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Using the small-angle approximation to measure the index of refraction of water

Ronald Newburgh, Wolfgang Rueckner, Joseph Peidle, and Douglass Goodale

Citation: The Physics Teacher 38, 478 (2000); doi: 10.1119/1.1329088

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Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers

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Using the Small-Angle Approximation to Measure

the Index of Refraction of Water
Ronald Newburgh, Harvard University Extension School, Cambridge, MA 02138; and Wolfgang Rueckner,
Joseph Peidle, and Douglass Goodale, Science Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138

M easurement of the index of

refraction has long been a
standard experiment in the introduc-
tory laboratory. We have developed a
variation of this experiment that
requires only a series of length mea-
surements and utilizes the small-
angle approximation. It is a simple
alternative to the more conventional
laboratory exercise in which, for
example, one uses a ruler and pro-
tractor to measure the angles at which
a ray enters and leaves a block of
glass.1 Our method typically gives a
refractive index of water that agrees
with the known value to within 1-2%.
The experiment consists of send-
ing a light ray from air into a water-
filled tank. Figure 1 shows the path of Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of apparatus. Light enters water at point A and is
refracted to point C. If tank is empty, the same ray strikes point B.
the ray, which enters the water at
point A and is refracted so that it
reaches point C at the bottom corner Now, if the incident beam is adjusted Since the index of refraction of air is
of the tank. Now, if the water is so that i (and hence r) are both very approximately equal to 1, the refrac-
drained out of the tank (or if an iden- small, we may use the small-angle tive index of water is simply given by
tical empty tank is substituted for the approximation, h/h.
one containing water), the ray is
unrefracted and strikes the side of the tan  → sin  as  → 0, (4) Experimental Details
tank at point B. The refractive index The equipment used was a laser
of the water may be found by mea- to obtain pointer, a meterstick, and two identi-
suring the distances h and h. cal glass tanks. One tank was filled
Referring to Fig. 1, the angles of sin i /sin r = h/h. (5) with water to a depth of about 15.6
incidence and refraction are seen to cm while the other was left empty. A
be given by: Now, using Snell’s law, piece of masking tape was placed on
the empty tank to indicate the height
tan i = d/h (1) sin i /sin r = n r /n i, (6) of the water in the filled tank. To
and make the light ray visible in the
tan r = d/h, (2) where ni and nr are, respectively, the water, we added a few drops of milk.
indices of refraction of air and water, This allowed us to determine easily
which leads to we have the point at which the ray enters the
water. Marking the position of the
tan i/tan r = h/h. (3) nr = ni (h/h). (7) filled tank with masking tape makes
it easy to replace it with the empty

478 THE PHYSICS TEACHER Vol. 38, Nov. 2000 Using the Small-Angle Approximation to Measure the Index of Refraction of Water
Fig. 2. Measured data points for ratio h/h are plotted against angle of incidence. The
solid curve represents calculated values (tan i /tan r) for nr = 1.33.

tank without changing the position of that the ratio does indeed approach
the laser pointer. We then found the the constant value nr as the angle of
point at which the unrefracted ray incidence is decreased. For an angle
struck the side of the tank and thus of incidence of 20 the error is about lengths are measured. These are
determined h. The laser pointer was 2%. For an angle of 10 it is less than accurate to  1 mm owing to the 2-
mounted in a clamp on a horizontal 1%, and for 5 it is about 0.2%. mm diameter of the laser pointer
rod above the tank. Moving the point- spot. Given the distances we mea-
er along the rod changed the distance Comments sure, we have uncertainties of 1%-
d. A decrease in d corresponds to a We can relate the geometry of the 2%. Hence, the experiment, though
decrease in i and an increase in h. As experiment to Snell’s law. From Fig. using no more sophisticated tools
d becomes smaller, ratio h/h 1 we see that than those employed in the conven-
approaches a constant value that is tional Snell’s law experiment,1 is
equal to the refractive index of water. sin i /sin r = (d/AB)/(d/AC) intrinsically more accurate. In addi-
tion, it offers mathematical insight
Results = AC/AB = nr /ni . (8) into both the small-angle approxima-
If the depth of the water is about tion and the process of taking limits.
15.6 cm, then a value of d of about The figure then helps students visual-
2.9 cm is sufficiently small to give a ize the small-angle approximation. It Reference
very accurate value of the refractive is clear that as i becomes small, the 1. Paul Zitzewitz and Craig
index. Typical results are h = 15.6  hypotenuse AB approaches the length Kramer, Merrill Physics, Prin-
0.1 cm and h = 11.7  0.1 cm. These h and hypotenuse AC approaches the ciples and Problems—Lab-
values give a refractive index for length h. Students can also appreciate oratory Manual (MacMillan/
McGraw Hill, Lake Forest, IL,
water of 1.33  0.02. The angle of that the ratio of the actual depth to the
1992). Experiment 17.2, Snell’s
incidence corresponding to these apparent depth of an object under Law, pp. 118-120.
measurements is about 10. Figure 2 water is equal to the index of refrac-
shows how the ratio h/h varies with tion of the water when one views the
the incident angle. The points repre- object “straight down,” i.e., when the
sent our measured values; the solid angle of incidence i is small.
curve represents the ratio tan i /tan r In the experiment presented in this
for ni = 1, nr = 1.33. The figure shows paper, we measure no angles. Only

Using the Small-Angle Approximation to Measure the Index of Refraction of Water Vol. 38, Nov. 2000 THE PHYSICS TEACHER 479

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