ME7732 Coursework 2 2019

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Faculty of SEC

School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering

Module no Module title Module leader

ME7732 Mechatronic Design and Automation Dr Y Zweiri

Assignment title: Mechanisms design and analysis.

Learning outcomes covered: - Demonstrate through examples understanding of mechatronics

systems and their application in automation.
- Apply design process, enumeration to mechanical mechanisms such
as automotive, robotics etc. and analysis of their structural
- Use specialised software to analyse, simulate and develop real
implementation of the designed mechanisms.

Assignment set by: Dr. Y Zweiri

Lecturer marking: Dr. Y. Zweiri

Assignment weighting: 50% of the overall module mark

Issue date: 8th March 2019

Submission deadline: Friday 12th April 2019

Feedback date: As shown on the module guide.

Moderator: Prof. M.N. Sahinkaya

Additional instructions:
- Electronic submission via CANVAS drop box on the module CANVAS. On
the deadline date the final submission is locked in and will be assessed.

- Presenting the work of others as your own is academic misconduct and

will be subject to penalty. If in doubt you are advised to read the university
regulations on Academic Misconduct: ‘Cheating in Assessment’, and/or
consult the lecturer setting the assignment.


The small welding two-link planar manipulator shown in Figure 1 welds a structure in a
production line. The arm OA is pivoted to a fixed point at O and to the arm AB at A. The
angles 1 and  2 are controlled such that the end-effector (welding electrode) B moves
on a straight line path from (0.3m,0.0m) to (0.0m,0.3m) with constant velocity v=2 m/s.
The lengths of the arms are OA=0.3 m and AB=0.2 m.

1. Use MATLAB to reproduce:

i) The angles 1 and  2 , shown in Figure 2
ii) The angular velocities of arms OA and AB, shown in Figure 3

(14 marks)

2. Use NX to simulate the manipulator, then compare between MATLAB

results and NX results. Submit all the MATLAB/Simulink and NX files you
generate in this work. Place these files in a zipped file and upload them in
the CANVAS. The zipped file name should consist of student number.

(16 marks)

B r2
r1 A
O (0.3,0)
Figure 1: Two-link planar manipulator
Figure 2

Figure 3

In the four-bar planar mechanism shown in Figure 4 the crank AB is driven by a motor
with a torque Tm at constant angular velocity 1 = 100 rad/s, the follower CD carries a
load torque Tl , assume Tl = 0 N.m. The four-bar mechanism parameters are:

r1=10mm, r2=35mm, r3=20mm, r4=30mm

rG1= 5mm, rG2 =17.5mm, rG3 =10mm
m1= 0.2Kg, m2 = 0.6Kg, m3 = 0.4Kg
IG1 =1.0x10-5Kg.m2, IG2=4.0x10-4Kg.m2, IG3= 8.0x10-5Kg.m2

1. Use MATLAB to reproduce:

i) The motor torque Tm, shown in Figure 5.
ii) Forces at the joints A, B, C, and D, shown in Figures 6-9

(22 marks)

2. Use NX to simulate the four-bar mechanism, then compare between

MATLAB results and NX results. Submit all the MATLAB/Simulink and
NX files you generate in this work. Place these files in a zipped file and
upload them in the CANVAS. The zipped file name should consist of
student number.
(23 marks)

Tm B C

  r3
r1 Tl
A  r4 D

Figure 4: Four-bar planar mechanism

Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9

C. Report presentation and quality

Report should be uploaded to CANVAS and include all the aspects above. Moreover,
the report should also include abstract, methodology section, results & discussion
section and references (appropriate citation method should be used).
(25 marks)
Total: 100 marks
-------------- END OF ASSIGNMENT -----------------

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