they can use the recycled cloth to
make their curtains.


Glass-phalt is a material applied to making roads, including airport runways

and highways, making the surface to have higher friction coefficient, less
slippery and less likely to crack. Glass-phalt is made of recycled glass.
Recycled glass is also used to make glass beads, which in turn is used to
make reflective paint on the road. Recycled plastic can be used in many
applications and products, such as packaging, construction or automobile

Papers are limited by the fiber it contains. As paper is recycled each time, it
breaks down into pulp. This can be done for a maximum six or seven times.
The fiber then will be shortened each time until it is not usable.

There are many other products that are produced using recycled paper:
coffee filters, diapers, egg cartons, shoe boxes, napkins or insulation.
Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the world in
which we live. Recycling is important to both the natural environment and us. We
must act fast as the amount of waste we create is increasing all the time.

The amount of rubbish we create is constantly increasing because:

 Increasing wealth means that people are buying more products and ultimately
creating more waste.
 Increasing population means that there are more people on the planet to
create waste.

 New packaging and technological products are being developed, much of

these products contain materials that are not biodegradable.

 New lifestyle changes, such as eating fast food, means that we create
additional waste that isn’t biodegradable.

Environmental Importance

Recycling is very important as waste has a huge negative impact on the natural

 Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses are released from rubbish in landfill
sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste.
 Habitat destruction and global warming are some the affects caused by
deforestation. Recycling reduces the need for raw materials so that the
rainforests can be preserved.

 Huge amounts of energy are used when making products from raw materials.
Recycling requires much less energy and therefore helps to preserve natural

Importance To People

Recycling is essential to cities around the world and to the people living in them.

 No space for waste. Our landfill sites are filling up fast, by 2010, almost all
landfills in the UK will be full.
 Reduce financial expenditure in the economy. Making products from raw
materials costs much more than if they were made from recycled products.

 Preserve natural resources for future generations. Recycling reduces the need
for raw materials; it also uses less energy, therefore preserving natural
resources for the future.
These days, our earth has been filled by a lot of
waste. There is a lot of garbage, plastic waste, and
electronic waste. We always produce it and dump it
when we need the new one. Our waste are piling up
and continuously accumulating.
With a deposit return scheme for bottles and cans in the news, here's a
reminder of why recycling is such a good thing – for you and the planet.
Recycling is one of our 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The truth is we all need to get into the habit of using less stuff in the
first place. And the things we do use ought to be reused as much as
possible before being recycled, to minimise waste.

Alongside reducing and reusing, recycling is essential for the

future of our planet. Here are our top 9 reasons why...

1. Recycling conserves natural resources

The world's natural resources are finite, and some are in very short

At a fundamental level:

 Recycling paper and wood saves trees and forests. Yes you can
plant new trees, but you can't replace virgin rainforest or ancient
woodlands once they're lost.
 Recycling plastic means creating less new plastic, which is definitely
a good thing, especially as it's usually made from fossil fuel

 Recycling metals means there's less need for risky, expensive and
damaging mining and extraction of new metal ores.

 Recycling glass reduces the need to use new raw materials like sand
– it sounds hard to believe, but supplies of some types of sand are
starting to get low around the world.

2. Recycling protects ecosystems and wildlife

Recycling reduces the need to grow, harvest or extract new raw
materials from the Earth.
That in turn lessens the harmful disruption and damage being done to
the natural world: fewer forests cut down, rivers diverted, wild animals
harmed or displaced, and less pollution of water, soil and air.

Recycling also keeps waste out of the environment. As you'll know if

you watched David Attenborough's Blue Planet II, a lot of plastic ends
up in the oceans, where it causes all kinds of havoc.

3. Recycling protects people

As with point 2 above – the world's increasing demand for new stuff
has led to more of the poorest and most vulnerable people (for
example living around forests or river systems) being displaced from
their homes, or otherwise exploited. Forest communities can find
themselves evicted as a result of the search for cheap timber. Rivers
can be damned, or polluted by manufacturing waste, which harms
local people.

Far better to recycle existing products than to damage someone else's

community or land in the search for new raw materials.

And of course if our plastic waste isn't safely put in the recycling, it can
be been blown or washed into rivers and seas and end up hundreds or
thousands of miles away, polluting coastlines and waterways,
becoming a problem for everyone.

4. Recycling saves energy

Making products from recycled materials requires less energy than
making them from new raw materials. Sometimes it's a huge
difference in energy – for example:

 Producing new aluminium from old (including recycled cans and foil)
uses 95% less energy than making it from scratch. For steel it's about
a 70% energy saving.
 Making paper from pulped recycled paper uses 40% less energy than
making it from virgin wood fibres.

 The amount of energy saved from recycling one glass bottle could
power an old 100-watt light bulb for 4 hours – and a new low-energy
LED equivalent for a lot longer.
5. Recycling cuts climate-changing carbon emissions
Because recycling means you need to use less energy on sourcing and
processing new raw materials, it produces lower carbon emissions. It
also keeps potentially methane-releasing waste out of landfill sites.

Reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases being emitted

into the atmosphere is vital for stopping disastrous climate change.

6. Recycling reduces landfill waste

Dumping our rubbish in landfill tips is hugely wasteful. Imagine all the
potentially useful reusable stuff that's been buried over the decades.
It's a waste of good waste.

Landfill also pollutes soil and water by leaching noxious and

toxic liquids over time. Landfill also releases
greenhouse gases, like methane, into the atmosphere.
And of course it takes up valuable land space. 7.
Recycling reduces incineration
Incineration, burning our rubbish, is extremely wasteful of valuable
resources that could be reused or recycled. The incineration process
also generates carbon emissions, which contribute to climate change,
as well as potential air pollution problems.

Sometimes incineration of waste is used to generate energy – but we

don't believe this is a good solution to our waste or energy challenges.

8. Recycling is cheaper than waste collection and disposal

Lambeth council in London pointed out in 2017 that "it is 6 times
cheaper to dispose of recycled waste than general refuse". So the
more you recycle, and the less you put in the bin, the more money is
saved, which should be good for households, businesses and local
public services.

Recycling food waste and green waste is a great idea too, often
generating lots of valuable compost that can be used to grow more
food and other crops.

A new deposit return scheme being introduced for cans or bottles

could offer an added financial incentive to recycle – because you'll
lose your deposit if you don't.
9. Recycling creates jobs
A report we published a few years ago calculated that at least 50,000
new UK jobs could be created by 2025 if we can reach the target of
recycling 70% of our waste. It's ambitious but achievable. (As we've
said it's around 45% now.)

Roughly 30,000 of the new jobs would be in recycling directly, with

about another 20,000 in supply chains and the wider economy.

If in doubt, remember those three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Recycling helps cut the amount of waste we produce, but the best
thing to do is reduce the amount we use in the first place.

Importance of Recycling
Recycling is important in today’s world if we want to leave this
planet for our future generations. It is good for the
environment, since we are making new products from the old
products which are of no use to us. Recycling begins at home.
If you are not throwing away any of your old product and
instead utilizing it for something new then you are actually
recycling. When you think of recycling you should really think
about the whole idea; reduce, reuse and recycle. We’ve been
careless up to this point with the way we’ve treated the Earth
and it’s time to change; not just the way we do things but the
way we think

1. Throw away all the garbage in your house that is of no use

to you or you think you can’t utilize it in some other way. If
you don’t have these boxes, you can easily purchase a
suitable container for each recyclable product (e.g.
paper, plastic, and glass), and then take these down to your
local recycling center.
2. Try to avoid the use of plastic bag and plastic paper as
much as possible. They not only pollute the environment but
also helps in filling landfills. Also, when you shop try to look
out for the products that have least packaging. Every millions
of dollars are spent only in packaging of these products which
ultimately go to the garbage sites.

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