Code Unity - Git Session

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Code Unity

Follow these instructions to code the problem as a team:

(One member from a team)

1. Create a base directory and initialize a local git repo.
2. Create a remote git repo and add your team members as collaborator to the
remote repo.
3. Create a file “basic_math.c” within the directory.
4. Write a simple ​main()​ function and push the modified file to the remote.

(Other members from the team)

1. Clone the repo from remote.
2. Create a local working branch named ​your_name/function_name.
Ex. “​arun/add”
3. Write the basic arithmetic functions in the same file.
Member-1:​ Write a function to add two numbers. Function name: ​add
Member-2:​ Write a function to subtract two numbers. Function name: ​sub
Member-3:​ Write a function to multiply two numbers. Function name: ​mul
Member-4:​ Write a function to divide two numbers. Function name: ​div
Member-5:​ Edit the ​main() ​function to invoke all the other functions.
4. Push the modified file to the corresponding remote branch.
5. Member 2 needs to checkout to the master branch and pull all the branches to
the local master branch.
6. If any conflicts raised, resolve it.

-- Happy Coding --

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