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AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

AME Introduction
AME is a self-service web application which lets users define business rules governing who should approve
transactions that originate in other Oracle applications like in SSHR. It mainly provides the following services to
the calling application,
- A centralized rules repository for defining and sharing rules.
- Based on specific transaction date, it provides an execution engine to evaluate the rules.
- It provides the List Management capabilities.
- It also provides the history of approval status.

Announcing Approvals Management Mini pack AME.B (4428060). This release sees the adoption of OAF
(Applications Framework) in place of the mod pl/sql UI previously available within AME.

Announcing Approvals Management Mini pack AME.B rollup patch (4873179). This fixes some issues with
AME.B as well as introducing some functionality for future uptake by integration teams. AME.B patch is the OAF
version of AME. Please note that the version of AME in R12 is equivalent to AME.B (up to its rollup) and hence all
the documents for AME.B are also applicable for R12 with some minor change.

Knowing AME.B
In AME B, the UI has moved to new OAF tech. With this, the old AME Application administrator responsibility is
end-dated and instead we have the following two responsibilities;
- Approvals Management Business Analyst
- Approvals Management Administrator

Assigning these responsibilities directly to a user will NOT work. From AME.B onwards RBAC (Role Based
Access Control) is used. So, for the responsibilities to work, AME roles should be assigned and data grand has to
be provided to the users. This is explained in detail in following sections.

For the Existing users, you can run the ‘Approvals management Post Upgrade Process’ concurrent process, which
will attach the new responsibilities to the existing AME Users. Using the System Administrator Responsibility,
you can attach the concurrent program to System Administrator Reports Request Group.

The migration is implemented as a concurrent program with Switches. To migrate users, pass 'MIGRATE_USERS'
as parameter. To migrate item class usages, pass 'MIGRATE_ITEM_CLASS_USAGES' as parameter. To migrate
both pass 'MIGRATE_ALL' as parameter. Ensure that concurrent manager and workflow BES are up before
running the program. Also, please ensure that the port is bounced once the CP has been executed/run

AP Invoice Approval Introduction

Payable Invoice Approval is a workflow process that enables you to automate the approval process. It helps
in customizing and setting approval methodology based on
o Approver
o Sequence of approval
o Criteria for approval

In what cases Invoice Approval workflow will not apply

 When the Expense Report is imported
 In the case of Recurring invoices, if approval is not required as per the template
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

 For those invoices before this feature is enabled

Structure of AME
AME is a framework of well-defined approval rules constructed using the following 5 components for a given
1. Transaction Type
2. Attributes
3. Conditions
4. Actions
5. Approver Groups
6. Rules

1. Transaction Type:
Transaction Type is a distinct set of approval rules used by certain category of transactions in an
integrating Application

2. Attribute:
Attributes in AME are placeholders for transaction data elements. They are basic elements of an AME rule.

Attributes can be static (fixed value) or dynamic (SQL Query based). AME comes with several seeded
attributes for each of the transaction types in the system. If the seeded attributes cannot be used for
approval rules, then organizations can define their own attributes.

Attributes can be shared across various transaction types. Attributes can be defined at 3 different levels Header,
Line Item and Cost Center level.

3. Condition:
The “Condition” component is used to tell AME engine to trigger an AME rule if the result of the condition is
One or more attributes are used to define a condition. In the condition setup, an attribute is associated with a
value or range of values. At runtime, the transaction type value is evaluated against the attribute value. If the
value transaction type value qualifies with the attribute value, the outcome of the condition is TRUE and the
AME rule is eligible to trigger. Otherwise, the condition will yield FALSE and the rule shall not apply.

Ex: This condition states if the payable Invoice Total is >= 100 and <= 500000 and the currency is “USD”, then
tell AME to enable the rule associated with this condition to fire.

4. Action Type:
An Action Type is a collection of one or more Actions having similar functionality. An Action tells AME how to
modify a transaction’s approval process in a certain way.AME provides several seeded action types or one may
define a custom action type. The seeded Action Types available in AME can be used to ascend organization
hierarchies. Seeded Actions Types available in AME cannot be used with any transaction type.

5. Approver Group:
Approver Group is used to fetch approvers from Oracle Applications (HRMS). Approver Group can be static
or dynamic in nature.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Static approver group, the approvers are constant, added at the time of Approver Group setup and will be listed
as Group Members.

Dynamic approver group, the approvers are generated at run time using an SQL Query in the approver group
setup and are later identified as Group Members at run time.

Approver Group may have a voting method assigned such as Consensus, First Responder Wins, Order
Number and Serial. The voting method assigned to an approver group determines the order in which the Group
Members are notified and also how the decision of the group’s approval.

Approver Group – Voting Regimes

• Serial – Members are notified one after the other according to their member order (ties broken
arbitrarily). All members must approve.
• Consensus – Members notified in parallel. All must approve.
• First-Responder-Wins - Members notified in parallel. First responder = group’s decision.
• Order-Number – Members notified according to order, ties notified in parallel. All must respond.

6. Rule
A Rule (also called as “Approval Rule”) in AME is used to transform the business rules into approval rules to
specify approvers in the transaction’s approval list.

Rule is the last component step in AME configuration process. A rule is constructed using the following
components: Rule Type, Item Class, Category, Conditions and Actions

If invoice amount > $1000 INR (condition), THEN require approval one job levels above requestor.

List-Creation Exception
If invoice amount > $500 INR and pay group = Employee, THEN require approval two job levels above

If any approver = Sam Clark, THEN grant final authority.

Pre and Post

If expenditure category = Computers, THEN require approval from IS department.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Step 1: Create employee

Step2: Assign the super visor to employee

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Enable attachment button for an Invoices

All Oracle forms are not enabled to accept attachments, by default. We can enable the forms so that we can attach
documents, URL, and also text as attachments for each record/transaction.

If we open the Invoices form, prior to setup, we shall find the attachment button disabled.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Since we shall enable the form to accept attachment we shall get some information about the form which is need
for configuring attachments.

Nav : Click on Help Diagnostics Custom Code Personalize.

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Note the Function Name

Function Name : AP_APCINVWKB

Close the Personalize form. Now we need to check the block and exact field names

Nav : Click on Help Diagnostics Examine

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Note the block : INV_SUM_FOLDER

Setup steps
Responsibility: Application Developer. All configurations will be done in this responsibility.
Step 1: Create document entity
Navigation: Application Developer Attachment Document Entities
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Create a new record

Entity Name : Invoice
Prompt : Invoice
Application : Payables
Save and close form
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Step 2: Create attachment function

Navigation: Application Developer Attachment Attachment Functions
Create a new record
Type : Function
Name : AP_APXINWKB (This is the function name as setup on the Functions form)
User Name : Invoice (This value is populated automatically by Oracle when the function name is selected)
Enabled : Checked

Click on Categories button.

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

You can add as many categories you like. We shall add 3 categories, From Supplier, To Suppliers and Invoice.

Close this window and go back to the mail form. Click on Blocks button.

Create a new record.

Block Name : INV_SUM_FOLDER (We had picked this value from the form earlier)
Secured By : None
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Click on Entities button. Enter the values

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Entity : Invoice (from the LOV)

Display Method : Main Entity
Include in Indicator : Checked
Include in View : Unchecked
Query : Always
Insert : Always
Update : Always
Delete : Always
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Step 3: Add Document Category

Navigation: Application Developer Attachment Document Categories
Create a new record
Category : Invoice
Default Data type : File (It can be any option from the LOV. Add if you require it as this field can be blank as
Application : Payables
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Save the form. Click on Assignments button.

The default Type is Function. Add the name of the function, i.e. Invoices
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Save and close the form

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Setting up AME Responsibilities

AME responsibilities in 11i.AME.A are assigned directly to the users. However, In R12 or 11i.AME.B
and higher, AME responsibilities are assigned indirectly to users through roles. The roles are assigned to
the users by the SYSADMIN user using the User Management responsibility. Once the roles are
assigned, the AME responsibilities are automatically available to the users without specifically assigning
the AME responsibilities to the users

1. Login as SYSADMIN user (or a user that has full User Management functionality).
2. Switch the responsibility to User Management and Navigate to the Users function

3. Query with RC user and click on Go.

4. Click on the update action from the result table.

5. Click on the Assign Roles button.

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

6. Change the “Search By” field from “Roles and Responsibilities” to “Roles”
7. in the search window, query for Approval%
8. Following five roles will be displayed.
9. Select only the “Approvals Management Administrator” and “Approvals Management Business Analyst” roles.

10. After selecting the Roles, provide the Justification for the role and the effective date and click on Apply.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Granting Access to AME Responsibilities :

AME restricts access to transaction types using Data Security. Grant users access to the transaction types using the
Grants page AME restricts access to transaction types using Data Security. Grant users access to the transaction
types using the Grants page
11. Now switch the responsibility to Functional Administrator.
12. Click on create grants under the grants sub-tab.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

13. Enter a Grant Name and provide an effective date.

14. Navigate to the security Context region and select the Grantee Type as ‘Specific User’
15. In the Grantee field select the above User(RC)
16. In the Data Security region select ‘AME Transaction Types’ as the Object.
17. Clicking Next will take you to the ‘Select Object Data Context’ page’.

18. You have a default value of ‘All Rows’ in the Data Context Type, leave it as it is, and navigate further.

19. In the ‘Object parameter and Select Set’ page, enter ‘AME calling applications’ as the value in the Set field.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

20. Clicking Next will take you to the Review page.

21. Verify the information and submit the transaction.

22. Now Switch the responsibility to System Adminstrator and Navigate to System Profiles.
23. Query for the profile ‘AME:Installed’ at the required level and set the value to ‘Yes’.
24. Save the data.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

25. Go to Payables Option select Approval (T), should be enable “use Invoice Approval workflow” and enable
“Require validation before Approval”.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Issues and Resolutions:

Issue : Error creating AME rule R12 oracle.apps.per.ame.rules.server.RulesAM

Error: While creating a Rule if you are get the error like “You have encountered an unexpected error. Please contact
the System Administrator for assistance(oracle.apps.per.ame.rules.server.RulesAM)” Then change the below value
Web HTML value in function "AME_RULE_CREATE_STEP1" as per metalink id(566136.1)

Cause: Wrong URL in function "AME_RULE_CREATE_STEP1"

Solution: Change Web HTML value in function "AME_RULE_CREATE_STEP1"
Existing value : OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/per/ame/rules/webui/RuleCreateDetailsPG
Correct value : OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/ame/rules/webui/RuleCreateDetailsPG

Nav : Application Developer Application Function

Query with “AME_RULE_CREATE_STEP1” function change the
OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/ame/rules/webui/RuleCreateDetailsPG in Web HTML and save.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Responsibility and its features

Approvals Management Administrator Dashboard

Approvals Management Administrator responsibility has full access to AME’s user interface. To perform any
technical tasks such as setting AME’s configuration variables, at least one user administrative privilege in AME
should be granted.

The administrator dashboard mainly consists of three regions,

- The Transaction Type
- Unused Approver Groups
- Quick Links

Transaction Type:
Transaction Type is a distinct set of approval rules used by certain category of transactions in an
integrating Application

Unused Approver Groups:

The table gives a list of approver groups that is not been used in any rules for the given number of days.
The table also provides an option to delete the group.
Note: You will not be able to delete any seeded groups.

Quick Links :
Quick link under Approvals Management Administrator responsibility have the following links,
- Configuration Variables
- Exception Log
- Setup Report
- Approver Types
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Configuration Variables :
It provides an option to set a default value for the General configuration variables. It also select a particular
transaction type and set the variables specific to the transaction type. The next region provides you with the
options for setting Rule Priority Modes for different rule types.

You can also set the forwarding behavior, where the approver list should be recalculated when a particular
approver forwards an approval. You will have the following options to select from,
- Forward to forwardee only
- Forward to forwardee and forwarder
- Ignore Forwarding
- Repeat Forwarder
- Skip forwarder
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Exception Log :
From the quick links, you have an option to navigate to the Exception log page. By providing the Transaction
Type, you will be able to view all the exception details generated. You can also query based on the transaction ID,
along with the transaction type. You have an option to clear the exception log as well.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Setup Report :
The setup report provides you with complete exhaustive detail about a particular transaction type. It gives the
information about the Mandatory Attributes, Attributes, Conditions, Rules, Action Types, Approval Group, Item
Class and the details about Configuration Variables (General Configuration Variables, Rule Priority Modes and
Forwarding Behaviors). You also have a provision to have a printable page.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Approver Types :
In the quick link you also have an option to navigate to the Approver Types page. The page provides you with the
list of existing Approver Types and also provides an option to create new ones.

Note : For all the pages navigated from the dashboard, you will get a global link 'Return To Dashboard' which will
take you to the respective dashboard.

Approvals Management Business Analyst Dashboard

Approvals Management Business Analyst responsibility enables you to access areas of the user interface that do
not require expertise in SQL or PL/SQL programming, or technical knowledge of Oracle Applications.

The Business Analyst dashboard mainly consist of the following regions,

- Transaction Types
- Recently Updated Rules
- Future Active Rules
- Future Inactive Rules
- Approval Process Setup
- Quick Links
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Transaction Types - Table :

The table displays all the transaction types in the sequence it is been accessed. You will not be able to sort them.
On clicking the Transaction type name, it will give all the details of the Item Classes, Mandatory Attributes and
Configuration variables.

In the table you have an option to check the Rules, Test a transaction and to verify the setup. Under Rules, you an
option to use any existing rules or to create new ones. You also have option to duplicate an existing one, apart
from updating and deleting options.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Under the Test Workbench, you can run a test against a Transaction ID. You also have an option to build your
own test cases.

From the table, you also have an option to work on the setup. You can create, update or delete Attributes,
conditions, Action types and Approver Groups.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Demonstration of Setups in AME

Step 1 : Login with RC user

You should be able to see the following responsibilities:

a. Approvals Management Administrator
b. Approvals Management Business Analyst

Click on Approvals Management Business Analyst responsibility.

Transaction Type : The first step in the approval setups process is to select the transaction type for which we need
to create approval setups. AME is designed to provide approval logic for many transaction types.

Select the transaction type as Payables Invoice Approval

Step 2 : Condition:
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Select “SUPPLIER_INVOICE_AMOUNT is greater than or equal to 0, USD”

Click on Update icon and change the values is Greater than or equal to 100 and less than 500
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Step 3 : Action Types :

Click on Use Existing Action Types

Select the Supervisory level and click on continue

Click on Finish

Step 4 : Rule:
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Create Rules with the help of condition and action.

Note : While creating a Rule if you are get the error like “You have encountered an unexpected error. Please contact
the System Administrator for assistance(oracle.apps.per.ame.rules.server.RulesAM)” Then change the below value
Web HTML value in function "AME_RULE_CREATE_STEP1" as per metalink id(566136.1)

Change Web HTML value in function "AME_RULE_CREATE_STEP1"

Nav : Application Developer Application Function
Query with “AME_RULE_CREATE_STEP1” function change the below Web HTML value and save.

Existing value : OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/per/ame/rules/webui/RuleCreateDetailsPG

Correct value : OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/ame/rules/webui/RuleCreateDetailsPG
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Click on create button

Enter the Name and remaining values are default and click on next

Click on Add Condition

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Select the condition and click on continue

Click on Next

Select the Action Type as “Supervisor level” and Action as “Require approvals up to the first two supervisors”
and click on Next
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Click on Finish
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Testing AP Invoice Workflow Process:

Create invoice
Enter supplier, invoice details and amount should be between 100 and 500 and select Requestor name.
Enable the Requester field
Nav : Folder Show field  Requester

Note: Approval status should be as Required

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Now click on the attachment icon on the menu. The attachment form opens.
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Check the values available for Categories.

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Select the category and choose Data Type as File

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Then it open the browser and click on the Browse button

Select the file from local directory and click on Submit

Once file uploaded then you will get Confirmation message

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Once we got the confirmation message then move attachments form and click on Yes button

File name will populate in File or URL field

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Choose the Publish to Catalog icon to publish the document to the document catalog so that it can be attached to other
records. To attach a document that has already been published to the Catalog, choose the Document Catalog.

Click on Publish to Catalog button

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Click on Ok
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Click on Ok
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Validate invoice
Click on Validate: Actions  Check the Validate
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Send the invoice for Approval

Click on Actions and check the Initiate Approval
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Now the approval status is changed to Initiated

AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Check the Approval workflow

Reports View Invoice Approval History
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Approver 1:
Login with CBROWN user and click on the notification link
AP Invoice Approval Setups and Process Raju Ch

Check the invoice details and click on Approve button

Check the Approval workflow

Reports View Invoice Approval History

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