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Document No.

: FM-EEC-13-02
THESIS 3 RUBRIC Effective Date: July 28, 2017
FM-EE-01-01-01/ FM-EE-01-01-02




Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Criteria Outcomes Score
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Methodology Methodology Methodology Methodology was Methodology was

was not was not was organized organized, thoroughly organized ,
organized nor organized with with little explained the thoroughly explained
A. Research explained little explanation of scientific principles the scientific
Methodology explanation scientific used with diagrams principles used with
principles used but with minor sufficient diagrams
but without revision and no revision
Does not use Use Use appropriate Use appropriate Use appropriate
mathematical inappropriate mathematical mathematical and /or mathematical and
B. Mathematical
and /or mathematical and /or graphical graphical tools and /or graphical tools
and/or Graphical
N.A. graphical tools and /or tools and not with little explanation and thoroughly
Techniques for
graphical tools clearly explained explained
Solution Modeling
and not clearly
The algorithm The algorithm The algorithm The algorithm The algorithm
did not perform did not perform performed performed accurately performed
C. Use of Algorithm accurately. accurately but slightly accurate but has been partially accurately and has
N.A. has been but has been verified through the been fully verified
partially verified verified through use of test plan/s. through the use of
through the use the use of test test plan/s.
of test plan/s. plan/s.
The report was The report was The report was The report was written The report was
not written in an not written in an not written in an in an organized and written in an
organized and organized and organized and coherent manner and organized and
D. Organization of the coherent coherent coherent manner with sufficient visual coherent manner
Final Thesis N.A. manner and no manner and and with representations such and with sufficient
Document visual with few visual sufficient visual as tables, graphs, etc. visual
representations representations representations but with minor representations such
such as tables, such as tables, such as tables, revision as tables, graphs,
graphs, etc. graphs, etc. graphs, etc. etc. with no revision.

The prototype The prototype The prototype The prototype was The prototype was
was not was in good was functioning functioning, complete completely
functioning; the condition but and complete and appropriate to the functioning and fully
model or with incomplete but not design solution but appropriate to the
sample output parts; the appropriate to needs improvement; design solution; the
was not model or the design the model or sample model or sample
E. Prototype, model
N.A. generated sample output solution; the output was generated output was
or sample output
was generated model or sample and appropriate to the completely
but incomplete. output was design solution but generated and fully
generated but needs improvement. appropriate to the
not appropriate design solution.
to the design

Page 1 of 5
Experimental Experimental Experimental Experimental Experimental
procedure for procedure for procedure for procedure for data procedure for data
data gathering data gathering data gathering gathering was gathering was
F. Experimental was not was not was organized organized , thoroughly organized ,
N.A. organized nor organized with with little explained , and with thoroughly
Procedure for Data
explained little explanation and acceptable data explained, and with
explanation with acceptable presentation with acceptable data
data minor revision presentation without
presentation revision

Does not use Use Use appropriate Use appropriate Use appropriate
statistical tool inappropriate statistical tool statistical tool and statistical tool and
G. Application of
statistical tool and results were results were clearly results were clearly
Appropriate N.A.
and results not clearly explained with minor explained with no
Statistical Tool
were not clearly explained revision revision
The diagram The diagram The diagram The diagram was The diagram was
H. Data Flow Diagram was not was poorly was clearly clearly constructed clearly and correctly
or UML Diagram constructed. constructed. constructed but and complete with constructed with no
(For CpE only) incomplete. minor revision. revision.

Page 2 of 5

GROUP MEMBER I NAME: Almiranez, Denise Daine C.

Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Criteria Outcomes Score
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter
did not did not somehow effectively effectively
I. Delivery and effectively effectively effectively delivered the delivered the
Ability to deliver the deliver the report delivered the report and report and
Answer report and did but answer some report and answered most answered all the
Questions not answer all of the questions. answered some of the questions. questions clearly
the questions. of the and satisfactorily.
Current issues Current issues Current issues Current issues Current issues
concerning concerning concerning concerning concerning thesis’
thesis’ topic thesis’ topics thesis’ topics thesis’ topics and topics and its
and effects to were identified were identified its effects to effects to society
J. Describe current society were but not discussed but society were were thoroughly
issues concerning not identified discussed and little identified, identified,
thesis’ topic and nor discussed. explained. The explanation. discussed but discussed and
effects to society effects to society The effects to with some with very clear
was not society was unclear explanation.
considered also discussed but explanation.
with unclear
Average: For CpE = (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J)/10
Average: For EE/ECE = (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+I+J)/9


Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Criteria Outcomes Score
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter
did not did not somehow effectively effectively delivered
I. Delivery and
effectively effectively effectively delivered the the report and
Ability to
G deliver the deliver the report delivered the report and answered all the
report and did but answer some report and answered questions clearly
not answer all of the questions. answered some most of the and satisfactorily.
the questions. of the questions. questions.
Current issues Current issues Current issues Current issues Current issues
concerning concerning concerning concerning concerning thesis’
thesis’ topic thesis’ topics thesis’ topics thesis’ topics topics and its
and effects to were identified were identified and its effects effects to society
J. Describe current
society were but not discussed but to society were thoroughly
issues concerning
N.A. not identified discussed and little explanation. were identified,
thesis’ topic and
nor discussed. explained. The The effects to identified, discussed and with
effects to society
effects to society society was discussed but very clear
was not discussed but with some explanation.
considered also with unclear unclear
explanation. explanation.
Average: For CpE = (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J)/10
Average: For EE/ECE = (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+I+J)/9


Page 3 of 5
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Criteria Outcomes Score
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter
did not did not somehow effectively effectively delivered
I. Delivery and
effectively effectively effectively delivered the the report and
Ability to
G deliver the deliver the delivered the report and answered all the
report and did report but report and answered questions clearly
not answer all answer some of answered some most of the and satisfactorily.
the questions. the questions. of the questions. questions.
Current issues Current issues Current issues Current issues Current issues
concerning concerning concerning concerning concerning thesis’
thesis’ topic thesis’ topics thesis’ topics thesis’ topics topics and its
and effects to were identified were identified and its effects effects to society
J. Describe current
society were but not discussed but to society were thoroughly
issues concerning
N.A. not identified discussed and little explanation. were identified,
thesis’ topic and
nor discussed. explained. The The effects to identified, discussed and with
effects to society
effects to society was discussed but very clear
society was not discussed but with some explanation.
considered also with unclear unclear
explanation. explanation.
Average: For CpE = (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J)/10
Average: For EE/ECE = (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+I+J)/9


Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Criteria Outcomes Score
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter
did not did not somehow effectively effectively
I. Delivery and
effectively effectively effectively delivered the delivered the
Ability to
G deliver the deliver the delivered the report and report and
report and did report but report and answered most answered all the
not answer all answer some of answered some of the questions clearly
the questions. the questions. of the questions. questions. and satisfactorily.
Current issues Current issues Current issues Current issues Current issues
concerning concerning concerning concerning concerning thesis’
thesis’ topic thesis’ topics thesis’ topics thesis’ topics topics and its
and effects to were identified were identified and its effects effects to society
J. Describe current
society were but not discussed but to society were were thoroughly
issues concerning
N.A. not identified discussed and little explanation. identified, identified,
thesis’ topic and
nor discussed. explained. The The effects to discussed but discussed and
effects to society
effects to society was with some with very clear
society was not discussed but unclear explanation.
considered also with unclear explanation.
Average: For CpE = (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J)/10
Average: For EE/ECE = (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+I+J)/9

Please check the appropriate blank:

___ I hereby recommend the approval of the research practicum / thesis / dissertation work as presented. (No revisions required.)
___ I hereby recommend the approval of the research practicum / thesis / dissertation work with minor revisions. (Revisions will be reflected in the final
practicum / thesis / dissertation work.)
___ I hereby recommend the approval of the research practicum / thesis / dissertation work with major revisions. (Revised practicum / thesis paper must
be submitted in writing and re-approval by the examination committee through re-defense)
___ I do not recommend the approval of the research practicum / thesis / dissertation work.

Page 4 of 5

Signature over Printed Name

Examination Committee

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