3rd Periodical Test in English 4 With TOS

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Competencies/ Item Placement No. of Items
Note significant details. 1,3 2

Note significant details. (implied) 2,4 2

Use context clues to find meaning of unfamiliar words. 5,6 2

Identify sequence of events. 7,8 2

Use appropriate word signals to show the sequence of events. 9 1

Identify the kind of adverb used. (manner) 10 1

Distinguish reality from fantasy. 11,12 2

Point out cause and effect relationship. 13 1

Identify the meaning of content specific words 14 1

Identify different meanings. (connotations) 15 1

Use correct order of adjectives 16 1

Determine the kind of adverb used. (time) 17 1

Make generalizations. 18 1

Locate information from glossaries. 19,20,21,22,23 5

Locate meaning of words from the dictionary. 24 1

Use a thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms of words. 25 1

Locate information from an index. 26,27,28,29,30,31 6

Identify the kind of sentence for a specific purpose. (request) 32 1

Identify the kind of sentence for a specific purpose. (asking permission) 33 1

Determine the degree of adjective used in context. 34,35 2

Interpret charts. 36,37,38 3

Determine the graphic presentation that is appropriate for a specific 39 1


TOTAL 40 1

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Rosa’s Flower Garden

Rosa has a beautiful garden. She was able to grow many flowers in it. The flowers are of different kinds and colors.
She has red, white and yellow roses. There are gumamelas, santan, sunflower and daisies, too. Many of them are
fragrant. No wonder, butterflies and bees hover around her garden, with their wings glistening against the sunshine.
Indeed, Rosa’s garden is an attractive spot to behold.

_____1. Who owns a flower garden? a. Rosa b. butterfly c. bee

_____2. She grows different flowers in her garden. Which of these is not found there? a. rose b. ilang-ilang c. santan
_____3. What two adjectives are used in the text to describe Rosa’s garden? a. beautiful and wide b. beautiful and
boring c. beautiful and attractive
_____4. Why do butterflies and bees love to hover around Rosa’s garden? a. because of the many ornamental plants in
it b. because of the lovely flowers in it c. because Rosa does not drive them away _____5. What does the word “hover”
in sentence 7 mean? a. dive b. fly c. swim
_____6. Which word in the same sentence does not give a clue to its meaning? a. butterfly b. wings c. garden

The Little Red Hen

The little Red Hen was in the farmyard with her chickens, when Next, she brought the flour home she said, “Who will
she make some bread
found a grain of wheat. with this flour?”
“Who will plant this wheat?” she said. “Not I,” said the Goose.
“Not I,” said the Goose
“Not I,” said the Duck.
“Not I,” said the Duck.
“I will, then,” said the little Red Hen, and she planted the grain
“I will, then,” said the little Red Hen.
of wheat. Then, the bread was baked, she said, “Who will eat this
When the wheat was ripe she said, “Who will take this wheat bread?”
to the “I will,” said the Goose
mill?” “I will,” said the Duck
“Not I,” said the Goose. Instantly, the little Red Hen said, “No, you won’t. I shall
“Not I,” said the Duck. eat it
“I will, then,” said the little Red Hen, and she took the wheat to myself. Cluck! cluck!” And she called her chickens to help
the mill. her.

_____7. Which event happened first? a. The little Red Hen brought the ripe wheat to the mill.
b. The little Red Hen found a grain of wheat. c. The little Red Hen baked the bread.
d. The little Red Hen ate the bread with her chickens.
_____8. Which event happened last? Choose from the choices in item 7.
_____9. Next, she brought the flour home. Which of the underlined words is a time connector?
____10. What kind of adverb is the word “instantly”? a. time b. place c. manner
____11. Which of the following sentences states a fantasy? a. The little Red Hen found a grain of wheat in the farmyard.
b. The little Red Hen baked the bread. c. The little Red Hen walked around the farmyard with her chickens.
____12. Which of the following statements is a reality? a. The goose volunteered to plant the wheat.
b. The duck said he would bring the ripe wheat to the mill. c. The little Red Hen cares for her chickens.
____13. The little Red Hen did not allow the goose and the duck to eat the bread.
What is not a possible cause for this?
a. because they did not help the little Red Hen
b. because they are lazy
c. because they might not thank the hen for that

Caterpillar by Christina Rossetti

Brown and furry Caterpillar in a hurry, Take your walk To the shady leaf, or stalk, Or what not, Which may be the
chosen spot. No toad spy you, Hovering bird of prey pass by you; Spin and die, To live again a butterfly

____14. The word “stalk” in line 4 means_____. a. follow b. hunt c. stem

____15. What does the second to the last line connote?
a. The caterpillar rests in a cocoon for a while. b. The caterpillar suddenly falls from the leaf.
c. The caterpillar dies after spinning.
____16. Which sentence about the poem follows the correct order of adjectives?
a. The poem is about brown furry one caterpillar. b. The poem is about one furry brown caterpillar.
c. The poem is about one brown furry caterpillar.
____17. Before becoming a butterfly, it used to be a caterpillar. What kind of an
adverb is the underlined word?
a. place b. time c. manner
____18. If you are to complete the graphic organizer below, what will you write at
the center?

A. butterfly B. spider C. caterpillar

laptop - smaller than a desktop computer

mainframe - a very big and expensive computer
microcomputer - most common type of computer
minicomputer - smaller than a mainframe computer
mobile device - a very small computer that can fit in your pocket
tablet - a mobile computer that works using a touch screen

_____19. What does the given page show? a. index b. glossary c. thesaurus
_____20. What is a glossary? a. list of difficult words used in the book and their meanings
b. list of topics arranged alphabetically c. list of synonyms and antonyms
_____21. Based on the given page, what does mainframe mean?
a. a very big and expensive computer b. most common type of computer
c. a mobile computer with touch screen
_____22. How are the words in the glossary page arranged?
a. according to their order in the book b. alphabetically c. according to importance
_____23. If the word “smartphone” is to appear on this page, where should it be
placed? a. after microcomputer b. after tablet c. before tablet
_____24. Like the glossary, the _____also gives the meanings of alphabetically
arranged words together with their correct pronunciation. It has guide
words on top of every page. a. index b. map c. dictionary
_____25. It is a list of words with their synonyms and antonyms. a. dictionary b. index c. thesaurus
_____26. This is also an alphabetical listing but of topics discussed in the book.
The pages of the topics are also indicated. a. dictionary b. index c. timeline

Browsers,182 MS PowerPoint, 160

Formatting Tools, 134 Programming, 239
Internet, 172 Rectangles and Squares, 86
Microsoft Word, 122 Social Networking, 196

_____27. What is shown above? a. glossary b. index c. dictionary

_____28. What topic is found on page 239? a. Browsers b. Internet c. Programming
_____29. Which topic comes before Microsoft Word? a. Internet b. Browsers c. MS PowerPoint
_____30. Which of the following topics is not found in the book? a. MS Word b. MS Excel c. MS PowerPoint
_____31. Based on the given page, what do you think is the book about? a. environment b. computer
c. social studies

Mother: Ana, I’m going to the market. Please get me one big basket.
Ana: Will this be okay, Mother?
Mother: Well, this one is big but I want a bigger basket since I need to buy
our one-week supply of groceries, too. (Ana gave Mother another
basket.) Wow! This is perfect. I think this is our biggest basket;
enough to hold the supplies I’ll buy for the family.
Ana: Can I to come with you, Mother? I can help you carry the
Mother: How sweet of you, dear. But I’ll be fine. Your Kuya is driving me to
the market.
_____32. Which of the sentences states a request? a. Please get me a big basket. b. Can I come with you,
Mother? c. How sweet of you, dear.
_____33. Which one is asking permission?
a. Please get me a big basket. b. Can I come with you, Mother? c. How sweet of you, dear.
_____34. Well, this one is big but I want a bigger basket. The adjective “bigger” is in the ______degree of
comparison. a. positive b. comparative c. superlative
_____35. Which of the following is in the superlative degree? a. big b. bigger c. biggest

36. The above pie shows the items bought by mother in the market and their amount. Which food stuff has the biggest
amount? a. vegetable b. pork & beef c. fish
_____37. Which three did Mother buy in equal amounts? a. vegetable, pork, fish b. chicken, fish, pork & beef
c. canned goods, chicken, vegetable
_____38. What can you infer from this chart? a. Mother prefers poultry products to beef and pork.
b. Mother serves her family more vegetables than meat. c. Mother doesn’t buy canned goods.
_____39. In what other form can these data be possibly presented? a. map b. graph c. timeline
_____40. It is Mother’s first time to go to the market. Which tool will help her reach the place?
a. map b. graph c. timeline

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