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Wade E. Selph

This document i s a reprint

. Weapons
of Chapter 4 of
Radiation Shielding Handbook
prepared for
Washington, D.C. 20301

Handbook Editors
Lorraine S. Abbott, H. Clyde Claiborne, and Charles E. Clifford



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At t h e request of t h e Defense Atomic Support A s is always t h e case for handbooks, the authors
Agency, Oak Ridge National Laboratory h a s under- and editors a r e relying heavily on suggestions,
taken t h e preparation of a handbook to aid engi- reviews, and criticisms of others as an aid i n
neers charged with t h e responsibility of designing t h e development of t h e various chapters. T h e
s h i e l d s to protect military equipment and personnel l i s t of individuals who have contributed i n t h i s
in t h e vicinity of a nuclear weapons burst. T h i s manner h a s already grown very large, and i t would
document constitutes t h e second chapter of t h e b e almost impossible to acknowledge each person
Handbook i s s u e d t h u s far, the first one being here. W e do, however, wish to e x p r e s s appreci-
Chapter 5, entitled “Methods for Calculating Ef- ation to Lt. Cols. Charles D. Daniel and William
f e c t s of Ducts, A c c e s s Ways, and Holes i n A. Alfonte, who as p a s t DASA Shielding Project
Shields.” T h e s e two chapters, together with an Officers handled the early administration of t h e
. * introductory first chapter, will eventually b e com- contract and a s s i s t e d i n establishing the scope
bined with a chapter defining t h e radiation s o u r c e s of t h e Handbook. T h e work they began is currently
insofar a s is p o s s i b l e and practicable (Chapter 2) being ably performed by Captain R. W. Enz. W e
and a chapter outlining methods for calculating also wish to acknowledge t h e a s s i s t a n c e of R. E.
t h e attenuation of weapons radiation through vari- Maerker of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, who,
o u s media (Chapter 3) to form Volume I of the by virtue of having worked on neutron albedos i n
Handbook. Volume I1 will c o n s i s t of two or more recent years, h a s been able to serve a s an on-the-
additional chapters presenting engineering design spot authority to help resolve problem areas as
methods that a r e based on t h e more sophisticated they arose i n t h i s chapter, particularly i n Sections
techniques described in Volume I. T h e intent is 4 . 1 and 4.2.
that t h e shield designer will u s e Volume I a s a Finally, we wish t o thank Mrs. Virginia M.
textbook and ready reference and Volume I1 a s a Hamrick, who by carefully reading each draft of
guide for handling most of t h e problems with which t h i s chapter, including galley and page proofs, h a s
h e will be confronted. both improved t h e rhetoric and helped eliminate
In order to prepare t h i s Handbook, i t h a s been some of the usual errors that are inevitably found
necessary for Oak Ridge National Laboratory to in formal publications.
obtain the a s s i s t a n c e of several consultants and May 1967
subcontractors. For t h i s chapter on albedos, for
example, Wade E. Selph of Radiation Research T h e Radiation Shielding Information Center grate-
Associates, Inc., performed t h e initial literature fully acknowledges the interest and efforts of Lt.
s e a r c h and prepared the draft with which t h e Col. G. C. Reinhardt and Capt. R. W. Enz of t h e
editors worked. Other chapters will similarly Radiation P h y s i c s Branch of the Defense Atomic
represent a cooperative effort of ORNL and other Support Agency for making i t p o s s i b l e for t h i s
organizations. work t o b e reprinted and widely distributed.
December 1967


4.0. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ ,1

4.1. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................ 2

4.1.1. General Considerations .. ..................................................... 2
4. 1.2. Differential Dose Albedos ................................................................................................ 3
4. 1.3. Total Dose Albedos .................................................................................. 4
4.1.4. Other Albedos .................................................................................................................... 4
4.1.5. Application ........................................................................................................................ 4

4.2. NEUTRON ALBEDOS........................................ ............. 5

4.2.1. Fast-Neutron Albedos ...................................................................................................... 5
4.2.2. Albedos for Neutrons of Intermediate Energy .............. ......... 14
4.2.3. Thermal-Neutron Albedos ................................................................................................ 15
Neutrons Incident a t Thermal Energy ............................................ 15
Neutrons Incident at Nonthermal Energies .................................................................... 21

4.3. GAMMA-RAY ALBEDOS................................................................................................................ 23

4.4. SECONDARY GAMMA-RAY ALBEDOS ...................................................................................... 37

4.4.1. Capture Gamma-Ray Albedos ................................................. 37
4.4.2. Activation Gamma-Ray Albedos ...................................................................................... 45
4.4.3. Inelastic-Scattering Gamma-Ray Albedos ................................................................. 45


4.0 Introduction

It is pointed out in Chapter 5 and elsewhere in Theoretically, calculations of nuclear radiation

t h i s Handbook that an air-filled opening through a albedos should be straightforward, s i n c e a large
shield can increase the total amount of radiation body of information is available on interaction
penetrating the shield. T h i s is not only because probabilities, t h e angular distribution of scattered
air affords l i t t l e attenuation but a l s o b e c a u s e neu- radiation, and the emergent energy versus scatter-
trons and gamma rays c a n s c a t t e r s u c c e s s i v e l y ing angle for a variety of incident energies and
from the walls of such openings and thus penetrate materials. But even though the single-event prob-
much deeper into the shield than would be possible abilities are well known, solution of t h e macro-
i f they traveled through shielding material alone. s c o p i c multicollision albedo problem is quite com-
T h e problem of wall-scattered radiation is partic- plex. Consequently, the value of t h e single-event
ularly acute i n weapons radiation shields, which probabilities lies primarily in their usefulness i n
nearly always contain large d u c t s or passageways. predicting trends. F o r example, if the ratio of t h e
Consequently, a number of s t u d i e s have recently scattering c r o s s section to the absorption c r o s s
been carried out to determine the fraction of nu- section is high, as i t is in the case of neutrons
clear radiation incident on a material surface that diffusing in concrete, the resulting albedo will
is reflected back out of the material. T h i s fraction tend to b e high. If, however, the scattering is
is called the material albedo. predominantly i n the forward direction, as in t h e
When applied to nuclear radiation, the definition case of high-energy gamma rays, then there i s a
of the term “albedo” is much broader than the greater probability for a low albedo.
traditional definition. For example, nuclear radi- T h e material most frequently used in albedo in-
ation albedos include radiation that is scattered vestigations is concrete, s i n c e the prevalent inter-
at depths as great a s or greater than a relaxation e s t is i n concrete as a structural material for
length, rather than from j u s t t h e surface of the shelters. Other materials have been studied, such
medium, s i n c e particles scattering at t h e s e depths as water, iron, lead, borated polyethylene, alumi-
have been shown to contribute significantly to t h e num, and various s o i l s , but the data available for
total radiation emerging from t h e surface. Also, e a c h are meager. T h e investigations themselves
some nuclear radiation albedos refer to mixed radi- have largely consisted of calculations, primarily
ations, that i s , to emergent particles of one type Monte Carlo machine calculations; however, in
that result from t h e interaction of incident particles many c a s e s there h a s been sufficient experi-
of another type. Such albedos might be more mental confirmation to establish the validity of
properly referred to as effective albedos, with the t h e calculated data. In nearly all cases t h e calcu-
emergent radiation identified as a particular type lated data have been fitted to empirical expres-
of secondary radiation. For example, effective sions.
capture gamma-ray albedos are albedos specifying Because t h e shield designer is interested in
the gamma-ray d o s e emerging from a medium that t h e dose resulting from the reflected radiation,
is due to incident neutrons being captured within t h e incident and emergent particle fluxes and cur-
the medium. T h i s type of albedo is especially rents are often expressed in dose units. As a
important s i n c e for some duct configurations the ’ result of the differences in the energy dependence
capture gamma-ray d o s e s c a n exceed t h e scattered of the flux-to-dose response functions for neutrons
neutron doses. and gamma rays, neutron dose albedos are more


strongly related t o t h e number of particles reflected, con f i rm a t ion. On the other hand, as the list of
while gamma-ray d o s e albedos are more strongly references at the end of the chapter will reveal,
related to t h e total energy reflected. t h e subject of nuclear radiation reflection h a s
T h e summarization in t h i s chapter of the albedo received a great deal of attention s i n c e 1960, and
d a t a that have been obtained to d a t e emphasizes t h e fact that so much d a t a h a s been amassed in
t h e gaps that s t i l l exist. It will be apparent, for t h e s e few years underscores t h e importance shield
example; that while calculated neutron albedos designers attach t o albedos. Unfortunately, so
for concrete are available for essentially all en- many s t u d i e s being carried out simultaneously h a s
ergy regions of interest, t h o s e for the intermediate- resulted in a diversity of nomenclature and defini-
energy region lack experimental confirmation. tions which h a s complicated comparisons between
Experimental confirmation of gamma-ray albedo what should be similar data. In an attempt to
calculations is even more limited, s i n c e all the alleviate t h i s problem, all albedo d a t a quoted in
experiments have been performed with the low t h i s chapter have been c l a s s i f i e d according to t h e
gamma-ray energies that can b e obtained from iso- definitions given in Section 4.1, which, i f generally
tope sources. In the case of secondary gamma-ray accepted, should a i d in t h e understanding of future
albedos, there h a s been almost no experimental studies.

4.1 Definitions

ORNL-DWG 67-2063

Traditionally, albedo r e f e r s to t h e ratio of t h e

radiation current reflected from a surface to t h e
current incident on that surface. Consider, for
example, a monodirectional source of radiation of
energy E , incident on a surface at polar angle 0,
(see Fig. 4.1). T h e reflected current of energy E
per unit energy per unit solid angle at polar angle
8 and azimuthal angle 4 is given by

.we,+) = .w,,e,) a(Eo,eOmw) (4.1)

Fig. 4.1. Geometry for Calculating Neutron and

where J(E,,O,) is the incident current and a ( E o , Gamma-Ray Reflection from a Surface.
8 , , E , 8 , ~ ) is t h e albedo.
When applied to nuclear radiation, albedo is not
always expressed as t h e ratio of t h e reflected cur- a r e much more penetrating and their 'albedos take
rent per incident current, but instead may b e given into account radiation that is scattered back out
as the ratio of reflected current per unit incident of the medium from several mean free paths below
flux, of reflected dose per unit incident current, the surface. T h e b a s i c assumption is made that
of reflected d o s e per incident dose, etc. Unlike the particles emerge from t h e medium a t t h e same
the reflection of light which c a n b e considered to points on t h e surface a t which they were incident,
be a surface phenomenon, neutrons and gamma rays which simplifies t h e u s e of predetermined albedos
in various calculations, such as the duct transmis- 4.1.2. DIFFERENTIAL DOSE ALBEDOS
sion problems discussed in Chapter 5.
T h e definitions of the three types of differential
Neutron and gamma-ray albedos a r e available in
albedos for which the particle flux h a s been weighted
several forms. T h e form used in Eq. 4.1 is doubly by a d o s e response function are as follows:
differential; that is, it is differential with respect
to both the reflected energy E and t h e reflected uDl(Eo,~o,8,+), Differential Current Out (in Dose
direction (as determined by 8 and +). A singly Units) per Incident F l u x (in Dose Units). - If the
differential albedo results when a doubly differential dose due to particles of energy E , incident at
albedo is integrated over either energy or direc- angle 8, is D o , then the particle current (in d o s e
tion. Dose albedos obtained experimentally as a units) per steradian reflected in t h e direction O,+
function of exit directions are also examples of is given by D o u D l . T h e reflected particle current
singly differential albedos s i n c e d o s e is an integral i n d o s e units (or dose current) h a s no physical
quantity with respect to energy. T h e term “total meaning but is merely a mathematical convenience.
albedo” always implies that integration h a s been It is expressed mathematically by
performed over both energy and direction. In t h i s
Handbook, differential albedos a r e denoted by the we,+>= s K ( E ) J(E,O,+) dE I (4.2)
symbol a, a s in Eq. 4.1, and total albedos by t h e
symbol A. where J(E,8,$) = @(E,8,+) cos 8 and K ( E ) is the
flux-to-dose conversion factor for particles of en-
Three different types of differential and total ergy E . T h e current measuring plane in t h e s e
albedos have been used by various investigators definitions is the material interface plane.
in reporting their results on materia1 reflectivity.
T h e f i r s t type, denoted here by the subscript 1, uD2(E0,8,,8,+),Differential Current Out (in Dose
Units) per Incident Current (in Dose Units). - If
is an albedo which represents an incident flux of
particles and an emergent current. T h e second the d o s e due to particles of energy E , incident at
and third types, denoted by subscripts 2 and 3 , angle 8, is D o (flux in d o s e units), then t h e par-
are albedos for which t h e incident and emergent ticle current (in d o s e units) per steradian reflected
particles are considered to b e the s a m e - current in the direction e,$ is given by D o cos 8, uD2,
for t h e type 2 albedo and flux for the type 3 albedo. where D o c o s 8, is t h e incident particle current in
F l u x e s and currents are related functionally by d o s e units. T h i s type differs from the traditional
the cosine of the entrance or exit angles. For current albedo only in that t h e current is weighted
example, i f @ (E,8,+) is the reflected differential by a d o s e response function.
flux per unit energy per steradian, then the reflected uD3(Eo,Oo,8,+), Differential F l u x Out (in Dose
current per unit energy per steradian, J(E,O,+), is Units) per Incident F l u x (in Dose Units). - If the
equal to @(E,8,+) c o s 0. dose due to particles of energy E , incident a t
If the albedo being considered represents some angle 0, is D o , then the d o s e per steradian due to
weighting of the particle flux such as dose or en- particles reflected in the direction 8,d is D,u,,.
If the incident particle current per unit surface
ergy flux, then the subscripted Ietter D or E will
precede t h e numerical subscript. In the albedo area is . / ( E , ) , then D o = K ( E o ) ] ( E o ) sec 0,. If
definitions given below, t h e term “dose” or “dose t h e reflected particle current per unit surface area
rate” is used in the generic s e n s e . T h e albedo is J(E,8,+), then the reflected differential d o s e
definitions are not affected by the various types is
or names of d o s e s that are used. T h e choice of
the d o s e definition and the flux-to-dose conver-
sion ratio govern whether t h e d o s e s are exposure
where D(O,+) is t h e dose per steradian due to
dose, absorbed dose, kerma, d o s e equivalent,
particles reflected in t h e direction e,+.
single-collision dose, or multicollision dose (see
T h e three types of albedos defined above are
Chapter 1). Standard functional notation is used
in conjunction with t h e albedo symbols to designate related by
the independent variables for the particular albedo
being considered.


Total d o s e albedos a r e obtained by integrating Basic d a t a on radiation reflection find many

differential d o s e albedos over the solid angle applications i n the a n a l y s i s of. protective struc-
represented by the exit hemisphere. T h u s t h e tures, t h e reflected radiation i n some cases being
three types of total d o s e albedos corresponding to t h e primary consideration. An example of how
t h e differential albedos described above a r e defined s u c h d a t a c a n b e used is as follows.
by Consider a detector positioned at a n entranceway
with a surrounding concrete pad exposed t o an
A, p 0 , e 0 )= J a, , ( E o t e o 9 e l + )d~ (4.5)
elevated monoenergetic point s o u r c e of radiation
as shown i n Fig. 4.2. T h e total response at P

ORNL-DWG 67-4074


where dQ = s i n 8 de d+ a n d the l i m i t s of integra-

tion a r e from 8 = 0 to 7 ~ / 2and from +
= 0 to 2 7 ~ .
Differential d a t a must b e available when d a t a
for A D 3 are being compared with t h e other two Fig. 4.2. Geometry for Calculating Radiation Scattered

types of total albedos, whereas A , , and A , , a r e into a Structure.

directly related; i.e., A , = c o s 8 , A , ,.
will b e due to the radiation that travels directly
4.1.4. OTHER ALBEDOS from t h e source plus t h e radiation which s c a t t e r s
Particle flux or current and energy flux or cur- to P from t h e air, t h e ground, or the concrete.
rent albedos, which refer either to particle or (The scattered component will include radiation
energy flow, have also been used. In keeping that h a s been multiply scattered from some c o m -
with the previous nomenclature, t h e s e are bination of t h e s e three media; however, in m o s t cases
of interest, multiple-medium scattering may b e
A , or a, = particle current out per unit particle
neglected with little l o s s in accuracy.) The
flux in,
ground- and concrete-scattered components may
A , or a, = particle current out per unit particle b e evaluated by performing a numerical integration
current in, of the product of t h e incident intensity and t h e
A 3 or a3 = particle flux out per unit particle material albedo over t h e exposed surface area.
flux in.
For the case in which energy flow is considered,
F o r example, i f a type 1 albedo for concrete is
used, the d o s e a t t h e detector due to scattering
t h e s e particle flow quantities a r e weighted by t h e from t h e concrete pad will b e given by
energy and
A , , or a,, = energy current out per unit energy
flux in, etc.
All the parameters involved in t h e s e albedo
definitions are the same a s in the d o s e albedo where D o is the incident d o s e at a n incremental
definitions except that neither the incident nor a r e a dS, r is the distance between P and t h e point
t h e reflected flux (or current) is converted to d o s e of reflection from the pad, and the integration is
units. over the concrete area viewed by t h e detector.

If a type 2 or type 3 albedo is used, Eq. 4.8

becomes D = D o [1 + AD3(Eo,80)l = D o


and If the radiation spectrum at the detector is

desired, a more complex form of the albedo (such
as a flux or current albedo or a dose albedo that
D, cos e
D aD ,(Eo,eo7e,+) ds (4.10) is differential in exit energy) is used, and the
integration becomes more complex. For example,
it is necessary t o integrate over the incident en-
respectively. ergy spectrum and to accumulate the reflected
T h e dose at a point on the concrete-air interface contributions into energy groups which form the
may b e obtained by using reflected spectrum.

4.2 Neutron Albedos

T h e fundamental mechanisms which result in egorized as relating to albedos that result from
neutrons being scattered backwards in a material incident thermal neutrons and those that result
are elastic and inelastic scattering, the two proc- from neutrons incident at energies higher than
esses being distinguished by the condition of the thermal energy. Since neutrons that are incident
target nucleus following its collision with the a t thermal energy scatter in a much more orderly
neutron. In an elastic scattering t h e total kinetic process than do higher energy neutrons, this cat-
energy of the incident particle and the target egory h a s yielded to the direct analytical approach
nucleus is unchanged, and the nucleus is left in much more readily than the other categories. In
the same internal state as before the collision. general, expressions for other types of albedos
In an inelastic scattering the total kinetic energy have been obtained by fits to results from machine
is decreased, and the nucleus is left in an excited calculations, the majority being Monte Carlo type
state. In either case an intermediate s t e p may b e of calculations.
the formation of a very short-lived compound nu- From the following discussion it will b e apparent
cleus, from which the original neutron, or its that almost all the neutron albedo investigations
replacement, is immediately ejected. have been for s o m e form of concrete, although a
As a result of many s u c c e s s i v e scatterings, few have also included other materials.
neutrons c a n follow tortuous paths which are dif-
ficult to calculate. Nevertheless calculations of
neutron albedos have been successfully performed 4.2.1. FAST-NEUTRON ALBEDOS
with experimental confirmation in a number of
cases. T h e investigations have fallen into three T h e major contributions t o the data on fast-
major categories, distinguished by the energies of neutron albedos have resulted from studies made
the reflected neutrons: f a s t neutrons, intermediate- by Maerker and Muckenthaler' and by Allen, Fut-
energy neutrons, and thermal neutrons. The studies terer, and Wright. Both groups performed detailed
of thermal-neutron albedos have been further cat- Monte Carlo calculations to determine the reflec-


tion from materials that is due to f a s t neutrons of T h e emergent angles were determined by the inter-
various energies incident on the materials at section points of a grid formed by nine space-
various angles. T h e results of Maerker and Muck- fixed polar angles and s i x azimuthal angles. T h e
enthaler are more detailed than those of Allen results, obtained for distinct values of 0,. 8, and
et al. in that the reflection data are differential 4, were grouped into energy bands A E , and A E .
with respect both t o the reflected direction (see There were ten reflected energy bands, which,
Fig. 4.1) and to the reflected energy. T h e Allen like t h e incident energy bands, covered the range
et al. data are differential with respect to the between 0.2 and 8 MeV. (Note: Albedos that in-
direction only. clude neutrons reflected at energies less than
T h e Maerker and Muckenthaler calculations were 0.2 MeV were determined separately and are dis-
performed as part of a calculational and experi- c u s s e d in Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3.)
mental program that covered a wide range of neu- T h e differential albedo aDz ( E o , O o , E , ~ , cal- ~)
tron energies (see Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3) and culated by Maerker and Muckenthaler is in units of
included an investigation of secondary gamma-ray reflected current (in single-collision d o s e units)
albedos (see Section 4.4). In the experimental per MeV per steradian per incident current (in --.
phase, which was performed a t the ORNL Tower single-collision d o s e units) of a “gun-barrel”
Shielding Facility, a g-in.-thick concrete s l a b w a s beam source. T h i s albedo differs from the ao2
used which was reinforced with steel bars at d i s c u s s e d in Section 4.1 only i n that, as w a s
a depth of 1’/2in. from either side. For the fast- pointed out previously, it is differential with
neutron calculations (but not for the intermediate- respect to the reflected energy as well as the
and thermal-neutron calculations discussed later) reflected direction (that i s , it is a doubly dif-
the s t e e l was not considered and the concrete ferential albedo). T h e s t a t i s t i c a l uncertainty
composition was assumed to b e a typical concrete associated with the Maerker-Muckenthaler d a t a
of the composition shown in Table 4.1.* is about 10% for the doubly differential albedos
T h e calculations were performed for s i x incident and about 3% for singly differential albedos.
energy bands covering the energy range between Typical results from t h e s e calculations are
0.2 and 8 MeV. In a particular problem the neu- shown in Figs. 4.3 through 4.6. Figure 4.3 shows
trons incident on the concrete were sampled uni- the variation of the total albedo (integrated over
formly from e a c h incident-energy band, and a sta- both t h e reflected energy and the reflected angle)
t i s t i c a l estimation technique was used to obtain as a function of the incident angle and incident
estimates of the current emerging from the surface energy band. Figures 4.4 and 4.5 show the de-
a t various angles from a normal to the surface.

*An analysis of the concrete that was used in the
experiment is shown in Table 4.5 in Section 4.2.2. 0.6


T a b l e 4.1. Concrete Compositions Used \

in Monte Carlo Calculations

Composition (in units 0.2

of l o z 1 atoms/cm3)
E leme nt Maerker and Allen et a l .
Muckenthaler 0
1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 . 0

9.43 13.75 cos 8,

0 47.6 45.87
Si 11.85 20.15 Fig. 4.3. T o t a l Single-Collision Dose Albedo as a

Ca 7.8 Function of cos 80 and A \ E ~for F a s t Neutrons (>0.2

MeV) Reflected ‘from Concrete. (From Moerker and
Density (g/cm3) 2.35 2.26
Muckenthaler, ref. 1.)

. ..

pendente of the differential d o s e albedo on the angle is strongest for high-energy neutrons . a t
reflection angles 8 and 4, Fig. 4.5 clearly il- grazing angles of incidence and emergence, be-
lustrating that t h e assumption of no dependence coming very weak for low-energy neutrons or for
on the reflected azimuthal angle 4 c a n lead t o values of 4 greater than 45 deg. T h i s trend is
considerable error in t h e differential albedo for consistent with what would b e expected s i n c e
some conditions. T h e dependence on t h e azimuthal the f i r s t scatterings of high-energy neutrons are
in t h e forward direction and s i n c e neutrons that
have scattered more than once tend t o have “for-
ORNL-DWG 64-6630R2
gotten” their initial direction and thus emerge
from t h e material in a rather random manner. Figure
4.6 shows how the ratio of the total d o s e albedo
for singly scattered neutrons to t h e total d o s e
- 7 albedo for singly plus multiply scattered neutrons
8 6
i n c r e a s e s with increasing values of t h e polar angle
of incidence.
ORNL-DWG 64-9854R2

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
cos e

. Fig. 4.4. Differential Single-Collision

per Steradian as a Function of cos 8 and
Dose Albedo
4 for 1.5- to
3-MeV Neutrons Incident on Concrete at 8, = 60 deg.
(From Maerker and Muckenthaler, ref. 1.)

4.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.t 0
cos eo
ORNL-DWG 64-6629R2

Fig. 4.6. Ratio of Total Single-Collision Dose Albedo

for F a s t Neutrons (>0.2 MeV) Singly Scattered from
Concrete to T o t a l Albedo for Singly Plus Multiply Scat-
tered Neutrons as a Function of cos 8, and AE,. (From
Maerker and Muckentholer, ref. 1 .)
a /

Maerker and Muckenthaler derived a n expression

to fit their angular differential d o s e albedo data
which reproduces their Monte .Carlo results within
10%. T h e expression involves two t e r m s : t h e first
accounts only for singly scattered neutrons and the
to 08 0.6 04 0.2 0 second includes all multiply scattered neutrons,
cos e it being assumed that the configuration is effec-
tively a semi-infinite body of concrete. T h e ex-
Fig. 4.5. Differential Single-Collision Dose Albedo pression is as follows:
per Steradian as a Function of cos 8 and 4 for 6- t o
8-MeV Neutrons Incident on Concrete at 8, = 85 deg.
(From Maerker and Muckenthaler, ref. 1.)

section i n t h e energy group A E based on the

assumption of a flat flux distribution within t h e
energy interval A E . T h e root mean square devia-
tion between the predicted and measured values
is 3.1%, and t h e largest s i n g l e deviation is 9%.
T h i s close agreement indicates that, in s p i t e of
t h e differences in the compositions of t h e concrete
where cos 8, = s i n 8, s i n 8 c o s $I - c o s 8, c o s 8; assumed for t h e calculations and that used i n t h e
P m and P , are Legendre polynomials of orders m experiment, t h e albedo is relatively i n s e n s i t i v e to
and k; t h e changes in t h e concrete composition within
these limits.
T h e Monte Carlo calculations performed by Allen
et a l . 3 determined t h e fraction of neutrons from
monoenergetic sources that w a s transmitted through
and reflected from infinite s l a b s of various mate-
rials, including concrete. T h e source energies
I were 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 1.0, 2.0, 3.5, 5.0, and 1 4
x a i j ( A E o ) cosi 8,; (4.13) MeV, and the angles of incidence were 0 , 3 0 , 45, and
j=O 7 0 d e g from the normal to the slab. T h e low-
energy cutoff was 1 0 eV. Transmitted and reflected
and t h e c o n s t a n t s Gm, B,, K , , and a *. I. are given i n neutrons were accumulated in energy and angle
T a b l e 4.2. intervals, the reflected d a t a yielding the multi-
collision d o s e albedos aD3(E ,,8,,8) and A, 3 ( E o ,
Maerker and Muckenthaler also performed cal-
eo). Energy spectra of t h e reflected flux were a l s o
culations i n which their differential albedos were
determined for each incident energy-angle com-
used to predict reflected fast-neutron d o s e s due t o
a collimated beam of reactor neutrons incident at
In addition t o concrete, the materials covered
various angles on a 6-ft-square, 9-in.-thick con-
in the calculations were water, iron, 8% borated
c r e t e s l a b , and they compared t h e results with
polyethylene, and three Nevada T e s t Site (NTS)
t h e reflected d o s e s measured in a n experiment
soils differing only i n moisture content. T h e
performed a t the ORNL Tower Shielding Facility
d e n s i t i e s and elemental content of the materials
(TSF). T h e values of t h e incident angles 8,
are given in T a b l e s 4.1 and 4.3. In all c a s e s the
covered i n t h e calculations and the experiment
s l a b s were assumed to b e sufficiently thick to
were 0, 45, 60, and 75 deg. T h e calculations were
yield albedo d a t a approximating t h o s e for a s e m i -
weighted by a n incident spectrum previously meas-
infinite geometry.
ured at t h e TSF, and t h e incident d o s e rate used
Typical results from t h e calculations of Allen
was the d o s e rate determined by integrating t h e
et al. are presented in F i g s . 4.7 through 4.11.
measured d o s e rates over t h e effective c r o s s -
Figures 4.7 through 4.9 are plots of t h e total d o s e
sectional area of t h e incident beam.
albedos for t h e various materials as a function of
T h e reflected d o s e r a t e s were predicted with t h e hydrogen content for incident source energies
t h e equation of 0.1, 2.0, and 14.0 MeV, respectively. Figure
4.10 shows t h e energy spectra of t h e neutrons
reflected from a concrete s l a b due t o a 3.0-MeV
source incident a t t h e various angles, and Fig.
4.11 gives t h e angular distributions of reflected
neutrons due t o a 1.0-MeV source.
French and Wells4 analyzed the differential d a t a
of Allen et al. and obtained a fit that is a function
of t h e incident and reflected polar angles only.
where p is the fraction of D o lying within A E o , r T h e dependence of the reflected azimuthal angle
is the distance from t h e surface to t h e detector, $I w a s found to b e weak and for the most part ir-
and c T , a i r ( A E )is the average macroscopic c r o s s regular; thus the d o s e reflection d a t a were averaged


Table 4.2. Constants for the Expressiona F i t t i n g the Maerker-Muckenthaler Differential Dose
Albedo Data for F a s t Neutrons Incident on Concrete

Value of Constant for AE, of

Constant 0.2 - 0.75 0.75 - 1.5 1.5 -3 3-4 4-6 6-8


GO 6.5 85 -2 ' 7.045-2 7.211-2 7.024-2 6.856-2 5.899-2

Gl 5.048 -2 4.3 93 -2 5.845 -2 7.452-2 8.2 94-2 6.03 9-2

G2 3.710-2 7.088-2 5.968-2 9.517-2 7.524-2

G3 1.544-2 1.898-2 2.72 9-2 5.591 -2 7.761-2 8,140-2

G4 7.8373 2.4083 1.190-2 2.646-2 4.292-2 6.622-2

-3.5893 1.0003 -6.908-4 1.824-2 3.056-2

0 4.6373 -8.087-4 5.5993 1.595-2
0 6.4903 -1.4593 5.288-3 1.277-2

0 0 -1.809-3 1.046-2 9.3803

6.27-2 9.00-2 8.80-2 9.05-2 8.744-2 6.374-2

1.50-2 8.53 1.30-2 2.15-2 2.817-2 1.382-2

5.33 9.73 6.03 2.3 0-2 2.344-2 1.178-2

0 0 0 0 1.779-2 1.084-2
0 0 0 0 8.517-3 6.801 -3

Kl 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.1 1.06

a00 0.36 0.51 0.56 0.60 0.43 0.35

aO1 1.29 0.32 0.18 0.15 2.02 0.95

a02 0 1.00 1.32 0.48 -0.38 0

a 10 0.06 -0.04 -0.14 -0.61 0.05 0.10

all -3.06 -2.46 -2.76 -1.08 -9.13 -2.28

a12 0 0 0 0 5.93 1.11

a 20 -0.20 0.05 0.05 0.32 0.04 0

1.68 0.95 1.14 0.30 5.97 0

0 0 0 0 -4.39 0

aEquation 4.12.
bTable taken from: R. E. Maerker and F. J. Muckenthaler, N u c l . S c i . E n g . 22, 455-462 (1965).
'6.585 x lo-', etc.

Table 4.3. Compositions of Soil, Iron, and Polyethylene Used in Monte Carlo Calculations by Allen et ol.*

Composition (in units of atoms/cm3)

Nevada T e s t Site Soil
50% 1 ow0 Iron 8% Borated
Element Dry
Saturated Saturated Polye thy lene

IOB 0.658
'B 2.67
H 8.553 9.80 16.87 76.8

C 39.2
0 22.68 23.30 27.00
AI 2.014 1.830 1.976
Si 9.533 8.680 8.963
Fe 84.9

Density 1.15 1.12 1.25 7.88 0.97

*Table taken from: F. J. Allen, A. Futterer, and W. Wright, Dependence of Neutron Albedos upon Hydrogen Con-
tent of a Shield, Ballistics Research Laboratories Report BRL-1224 (October 1963).

ORNL-DWG 67-2064

ORNL-DWG 67-2065
4.2 1.2

4 .O 1.0

0.8 0.8 ( 5 0 'A SAT U RAT E D 1

AD3 'D3

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4


0 40 20 30 40 50 60 70

0 I
t "
Bo= 45 deg

20 30
40 50

Fig. 4.7. Total Multicollision Dose Albedo for 0.1-MeV Fig. 4.8. Total Multicollisiofi Dose Albedo for 2.0-MeV
Neutrons Incident on Various Materials. (From Allen Neutrons Incident an Various Materials. (From Allen
e t al., ref. 3.) e t af., ref. 3.)

ORNL-DWG 67-2066
ORNL-DWG 67-2066 0.240


r S O l L (50% SATURATED)
AD 3 0.460


0.2 0.420

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 4.9. T o t a l M u l t i c o l l i s i o n D o s e Albedo for 14.0-

MeV Neutrons Incident on Various Materials. (From
A l l e n e t a l . , ref. 3.) 0.2 04 06 08
cos e

Fig. 4.11. Angular Distributions o f F a s t Neutrons

R e f l e c t e d from Concrete. (From A l l e n et af., ref. 2.)
mated by ~ 0 s ~ yielding
' ~ e,,
an expression of t h e
aD 1 = k(~,) e, COS 8 , (4.15)

where k ( E o ) is a normalizing constant which in-

cludes the effect of incident energy and reflecting
material. Values of k ( E , ) are shown in T a b l e 4.4
for concrete, t h e three NTS soils, and iron for
eight monoenergetic sources and a fission source.
Equation 4.15 is assumed to be valid for all mate-
rials of low to moderate hydrogen content (C,/C, <
0.5). (The water data of Allen et af. show a less
Fig. 4.10. Energy Spectrum o f F a s t Neutrons R e f l e c t e d pronounced dependence on 8, and are not cor-
from Concrete (F = Arbitrary Number). (From A l l e n related by the expression.) P l o t s of a D I ( E o )are
e t af., ref. 2.) shown in Fig. 4.12 for fast neutrons normally
incident on and normally reflected from concrete,
soil, and iron.

over 6..T h e dependence on the reflected polar

angle w a s found t o fit a c o s 8 function, and the *The original data of Allen et a l . were converted by
dependence on the incident angle w a s approxi- French and W e l l s to a type 1 albedo ( s e e Section 4.1).

Table 4.4. Values of the Constant k ( E 0 ) for the Expression F i t t i n g the A l l e n et a/. Differential Dose
Albedo Data far F a s t Neutrons Incident on Various Materials*.

k ( E o ) for Incident Energies of

Materia 1
0.1 MeV 0.25 MeV 0.5 MeV 1.0 MeV 2.0 MeV 3.0 MeV 5.0 MeV 14.0 Me,V Fission

Concrete 0.0948 0.1027 0.1062 0.1323 0.1164 0.1030 0.0834 0.0552 0.1110

Dry NTS s o i l 0.0967 0.0895 0.1002 0.1272 0.1103 0.0979 0.0784 0.0535 0.1050

50% saturated 0.0868 0.0957 0.0952 0.1209 0.1074 0.0926 0.0746 0.0533 0.1015
NTS s o i l

100% saturated 0.0778 0.0818 0.0839 0.1054 0.0891 0.0791 0.0644 0.0463 0.0868
NTS s o i l

Iron 0.1750 0.1752 0.1801 0.1182 0.1477 0.1508 0.1158 0.0802 0.1366

*Table taken from: R. L. French and M. B. Wells, A n Angular Dependent Albedo for Fast-Neutron Reflection C a l -
culations, Radiation R e s e a r c h A s s o c i a t e s Report RRA-M31 (November 1963).

French and Wells found that, except for incident the ratio of the macroscopic hydrogen c r o s s sec-
energies near cross-section peaks of the elements tion of the material to its macroscopic total c r o s s
in the material, the total dose albedo data of Allen section. There is a l s o an excellent correlation
et al. could be correlated by a linear function of whzn t h e total albedo is averaged over the fission
neutron spectrum, as is shown in Fig. 4.13 for
normally incident and normally reflected fission
neutrons. T h i s correlation should b e useful in
extrapolating to other materials for which calcula-
0.46 tions have not been performed.
Song' used the Monte Carlo data of Allen et al.
0.44 t o obtain values of an energy-dependent parameter
'which. would
. give the b e s t fit to a semiempirical
0.4 2
formula h e had derived for the fast-neutron dif-
ferential d o s e albedo for concrete. T h e formula,

0.40 ORNL-DWG 67-2070

0.00 05


4or 0 3


0.02 04

0 04 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
0 2 4 6 8 40 12 14 =H/=T

Eo(MeV 1

Fig. 4.13. Dependence o f Fast-Neutron Total Multi-

Fig. 4.12. Differential Multicollisian Dose Albedo for collision Dose Albedo upon Hydrogen Content of
F a s t Neutrons Incident an Various Materials. , (From Reflecting Material ( F i s s i o n Neutrons, E,, > 0.2 MeV).
French and Wells, ref. 4.) (From French and Well, ref, 4.)

1' .

ORNL-DWG 6 7 - 2 4 6 2
derived in a manner analogous to that used by 0.6
Chilton and Huddleston6 for gamma rays, is given


where F(E,) is the energy-dependent parameter. ’D 3

Song obtained values of t h i s parameter from a
least-squares analysis of t h e Monte Carlo d a t a
that gave the b e s t fit t o the equation. T h e values 0.2 0 CALCULATED
were then empirically correlated as a function of
energy by
F(E,) = E, exp(0.9719 - 2.895
+ 0.3417E0) . (4.17) 0 2 4 6 8 2

Another investigation of fast-neutron albedos

was performed by Henry, Mooney, and Proves:,' F i g . 4.14. T o t a l Single-Co!!ision Dose Albedos for
Fission Neutrons Normally Incident on Steel Slabs:
who studied the reflection of fast neutrons normally
Comparison with Experiment. (From Henry, Mooney, and
incident on various t h i c k n e s s e s of steel and 6%
Provost, ref. 7.)
borated polyethyethlene. Their work included both
Monte Carlo calculations, with t h e General Dy-
namics SPARC code, and experiments utilizing a
well-collimated reactor beam. In the experiments
- total d o s e albedos ( A D 3 ) were evaluated from
data obtained by traversing t h e beam area with a
dosimeter at a position in front of t h e s l a b both
with and without t h e s l a b present. As shown in
Figs. 4.14 through 4.16, t h e experimental and
calculated results are in good agreement.
T h e Henry e t al. d a t a are of particular interest ‘D3

in that they show the dependence of the albedo

on material thickness. In addition, Fig. 4.16
shows the reduction of the s t e e l albedo caused
by facing t h e steel s l a b with various thicknesses
of polyethylene. In Fig. 4.14 it appears that t h e
albedo for steel is approaching a value of nearly
- 0.6, which is lower than t h e value of 0.84 obtained
when t h e d a t a of Allen et al. a r e put in the A D , THICKNESS (in.)

form. T h e u s e of a finite detector in the experi-

ments t o traverse t h e interface approximates the F i g . 4.15. Toto1 Single-Collision D o s e Albedos for
s l a b detector assumed in t h e Allen e t al. calcula- Fission Neutrons Normally Incident on 6% Borated
tions except for t h e low-energy cutoff, which was Polyethylene: Comparison with Experiment. (From
0.2 MeV in t h e experiment and calculations per- Henry, Mooney, and Provost, ref. 7.)
. formed by Henry e t al. and was 1 0 e V i n the cal-
culations by Allen e t al. When the contribution
below 0.2 MeV is subtracted from the Allen e t af. From the d a t a and discussions presented on fast-
data for representative energy groups, good agree- neutron albedos, i t is apparent that t h e Monte Carlo
ment with t h e results of Henry e t al. is obtained. calculations of Maerker and Muckenthaler not


azimuthal dependence is not expected to b e great.
T h e analytical fits will generally provide less
0.4 information on the distribution of the scattered
radiation, but they will allow the reflected dose
t o be computed with fewer operations. Also, the
0.3 u s e of fit equations greatly reduces the bulk of
data needed for the calculations.
If a spectrum of fast neutrons is incident on the
material being considered, a more uncertain but
expedient calculation may be made by using the
0.4 \I\,& 0 fission spectrum albedo of Allen et al. shown in
0 MEASURED 0 Fig. 4.13 with an assumed c o s 2 l 30, cos 8 angular
-0 ! 2 3

Fig. 4.16. T o t a l Single-Collision D o s e Albedos far

F i s s i o n Neutrons Normally Incident on Laminoted Slab
of Steel and 6% Borated Polyethylene: Comparison w i t h
T h e only albedos that have been obtained for
Experiment. (From Henry, Mooney, and Provost, ref. 7.)
neutrons whose incident and reflected energies
both are i n the intermediate-energy range are those
calculated by Coleman, Maerker, Muckenthaler, and
Stevens for a steel-reinforced concrete. Using
a Monte Carlo technique similar to the one used for
only provide more detail than the other calculations
the fast-neutron albedos, they determined the
but also exhibit excellent agreement with experi-
distribution in energy and angle of neutrons re-
ments. T h e s e data are recommended for obtaining
flected from the concrete for five incident direc-
the b e s t accuracy in calculations of neutron scat-
tions and ten incident energy groups in the energy
tering from concrete, especially for grazing angles
of incidence and emergence of high-energy neu- range 0.5 eV to 200 keV. T h e reflected distributions
are given in t e r m s of a doubly differential albedo
trons, where the dependence on azimuthal angle
was found to b e important. for each of 54 different emergent directions for
each energy group lying between and including
For materials such as water, soil, iron, and the incident group and the lowest group (0.5 t o
polyethylene t h e Monte Carlo data of Allen e t al. 1.8 eV).
are recommended. They c a n a l s o be applied in Reinforced concrete was used i n t h e s e calcula-
calculations for concrete for those c a s e s in which tions because they were a part of the calculational
the azimuthal dependence is not important. and experimental program mentioned in Section
T h e highest accuracy will b e obtained when the 4.2.1. T h e experiment employed a g-in.-thick
Monte Carlo data are used directly in the calcula- concrete s l a b which had steel-reinforcing bars at
tions, but the number of operations involved will a depth of 1'/*in. from either s i d e ; therefore all
virtually dictate the u s e of computing machines. the calculations, except t h e fast-neutron calcula-
For computer applications the albedo data may tions, were performed for a mock s t e e l configura-
b e stored in the form originally calculated and an tion in which each depth interval containing steel-
interpolation subroutine used, or they may b e cal- reinforcing rods was taken as a homogenized region
culated by a subroutine for the specific cases of concrete and s t e e l that was 1 in. thick. T h e
needed by using a fit expression. For a program result was a five-region s l a b which had ordinary
t o b e widely applied to neutron reflection calcula- concrete and reinforced concrete layers of t h e
tions, the former procedure is recommended. compositions shown in T a b l e 4.5. It w a s found
If the requirements on accuracy are not too that the effect of the iron on t h e neutron albedos
stringent, the analytical fits to the data may b e was negligible.
T a b l e 4.5. Compositions of Ordinary and Reinforced energy group. In determining the expression for
Concretes Used i n TSF Albedo Experiments the differential albedo, i t was assumed that all
and Corresponding Monte Corlo C a l c u l a t i o n s * exit neutrons had a 1/E energy distribution within
(6.0 wt% H 2 0 ; p = 2.30 g/cm3) e a c h energy group. T h e expression for the total
albedo was obtained by integrating Eq. 4.18 over
Composition (atoms/cm3) all exit angles.
Element Additional calculations by Coleman et al.
Ordinary Concrete Reinforced Concrete
yielded differential albedos for reflected thermal
neutrons due to incident intermediate-energy neu-
Hydrogen 8.50 x 10” 8.22 x loz1
trons and a l s o effective differential albedos for
Carbon 2.02 x 1022 1.95 x l o 2 ’ “reflected” secondary gamma rays produced in
Oxygen 3.55 x 1022 3.43 x 1022 the concrete as a result of the slowing down and
absorption of t h e incident intermediate-energy neu-
Calcium 1.11 x 1022 1.08 x 10”
trons. T h e results of t h e s e calculations a r e dis-
Silicon 1.70 x loz1 1.64 x l o z 1 c u s s e d in Sections 4.2.3 and 4.4.1, respectively.
Magnesium 1.86 x 10” 1.80 x 10”
Iron 1.93 x 10’’ 2.96 x 10”
Aluminum 5.56 x 10’’ 5.38 x lozo
Potassium 4.03 x 10’’ 3.95 x 1019 As mentioned previously, thermal-neutron albedos
can b e considered as belonging to two categories:
Sodium 1.63 1019 1.58 1019
t h e “purely thermal” albedo, for which both t h e
incident and the reflected neutrons are a t thermal
*Table taken from: R. E. Maerker and F. J. Mucken-
energy, and t h e albedo for emergent thermal neu-
thaler, NucI. S c i . Eng. 26, 339-346 (1966).
trons that result from the moderation of neutrons
that are incident at energies higher than thermal.
T h e s e two categories are treated separately in
A complete tabulation of t h e ,doubly differential the discussion below.
Neutrons Incident at Thermal Energy. - Various
albedos calculated by Coleman et al. is too ex-
tensive to be included here. T h e results, however, approximations to t h e purely thermal albedo have
were numerically integrated over all exit energies been derived analytically, with isotropic scattering
and capture being the only interactions allowed.
to produce singly differential albedos and over a l l
In some c a s e s only the total albedo is derived,
exit energies and angles to produce total albedos.
and i t is expressed as a function of the incident
T h e integrated results were fitted by t h e following
angle, assuming that the reflected neutrons will
expressions to within 15% for differential albedos
emerge with isotropic or cosine distributions. In
and to within 3% for total albedos:
other cases differential albedos that are functions
of both the incident angle and the exit angle are
@ [ E l + E2CLo + d P 1+ P*CLo)I obtained.
a2(AE0,8,,8,+) =
CL + Y1 -t YZPO In a l l the analytical treatments of purely thermal
scattering t h e exit current is independent of t h e
i x 11+ (1 - p)(1 - p o ) [a(2cos2 4 - 1) azimuthal angle by virtue of t h e isotropic-scattering
assumption. Monte Carlo calculations made with
the isotropic-scattering assumption have shown
+ ‘Os 4 + ‘OS3 +I1 7 (4*18) reasonable agreement with the other forms of
analysis; however, Monte Carlo calculations i n
and which anisotropic scattering was assumed for any
hydrogen contained in a material have shown that
A 2 ( A E o ? ~=o )8, + 8 2 p o , (4*19) the albedo exhibits a n azimuthal dependence,
although to a lesser extent than w a s shown for
where p = cos 8 and p o = c o s Bo, and the fit con- fast neutrons. R e s u l t s from Monte Carlo calcula-
s t a n t s are given in T a b l e 4.6 for each incident tions using both types of scattering assumptions

Toble 4.6. Constants for the Expressionsa F i t t i n g the Coleman et a/. Differential and Toto1
Albedo Doto for Intermediote-Energy Neutrons Incident on Reinforced Concreteb

Values of Constants for AE, of

Constant 55.1-200 15.2-55.1 4-2-15.2 1.15-4.2 0.32-1.15 87-320 24-87 6-6-24 1.8-6.6 0.5-1.8
keV keV ke V keV keV eV eV eV eV eV

€1 0.190 0.190 0.216 0.210 0.208 0.210 0.205 0.202 0.172 0.105

-0.020 -0.025 -0.047 -0.046 -0.042 -0.061 -0.068 -0.075 -0.059 -0.036

Pl 0.020 0.025 -0.004 -0.005 -0.005 -0.003 -0.003 -0.002 0.021 0.115

0.300 0.295 0.307 0.310 0.305 0.296 0.283 0.270 0.218 0.125

Y1 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.125 0.13 0.13 0.105 0.080

y2 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.865 0.845 0.82 0.65 0.48

a 0.20 0.225 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.40 0.255

b 0.56 0.69 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.77 -0.072

C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.765

0.880 0.865 0.875 0.875 0.860 0.845 0.830 0.815 0.817 0.792
8, ,

62 -0.208 -0.177 -0.200 -0.232 -0.205 -0.210 -0.228 -0.230 -0.244 -0.232

aEauations 4.18 and 4.19.

bTable taken from: W. A. Coleman, R. E. Maerker, F. J. Muckenthaler, and P. N. Stevens, Nucl. S c i . E n g . 27,
411-422 (1967).

are presented below, following t h e discussion of 1-k

various analytical approaches. A =- (4.21)
One of t h e first investigations of thermal-neutron
reflection - w a s performed by Fermi,g who showed where k = 2.91, 2.31, and 2.48 for normal, isotropic,
that for large v a l u e s of N (N = CT-/Ca, t h e ratio and c o s i n e angular distributions of incidence,
of the total c r o s s section to the absorption c r o s s respectively.
section) the total albedo for thermal neutrons Glasstone and Edlund” derived a formula by
incident on an infinitely thick, isotropically scat- u s e of diffusion theory which is given by
tering medium bounded by a plane is given ap-
proximately by 1 - 2KD
A =- (4.22)
0 - 1
A 2 ( e o >= (4.20)
0i-0 c o s e , ’ where K is t h e reciprocal of t h e thermal-neutron
diffusion length and D is the .diffusion coefficient.
Chandrasekhar treated radiation backscattering
where A 2 ( 0 , ) is the number of thermal neutrons
by a method which may i n general b e applied to
reflected per incident thermal neutron and eo
is t h e
any type of radiation that s c a t t e r s isotropically
angle of incidence.
with a relatively constant c r o s s section, a condi-
A later, rigorous calculation w a s carried out by tion which is approximately m e t by thermal-neutron
Halpern, Lueneburg, and Clark, who obtained scattering. T h e resulting backscattering angular
the formula distribution is i n the form
- .'

where p is the probability of nonabsorption in a

s i n g l e interaction 0, = z s / z T ,the ratio of the
scattering cross section t o the total c r o s s sec- A
tion) and H is a universal function tabulatedI2 A VARIATIONAL METHOD (CONSTANT TRIAL
for various values of p and c o s 8,. T h e total FUNCTION)
albedo as a function of 8 , and p is obtained by 0

integrating Eq. 4.23 over the exit angle 8. T h i s

integration' yields
Fig. 4.17. T o t a l Albedos Obtained by Various Methods
A,(O,,p) = 1- d G HCp, cos e,) . (4.24) for Thermal Neutrons lsotropically Incident on a Strongly
Absorbing Medium ( z s / z T= 0.1). (From Mockel,

Mockel' studied alternate approaches for deter- ref. 14.)

mining the total thermal-neutron albedo for strongly

absorbing media a s a function of s l a b thickness.
His motive was to develop a method that would b e 0.1:
ORNL-DWG 67-2072

more readily adaptable to computer usage than

t h e formulas of Chandrasekhar and others or the
invariant embedding approach of Bellman, Kalaba,
' and Prestrud' and still provide good results with
0.4c +
less computing t i m e than is required for integra- P
tion of the Boltzmann equation. T h e variational
method with a constant trial function was found
to give poor results except for thin s l a b s . In the
search for better methods, three solutions were


tried, which were based on an approximation to

the moments of the Chandrasekhar function, a

variational solution with an exponential trial 0

3 t.0 4.5 2.0
function, and a diffusion-like semiempirical formula. THICKNESS. (mpf)
Figures 4.17 and 4.18 compare t h e results from
the three methods for isotropic incidence and two ' F i g . 4.18. T o t a l Albedos Obtained by Various Methods
values of C , / C T . Also shown are results ob- for Thermal Neutrons lsotropically Incident on a Strongly
tained by using a constant trial function and by Absorbing Medium (Cs/c, = . 0.5). (From Mockel,
numerical integration of the Boltzmann equation. ref. 14.)
T h e semiempirical formula provides a fit within
2% in t h e case of an isotropically incident current
(plane isotropic source) and within 1%for a cur-
rent either normally incident -or incident with a values of the coefficients and functions are given
cosine distribution (isotropically incident flux). in Table 4.7 for three conditions of neutron in-
It h a s the form cidence.
Pomraning '
proposed a variational solution
with an exponential trial function which yields
for the total albedo the expression

A2 = ln(1 + V) - v (4.26)
where p = C , / C T , a s defined previously, and (1 + V ) 1 4 1 - v 2 )

Table 4.7. Values of Coefficients and Functions for Mockel's Semiempirical Formula (Eq. 4.25)*

Source a P A f (P) (P)

~ ~~ ~

Normal incidence 1.37 (1 - p)0*44 1.37 (1 - p)0.44 0.2775 (1 - p)@.388 0.067~~.~*

Isotropic current 1.37 (1 - p)0'44 1.33 (1 - p)0.3675 0.640 (1 - pp.5 0
Cosine current 1.37 (1 - p)0.44 1.37 (1 - p)0.44 0.3882 (1 - p p 4 1 0.05~
. 3~

*From: A. Mockel, Nucf. Sci. E n g . 22, 339 (1965).

for normally incident thermal neutrons and the Equations 4.26 and 4.27 are derived from the
expression more general expression

A2 = [ln(l + v) - vI2 (4.27)
v 2 In(1 - v 2 )

for isotropically incident thermal neutrons. Here where

v is a positive quantity satisfying the transcen-
dental equation

2v = I n

Values obtained with these relatively simple for-
mulas are compared in Table 4.8 with the results
in which p is the cosine of the incident angle and
of exact solutions by Chandrasekhar. ' B G ) is the general expression for the angular
distribution of the incident flux. The s u c c e s s of
Eqs. 4.26 and 4.27 for the c a s e s of normal and
Table 4.8. Comparison of Thermal-Neutron isotropic incidence suggests that Eq. 4.29 could
Albedos Obtained with Pornraning Formulas and with be applied to other angular distributions with
Exact Solutions of Chandrasekhar equal success.
Wells determined total and differential thermal-
A (Normal A (Isotropic neutron albedos for portland concrete by analyz- '
Incidence) xs/xT Incidence) ing Monte Carlo results obtained in a calculation
Pomraning Exact Pomraning Exact that was originally performed to establish the
distribution of capture gamma-ray sources in
0 0 0 0 0 0 concrete and air due to thermal neutrons incident
0.25 0.046 0.045 0.10 0.020 0.022 on the concrete. '
Expressions which he derived
0.35 0.071 0.070 0.20 0.043 0.046 to fit the Monte Carlo results are
0.45. 0.100 0.098 0.30 0.071 0.074
0.55 0.136 0.135 0.40 0.104 0.107 Al = 0.66 COS^'^ e, (4.31)
0.65 0.183 0.180 0.50 0.144 0.147
0.75 0.246 0.248 0.60 0.192 0.195
0.85 0.342 0.340 0.70 0.254 0.257
0.95 0.538 0.536 0.80 0.340 0.342 = 0.21 8, COS e, (4.32)
0.98 0.672 0.673 0.90 0.477 0.478
0.99 0.753 0.753 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 '
which when converted to type 2 albedos are given
1.0 1.0

A, = 0.66 8, (4.33) A s part of the calculational and experimental

program to investigate neutron albedos over a wide
and range of energies,* Maerker and Muckenthaler l 9
a, = 0.21 COS-^/^ eo COS e . (4.34)
performed single-velocity Monte Carlo calculations
for a 9-in.-thick steel-reinforced concrete slab.
Two different scattering laws were employed for
A type 3 total albedo is obtained-by integrating t h e water contained in t h e concrete: (1) isotropic
the differential albedo over the exit hemisphere scattering in t h e laboratory system and (2) aniso-
as follows: tropic scattering using a P, approximation based
on experiments by Greenspan and B a k s y s Z 0 at
A3(port.) = al sec 8 d Q 0.0358 eV. Scattering from all other constituents
i n t h e concrete was assumed to b e isotropic in
the laboratory system.
Preliminary to the calculations for the steel-
reinforced concrete, the feasibility of using the
Monte Carlo method for such calculations was
= 1.32 eo . (4.35) investigated by comparing Monte Carlo results
obtained for ordinary concrete with t h o s e obtained
with a D T F one-energy group S,, calculation. A
, Expression 4.35 is to b e compared with an expres-
sion obtained by Wells for a particular concrete
c,/C, value of 0.987 was used, which is typical
of the ordinary concrete composition given in
employed in structures built at t h e ORNL Tower
T a b l e 4.5. T h e results for normal incidence and
Shielding Facility:
isotropic scattering are shown in Fig. 4.19. T h e
A3(TSF) = 1.3 cos 8, . (4.36) excellent agreement between the two calculations

In both of the above calculations the thermal neu-

trons were assumed to s c a t t e r isotropically with *See Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 for discussions of those
phases of the program in which incident fast neutrons
no energy loss, and histories were terminated after and intermediate-energy neutrons were used. All the
experiments in this program were performed at the
a fixed number of interactions. Statistical estimates ORNL Tower Shielding Facility.
were made for each interaction point. T h e concrete
compositions used in t h e s e calculations are given
in T a b l e 4.9.
ORNL-DWG 65-11003Rj
Table 4.9. Assumed Concrete Compositions
Used in Monte Carlo Calculation by Wells*

Element Portland Concrete TSF Concrete t.5

( l o z 1 atomsfim3) (10’’ atoms/cm3)
H 2.868 15.6
0 43.260 39.6
C 6.507 5.42 0.6
Mg 0.40
A1 1.32 0.3

Si 9.889 10.00
Ca 8.736 7.40 4.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0
Fe 0.31 cos e

*M. B. Wells, Reflection of Thermal Neutrons Fig. 4.19. Comparison of Differential Thermal-Neutron
and Neutron-Capture Gamma R a y s from Concrete,
Albedos for Concrete Obtained with Monte Carlo ond Sn
Radiation Research Associates Report RRA-M44
(June 1966). Methods. (From Moerker ond Muckenthaler, ref. 19.)

shows that the Monte Carlo method, which is more 14 I I I I I I I I
readily adaptable to geometric perturbations s u c h 90 = 75 deg
as the steel-reinforcing bars and a l s o to the inclu- 12
sion of arbitrary anisotropic scattering functions,
d o e s give good results for t h i s type of calculation.
An investigation of t h e parameters limiting t h e
calculations showed that a minimum of 5 0 scatter-
ings should b e used to terminate neutron histories
and that a thickness of 7 mean free paths (-4 in.)
reflects in e x c e s s of 95% as many neutrons a s an
infinitely thick slab.
As was mentioned in earlier sections of t h i s
chapter, the concrete s l a b used in the experimental
phase of t h i s program contained steel-reinforcing 0 20 40 60 00 (00 (20 140 160 180
bars a t a 1v2-in. depth from either side. In t h e + (deg)
calculations t h e slab was assumed to b e divided
into five homogeneous regions, the two outside Fig. 4.21. Differential Albedos of Thermal Neutrons
regions and the middle region having a C,/C, Incident a t 75 deg on Steel-Reinforced Concrete: Com-
value of 0.987 and the two 1-in.-thick reinforced parison of Single-Velocity Monte Carlo Calculations and \

regions having a value of 0.978. T h e assumed ORNL TSF Experiments. (From Moerker and Muckentholer,
compositions for t h e s e two types of concretes ref. 19.)
are shown in Table 4.5.
Typical results from the calculations are shown
in Figs. 4.20 and 4.21, both of which illustrate
that the b e s t fit to the experimental d a t a is ob-
From an analysis of their d a t a Maerker and
tained when the scattering in water is assumed
Muckenthaler arrived at a fitting function for t h e
to b e anisotropic. Figure 4.21 also shows that
differential albedo of t h e form
even for thermal neutrons there is some dependence I

of the albedo on the azimuthal angle.

a2 =- (1 + 1 . 2 8 ~ ) ( 1+ 1 . 6 2 ~ 0- 0.42~:)
F + Po

0 MEASUREMENT x [l + (1 - p J ( l - p)(-O.lO

+ 0.43 cos $ + 0.20 cos' I)$ , (4.37)

where p = cos 8 and p o = cos 6,. A much simpler

fit was derived for the total thermal-neutron albedo
(integrated over all exit angles):

A, = 0.86 - 0.19 COS e, . (4.38)

R e s u l t s obtained for concrete using the various

1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 equations for thermal-neutron albedos are compared
cos B in T a b l e 4.10. Comparisons a r e made between
the total current albedo for various conditions of
Fig. 4.20. Differential Albedos for Thermal Neutrons incidence. For all cases except 8, = 75 deg,
Normally Incident on Steel-Reinforced Concrete: Com- there would appear to b e +lo% agreement between
parison o f Single-Velocity Monte Corlo Calculations and all t h e values. T h e formula due to Wells should
ORNL TSF Experiments. (From Moerkerond Muckentholer, b e limited to angles of 8, < -60 deg due t o i t s
ref. 19.) tendency to overpredict a t grazing incidence.

Table 4.10. Comparison of Various Values o f t h e T o t a l Albedo for Thermal-Neutron

Reflection from Portland Concrete*

Values of A , Obtained by Using the Formula's of

~~ ~ ~~

Source Maerker and Glasstone

Muckenthaler Wells Pomraning Halpern and Edlund Fermi Chandrasekhar

Is0tropic 0.78 0.792 0.8 0.719 0.74 0.79


Cosine 0.734 0.698


Monodirec tional
8, = 0 deg 0.67 0.66 0.698 0.645 0.745 0.691

8, = 45 deg 0.72 0.74 0.78 0.730

8, = 75 deg 0.855 0.996 0.82 0.82


*cs/c,= 0.9849 except for Maerker-Muckenthaler results, which are based on the five-redon concrete s l a b
discussed in the text.

Neutrons Incident at Nonthermal Energies. - of neutrons from t h e ORNL Tower Shielding Reac-
T h e only estimates available for albedos of "re- tor 11, which was the source used in verifying the
flected" thermal neutrons* resulting from incident calculations, it was estimated that a consistent
neutrons of higher energy are those from the Monte error of 20% in the extrapolated results would lead
Carlo calculations of Coleman et aZ.8 for 0.5-eV t o an error of only about 8%in the predicted values
to 200-keV neutrons incident on the same steel- of the differential thermal-neutron albedos.
reinforced concrete described previously (see Figure 4.22 shows the comparison of the experi-
especially Section 4.2.2). Expressions which mental values of a,(AE,,O,+) averaged over the
reproduce the Monte Carlo values to within *15% incident reactor spectrum with the calculated
for the differential albedos and to within *lo% values. It can b e s e e n from the measurements that
for the total albedos are given in T a b l e 4.11. T h e
ORNL-DWG 67-2073fi
reflected angular distributions (differential al-
bedos) for the s i x highest energy groups have a
s h a p e that is independent of p,, (the cosine of the
incident polar angle) and identical to the s h a p e
derived by Fermig for the emergent angular distribu-
tion from a plane surface in the simplified case of
thermal neutrons diffusing i n a noncapturing and
isotropically scattering semi-infinite medium.
Some contribution is also made to the emergent
thermal-neutron current from the moderation of
incident neutrons with energies greater than 200
keV. Coleman et al. accounted for t h e s e higher
energy neutrons by extrapolating the results of
Table 4.11 to obtain expressions for energies up
to 9.57 MeV (see T a b l e 4.12). For the spectrum Fig. 4.22. D i f f e r e n t i a l Thermal-Neutron Albedos Due
to >0.5-eV Neutrons incident on Steel-Reinforced
Concrete: Comparison o f Monte Carlo C a l c u l a t i o n s and
*These neutrons are actually emergent neutrons
ORNL TSF Experiments. (From Coleman et af., ref. 8.)

produced by the slowing-down process.

the azimuthal variation of the reflected thermal culated azimuthally independent values. When
neutrons is not significant, probably lying within this was done t h e agreement w a s quite good. Of
the experimental error (-5%) except near grazing t h e 34 common points at which t h e comparisons
reflection. T h u s the differential albedo measure- could b e made, the two largest differences a r e
ments averaged over the azimuthal angle for a 23 and 36%. For the remaining comparisons there
given p o and p could b e compared with the cal- w a s a root mean square deviation of only 4.5%.

Table 4.1 1. Expressions for Differential and Total Thermal-Neutron

Albedos Due to Incident 0.5-eV to 200-keV

C L , ( A E ~ . ~[thermal
~ , ~ ) neutrons .-. Ap(AEO'pO)
(thermal neutrons/source
AEO steradian- ' (source neutron)- 1' neutron)

55.1-200 keV p(1 + 1.73p)(0.0043 + 0.0058p0) 0.029 + 0.039p0

15.2-55.1 keV p(1 + 1.73p)(0.0052 + 0.0059p0) 0.035 + 0.040po
4.2-15.2 keV p(1 + 1 . 7 3 ~ (0.0062
) + 0.0071p0) 0.042 +0.048~~
1.15-4.2 keV p(1 + 1.73p)(0.0077 + 0.0073p0) 0.052 + 0.049po
0.32-1.15 keV p(1 + 1.73p)(0.0090 + 0.0099po) 0.061 +0.067~~
87-320 eV p(1 + 1.73p)(0.011 + 0.012po) 0.074 + O.O81p0
24-87 eV p[(0.0185 + 0.0150po) + p(0.0177 + 0.0235p0)] 0.095 + 0.096p0
6.6-24 eV p[(0.0332 + 0.0085p0) + p(O.0220 + 0.0268p0)] 0.150 + 0. 084p0

1.8-6.6 eV p[(0.0595 + p(0.0290 + 0.0305p0)] 0.248 + 0 . 0 6 4 ~ ~

0.5-1.8 eV p[(0.124 - 0.035p0) + p(0.020 + 0.053p0)] 0.43 1 + 0. OOlp,

aTable taken from: W. A. Coleman, R. E. Maerker, F. J. Muckenthaler, and P. N. Stevens, Nucl. Sci.
Eng. 27, 411-422 (1967).
bpo = cos e,; I-L = cos e.

Table 4.12. Expressions far Differential and Total Thermal-Neutron

Albedos Due to Incident 200-keV to 9.57-MeV Neutronsapb

a , ( A ~ , , p , , p )[thermal neutrons
steradian- ' (source neutron)- '1
A z(AEo'Po)
(thermal neutrons/source
2.64-9.57 MeV p(1 + 1 . 7 3 ~(0.0024
) + 0.0040p0) 0.016 + 0.027p0 -.
0.750-2.64 MeV p(1 + 1.73p)(0.0028 + 0.0044p0) 0.019 + 0.030p0
200-750 keV p(1 + 1.73p)(0.0036 + 0.0049p0) 0.024 + 0. 033p0

aTable taken from: W. A. Coleman, R. E. Maerker, F. J. Muckenthaler, and P. N. Stevens,

Nucl. Sci. Eng. 27, 411-422 (1967).
bpo = cos e,; = cos e.


4.3 Gamma-Ray Albedos

. .
I . .

T h e primary interaction which contributes t o trons, most of them have been for concrete. F o r
the backscattering or material albedo of gamma those cases for which both experimental and cal-
rays is Compton scattering from electrons. In t h i s culated data a r e available, there is good agree-
interaction the photon rebounds with a n energy ment; however, experiments have been limited t o
which is directly dependent on the scattering an- low gamma-ray energies which can be obtained
gle and the incident energy, and is given by the from isotope sources, and definitive Monte Carlo
Klein-Nishina formula. T h e higher the incident calculations have been performed for only a few
energy the more strongly will t h e forward direc- materials.
tion be favored. T h u s the gamma-ray albedo h a s One of the earliest Monte Carlo calculations
a n inverse relationship with the incident photon w a s performed by Berger and Doggett,24 who ob-
energy. Due to the sfrongly peaked forward scat- tained the total d o s e albedo A, for monoenergetic
tering, the gamma-ray albedo also has a strong s o u r c e s incident on iron, tin, lead, and water.
dependence on the azimuthal angle 4. That is, From t h e s e calculations was obtained a quanti-
the scattering angle Os (see Fig. 4.1) a t 4 = 0 tative measure of t h e dependence of the albedo on
deg is smaller than the scattering angle a t q5 = the thickness of t h e scattering material. This
1 8 0 deg, and hence the albedo d e c r e a s e s with dependence is illustrated for iron and water in
increasing 4. T h e magnitude of the difference Table 4.13.
increases with increasing values of the incident Berger and R a s o 2 5 , 2 6 carried out a n extensive
polar angle O, so that a t grazing incidence t h e s e r i e s of Monte Carlo calculations t o determine
difference lies between forward scattering (q5 = the total energy albedo for monoenergetic gamma
0 deg) and backscattering (4 = 180 deg). rays incident on a variety of materials, and in
Another interaction which contributes t o the “re- some c a s e s obtained energy and angular distri-
flected energy” for incident gamma rays of high
energy is pair production. T h e positron created ORNL-DWG 67-2074
in t h i s reaction is annihilated by combination
with a n atomic electron, releasing energy in t h e
form of two new gamma rays. T h i s reaction is
possible only if the energy of the incoming gamma
ray is greater than 1.022 MeV, and i t is predomi-
nant only a t energies above about 5 MeV. T h e
photons that a r e created e a c h have a n energy of
0.511 MeV, which is greater than the maximum
energy possible for gamma rays scattered back-
ward ( O s = 1 8 0 deg) by Compton scattering.
Leimdorfer investigated the relative contri-
butions by positron annihilation and Compton s c a t -
tering t o the total gamma-ray albedo for concrete
in a calculation which considered single s c a t -
terings only. T h e r e s u l t s for normally incident
gamma rays are shown in F i g . 4.23, i n which the
fraction of the albedo due to annihilation is plotted
a s a function of the incident gamma-ray energy. 0 2 4 6 8
Also plotted is the same fraction from a calcu- SOURCE ENERGY (MeV)
lation by Wells23 in which multiple scatterings
were considered. Fig. 4.23. Ratio of Pair Production Annihilation

Most of the s t u d i e s of gamma-ray albedos have Albedo to T o t a l Albedo for Gomma Rays Normally In-

been carried out either by Monte Carlo a n a l y s i s cident on Concrete. (From Leimdorfer, ref. 22, and
or by experiments, and, as was the case for neu- Wells, ref. 23.)


Table 4.13. Dependence of Gamma-Ray T o t a l Dose

Albedo ( A D 3 )on Material Thickness*

, , ORjL-OWG 67-20:

Fraction of Reflected
EO 60 Photons Reflected to-'
(MeV) (deg) Within Depth of
0.5 mfp 1.0 mfp 2 . 0 mfp

H20 0.66 0 0.65 0.88 0.99 5

0.66 60 0.61 0.96 1.0

Fe 1.0 0 0.79 0.93 1.0

1.0 60 0.89 0.98 1.o

*Table taken from: J. M. Berger and J. Doggett, J . R e s . 2

N a t l . Bur. Std. 56, 89 (1956).


butions. An interesting result of their work is
the analysis of the variation in the total albedo
with the atomic number of the scattering material.
Plots of the albedo for normally incident gamma 5
rays are shown i n Fig. 4.24. These data may be
fitted by relatively smooth curves; however, data 0 Eo=0.2 MeV
a t intermediate 2 values would greatly increase
confidence in the fits, particularly for the 2.0-
MeV cases.
Rase" performed additional calculations for con-
crete for source energies of 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 1 0
MeV and polar angles of incidence of cos 6 , = CONCRETE ( Z e f f e c + i v e (3.4)
0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.0. The emergent
gamma rays were divided into 8 polar and 12 azi- 30 50 70 3
muthal angular increments, and differential dose Z, ATOMIC NUMBER

albedos aD , ( E , , ~ , , ~ , ~were
) obtained for all exit
angle combinations. Total albedos A , 2(E0,00) Fig. 4.24. T o t a l Energy Albedo for Normally Incident
were obtained for each incident energy and angle. Monoenergetic Gamma Rays a s a Function of the Atomic
Values of the differential and total dose albedos Number of the Material. (From Berger and Roso, refs.
for normal incidence are shown in Figs. 4.25 and 25 and 26.)
4.26 respectively.
Figures 4.25 and 4.26 also show Monte Carlo
results obtained by Wells, 2 3 who calculated dif- shown in Fig. 4.26. The divergence of agreement
ferential and total dose albedos for gamma-ray with increasing energy could be attributed to the
reflection from concrete by analysis of prior Monte different manner in which pair production was
Carlo data2* on gamma-ray scattering in air and treated in the two calculations.
concrete. The results of Raso and Wells are es- As is apparent from Fig. 4.25, the incident
sentially in good agreement on the total albedo energies used in the Wells calculations were 0.6,
for energies of 2 MeV and below, although there 1, 2, 4, and 7 MeV. The incident polar angles
are some differences in the differential albedos were 0, 30, 45, 60, and 75 deg. The emergent
a t these energies. At energies above 2 MeV there angles varied with the individual problems and no
is a substantial disagreement between Raso and regularly spaced grid was used, but by extrapo-
Wells on the magnitude of the total albedo, as lation and interpolation, smooth curve fits were

ORNL-DWG 67-207

where K(8,) is the Klein-Nishina differential en-
ergy scattering coefficient for the scattering angle
Os, and C and C‘ are adjustable parameters de-
pendent on the initial energy. Values of K(8,)
8 are given in ref. 9. The most accurate values of
6 C and C ’ were obtained by Chilton, Davisson, and
Beach” from an analysis of earlier Monte Carlo
4 calculations performed by Davisson and Beach. 3 0
F i t parameters were obtained by normalization to
the total calculated albedo rather than to the dif-
a0+ ferential data. The resulting values .of C and C’

are given in Table 4.14 for water, concrete, iron,
and lead.
Chilton3 a l s o devised a fit to type 2 differential
io3 albedo data obtained by Berger and Morris3’ in
8 Monte Carlo calculations for a semi-infinite con-
6 crete s l a b and gamma rays from 6oCo (1.25 MeV)

ORNL-DWG 67-2075


Fig. 4.25. D i f f e r e n t i a l D o s e Albedos for Gamma R a y s \
N o r m a l l y Incident on Concrete. (From Wells, ref. 23, 0
and Roso, ref. 27.) A
O2 6

obtained for u D l v s 8 for azimuthal angles of 0

and 180 deg. The results for 8, = 3 0 deg are 2
given in F i g s . 4.27 and 4.28, for 8, = 45 deg in
Figs. 4.29 and 4.30, for 8, = 60 deg in Figs.
4.31 and 4.32, and for 8, = 75 deg in Figs. 4.33
and 4.34. Extrapolation t o other values of 4 may io20
be effected by using Eq. 4.42 and the trigono- 2 4 6 8 40 42
metric identity c o s eS
= s i n 8, s i n 8 cos 4 -
Eo (MeV)

cos e, cos e.
Chilton and Huddleston6 developed a s e m i e m - Fig. 4.26. Total D o s e Albedos for Gamma Rays Nor-
pirical formula for the differential dose albedo mally Incident on Concrete. (From Wells, ref. 23, and
for concrete of the form R a s o , ref. 27.)


Table 4.14. Values of Parameters and values of t h e c o n s t a n t s for t h e two initial

for Chilton-Huddleston Gamma-Ray Differential energies a r e given in T a b l e 4.15. T h e fit to t h e
Albedo Formula (Eq. 4.39)* Monte Carlo d a t a is good t o t h e order of 2 t o 6%.
In most of t h e experimental s t u d i e s of gamma-
EO ray albedos t h e sources u s e d were 6oCo and
Material C C'
(MeV) 137Cs. Examples a r e t h e d a t a obtained for con-
crete by Clifford, 3 3 Haggmark et al., 3 4 and Barrett
Water 0.2 -0.0187 f 0.0027 0.1327 f 0.0054 and W a l d ~ n a n . ~ 'Comparisons of typical data from
0.662 0.0309 f 0.0047 0.0253 f 0.0034 t h e s e investigations with results from some of
1.00 0.0470 f 0.0053 0.0151 f 0.0025 the calculations d i s c u s s e d previously a r e shown
2.50 0.0995'f0.0068 0.0058 f 0.0010 in F i g s . 4.35 through 4.39. For t h e s e figures a l l
6.13 0.1861 f 0.0107 *
0.0035 0.0005 the values were converted to type 1 albedos, and,
Concrete 0.2 *
0.0023 0.0033 0.0737 f 0.0065 where necessary, the analytical d a t a were inter-
polated t o match the experimental energies.
0.662 0.0347 f 0.0050 0.0197 k 0.0035
1.00 *
0.0503 0.0056 0.0118 k 0.0025 Except for small a n g l e s of reflection, the experi-
2.50 *
0.0999 0.0078 *
0.0051 0.0011 mental and calculated values shown in Figs. 4.35
through 4.39 are all i n good agreement. In par-
6.13 0.1717 f0.0103 0.0048 fO.0005
ticular, the Wells calculations agree with nearly
Iron 0.2 0.0272 f 0.0033 -0.0100 f 0.0062
all the experimental values, deviating most from
0.662 0.0430 f 0.0045 0.0063 f 0.0030
1.00 0.0555 k 0.0049 0.0045 0.0021* the data of Clifford. A s is demonstrated by F i g s .
4.35, 4.36, and 4.37, the agreement between t h e
2.50 0.1009 f 0.0073 0.0044 k 0.0010
Wells calculations and the d a t a of Haggmark et al.
6.13 0.1447 f 0.0101 0.0077 f 0.0006
is especially c l o s e , even for s m a l l angles of re-
Lead 0.2 0.0044 f 0.0002 -0.0050 0.0004* flection. Figure 4.38 s h o w s that there is a l s o
0.662 0.0308 f 0.0015 -0.0100 0.0007* good agreement between t h e calculations of Wells
1.00 0.0452 fO.0013 -0.0083 f0.0004 and the data of Barrett and Waldman except near
2.50 0.0882 f 0.0014 0.0001 0.0002* normal reflection (0 = 0 deg). For t h o s e cases
6.13 0.1126 f 0.0048 0.0063 f 0.0003 which c a n b e compared, t h e calculations of Berger
and Morris and values obtained with t h e Chilton-
*Table taken from: A. B. Chilton, C. M. Davisson, and Huddleston formula a r e a l s o i n good agreement
L. A. Beach, T r a n s . Am. Nucl. SOC.8, 656 (1965).
with t h e experimental data, and give the c l o s e s t

T a b l e 4.15. Values of Parameters for Chilton's F i r

and 1 3 7 (0.662
~ ~ MeV). This fit is of the form
(Eq. 4.40) to Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Differential
aD ,(e,,e,+) = B(e,,e,+) Albedo Data*

CK(E,,B,) x + C' 1 3 7 ~Source

s 6 0 ~ Source
X Parameter
1 + COS 8, sec e[i + 2E0(1 - COS e,)] 1 / 2 ' (0.662 MeV) (1.25MeV)

(4.40) C 0.0455 0.0710

where K(E,,O,) is again t h e Klein-Nishina dif- C' 0.0161 0.0114
ferential energy scattering coefficient,
1.512 1.555

-0.606 -0.629

M3 -0.641 -0.605
+ M,(I - cos e), + M,(I - cm e,)2(i - cos ejn M4
0.645 0.539

-0.1 57 -0.168
+ M,(I - cos e,) (1 - cos e)(1 - cos +) ,
*Table taken from: A. B. Chilton, T r a n s . Am. Nucl.
(4.41) SOC.9, 369 (1966).

agreement with the Clifford data. For the single Table.4.16. Values of the Constant b Fitting
case shown (Fig. 4.36), t h e weighted values of the Expression of Haggmork e t a t . (Eq. 4.42)
R a s o and the Wells calculations are very s i m i l a r . for Gamma-Ray Differential Dose Albedos
Both Fig. 4.37 and Fig. 4.39 point up the strong for AI, Fe, and Concrete*
dependence on q5 for obliquely incident radiation.
Haggmark et aZ.34 found th'at their data on dif- Material Source cos 0, b

ferential d o s e albedos for concrete and a l s o for

A1 6Oco 0.50 0.007 0
iron and aluminum could all be represented by
t h e expression 0.75 0.0090
1 .oo 0.0095

37cs 0.50 0.0132

0.75 0.0167
where Os is the scattering a n g l e described pre- 1.00 0.01 94
viously (see Fig. 4.1); aD3 is the differential
Fe 6OCO 0.50 0.0060
d o s e albedo described in Section 4.1 except that
0.75 0.0065
the exit direction is expressed in terms of 0,)
1 .oo 0.0065
which is a function of 0 and q5; and b is a n e m -
pirical constant for a given 0,, E , , and material. 137cs 0.50 0.0091
Figure 4.40 shows a comparison of Eq. 4.42 with 0.75 0.0120
the experimental data for iron, concrete, and alu- 1.00 0.0130
minum reduced by the appropriate b value given Concrete 6Oco 0.50 0.007 5
in T a b l e 4.16. A plot of the differential albedo 0.75 0.0090
for concrete obtained with a n equation of the same 1 .oo 0.0100
form as Eq. 4.42 is compared with the data of
3?cs 0.50 0.0133
Clifford in Fig. 4.41 for the case of 1 3 7 C sgamma
0.75 0.0165
rays incident at cos 0, = 0.5. The coefficients
1.00 0.0184
used in the equation shown i n the figure gave a
slightly better fit to t h e s e particular data than
* T a b l e taken from: L. G. Haggmark et a l . , N u c l . S c i .
Eq. 4.42, which, however, h a s more general ap- Eng. 23, 138 (1965).
plicability. T h e same plot is compared with
values calculated with the Chilton-Huddleston for-
mula (Eq. 4.39) in Fig. 4.42. (Note: Equation
4.42 is a useful tool for extrapolating the albedo and in Fig. 4.43c, which s h o w s the ratio of t h e
data of Wells presented in F i g s . 4.28 through d o s e rate from t h e 6oCo source that is scattered
4.34 to values of the azimuthal angle q5 other from the concrete t o t h e direct dose rate. [The
than 0 and 180 deg.) 6oCo data for a height of 9 ft is from the work of
An experiment w a s performed by Clarke and Jones e t al. (Convair report CVAC-170). 1'
Batter36 t o measure the effect of extended con- Figure 4 . 4 3 ~a l s o shows the results obtained
crete surfaces on the d o s e from a point source. by Clarke and Batter with the Chilton-Huddleston
As shown in Fig. 4.43a, the detector and source differential d o s e albedo formula. Although pre-
were maintained a t the same level, whereas both liminary values of the constants C and C ' w e r e
the source-detector separation distance and the used for t h i s calculation, the agreement with the
height above the concrete surface were varied. experimental d a t a is good. Later calculations by
T h e sources used were 6oCo and Ig2Ir. T h e var- C h i l t ~ nwith
~ ~ improved values. of the c o n s t a n t s
iation in d o s e w a s found to be a smooth function (those given in Table 4.14) a l s o correlate well
of the ratio of the height h t o t h e separation dis- with the experimental data. On the b a s i s of
tance d which did not vary significantly with Chilton's work, which included the c a s e in which
changes in the separation d i s t a n c e when the height t h e source and detector positions were allowed
w a s varied t o maintain a constant value of the t o vary independently, it was found that the b e s t
ratio. T h i s is demonstrated in Fig. 4.43b, which fit t o the experimental data is obtained when it
shows the percent increase in the dose from the is assumed that all reflections occur a t a depth
lg21r source due t o scattering from the concrete, of 1.7 c m in the material and the albedo formula
is integrated over a plane at that depth. Ob- In a theoretical approach Eisenhauer used a n
viously t h i s correction t o t h e location of the inter- image source technique t o study the problem of
face would b e important only when the source or radiation reflection from a point source located
detector or both are near the interface. above a surface. It w a s shown that t h e geomet-
Measurements similar t o t h o s e of Clarke and rical effects c a n b e taken into account by a simple
Batter were made by Hendee and Ellis3' except s c a l i n g function. For a given material and radi-
that a shadow shield w a s placed between the ation the remaining effects depend primarily on
source and detector and measurements were made one angular variable, with only a secondary de-
for unequal source and detector heights a s well pendence on t h e ratio of the s o u r c e height to the
as for equal heights. T h e sources used were detector height. Some applications were made to
6oCo and 137Cs, and the scattering surfaces were neutrons, gamma rays, and particles whose energy
lead, concrete, and water. T h e results indicate d o e s not change with scattering (one-velocity case).
that the ratio of the average height of the source Leimdorfer used the Monte Carlo method t o cal-
and detector t o the d i s t a n c e between the source c u l a t e t h e total gamma-ray energy flux albedo from
and detector is t h e parameter most influential in concrete s l a b s " and a l s o from spherically con-
determining the d o s e scattered from the s l a b s . c a v e concrete walls. 4 2 An interesting result of the
For the c a s e s considered, no significant influence latter s t u d i e s is shown in Fig. 4.44, which gives
on the scattered d o s e w a s observed by positioning the energy flux albedo A,, for 1-MeV gamma rays
the source at a height greater or l e s s e r than that from a concrete wall surrounding a spherical cav-
of the detector. For h / d values greater than 0.5, ity as a function of t h e radius of curvature of the
curves closely fitting the experimental points were wall. T h e point isotropic s o u r c e is located in
obtained from calculations i n which isotropic en- t h e center of a n evacuated cavity in a n infinite
ergy albedos ( a E 2 )were used. In the case of the concrete medium. T h e energy flux albedo A,,
6oCo source t h e s e values were 0.050, 0.0113, is defined a s t h e ratio of t h e collided t o the un-
and 0.049 for concrete, lead, and water respec- collided energy flux a t the wall surface. T h e
tively. T h e corresponding values for the 1 3 7 C s infinite radius (flat surface) albedo is calculated
source a r e 0.100, 0.013, and 0.083. For h / d to be only about 2.5% higher than the albedo for a
values less than 0.5 t h e reflection curves cal- 500cm-radius spherical cavity. Other interesting
culated with the isotropic albedos were below conclusions drawn by Leimdorfer from t h e s e cal-
the experimental values. culations a r e that reflections beyond the third or
Some measurements of the spectra of gamma fourth order d o not contribute appreciably t o the
rays scattered from a variety of materials were energy flux albedo in the spherical geometry and
carried out by Andrews and S t e ~ n , ~but ' a com- that a t least 90% of the reflections occur within
plete listing of their data is not available. In t h e first 24-g/cm2 t h i c k n e s s for gamma-ray en-
t h e sample results published in ref. 40 peaks due ergies below 10 MeV.
t o single and double scatterings a r e clearly vis-
4x to2

-- ORNL-DWG 67-2077


ORNL-OWG 67-2078

6 2

t 0-2

0 20 40 60 80
8 (deg)
Fig. 4.27. Differential Dose Albedos for Gamma Rays
Incident on Concrete a t 30 deg (4 = 0 deg). (From
Wells, ref. 23.)

Fig. 4.28. Differential Dose Albedos for Gamma Rays

Incident on Concrete a t 30 deg (4 = 180 deg). (From
Wells, ref. 23.)

ORNL-DWG 67-2079

ORNL-DWG 67-2080
I I I I 4x40-2

2 -\
7.0 2

’ 0 20 40 60 80 .1

9 (deg) rCY2
Fig. 4.29. Differentiol Dose Albedos for Gommo Rays
Incident on Concrete a t 45 deg (4 = 0 deg). (From
Wells, ref. 23.) 4

4o -~

Fig. 4.30. Differentiol Dose Albedos for Gommo Rays

Incident on Concrete a t 45 deg (4 = 180 deg). (From
Wells, ref. 23.)



ORNL-DWG 67-2082
2 x



ORNL-DWG 67-2081 40-~

46' 0 20 40 60 80
8 9 (deg)

Fig. 4.32. D i f f e r e n t i a l D o s e Albedos for Gamma 'Rays

4 Incident on Concrete a t 60 deg (4 = 180 deg). (From

Wells, ref. 23.)


0 20 40 60 80
9 (deg)

Fig. 4.31. D i f f e r e n t i a l D o s e Albedos for Gamma Rays

Incident on Concrete a t 60 deg (4 = 0 deg). (From
Wells, ref. 23.)

ORNL-DWG 6 7 - 2 0 8 3



0 20 40 60 80
B (deg) ORNL- DWG 67- 2 0 8 4

Fig. 4.33. Differential Dose Albedos for Gamma Rays
Incident on Concrete a t 75 deg (4 = 0 deg). (From 6
.Wells, ref. 23.)

‘D 1

Fig. 4.34. Differential Dose Albedos for Gamma Rays

Incident on Concrete a t 75 deg (4 = 180 deg). (From
Wells, ref. 23.)






a 0.010




0.002 1o 1 - 1

B (deg)

Fig. 4.36. Comparison Between Calculated and Meas-

-, ured Differential Dose Albedos for 137Cs Gammo Rays
(0.662 MeV) Normally Incident on Concrete. (From
Wells, ref. 23.)
O R N L - D W G 67-2087
c 0.014





aD 4





0 40 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
8 (deg)

Fig. 4.35. Comparison Between Calculated and Meas-

wed Differential Dose Albedos for 6oCo Gamma Rays
(1.25 MeV) Normally Incident on Concrete. (From
Wells, ref. 23.)

O R N L - D W G 67-2085
4 x to-2


‘Dl 6


4 = 480 0- - 4 =on
00 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80
8 (deg)

Fig. 4.37. Comparison Between Calculated and Meas- I-

ured Differential Dose Albedos for 13’Cs Gamma Rays

(0.662 MeV) Incident on Concrete a t 6 0 deg. (From ORNL-DWG 67-2088
Wells, ref. 23.) 0.011 ,&










0 40 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
8 (deg)

Fig. 4.38.
Comparison Between Calculated and Meas-
ured Differential Dose Albedos for 6oCo Gamma Rays
(1.25 MeV) Incident on Concrete at 3 0 deg (4 = 0
deg). (From Wells, ref. 23.)

ORNL-DWG 67-2093
- HAGGMARK ef a/.
0.08 9 = 5 deg ~

0 9 = 2 0 deg
A e = 3 4 deg
0.06 \ A 9 = 4 0 deg ~

9 = 6 0 deg
0 9=80 deg
0.04 aD,=4.260e-3'362gS t 0.0433 -
0 0

0.02 I

0.5 4.0 4.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
BS (radians)

Fig. 4.41. Comparison of Gamma-Roy Differential

Dose Albedos for Concrete Obtained with Equation
-\.\ 4.42 with Experimental Data o f Clifford. 137Cs gamma
\-' rays (0.662 MeV) incident on concrete a t c o s 8, = 0.5.
(From Haggmark et a l . , ref. 34.)

Fig. 4.39. Comparison Between Calculated and Meas-

ured Differential Dose Albedos for 6oCo Gamma Rays
(1.25 MeV) Incident on Concrete a t 60 deg. (From Wells,
ref. 23.)

ORNL-DWG 67-2092
8 deg
45 deg
0.08 0.0433po 22 deg -
3 2 deg
aD3 4 5 deg
*. 0.06 0 60deg -
A 7 2 deg

A '

*' 0.02

01 I I I I I
0.5 4.0 4.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

05 1.0 4.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

9,(rodians) Fig. 4.42. Comparison o f Gamma-Ray Differential
Dose Albedos for Concrete Obtained with Equation
Fig. 4.40. Gamma-Roy Differential Dose Albedo for 4.42 and w i t h Chi Iton-Huddleston Formula. '37cs
Aluminum, Iron, and Concrete a s a Function of the gamma r a y s (0.662 MeV) incident on concrete a t cos 8, =
Scattering Angle 8+. (From Haggmark et af., ref. 34.) 0.5. (From Haggmark et a l . , ref. 34.)

ORNL-DWG 67-2465


ORNL-DWG 67-2091

Fig. 4.43a. Geometry for Gamma-Ray Scattering Ex-

periments Performed by C l a r k e and Batter.

ORNL-DWG 67-2062 0.08


-z- 20 0.07
- 45

E 0.06
-6 5 >-
$ 0.05
0 z

0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 4 2 5 40

h /d 0.04

Fig. 4.436. Increase i n Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a

1921r Source Due t o Scattering from a Concrete Surface.
Refer to Fig. 4.43a for experimental geometry. (From
C l a r k e and Batter, ref. 36.) 0.02


0 too 200 300 400 500
to R(crn)

Fig. 4.44. Gamma-Ray Energy Flux Albedo as a

E 6 F u n c t i o n o f Radius o f the Concrete R e f l e c t i n g W a l l
s (1-MeV Source). (From Leimdorfer, ref. 42.)
$ 4

C 0.02 c

Fig. 4.43~. Ratio of Dose Rate from 6oCo Source

Scattered from Concrete Surface t o Direct Dose Rate.
Refer t o Fig. 4.43a for e x p e r i m e n t a l geometry. (From
Clarke and Batter, ref. 36.)

4.4 Secondary Gamma-Ray Albedos

Secondary gamma rays, that is, gamma rays 4.4.1. CAPTURE GAMMA-RAY ALBEDOS
produced by t h e interactions of neutrons with
nuclei, c a n appreciably i n c r e a s e t h e number of In determining capture gamma-ray albedos, t h e
gamma rays “reflected” from a material surface. capture gamma-ray s o u r c e d e n s i t y within a medium
T h e most important neutron interaction involved is must be known. T h e d e n s i t y a t a point is given
absorption (radiative capture). In t h e absorption
p r o c e s s t h e incident neutron combines with t h e
target n u c l e u s to form a compound n u c l e u s which Sy(E’) = E F c i ( E ) Y i ( E ’ ) N i @ ( E ) dE , (4.43)
h a s a n e x c i t a t i o n energy e q u a l t o t h e binding I

energy of t h e neutron plus i t s kinetic energy. T h e

compound nucleus is then usually d e e x c i t e d by where
t h e prompt e m i s s i o n of gamma rays, commonly m c i ( E ) = t h e capture c r o s s s e c t i o n of element i
referred t o as capture gamma rays. Of t h e various for neutrons of energy E ,
secondary gamma rays p o s s i b l e , c a p t u r e gamma N i = t h e atomic density of element i,
rays usually c r e a t e t h e g r e a t e s t problem for s h i e l d - @ ( E ) = t h e s c a l a r neutron flux a t energy E ,
i n g d e s i g n e r s , and therefore t h e f e w s t u d i e s of Y i ( E ’ ) = t h e yield per capture in material i of
secondary gamma-ray a l b e d o s that h a v e been gamma rays of energy E‘.
performed h a v e largely b e e n for capture gamma Equation 4.43 enumerates t h e q u a n t i t i e s which
r a y s , a s is e v i d e n c e d by t h e d i s c u s s i o n below. must b e defined as a function of position within
Other secondary gamma rays which could b e of t h e absorbing material before gamma-ray l e a k a g e
concern i n s p e c i a l s i t u a t i o n s a r e activation gamma from t h e medium c a n b e calculated. It a l s o il-
rays and inelastic-scattering gamma rays. Activa- l u s t r a t e s t h e number of parameters which must b e
tion gamma rays result when t h e absorption p r o c e s s duplicated in order for secondary gamma-ray d a t a
l e a d s t o a radioactive r e s i d u a l nucleus which e m i t s obtained for a particular s i t u a t i o n t o b e a p p l i c a b l e
gamma rays a t a later time. T h e s e gamma rays to another situation. In many cases sufficient ac-
a r e of l i t t l e c o n s e q u e n c e during a period of irradia- curacy will be obtained by considering only t h e
tion, but they c a n l i m i t access t o regions that t o t a l thermal-neutron flux profile and t h e capture
have b e e n close t o a weapons burst. Inelastic- c r o s s s e c t i o n s averaged over t h e thermal group.
s c a t t e r i n g gamma rays a r e produced when i n a T h e d a t a on capture gamma-ray a l b e d o s a r e q u i t e
s c a t t e r i n g p r o c e s s t h e incident neutron effectively limited. Wells’ performed a s e r i e s of Monte C a r l o
transfers some of its energy t o t h e t a r g e t nucleus. c a l c u l a t i o n s from which h e obtained capture gamma-
T h i s p r o c e s s is followed almost instantly by t h e ray a l b e d o s for t h e portland and T S F concrete
r e l e a s e of gamma rays by t h e nucleus. Conceiv- compositions given in T a b l e 4.9. Assuming t h a t
ably, inelastic-scattering gamma rays could b e i m - only thermal neutrons were incident, h e arrived a t
portant contributors t o secondary gamma-ray t h e following e x p r e s s i o n s for t h e differential d o s e
a l b e d o s , but generally t h i s is not t h e case. ’
albedo, which is given in (rads hr- steradian- ’)/
(unit thermal-neutron flux) incident at a n g l e 8,:
It is c l e a r from t h e preceding d i s c u s s i o n that
t h e a l b e d o definitions given in Section 4.1 d o not
apply precisely t o t h e case of s e c o n d a r y gamma-
ray albedos. To clarify t h e point that i n t h i s for portland c o n c r e t e and
case t h e incident particles a r e neutrons and t h e
emergent p a r t i c l e s a r e gamma r a y s , t h e notation
‘‘(n,~)’’is included in t h e s u b s c r i p t s a s s o c i a t e d (4.45)
with t h e a l b e d o symbols u s e d below. In all cases
t h e a l b e d o s a r e b a s e d o n a n incident particle cur- for T S F concrete. It is s e e n from t h e s e t w o e x -
rent or flux and a n emergent gamma-ray d o s e . p r e s s i o n s t h a t for normal incidence and reflection

ORNL-DWG 67-2095
t h e capture gamma-ray albedo for t h e T S F concrete
is greater than that for portland concrete by about
50%. In calculating the capture gamma-ray d o s e
rate along t h e a x i s of a concrete-lined cylindrical
hole, Wells found that t h e results obtained with t h e
T S F albedo were higher by a factor of 1.4 t o 1.5
than t h o s e obtained with t h e albedo for portland
concrete. T h i s demonstrates how variations in
local aggregates used in s i t e construction c a n
c a u s e variations in t h e capture gamma-ray albedo
due to changes in both capture density and gamma-
ray yield per capture.
Maerker and Muckenthaler' a l s o obtained cap-
ture gamma-ray d o s e albedos from Monte Carlo
calculations for thermal neutrons incident on
concrete. In their case the concrete w a s assumed
t o b e a five-region s l a b which contained s t e e l in
two regions (described in Section 4.2.2). T h e dif-
ferential albedo d a t a were fit t o t h e expression 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I .O
cos e

Fig. 4.45. Capture Gamma-Ray Differential Albedos

for Thermal Neutrons Incident on Concrete. (From
where uD2 is given (rads hr-' steradian-')/ Wells, ref. 17, and Maerker and Muckenthaler, ref. 19.)
(incident unit thermal-neutron current) and po and ,u
are t h e c o s i n e s of t h e incident and reflected polar concrete composition. In particular, t h e layered
angles respectively T h e corresponding expression concrete s l a b used by Maerker and Muckenthaler
for t h e total albedo is had more iron nearer t h e surface than did the
homogenized s y s t e m used by Wells. T h e additional
AD 2 ( f l , Y )= 3.77 1 0 - ~ ( 1 . 0 1 + 1 . 6 7 ~-~0 . 5 6 ~ ; ), iron a t t h i s position probably resulted in more iron-
(4.47) capture gamma rays emerging from t h e surface.
Coleman et a1.8 calculated, also by Monte Carlo
given in (rads/hr)/(incident unit thermal-neutron methods, t h e capture gamma-ray albedos resulting
current). T h e s e equations fit t h e Monte Carlo d a t a from the slowing down and capture of neutrons
t o within 15%. incident on concrete a t intermediate energies (0.5
Figure 4.45 compares t h e differential albedos e V to 200 keV). As w a s t h e c a s e for t h e Maerker
obtained with t h e Maerker-Muckenthaler expression and Muckenthaler calculations, t h e concrete w a s
with t h o s e obtained with t h e Wells expression for assumed t o be a five-region s l a b , with two of t h e
T S F concrete, the latter being converted t o t y p e 2 regions containing s t e e l ; however, a t most t h e
albedos. T h e data differ by a factor of "2, which iron contributed only 20% of t h e capture gamma-ray
may have resulted from s e v e r a l c a u s e s . In the dose.
Wells calculations neutron histories were ter- T h e empirical equations representing t h e results
minated after 5 0 collisions, whereas 200 collisions of Coleman et al. are shown in T a b l e 4.17. T h e
were allowed in the Maerker and Muckenthaler cal- departure from unity of t h e last term in parentheses
culations. According t o additional s t u d i e s per- in t h e expressions for t h e differential albedos
formed by Maerker and Muckenthaler' '
and also reflects t h e contributions from captures occurring
by Coleman et al.,' however, this would account a t nonthermal energies. T h e s e expressions re-
for no more than 20% of t h e difference. Other dif- produce t h e Monte Carlo v a l u e s t o within 15%for
ferences may appear in t h e gamma-ray yields, t h e the differential albedos and t o within 10% for the
minimum gamma-ray energy considered, and the total albedos.



T a b l e 4.17. C u r v e - F i t t e d Expressions for Capture Gamma-Ray D i f f e r e n t i a l and T o t a l Albedos A r i s i n g from
the Slowing Down and Capture of Incident Epicadmium Neutronsa

(ho' Po I tob
h 0 [(rads hr-' steradian-l )/(incident unit neutron current)]
unit neutron current)J

55.1 - 200 keV p (0.43 + 2.17p - 1.67~') (0.39 + 0 . 5 1 ~ ~(1.10) ) 10-7(1.40 +1.83~~)
15.2 - 55.1 keV p (0.39 + 1 . 7 8 ~- 1 . 3 9 ~ ' ) (0.50 + 0 . 6 8 ~ ~(1.11)
) 10-7(1.52 +2.07~~)
4.2 - 15.2 keV p (0.70 + 2.53p - 2.07p') (0.37 + 0.46p0) (1.12 - O.O1po) 10-7(1.74 +2.15~~)
1.15 - 4.2 keV p (0.68 + 2 . 5 9 ~- 2 . 0 8 ~ ' ) (0.40 + 0 . 5 4 ~ ~(1.12
) - O.O1po) 10P7(1.93 +2.57~~)
0.32 - 1.15 keV p (0.66 + 3.18p- 2.60p') (0.46 + 0.54p0) (1.14 - 0 . 0 2 ~ ~ ) 10-7(2.43 + 2.79p0)
87 - 320 keV fL (0.89 + 3.52p - 3.09~') (0.41 + 0 . 5 9 ~ ~(1.18
) - 0.06~~) 10-7(2.56 + 3.42p0)
24 - 87 e V p (1.14 + 3 . 9 8 ~- 3.77~') (0.38 + 0 . 6 2 ~ ~(1.30
) - 0.15,~~) 10-7(2.95 +4.20~~)
6.6 - 24 e V p (1.40 + 2 . 7 3 ~- 2 . 5 0 ~ ' ) (0.45 + 0 . 6 5 , ~ ~(1.11
) - 0.04po) 10-7(3.08 +4 . 1 8 ~ ~ )
1.8 - 6.6 e V b.34 + 0 . 7 8 ~+~p (0.15 + 2 . 3 0 , ~ ~-) p2(0.60+ 2.11p0)1 10-7(3.89 +4.14p0)
X (1.09 - 0 . 0 3 ~ ~ )

0.5 - 1.8 e V p L2.12 + 0 . 7 2 ~+~p (-1.46 + 2 . 9 2 ~ ~+)p'(0.40 - 2.68p0)1 10P7(4.52 +4 . 3 3 ~ ~ )

x (1.07 - 0 . 0 2 ~ ~ )

aTable taken from: W. A. Coleman, R. E. Maerker, F. J. Muckenthaler, and P. N. Stevens, N u c l . Sci. E n g . 27, 411-
422 (1967).

bpo = c o s eo; p = c o s e.

Wells and T ~ m p k i n s calculated

~~ the capture cumulative plot of the capture gamma-ray d o s e rate
gamma-ray d o s e rate a t a point 3 ft above the sur- as a function of 8 for t h e T S F concrete, and Fig.
face of s e v e r a l materials that was due to a n inci- 4 . 4 6 ~is a s i m i l a r plot for the NTS soil.
dent spectrum of neutrons, including fast neutrons, A more precise calculation was carried out by
from reactor and weapon sources. The materials French, Wells, and S ~ h a e f f e rfor ~ ~the case of t h e
considered were Nevada Test Site (NTS) s o i l , T S F T S F concrete. The capture gamma-ray source
concrete, T S F sandy s o i l , and sea water. Calcula- strength a s a function of depth w a s determined in
tions of the production of capture gamma rays within the same manner as described for t h e Wells and
the materials were based on experimentally de- Tompkins calculations, but the gamma-ray leakage
termined thermal-neutron fluxes a s a function of
depth in the material.
The calculational geometry- used by Wells and ORNL-DWG 67-2464

Tompkins is shown in Fig. 4.46a. T h e detector

was assumed t o b e located a t P , and a point kernel
program44 w a s used t o c a l c u l a t e the angular d o s e
distribution arriving a t P . After normalization t o a
unit thermal-neutron flux uniformly incident over
the surface of t h e absorbing plane, t h e results
were found to fit a function of the form
"'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\."' ' ~ '\\\\\\\\\\"

~ ( e )c
= e. (4.48)

Values of C and n are shown in Table 4.18 for t h e Fig. 4.46a. Geometry for C a l c u l a t i n g Capture Gamma-
materials used in the analysis. Figure 4.46b is a Ray Dose at a Paint 3 f t Above M a t e r i a l Surface.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
0 (deg)

Fig. 4.46b. Cumulative Capture Gamma-Ray D o s e Fig. 4 . 4 6 ~ . C u m u l a t i v e Capture Gamma-Ray D o s e

Rate 3 f t Above TSF Concrete D u e to U n i t Thermal- Rate 3 f t Above N e v a d a T e s t Site S a i l Due t o U n i t
Neutron Flux Incident on Concrete Surface. (From Thermal-Neutron F l u x Incident on Soil Surface. (From
Wells and Tompkins, ref. 43.) Wells and Tompkins, ref. 43.)


T a b l e 4.18. V a l u e s of Constants Required for

C a l c u l a t i n g Capture Gainma-Ray Dose R a t e s
from t h e concrete was calculated by using the C-18
Monte Carlo code.4 The resulting angular d o s e
by Eq. 4.48 rates, in rads hr-' steradian-', were found t o fit
a n equation of t h e form
(g/cm )
3 C n Reference o(e)= 6.14 10-8 cos e. (4.49)

TSF sandy s o i l 1.469 8.9 x lo-' -$ a T h i s equation g i v e s d o s e r a t e s that a r e approxi-

mately 24% lower than t h o s e obtained with Eq.
TSF concrete 2.41 9.18~ 0 b
Nevada t e s t s i t e 1.18 9.7 x -% C
Capture gamma-ray d o s e rates for materials s i m i -
soil lar t o t h o s e studied by Tompkins and Wells and by
Sea water 1.025 1.37~10-~ -2 d French et al. may b e approximated from t h e equa-
aW. C. Farries and J. R. Stokes, Postanalysis of
Ordnance Corps Radiologically Protected Pod T e s t s D = ID(@)@ dQ , (4.50)
a t ORNL-TSF, General Dynamics/Fort Worth Report
FZK-145 (1962) (Secret).
bV. R. Cain, A Study of the Radiation Shielding
where @ D ( e ) is obtained by either Eq. 4.48 or 4.49.
Characteristics of Basic Concrete Structures a t the A somewhat different approach w a s used by
Tower Shielding Facility, Oak Ridge National Lab- Budka et aZ.47-49 for calculating t h e reflection of
oratory Report ORNL-3464 (1 964).
'C. S. Cook, W. E. Thompson, F. M. Tomnovic, R. L.
capture gamma rays from s l a b s of concrete and
Mather, J. M. Ferguson, and P. R. Howland, Operation NTS s o i l . In their calculations, which were per-
Plumbob, Project 2.2, Neutron-Induced Activities in formed with t h e GRATIS Monte Carlo program4'
Soil Elements, Defense Atomic Support Agency Report
WT-1411 (1959) (Secret). and included transmission through t h e s l a b a s well
dW. A. Biggers and F. Waddell, General Report on a s reflection from it, t h e independent variables
Weapons T e s t s , External Neutron Measurements, 1946- were the energy and distribution of t h e secondary
1956, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report W T -
9004, p. 167 (1957) (Secret). gamma-ray s o u r c e s rather than t h e energy of t h e

incident neutron. L e a k a g e from both s l a b f a c e s distribution and which h a v e b e e n normalized s u c h
w a s c a l c u l a t e d for gamma-ray s o u r c e distributions that t h e integral of t h e polynomial over t h e s l a b
represented by t h e function depth y i e l d s t h e t o t a l number of captures. Similar
weighting functions may b e developed for t h e d o s e
N.(x) = Tk, (4.51) transmission d a t a . Small c h a n g e s in material
composition may b e accounted for in terms of their
where F r e f e r s t o t h e depth within a s l a b e x p r e s s e d influence on t h e thermal-neutron flux profile and
a s t h e fraction of t h e t o t a l s l a b t h i c k n e s s T (i.e., capture spectrum if they d o not greatly influence
X = x / T ) , and N I. ( F ) dY r e p r e s e n t s t h e estimated t h e gamma-ray attenuation properties.
number of gamma r a y s of energy E. originating a t Some of t h e d a t a on reflected d o s e for t h e case
depth x t o x +. d x centimeters from t h e reflecting of c o n c r e t e of t h e composition shown in T a b l e 4.19
surface. T h e fractional d o s e leaking from t h e s l a b a r e presented‘in F i g s . 4.47 through 4.51. T h e
per s o u r c e photon w a s c a l c u l a t e d for k = 0, 1, 2, 3, “fraction r e f l e c t e d ” in t h e s e c u r v e s refers t o t h e
and 4 for s l a b t h i c k n e s s e s of 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, and ratio of reflected d o s e n e a r t h e s l a b face to t h e
20 in. for monoenergetic photon e n e r g i e s between d o s e which would b e found a t t h e same point in t h e
1.0 and 11.0 MeV. a b s e n c e of t h e gamma-ray attenuating material
While t h e r e s u l t s obtained from t h i s t y p e of cal- (that i s , t h e s o u r c e dose). For’the a s s u m e d infinite-
culation a r e not n,y a l b e d o d a t a per se, they may s l a b condition, v a l u e s of t h e s o u r c e d o s e a r e inde-
b e used to obtain e f f e c t i v e a l b e d o d a t a for a n pendent of t h e s o u r c e depth distribution. F i g u r e
incident neutron current or flux provided t h a t t h e 4.52 g i v e s t h e s o u r c e d o s e as a function of s o u r c e
distribution of gamma-ray s o u r c e s within t h e s l a b energy.
i s known and t h a t t h i s distribution c a n b e reason- It is emphasized that t h e d a t a c a l c u l a t e d by
ably approximated by t h e polynomial e x p r e s s i o n Budka e t al. w i l l not b e appreciably influenced by
expected variations in c o n c r e t e composition if
Nj(X) = Aoj + a I j F ... + a .F4.
(4.52) t h i c k n e s s e s a r e s c a l e d in a c c o r d a n c e with t h e
density. T h e weighting c o n s t a n t s u s e d i n applica-
T h e c o e f f i c i e n t s ak related t o t h e weighting func- tion of t h e d a t a will, however, be very s e n s i t i v e
t i o n s for t h e individual r e s u l t s for t h e Fk distribu- to composition.
t i o n s and must b e determined s u c h that t h e total A complete l i s t i n g of t h e energy and angular
number (or d o s e ) leaving t h e reflecting s u r f a c e w i l l distribution of t h e transmitted and reflected gamma
b e given by rays may b e obtained from ref. 48 for c o n c r e t e a n d
from ref. 49 for t h e NTS soil.
M . K
j=1 k=O
z ‘jk a z j
tR = (4.53) Table 4.19. Composition of Concrete ( p = 2.3 g/cm 3 )

j=1 k=O Used i n C a l c u l a t i o n s by Budka e t 01.

Here aij
represents a correction d u e t o t h e error
Compos it ion
introduced by u s i n g a polynomial fit of t h e form of (wt %)
Eq. 4.52 and is given by

a* Nj
=-- akj , (4.54) 10
kj Ni k + 1 2
where f l j is t h e e s t i m a t e d number of photons origi-
nating in t h e s l a b , a s opposed t o N . , which is t h e 3
a c t u a l number. T h e term r . in Eq. 4.53 is t h e d a t a 3
c a l c u l a t e d b y Budka e t al.: t h e reflected current
of capture gamma r a y s of i n i t i a l energy E . having
a s o u r c e d e p t h distribution F k . T h e 1
functions a r e t h e polynomial coefficients which 7
give a n equation approximating t h e c a p t u r e depth

ORNL-DWG 67-2098



+ 0.40


5 0.35


0.30 ORNL-DWG 67-2099


0 0.25

00 -a 0.45
0.15 1
0 +
0 2 4 6 a 10 12
E/ (MeV) W
Fig. 4.47. Fraction of Capture Gamma-Ray Dose 2 0.30
Reflected from Concrete Slab as a Function of the -

Source Energy [ N j ( X ) =- 11. (From Budka and Dolce, W

ref. 49.)
+ 0.25
E 0.15


0 2 4 6 0 10
E, ( MeV)

Fig. 4.48. Fraction of Capture Gamma-Ray Dose

Reflected from Concrete Slab as o Function of the
Source Energy [ N , ( 2 ) = d. (From Budka and Dolce,
ref. 49.)

ORNL-DWG 67-2101


fi 0.40
5 0.35
-n 0.25

ORNL-DWG 67-2100
5 Lz
,0.45 LL

n 0.40
_I 0.05
2 0.35
n 0 2 4 6 8 10 I2
K 0.30
5 (MeV)
-u 0.25
Lo Fig. 4.50. Fraction of Capture Gamma-Ray Dose
W Reflected from Concrete Slab os a Function of the
Source Energy = E21.
[Nj(?) (From Budka and Dolce,
1 0.20
lL ref. 49.)
g 0.10


2 4 6 8 40 (2
El (MeV)

Fig. 4.49. Fraction of Capture Gamma-Ray Dose

Reflected from Concrete Slab as a Function of the
Source Energy [Nj(!Z) = E21. (From Budka and Dolce,
ref. 49.)

P 0 P P
8 2 R : 0 0 P UI
0 VI 0 UI 0 VI 0
e0 UI





O N w VI 4 0) (D 0



4.4.2. ACTIVATION GAMMA-RAY ALBEDOS f i c i e n t to r a i s e t h e t a r g e t nucleus t o i t s f i r s t

e x c i t e d s t a t e , i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g cannot occur.
T h e s u b j e c t of neutron activation of a material C r o s s s e c t i o n s for i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g a r e not
is treated in Chapter 2 in t h e s e c t i o n on r e s i d u a l w e l l known. T h e y a r e complicated by t h e multi-
radiation. It is mentioned here only t o call atten- plicity of l e v e l s to which t h e t a r g e t nucleus may b e
tion t o t h e fact t h a t activation r e s u l t s in t h e e m i s - excited and t h e multiplicity of gamma-ray e n e r g i e s
s i o n of d e c a y gamma r a y s , which may b e described which may b e emitted i n t h e p r o c e s s of d e c a y from
in terms of a n n,y albedo. An important difference a given energy level. A s t h e neutron energy in-
between t h i s t y p e of a l b e d o and a neutron-capture c r e a s e s , s o d o e s t h e number of nuclear levels.
a l b e d o is t h e time d e l a y between t h e incident When t h e energy of t h e incident neutron e x c e e d s
neutrons and emergent gamma rays. about 4 MeV, t h e gamma-ray e m i s s i o n spectrum
A s in t h e case of capture gamma rays, activation becomes e s s e n t i a l l y continuous for most s c a t t e r i n g
gamma r a y s a r e primarily a product of thermal- species .
neutron absorption and t h u s will b e determined by T h e e m i s s i o n of i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g gamma r a y s
from a s u r f a c e on which weapons neutrons a r e
t h e thermal-neutron flux intensity. Activation
incident w i l l not add significantly t o t h e reflected
gamma r a y s w i l l not add appreciably t o t h e total
d o s e rate; however, t h e gamma r a y s produced by
d o s e measured by a detector t h a t remains stationary
i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g may c o n s t i t u t e t h e most pene-
throughout t h e evolution of a weapon detonation;
trating component of t h e reflected d o s e (that i s ,
however, i t will b e t h e most i n t e n s e component,
they may h a v e t h e highest energies). T h u s if i t
t o b e considered in occupying terrain near t h e loca-
is planned to s h i e l d a g a i n s t t h e gamma r a y s re-
tion where t h e detonation occurred.
flected from a material, t h e inelastic-scattering
component s h o u l d b e considered.
N o a l b e d o d a t a a r e a v a i l a b l e e i t h e r from experi-
4.4.3. IN E LASTIC-SCATTE R ING GAMMA-RAY ments or from a n a l y s e s for u s e in e s t i m a t i n g in-
ALBEDOS e l a s t i c gamma-ray return from various materials.
Preliminary e s t i m a t e s may b e made by u s i n g a
A s w a s mentioned earlier, when a neutron scat- single-scattering approximation, and -more s o p h i s -
t e r s i n e l a s t i c a l l y , part of i t s energy is absorbed t i c a t e d c a l c u l a t i o n s may b e made by a Monte C a r l o
by t h e t a r g e t nucleus, r a i s i n g t h e nucleus t o a n approach. In e i t h e r case t h e outcome would de-
e x c i t e d state. An intermediate s t e p may b e t h e pend on t h e availability of appropriate c r o s s -
formation of a short-lived compound nucleus by s e c t i o n d a t a , and a t t h i s time there a r e many g a p s
union of t h e target n u c l e u s and incident neutron. in s u c h d a t a . T h e d a t a t h a t a r e available a r e
In a n y case t h e e x t r a neutron is either s c a t t e r e d maintained in a c e n t r a l f i l e by t h e Sigma Center
or e j e c t e d from t h e n u c l e u s , which t h e n d e c a y s a t Brookhaven National Laboratory. Compilations
b a c k to i t s ground s t a t e by t h e e m i s s i o n of gamma h a v e also b e e n published for some elements by
rays. T h e time b e t w e e n t h e neutron interaction United Nuclear Corporation.’ In addition, a sum-
and t h e gamma-ray e m i s s i o n is negligible mary of neutron energy thresholds and p o s s i b l e
sec). If t h e energy of t h e incident neutron is insuf- gamma-ray e n e r g i e s h a s b e e n given by Goldstein.’ ’


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Eng. 22, 455 (1965). enous Substances, NP-2385 [translated from Ric.
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BRL-1190 (January 1963); ... for Concrete, Bal- Albedo of a Plane Boundary,” Phys. Rev. 53, 173
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Aluminum with an Appendix: Neutron Dose Trans- Bureau of Standards Report NBS-8542 (Sept. 1,
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and Angular Distributions and Energy Spectra of Strongly Absorbing Slab,” Nucl. Sci. Eng. 22, 339
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1 7 M . B. Wells, Reflection of Thermal Neutrons
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1-5. L. S. Abbott 38. A. M. Weinberg

6. R. G. Alsmiller, Jr. 39. H. Yamakoshi
7. J. R. Buchanan 40. G. Dessauer (consultant)
8-13. H. C. Claiborne 41. B. C. Diven (consultant)
14-18. C. E. Clifford 42. W. N. Hess (consultant)
19. S. J. Cromer 43. M. H. Kalos (consultant)
20. V. M. Homrick 44. L. V. Spencer (consultant)
21. W. H. Jordan 45- 1045. RSlC Distribution
22. Joanne S. Levy 1046-104a. Central Research Library
23-24. F. C. Maienschein 1049. Do cum ent Reference Section
25. S. K. Penny 1050- 1070. Laboratory Records Department
26-35. B. F. Maskewitz 1071. Laboratory Records ORNL R.C.
36. D. A. Sundberg 1072. ORNL Patent Office
37. D. K. Trubey


1073. Copt. R. W. Enz, Radiation Physics Branch, DASA, Washington, D.C. 20301
1074. P. B. Hemmig, Division of Reactor Development and Technology, U.S. Atomic Energy
Energy Commission, Washington, D.C.
1075-1 076. J. W. Keller, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
1077. Lt. Col. G. C. Reinhardt, Radiation Physics Branch, DASA, Washington, D.C.
1078. A. Reetz, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 20546
1079. Robert Roussin, 1213 West Clark, Urbana, Illinois
1oao 1089. W. Selph, Radiation Research Associates, Fort Worth, Texas
1090. I. F. Zartman, Division of Reactor Development, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission,
Washington, D.C.
1091-1105. Division of Technical Informotion Extension (DTIE)
1106. Laboratory and University Division, AEC, OR0
1 107- 1439. Given Distribution a s shown in TID-4500 under Reactor Technology Category (100 copies -

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