View vs. Materialized View

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Materialized views are disk based and update periodically base upon the query definition.

Views are virtual only and run the query definition each time they are accessed.

Views evaluate the data in the tables underlying the view definition at the time the view
is queried. It is a logical view of your tables, with no data stored anywhere else.

Materialized views are similar to regular views, in that they are a logical view of your
data (based on a select statement), however, the underlying query resultset has been
saved to a table.

. Views are essentially logical table-like structures populated on the fly by a given query.
The results of a view query are not stored anywhere on disk and the view is recreated
every time the query is executed. Materialized views are actual structures stored within
the database and written to disk. They are updated based on the parameters defined when
they are created.

A view uses a query to pull data from the underlying tables.

A materialized view is a table on disk that contains the result set of a query.

Materialized views are primarily used to increase application performance when it isn't
feasible or desirable to use a standard view with indexes applied to it. The downside is
that you have to use triggers, or some other automatic method, to keep the materialized
view up to date.

View is nothing but a set a sql statements together which join single or multiple tables
and shows the data .. however views do not have the data themselves but point to the data

Whereas Materialized view is a concept mainly used in Datawarehousing .. these views

contain the data itself .Reason being it is easier/faster to access the data.The main purpose
of Materialized view is to do calculations and display data from multiple tables using
joins .

materialized view is physical duplicate data in a table

view is logical representation of table

While views are stored in the database as a SQL statement and are created as
needed, a materialized view is created as a table, and physically stored in the

A view has a logical existence but a materialized view has a physical

existence.Moreover a materialized view can be indexed,analysed and so
on....that is all the things that we can do with a table can also be
done with a materialized view.
view is a logical or virtual table it doesn't have data on its own, but
materialized view has a physical structure it stores data in local
machine or on its own.materialized view can be refreshed automatically
or manually. but in view, if any changes happened in the base tables,
we want to reflect the same in the view means view has to issue the
select statement again to the database
A materialized view is a stored summary containing pre-computed
results.As the data is pre-computed, materialized views allow for
faster query answers

In warehousing applications, large amounts of data are processed and

similar queries are frequently repeated. If these queries are pre-
computed and the results stored in the data warehouse as a materialized
view, using materialized views significantly improves performance by
providing fast lookups into the set of results.

A Materialized View generally behaves like a Index and it can also have
any Number of Aggregates and Joins.

View - store the SQL statement in the database and let you use it as a
table. Everytime you access the view, the SQL statement executes.

Materialized view - stores the results of the SQL in table form in the
database. SQL statement only executes once and after that everytime you
run the query, the stored result set is used. Pros include quick query
Views: At run time, the query will be executed against the database.

Materialized views: The data for the materialized view query will be
generated at compile time.

Mviews can be created by the following ways:

1. Immediate - mview will be created along with data.
2. Deferred - Mview structure alone will be created. Data will be
populated only when you refresh the mview.

We have the option of refreshing the mviews. It means when the data in
the master table used in the mview query changes, the refreshing of
mviews helps to get the updated (new) data for the mview.

Mview will behave very much like a table. At run time, data will be
retrieved from the result set just as retrieved from a table. The
retrieval time will be very fast unlike the views.
views : this are the vertiual table.. views dosent stores the data.. if
we update the table then updation is in actual table..
M view : this are the tables based on one or more tables.. this stores
the data.. updation is done then actual updation is in M. view itself..
View: View is a virtual table, a query attached to it. Actually it have
not Stored query results. It will execute and returns rows.

A materialized view is a database object that contains the results of a

query. They are local copies of data located remotely, or are used to
create summary tables based on aggregations of a table's data.
Materialized views, which store data based on remote tables are also,
know as snapshots.A materialized view can query tables, views, and
other materialized views. Collectively these are called master tables
(a replication term) or detail tables (a data warehouse term)

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