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Name: Neely Parsons

Date: November 26, 2018

Lesson Details
Lesson Title: The Salem Witch Trials

Content Area: American history

Grade Level: 8th

Timeline: 1 of 2

Date of Lesson: November 28, 2018

UBD Stage I: Identify Desired Results

Enduring Understandings
1. How religion impacts communities.
2. The impact tragedy has on communities.
Essential Questions
1. How did the Salem Witch Trials begin?
2. What was the impact the Salem Witch Trials had on the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

PA Core Standards: Standards Aligned System (SAS)

1. 8.3.8.A: Examine the role groups and individuals played in the social, political, cultural, and economic
development of the United States.
2. 8.3.8.C: Summarize how continuity and change have impacted U.S. history.
a. Belief systems and religions
b. Commerce and industry
c. Technology
d. Politics and government
e. Physical and human geography
f. Social organizations

PA English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards

1. ELP: 5.S.6-8.2: Describe historical figures from photographs, illustrations, or videos.

Lesson Objectives

The student’s will be able to:

List (remembering) the people involved in the Salem Witch Trials in a graphic organizer with 75% accuracy.

Describe (understanding) the Salem Witch Trails outcome in a worksheet with 75% accuracy.

Illustrate (applying) the events of the Salem Witch trials in a investigator questionnaire with 75% accuracy.
UBD Stage II: Determine Acceptable Evidence
Assessment Tasks
The teacher will:

Formally assess the student’s ability to List the people involved in the Salem Witch Trials in a graphic organizer
with 75% accuracy by collecting and grading it.

Informally assess the student’s ability to Describe the Salem Witch Trails outcome in a worksheet with 75%
accuracy by collecting and checking it for understanding.

Informally assess the student’s ability to Illustrate the events of the Salem Witch trials in a investigative
questionnaire with 75% accuracy by collecting and checking for understanding.

Assessment Adaptations
1. Struggling reader: Will have guidance reading directions and notes.
2. English Language Learner: Will have guidance reading directions if needed. An English/ first language
dictionary will be provided if necessary.
3. Gifted student: Will read a primary source in addition to secondary sources.
4. Physical needs: Will have assistance writing if needed.
5. Cognitive needs: Will receive guidance from the learning support aid in the classroom.
6. Behavioral: Will have guidance from the teacher if needed.

Rubric/Scoring Criteria

Students will receive a grade of 5 points for the graphic organizer and completed for accuracy. Students will
receive a grade of 5 points for the guided questions to be completed for accuracy.

UBD Stage III: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

Materials and Resources
 Mystery from History packet
 Salem Witch Trials PowerPoint
 YouTube video:

Anticipatory Set
T: Will pass out the worksheet “Mystery from History: Salem Witch Trials Theory” worksheet and read the
directions to the students. (5 min.)

S: Will write their theory of why the Salem Witch Trials occurred. (5 min.)

T/S: Teacher will facilitate discussion. Students will share their theories. (5 min.)

Procedures and Content

T: Will pass out handout “Mystery from History” worksheet and explain to students that we will work together
as a class to find out they mystery of the Salem witch trials. (3 min.)
T/S: Teacher will ask a student to volunteer the paragraph at the top of the worksheet for the class. Students will
read the paragraph at the top of the worksheet. (4 min.)

T/S: Teacher will guide students through the worksheet, answering who were involved and what happened.
Students will follow along and take notes. (15 min.)

T: Will ask students to answer the question “How did the Puritan’s religion play a role in the Salem Witch
Trials?” (2 min.)

S: Will answer the question and write their response down. (5 min.)

T/S: Teacher will facilitate the discussion. Students will share their responses. (5 min.)

Students will complete the interview worksheet to be discussed and turned in for a grade.

If Time Activities
T: Will play YouTube video: “Salem Witch Trials (Britney Spears’ “Toxic” Parody)

S: Will watch video and take notes on the video

Procedural Adaptations/Differentiated Instruction

1. Struggling reader: Additional time to complete tasks and directions will be made verbally.
2. English Language Learner: Extra time will be allotted to complete tasks. If students required further
explanation, the teacher will do so.
3. Gifted student: Student can draw visuals to compliment their work.
4. Physical needs: Will have assistance writing or typing as needed. Additional time to complete tasks will
be given.
5. Cognitive needs: Will be provided additional time to complete tasks. Guidance will be provided to
answer questions.
6. Behavioral: Can draw visuals to compliment their work.

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