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No : (to be filled by HR Department) Date : Applied Position :

Full Name ​: ​ID Card Number ​: ​Date of

Birth ​: ​Sex ​: Male / Female ​Address ​:

Phone Number ​: ​Email ​:


Name Location From To Degree Major GPA

WORKING EXPERIENCE(S) (start from the latest)

Name of Firm :


: Type of Business : From -

To : Position : Number of
Direct Report : Job
Description :

Reason(s) for Leaving :

Name of Firm : Address :

Type of Business : From -
To : Position : Number of
Direct Report : Job
Description :

Reason(s) for Leaving :

Name of Firm : Address : Type of Business : From - To : Position : Number of Direct Report : Job Description :
Reason(s) for Leaving :
Name of Firm : Address : Type of Business : From - To : Position : Number of Direct Report : Job Description :
Reason(s) for Leaving :
Organization Name Location From-To Position Job Description Certification (Y/N)
(Beginner / ​
Level Name Type of Training From-To ​ Advance /
Location Certification (Y/N) ​Expert)
Name Job Title Company's Name Relationship Phone & Email


What qualifications, abilities, and strong points will help you succeed in this

What are your weak points and areas for


Are you willing to relocate?

Amount of Overnight Travel Acceptable?

What are your career objectives?

When can you start to work the earliest?

Do you have relatives or friends who work at Ruangguru? Please specify his/her name and

I certify that answers given in this Ruangguru Application Form are true, accurate, and complete to the best
of my knowledge. I authorize investigation into all statements I have made on this form as may be
necessary for reaching an employment decision. I understand that I may be asked to arrange reference
calls with managers I've worked for. In the event I am employed, I understand that any false or misleading
information I knowingly provided in this form or interview(s) may result in discharge and/or legal action. I
understand that if employed, I am required to abide by all rules and regulations of the employer and any
special agreements reached between employer and me.

Signature Date

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