VIGNETTE-Activity For Teachers

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Jessica is a nine-year-old Indian who was recently placed with foster parents, who do not reside
in the area. Prior to this placement, Jessica resided with her biological mother. Jessica’s 3rd grade
teacher complains that she is disruptive in class (i.e., frequently speaks out of turn and gets into verbal
altercations with classmates). She is far below grade level in both Science and Mathematics. The
teacher reported that she has requested three conferences with the foster parents over the past
month to address Jessica’s behavior, but they have not responded.
Please answer the following questions:
1. How it would make you feel to have this student in your classroom?

2. Think of intervention strategies and discuss the best supports for this young student.

Maggie is 8th grade, popular and has two older brothers that have graduated from the same
school. She is extremely loud and disruptive in class. She is constantly sick with cold/cough symptoms.
She does not turn in homework and in-class work is never completed or done correctly. Her behavior
makes teachers feel manipulated. She has alienated the majority of students in her class also because
of her disruptiveness and unwillingness to respond to teachers or peer concerns. Maggie looks a lot
older than she is and is constantly talking with, flirting and posturing around older boys at school.
Maggie flunked most of her academic classes. From her school record, Maggie has separated parents
and grew in is mother’s care only.
Please answer the following questions:
1. How it would make you feel to have this student in your classroom?

2. Think of intervention strategies and discuss the best supports for this young student.

Albert is a Grade 12 student who is a consistent academic achiever since elementary. He is also very
active in extra-curricular activities in and off the campus. He spends sleepless nights and usually skips
meals or eat fast just to save time and study his lesson and make sure that his projects are in tip-top
shape. Albert is known to have short-term relationships with his ex-girlfriends due to his high demands
and usually the one who breaks up with her girlfriend. He is often engaged in heated arguments when
his classmates are not participative in group work and in any activity that he knows his grades will be
lower than his expectation. Some teachers also feel disrespected because of his overly assertiveness
in having high scores from classroom activities. His adviser also observed Albert that he is often at the
clinic as he is not feeling well, complaining headache and stomach pain. The nurses also reported to
the adviser that he has healed lacerations in his left wrist.
Please answer the following questions:
1. How it would make you feel to have this student in your classroom?

2. Think of intervention strategies and discuss the best supports for this young student.

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