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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

JANUARY 2019 – Editorial

Editorial 02 – 01 – 2019

1) Turnaround (Noun) -- अ�त्यािशत प�रवतर्न 4) Prognosticate (Verb) -- शकु न बताना

Definition: An abrupt or unexpected change, Definition: Foretell or prophesy (a future event).

especially one that results in a more favourable
situation. Synonyms: Forecast, Predict, Prophesy, Foretell

Synonyms: About-face, About-turn Antonyms: Describe, Narrate, Recite, Recount,

Relate, Report, Tell
Antonyms: Approval, Enactment, Validation
Usage: This prompted RBI Governor Shaktikanta
Usage: Signs of a turnaround: on RBI's Financial Das to prognosticate that the sector “appears to be
Stability Report on course to recovery”.

2) Vigil (Noun) -- सतकर् ता 5) Contagion (Noun) -- संसगर्

Definition: A changing from one policy or point of Definition: The communication of disease from one
view to virtually its exact opposite person or organism to another by close contact.

Synonyms: Observance, Patrol, Attention, Synonyms: Contamination, Infection, Disease,

Awareness Illness, Infirmity

Antonyms: Disregard, Heedlessness, Ignorance, Antonyms: Purification, Advantage, Cleanliness

Usage: A contagion analysis that assumes there
Usage: Regulatory vigil should not ease after the would be no sovereign guarantee provided for the 11
half-yearly decline in banks’ gross NPA ratio. PSBs placed under the PCA curbs.

3) Shroud (Verb) -- कफ़नाना 6) Mala fide (Adjective) -- दुभार्वनापूणर्

Definition: Wrap or dress (a body) in a shroud for Definition: In bad faith; with intent to deceive.
Synonyms: Ambidextrous, Backhanded, Deceitful.
Synonyms: Cover, Envelop, Veil, Cloak, Curtain
Usage: Close to 95% of the frauds reported in the
Antonyms: Expose, Reveal, Uncover, Unveil six months ended September were credit-related,
with PSBs again bearing the brunt of mala
Usage: The fog of bad loans shrouding the banking fide intent on the part of borrowers.
sector appears to be lifting after a long period of
sustained stress.
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

7) Plucky (Adjective) -- िहम्मती Usage: The missile's trajectory was preset

Definition: Having or showing determined courage

in the face of difficulties.
Editorial 03 – 01 – 2019
Synonyms: Brave, Courageous, Bold, Daring,
1) Recalibrate (Verb) – संशोधन करना

Antonyms: Cowardly, Timid, Timorous Definition: Calibrate (something) again or

Usage: Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the Supreme Court’s
eldest and pluckiest member. Synonyms: Amend, Fix, Improve, Redress, Remedy

Antonyms: Corrupt, Arm, Hurt, Injure

Usage: As the tax collections remain below target, it

8) Diminutive (Adjective) -- अल्पाथर्क
may be time to recalibrate expectations.
Definition: Extremely or unusually small.

Synonyms: Tiny, Small, Little, Petite, Minute,

Miniature, Mini, Minuscul
2) Fervour (Noun) – जोश
Antonyms: Enormous

Usage: The sharp words that earned the diminutive Definition: Intense and passionate feeling.
justice the moniker “Notorious RBG” in recent years Synonyms: Passion, Ardour, Intensity, Zeal,
were penned in dissent.
Antonyms: Apathy

Usage: Yet, the higher compliance and the festive

9) Exemplary (Adjective) -- अनुकरणीय fervour translated into collections lower than the
average monthly receipts for the year till date.
Definition: Serving as a desirable model; very good.

Synonyms: Perfect, Ideal, Model, Faultless

3) Elusive -- मायावी
Antonyms: Deplorable, Unworthy

Usage: An exemplary relationship of talented, Definition: Hard to find, capture, or isolate

loving equals that bears out the film’s arc. Synonyms: Ephemeral, Evanescent, Fleeting,

Antonyms: Accessible, Approachable, Attainable,

10) Trajectory (noun) -- �क्षेपव�
Definition: The path followed by a projectile flying
Usage: A consumption-led investment revival to
or an object moving under the action of given forces.
take the economy to an 8% growth path seems
Synonyms: Course, Route, Path, Track, Line, Orbit elusive again.
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

7) Detention (Noun) – नजरबंदी

4) Forbearance (Noun) -- सहनशीलता Definition: The action of detaining someone or the

state of being detained in official custody.
Definition: Patient self-control; restraint and
tolerance Synonyms: Custody, Imprisonment, Confinement,
Synonyms: Tolerance, Toleration, Patience,
Resignation Antonyms: Emancipation, Freedom, Liberation

Antonyms: Impatience Usage: The spat goes back to the detention on

December 1 of a top Chinese telecom executive in
Usage: His unfailing courtesy and forbearance Vancouver.
under great provocation.

8) Retribution (Noun) -- �ितशोध

5) Detriment (Noun) – क्षित
Definition: The act or an instance of responding to
Definition: The state of being harmed or damaged. an injury with an injury.
Synonyms: Harm, Damage, Injury, Hurt, Synonyms: Payback, Reprisal, Requital, Retaliation
Antonyms: Clemency, Grace, Leniency, Lenity
Antonyms: Benefit, Good
Usage: There is concern that Canadian residents in
Usage: The diplomatic row between Beijing and China may face retribution for Ms. Meng’s
Ottawa over the detention and treatment of Canadian detention.
nationals in China continues to escalate, to the
detriment of bilateral relations.

9) Lenient (Adjective) – दयालु

6) Standoff (Adjective) – असामािजक,अलग Definition: (of a punishment or person in authority)

more merciful or tolerant than expected.
Definition: Having or showing a lack of friendliness
or interest in others Synonyms: Merciful, Clement, Sparing, Forgiving

Synonyms: Aloof, Antisocial, Asocial, Buttoned-up Antonyms: Merciless, Severe, Strict

Antonyms: Communicative, Expansive, Garrulous, Usage: A Chinese court last week ruled as too
Talkative lenient the 15-year sentence against a Canadian
convicted of drug-related offences.
Usage: But more serious could be the implications
of the standoff for the ongoing trade war between
China and the U.S.
10) Dispel (Verb) – दूर करना
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

Definition: Make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) Synonyms: Boom, Improvement, Recovery,

disappear. Upswing

Synonyms: Banish, Eliminate, Dismiss Antonyms: Downturn

Antonyms: Engender Usage: Under some pressure to demonstrate that it

had not gone soft as a result of the upsurge of
Usage: Given the climate of mistrust between the protests against the Supreme Court’s order.
U.S. and China, it is hard to dispel the perception
that Canada has got caught in the crossfire.

4) Orchestrate (Verb) – �वस्था करना

Editorial 04 – 01 – 2019 Definition: Arrange or score (music) for orchestral

1) Stealth (Noun) -- गु�ता
Synonyms: Arrange, Adapt, Score
Definition: Cautious and surreptitious action or
movement. Antonyms: Disperse, Divide

Synonyms: Furtiveness, Secretiveness, Secrecy, Usage: Unfortunately, but not entirely

Surreptitiousness unpredictably, news of their visit has resulted in a
cycle of violent and politically orchestrated
Antonyms: Openness protests, clashes, and mass arrests.
Usage: In facilitating the entry of two women, albeit
in stealth and under the cover of darkness.
5) Desecration (Noun) – अपिव�ता

Definition: The action of desecrating something.

2) Blockade (Noun) -- नाकाबंदी
Synonyms: Violation, Profanation, Sacrilege
Definition: An act or means of sealing off a place to
prevent goods or people from entering or leaving. Antonyms: Veneration, Sanctification

Synonyms: Siege, Beleaguerment, Encirclement Usage: The decision of the temple authorities to
close the sanctum sanctorum and perform
Antonyms: Reopen, Unblock, Unbolt purification rituals has invoked old and regressive
Usage: The Kerala government has displayed some notions of purity and pollution, of defilement and
resolve in breaking the illegal blockade imposed by desecration.
some devotees.

6) Gush (Noun) -- यकायक बहाव

3) Upsurge (Noun) -- चढ़ाव
Definition: A flowing or going out
Definition: An upward surge in the strength or Synonyms: Exodus, Outflow, Outpour, Outpouring
quantity of something; an increase.
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

Antonyms: Flux, Inflow, Influx, Inrush Definition: A place of safety or refuge.

Usage: The dam burst with a stupendous gush of Synonyms: Refuge, Retreat, Shelter, Sanctuary,
water Asylum,

Antonyms: Dock, Harbor, Haven, Port

7) Bombard (Verb) -- बौछार करना Usage: "a haven for wildlife".

Definition: Attack (a place or person) continuously

with bombs, shells, or other missiles.
Editorial 05 – 01 – 2019
Synonyms: Shell, Torpedo, Pound, Blitz, Strafe,
1) Fuel (Verb) -- ती� करना

Antonyms: Leave alone Definition: Cause (a fire) to burn more intensely.

Usage: The city was bombarded by federal forces Synonyms: Stimulate, Boost, Encourage, Intensify,

Antonyms: Dampen

Usage: Petrol may have been used to fuel the fire.

8) Emanate (Verb) – िनकलना

Definition: To throw or give off

2) Falter (Verb)-- लड़खड़ाना
Synonyms: Cast, Discharge, Emit, Evolve

Antonyms: Absorb, Inhale, Soak (Up), Sponge Definition: To show uncertainty about the right
course of action
Usage: Honeysuckle emanating such a sweet scent.
Synonyms: Balance, Dither, Halt, Hang Back,

9) Dichotomy (Noun) -- दो भाग� म� िवभाजन Antonyms: Decide, Budge, Stir, Advance, Continue

Definition: a division or contrast between two things Usage: The music faltered, stopped, and started up
that are or are represented as being opposed or again.
entirely different.

Synonyms: Division, Separation, Divorce, Split

3) Mire (Verb) – डू बना
Antonyms: Agreement, Likeness, Sameness
Definition: to place in conflict or difficulties
Usage: A rigid dichotomy between science and
mysticism. Synonyms: Broil, Embrangle, Embroil

Antonyms: Emancipate, Free, Liberate, Release

Usage: Most governments are already deeply mired

10) Haven (Noun) -- शरण, िनवृि�, आ�य
in debt
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

Synonyms: Destine, Fate, Predestine, Ordain,

4) Revelation (Noun) -- रहस्यो�ाटन
Antonyms: Happy, Lucky, Promising
Definition: A surprising and previously unknown
fact that has been disclosed to others. Usage: The new currency, brought into being on
January 1st 1999, has defied early critics, who
Synonyms: Disclosure, Surprising Fact, Divulgence, thought it doomed to failure.

Antonyms: Keeping, Covering up

8) Turbulent (Adjective) – अशांत
Usage: Child care institutions in India have been
trapped in an administrative blind spot, as Definition: Characterized by conflict, disorder, or
revelations of the sexual abuse of inmates. confusion; not stable or calm.

Synonyms: Tempestuous, Stormy, Unstable,

5) Predation (Noun) – िशकार
Antonyms: Peaceful
Definition: The action of attacking or plundering.
Usage: The country's turbulent history
Synonyms: Predacity, Predation, Predatism,
Rapaciousness, Rapacity

Usage: A home meant to protect girls rescued from 9) Culmination (Noun) -- प�रणित
exploitation itself turned into a den of predation.
Definition: The highest or climactic point of
something, especially as attained after a long time.

6) Lacuna (Noun) – कमी Synonyms: Climax, Pinnacle, Peak, High point

Definition: A falling short of an essential or Antonyms: Nadir

desirable amount or number.
Usage: The deal marked the culmination of years of
Synonyms: Crunch, Dearth, Deficiency, Deficit negotiation

Antonyms: Abundance, Adequacy, Amplitude,

10) Profligate (Adjective) -- अप�यी
Usage: Only an emergency measure to address the
serious lacunae can bring some semblance of order Definition: Recklessly extravagant or wasteful in
to these faceless shelters. the use of resources.

Synonyms: Wasteful, Extravagant, Spendthrift,

7) Doom (Verb) -- िवनाश क� �नदा करना
Antonyms: Thrifty, Frugal
Definition: Condemn to certain death or destruction.
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

Usage: Profligate consumers of energy 4) Eminent (Adjective) -- �ख्यात

Definition: Standing above others in rank,

importance, or achievement.
Editorial 07 – 01 – 2019
Synonyms: Astral, Bright, Distinguished,
1) Sinister (Adjective) -- भयावह
Antonyms: Insignificant, Minor, Unimportant.
Definition: Giving the impression that something Usage: Many eminent surgeons are on the hospitalʼs
harmful or evil is happening or will happen. staff.
Synonyms: Menacing, Threatening, Ominous.

Antonyms: Unthreatening, Auspicious.

5) Resurrect (Verb) -- पुन�नमार्ण करना
Usage: The philosopher Karl Popper argued that
Definition: To bring back to life, practice, or
conspiracy theories are often premised on the notion
that events are manipulated by sinister groups.
Synonyms: Reanimate, Recharge, Regenerate,
2) Yearning (Noun) -- तड़प
Antonyms: Extinguish, Kill, Quench, Suppress.
Definition: A strong wish for something. Usage: Attempts are being made to resurrect the
Synonyms: Appetency, Appetite, Craving, Desire stalled arms negotiations

Antonyms: Abhorrence, Abomination, Allergy.

Usage: Shaped by a distrust of the notion of 6) Espouse (Verb) -- अपनाना या सहारा देना
randomness and a yearning to explain phenomena
Definition: Adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way
in terms of an underlying or intentional order.
of life).

Synonyms: Adopt, Embrace, Take up, Take to.

3) Conspiracy (Noun) -- ष�ं�
Antonyms: Reject, Oppose.
Definition: A secret plan by a group to do Usage: The left has espoused the causes of sexual
something unlawful or harmful. and racial equality.
Synonyms: Collusion, Complicity, Connivance.

Antonyms: Faithfulness, Honesty, Ignorance.

7) Curtail (Verb) -- घटाना
Usage: The death of famous people has provided a
Definition: Reduce in extent or quantity; impose a
breeding ground for conspiracy theories.
restriction on.
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

Synonyms: Reduce, Cut, Cut down, Cut back, Usage: The reforms have been diluted.
Decrease, Lessen.

Antonyms: Increase, Lengthen.

Editorial 09 – 01 – 2019
Usage: Civil liberties were further curtailed.

1) Rattled (Verb) – परे शान करना

8) Harass (Verb) – परे शान करना
Definition: Make (someone) nervous, worried, or
Definition: Subject to aggressive pressure or irritated.
Synonyms: Unnerve, Disconcert, Disturb, Fluster
Synonyms: Pester, Badger, Hound, Harry, Plague.
Antonyms: Appease, Placate, Soothe
Antonyms: Leave in peace.
Usage: Rattled by the erosion in upper caste votes
Usage: If someone is being harassed at work in the recent Assembly elections in Rajasthan,
because of their sexuality they should contact the Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.

2) Scrutiny (Noun) -- संवीक्षा

9) Obscene (Adjective) -- अ�ील
Definition: Critical observation or examination.
Definition: (of the portrayal or description of sexual
matters) offensive or disgusting by accepted Synonyms: Inspection, Survey, Scan, Study
standards of morality and decency. Antonyms: Glance, Cursory look
Synonyms: Pornographic, Indecent, Salacious, Usage: It is doubtful if it will stand judicial
Smutty. scrutiny.
Antonyms: Pure, Decent.

Usage: Obscene jokes. 3) Unapologetic (Adjective) – अक्षमा�ाथ�

Definition: not acknowledging or expressing regret.

10) Dilute (Verb) -- जलिमि�त करना Synonyms: Impenitent, Remorseless, Unmerciful
Definition: Make (something) weaker in force, Antonyms: Apologetic, Contrite, Penitent
content, or value by modification or the addition of
other elements. Usage: The BJP government has attempted to
recover this traditional vote base through an
Synonyms: Diminish, Reduce, Decrease, Lessen, unapologetic political manoeuvre.

Antonyms: Intensify.
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

4) Drum up (Verb) – बढ़ाना Antonyms: Desegregate, Integrate, Reintegrate

Definition: To create or think of by clever use of the Usage: The Supreme Court has strengthened the
imagination principle that the head of the agency should be
insulated against any form of interference.
Synonyms: Concoct, Construct, Contrive

Antonyms: Clone, Copy, Copycat, Duplicate

8) Bulldoze (Verb) – ध्वस्त करना
Usage: The 124th Constitution Amendment Bill will
have to be passed by two-thirds of the MPs present Definition: clear (ground) or destroy
and voting and the challenge will be to drum up the
numbers in both Houses. Synonyms: Demolish, Knock down, Tear down,
Pull down, Flatten

Antonyms: Construct
5) Reinstate (Verb) -- पुनः स्थािपत करना
Usage: The architect, tasked with redesigning the
Definition: Restore (someone or something) to their city’s Olympic stadium, argues that new
former position or state. developments need not bulldoze the past.

Synonyms: Restore, Replace, Reinstitute,

9) Exacerbate (Verb) -- ख़राब करना
Usage: Reinstated, conditionally: on CBI Director's
return Definition: Make (a problem, bad situation, or
negative feeling) worse.

Synonyms: Aggravate, Make worse, Worsen,

6) Contention (Noun) -- िववाद Inflame, Compound

Definition: Heated disagreement. Antonyms: Calm, Reduce

Synonyms: Disagreement, Dispute, Disputation Usage: The exorbitant cost of land in urban areas
only exacerbated the problem
Antonyms: Agreement

Usage: Supreme Court rejects the Centre’s

contention in the CBI Director’s case, but softens 10) Flagrant (Adjective) – �मुख
the blow
Definition: (of an action considered wrong or
immoral) conspicuously or obviously offensive.

7) Insulated (Verb) – अछू ता Synonyms: Blatant, Glaring, Obvious, Overt,

Evident, Conspicuous
Definition: to set or keep apart from others.
Antonyms: Unobtrusive, Slight
Synonyms: Cut off, Isolate, Seclude, Segregate
Usage: A flagrant violation of the law
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

Antonyms: Uncontroversial

Editorial 10 – 01 – 2019 Usage: The Bill, contentious in itself for its

exclusion of Muslims.

1) Ploy (Noun) -- चालाक योजना

4) Thaw (Verb) -- िपघलना
Definition: A cunning plan or action designed to
turn a situation to one's own advantage. Definition: Become liquid or soft as a result of
warming up.
Synonyms: Ruse, Tactic, Move, Device, Stratagem,
Scheme Synonyms: Defrost

Usage: The Bill, contentious in itself for its Antonyms: Freeze, Solidify
exclusion of Muslims, is seen by many as a ploy to
legitimize the presence of Hindu Bengalis who had Usage: It is evidence of the continuing calm in the
reached the Northeast in the aftermath of the birth of Korean peninsula for nearly a year since the thaw
Bangladesh in 1971. between Pyongyang and Washington.

2) Persecuted (Verb) – सताया �आ 5) Resonate (Verb) -- �ितध्विन

Definition: Subject (someone) to hostility and ill- Definition: To continue or be repeated in a series of
treatment, especially because of their race or reflected sound waves.
political or religious beliefs. Synonyms: Echo, Reverberate, Vibrate, Oscillate
Synonyms: Oppress, Abuse, Victimize, Ill-treat, Antonyms: Damp, Dampen, Deaden, Dull, Quiet
mistreat, maltreat
Usage: U.S. President Donald Trump will be
Antonyms: equally eager that his peace deal continues to
Usage: The Bill seeks to confer Indian citizenship to resonate in the region and beyond.
persecuted migrants from the Hindu, Jain, Sikh,
Parsi, Christian and Buddhist communities from
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh who came to 6) Nicety (Noun) -- नुकताचीनी
India before 2014.
Definition: A single piece of information

Synonyms: Article, Item, Component, Constituent

3) Contentious (Adjective) -- िववादास्पद
Antonyms: Error, Fallacy, Falsehood, Inaccuracy
Definition: Causing or likely to cause an argument;
Usage: Knows all the niceties of diplomatic protocol

Synonyms: Controversial, Disputable, Debatable

7) Truce (Noun) -- यु�िवराम संिध
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

Definition: An agreement between enemies or Usage: Washington is impatient for information on

opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain the North Korean weapons stockpile.

Synonyms: Ceasefire, Armistice

Editorial 11 – 01 – 2019
Antonyms: Fighting, Hostilities

Usage: The guerrillas called a three-day truce

1) Rebuff (Verb) – अस्वीकृ त करना

Definition: Reject (someone or something) in an

8) Exemplify (Verb) -- िमसाल देना abrupt or ungracious manner.

Definition: Illustrate or clarify by giving an Synonyms: Reject, Turn Down, Spurn, Refuse,
example. Decline

Synonyms: Typify, Epitomize, Illustrate Antonyms: Accept, Welcome

Antonyms: Becloud, Blur, Cloud, Darken Usage: As Turkey rebuffs its plea to protect Syrian
Kurds, the U.S. must evaluate its next move.
Usage: In your review you don't really exemplify
your points with specific examples from the novel

2) Ostensible (Adjective) -- ख़याली

9) Respite (Noun) – मोहलत Definition: Stated or appearing to be true, but not

necessarily so.
Definition: A short period of rest or relief from
something difficult or unpleasant. Synonyms Apparent, Seeming, Outward, Surface,
Synonyms: Rest, Break, Breathing Space, Interval
Antonyms: : Real, Genuine
Antonyms: Continuation, Advance, Beginning
Usage: This has ostensibly angered Turkey, which
Usage: The refugee encampments will provide some considers the Syrian Democratic Forces.
respite from the suffering.

3) Pivotal (Adjective) -- क� �ीय

10) Stockpile (Noun) -- भंडार
Definition: Of crucial importance in relation to the
Definition: A large accumulated stock of goods or development or success of something else.
materials, especially one held in reserve for use at a
time of shortage or other emergency. Synonyms: Central, Crucial, Vital, Critical, Focal,
Synonyms: Stock, Store, Supply, Accumulation,
Collection Antonyms: Inconsequential, Insignificant, Minor
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

Usage: The report was missing a pivotal piece of

7) Regime (Noun) – शासन

Definition: A government, especially an

4) Hamstrung (Verb) – पंगु करना authoritarian one.

Definition: Cripple (a person or animal) by cutting Synonyms: Government, Reign, Dominion,

their hamstrings. Sovereignty

Synonyms: Cripple, Lame, Hock, Disable Usage: Regime uncertainty associated with the
election may put a halt to the nascent pick-up
Antonyms: Help witnessed in investments as corporations might
Usage: In the event, the abrupt announcement has decide to hold back on big ticket investments until
become a concession to Turkey, which was things clear up.
hamstrung by U.S. presence in the Kurdish-
populated region in pursuing its own military
options. 8) Opine (Verb) – सुझाव देना

Definition: Hold and state as one's opinion.

5) Conflict (Noun) -- िववाद, झगड़ा Synonyms: Suggest, Submit, Advance, Propose,

Definition: A serious disagreement or argument,
typically a protracted one. Antonyms: Calculate, Disbelieve, Know

Synonyms: Dispute, Quarrel, Squabble, Usage: The Hon’ble Supreme Court has opined that
Disagreement the word ‘misconduct’ has no precise meaning.

Antonyms: Agreement, Peace

Usage: This is unlikely given his aversion to 9) Ambit (Noun) – सीमा

keeping troops indefinitely in Syria (and other West
Asian conflict zones). Definition: The scope, extent, or bounds of

Synonyms: Scope, Extent

6) Ail (Verb) -- सताना
Antonyms: Angle, Area, Center
Definition: Trouble or afflict (someone) in mind or
body. Usage: A full discussion of this complex issue was
beyond the ambit of one book.
Synonyms: Trouble, Afflict, Pain, Bedevil

Usage: On the brighter side, investment spending,

which has ailed the economy for long, is expected to 10) Disrepute (Noun) – बदनामी
pick up finally.
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

Definition: The state of being held in low esteem by Definition: Express (something) in language of a
the public. specified style.

Synonyms: Disgrace, Shame, Dishonour, Infamy, Synonyms: Express, Phrase, Word, Frame
Usage: Director Rakesh Asthana has ended with the
Antonyms: Honour former’s removal, although it is couched as a
Usage: One of the top clubs in the country is
bringing the game into disrepute.

4) Convene (Verb) – बुलाना या इक�ा होना

Editorial 12 – 01 – 2019 Definition: Come or bring together for a meeting or

activity; assemble.

Synonyms: Summon, Call

1) Echelons (Noun) – स्तर
Antonyms: Disperse
Definition: A level or rank in an organization, a
profession, or society. Usage: The government quickly convened a
meeting, which was attended by Justice A.K. Sikri,
Synonyms: Level, Rank, Grade, Step, Rung, Tier, as the nominee of Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi.

Antonyms: Unemployment
5) Untenable (Adjective) -- अिस्थर, असमथर्नीय
Usage: The unseemly tussle in the CBI’s top
echelons reaches an unsatisfactory end. Definition: (especially of a position or view) not
able to be maintained or defended against attack or
2) Denouement – प�रणाम
Synonyms: Indefensible, Undefendable, Unarguable
Definition: The final part of a play, film, or Antonyms: Tenable, Defensible
narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn
together and matters are explained or resolved. Usage: Even if this position is not strictly untenable
from a legal standpoint, it has serious implications
Synonyms: Outcome, Upshot, Consequence, Result for the CBI’s independence.
Antonyms: Origin

Usage: The removal of Alok Verma as Director of

6) Stratagem (Noun) – युि� या योजना
the Central Bureau of Investigation is a
disconcerting denouement to an unseemly episode. Definition: A plan or scheme, especially one used to
outwit an opponent or achieve an end.

Synonyms: Plan, Scheme, Tactic, Manoeuvre, Move

3) Couch (Verb) – अिभ�� करना
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Antonyms: Frankness, Honesty, Honor, Inactivity

Usage: An important learning from the entire 10) Blatant (Adjective) -- बेखौफ
episode is that the bipartisan appointment process
for the post with the presence of a high judicial Definition: (of bad behaviour) done openly and
functionary as envisaged by the 2003 amendments unashamedly.
may not be enough to thwart political stratagems.
Synonyms: Flagrant, Glaring, Obvious,
Undisguised, Unconcealed

7) Morass (Noun) -- उलझी �ई िस्थित Antonyms: Inconspicuous, Subtle

Definition: A complicated or confused situation. Usage: Then there is the more blatantly flawed
reasoning touted by the President that “Mexico will
Synonyms: Confusion, Chaos, Muddle, Tangle pay” for the wall.

Antonyms: Order, Organization

Usage: the border wall with Mexico has become a Editorial 14 – 01 – 2019
morass of partisan bickering that has stalemated the
U.S. federal government into a three-week-long
shutdown. 1) Demonstrate (Verb) -- �ावहा�रक �दशर्नी और
स्प�ीकरण करना

8) Strident (Adjective) – ककर् श Definition: give a practical exhibition and

explanation of (how a machine, skill, or craft works
Definition: (of a sound) loud and harsh; grating. or is performed).
Synonyms: Harsh, Raucous, Rough, Grating, Synonyms: Reveal, Bespeak, Indicate, Signify
Antonyms: Hide
Antonyms: Soft, Dulcet
Usage: Computerized design methods will be
Usage: Mr. Trump has steadily contributed to the demonstrated
strident and crude anti-migrant rhetoric.

2) Alienate (Verb) -- पराया करना

9) Veracity (Noun) -- यथाथर्ता
Definition: Make (someone) feel isolated or
Definition: Conformity to facts; accuracy. estranged.
Synonyms: Truthfulness, Truth, Accuracy Synonyms: Estrange, Turn away
Antonyms: Falsity Antonyms: Unite
Usage: There are disquieting questions about the Usage: An urban environment which would alienate
veracity of some of Mr. Trump’s claims. its inhabitants
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Usage: She had a sneaking suspicion that he was

laughing at her
3) Determine -- िनधार्रण

Definition: To give an opinion about (something at

issue or in dispute) 7) Romp (Verb) -- कोलाहल करते �ए खेलना

Synonyms: Adjudge, Adjudicate, Arbitrate, Definition: (especially of a child or animal) play

roughly and energetically.
Antonyms: Equivocate, Hedge, Pussyfoot, Skirt
Synonyms: Play, Frolic, Frisk, Gambol
Usage: A three-member panel will determine the
case Usage: The noisy pack of children romped around
the gardens

4) Defer (Verb) -- आस्थिगत करना

8) Intense (Adjective) -- गहन
Definition: Put off (an action or event) to a later
time; postpone. Definition: (of an action) highly concentrated.

Synonyms: Postpone, Put off, Adjourn Synonyms: Great, Acute, Enormous, Fierce, Severe

Antonyms: Stand up to, Disobey Antonyms: Mild, apathetic

Usage: They deferred the decision until February Usage: The job demands intense concentration

5) Impend (Verb) -- समीप आ जाना 9) Deceased (Adjective) -- मृतक

Definition: Be about to happen. Definition: recently dead.

Synonyms: Imminent, At hand, close, Close at hand Synonyms: Dead, Expired, Departed, Gone

Antonyms: Abate, Decline Antonyms: Alive

Usage: For confirmed pessimists some disaster Usage: The judge inferred that the deceased was
always seems to be impending. confused as to the extent of his assets

6) Suspicion (Noun) – शक या संदेह 10) Exert (Verb) – बल लगाना

Definition: A feeling or thought that something is Definition: Apply or bring to bear (a force,
possible, likely, or true. influence, or quality).

Synonyms: Intuition, Feeling, Impression, Inkling Synonyms: Bring to bear, Apply, Bring into play,
Exercise, Employ
Antonyms: Certainty
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Usage: The moon exerts a force on the Earth 4) Disrupt (Verb) – बािधत करना

Definition: Drastically alter or destroy the structure


Synonyms: Distort, Damage, Buckle, Warp

Editorial 17 – 01 – 2019
Antonyms: Organize, Arrange

Usage: Alcohol can disrupt the chromosomes of an

1) Contrarian (Adjective) – िवरोधी
unfertilized egg
Definition: opposing or rejecting popular opinion or
current practice.
5) Assailant (Noun) -- हमलावर
Synonyms: Antagonist, Adversary, Debater
Definition: a person who physically attacks another.
Usage: The charge-sheeting of JNU students is a
move to criminalize contrarian opinion Synonyms: Attacker, Mugger

Antonyms: Ally, Friend

2) Radicalize (Verb) – क�रपंथी करना Usage: She escaped from her assailant after kicking
Definition: cause (someone) to adopt radical
positions on political or social issues.

Synonyms: Profound, Basal, Bottom, Cardinal 6) Pernicious (Adjective) – खतरनाक

Antonyms: Inessential, Minor, Secondary, Definition: Having a harmful effect, especially in a

Unimportant gradual or subtle way.
Usage: some of those involved had been radicalized Synonyms: Harmful, Damaging, Destructive,
by the Vietnam War Injurious, Hurtful

Antonyms: Beneficial, Benign, Favourable

3) Stringent (Adjective) -- कड़ी से कड़ी Usage: The pernicious influences of the mass media

Definition: (of regulations, requirements, or

conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.
7) Tendency (Noun) -- �वृि�
Synonyms: Strict, Firm, Rigid, Rigorous, Severe
Definition: An inclination towards a particular
Antonyms: Lenient, Flexible characteristic or type of behaviour.
Usage: Stringent guidelines on air pollution Synonyms: Propensity, Proclivity, Proneness,
Aptness, Likelihood

Antonyms: Allergy, Averseness, Aversion, Disfavor
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Usage: For students, there is a tendency to socialize

in the evenings
1) Contrarian (Adjective) – िवरोधी

Definition: opposing or rejecting popular opinion or

8) Foment (Verb) -- भड़काना current practice.

Definition: Instigate or stir up (an undesirable or Synonyms: Antagonist, Adversary, Debater

violent sentiment or course of action).
Usage: The charge-sheeting of JNU students is a
Synonyms: Instigate, Incite, Provoke, Agitate, move to criminalize contrarian opinion

Antonyms: Bridle, Check, Constrain, Curb

2) Radicalize (Verb) – क�रपंथी करना
Usage: They accused him of fomenting political
unrest Definition: cause (someone) to adopt radical
positions on political or social issues.

Synonyms: Profound, Basal, Bottom, Cardinal

9) Antipathy (Noun) – दुश्मनी
Antonyms: Inessential, Minor, Secondary,
Definition: A deep-seated feeling of aversion. Unimportant

Synonyms: Hostility, Antagonism, Animosity, Usage: some of those involved had been radicalized
Aversion by the Vietnam War

Antonyms: Liking, Affinity, Rapport

Usage: His fundamental antipathy to capitalism 3) Stringent (Adjective) -- कड़ी से कड़ी

Definition: (of regulations, requirements, or

conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.
10) Nurture (Verb) -- पालन - पोषण करना
Synonyms: Strict, Firm, Rigid, Rigorous, Severe
Definition: Care for and protect (someone or
something) while they are growing. Antonyms: Lenient, Flexible

Synonyms: Rear, Support, Raise, Foster, Parent, Usage: Stringent guidelines on air pollution
Mother, Tend

Antonyms: Neglect, Hinder

4) Disrupt (Verb) – बािधत करना
Usage: Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a
close-knit family Definition: Drastically alter or destroy the structure

Synonyms: Distort, Damage, Buckle, Warp

Editorial 17 – 01 – 2019
Antonyms: Organize, Arrange
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Usage: Alcohol can disrupt the chromosomes of an Definition: Instigate or stir up (an undesirable or
unfertilized egg violent sentiment or course of action).

Synonyms: Instigate, Incite, Provoke, Agitate,

5) Assailant (Noun) -- हमलावर
Antonyms: Bridle, Check, Constrain, Curb
Definition: a person who physically attacks another.
Usage: They accused him of fomenting political
Synonyms: Attacker, Mugger unrest
Antonyms: Ally, Friend

Usage: She escaped from her assailant after kicking 9) Antipathy (Noun) – दुश्मनी
Definition: A deep-seated feeling of aversion.

Synonyms: Hostility, Antagonism, Animosity,

6) Pernicious (Adjective) – खतरनाक Aversion
Definition: Having a harmful effect, especially in a Antonyms: Liking, Affinity, Rapport
gradual or subtle way.
Usage: His fundamental antipathy to capitalism
Synonyms: Harmful, Damaging, Destructive,
Injurious, Hurtful

Antonyms: Beneficial, Benign, Favourable 10) Nurture (Verb) -- पालन - पोषण करना

Usage: The pernicious influences of the mass media Definition: Care for and protect (someone or
something) while they are growing.

Synonyms: Rear, Support, Raise, Foster, Parent,

7) Tendency (Noun) -- �वृि� Mother, Tend
Definition: An inclination towards a particular Antonyms: Neglect, Hinder
characteristic or type of behaviour.
Usage: Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a
Synonyms: Propensity, Proclivity, Proneness, close-knit family
Aptness, Likelihood

Antonyms: Allergy, Averseness, Aversion, Disfavor

Editorial 19 – 01 – 2019
Usage: For students, there is a tendency to socialize
in the evenings

1) Nudge (Verb) -- मनाने क� कोिशश करना

8) Foment (Verb) -- भड़काना Definition: To try to persuade (someone) through

earnest appeals to follow a course of action.
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Synonyms: Drive, Propel, Spur, Stimulate. Usage: China’s capacity to manage its economic
transition has implications the world over.
Antonyms: Deter, Discourage, Dissuade.

Usage: The car salesman nudged me into taking a

test-drive, even though I had said that I was just 5) Juggernaut (Noun) – दर
Definition: A huge, powerful, and overwhelming

2) Admonish (Verb) -- सलाह या आ�ह करना Synonyms: Bandwagon, Blitz, Campaign, Cause.

Definition: Advise or urge (someone) earnestly. Usage: The Chinese growth juggernaut is slowing
Synonyms: Advise, Recommend, Urge, Caution.

Antonyms: Discourage.
6) Ample (Adjective) -- �चुर
Usage: In the past too, the court has admonished
the Centre for the delay in creating the institution. Definition: Enough or more than enough; plentiful.

Synonyms: Enough, Sufficient, Adequate.

3) Aggrieve (Adjective) – नाराजगी Antonyms: Insufficient, Meagre.

Definition: Feeling resentment at having been Usage: There is ample time for discussion.
unfairly treated.

Synonyms: Resentful, Affronted, Indignant,

Disgruntled. 7) Derail (Verb) – मन िवचिलत होना

Antonyms: Pleased. Definition: To trouble the mind of; to make uneasy.

Usage: He has been skipping meetings, as he is Synonyms: Agitate, Ail, Alarm, Bother, Concern,
aggrieved that the government has not made him a Discomfort.
full member, and has roped him in as a ‘special
Antonyms: Allay, Alleviate, Assuage.
Usage: According to police, the suspect had been
derailed in recent months by mounting financial
4) Transition (Noun) – प�रवतर्न problems.

Definition: The process or a period of changing

from one state or condition to another. 8) Aftermath (Noun) – प�रणाम
Synonyms: Change, Move, Passage,
Definition: A condition or occurrence traceable to a
Transformation, Conversion.
Antonyms: Decline, Decrease, Idleness.
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Synonyms: Aftereffect, Backwash, Child, Antonyms: Detached, Divided, Loose, Separated

Conclusion, Consequence, Corollary.
Usage: Opposition parties need a cohesive
Antonyms: Consideration, Determinant, Factor. framework to be a viable alternative to the BJP

Usage: The surgery was successful, but she now had

to deal with its aftermath: a huge bill.
2) Commonality (Adjective) – समानता

Definition: the state of sharing features or attributes.

9) Stimulus (Noun) -- �ोत्साहन
Synonyms: Common, Commonalty, Commoner,
Definition: A thing that arouses activity or energy in Pleb
someone or something; a spur or incentive.
Antonyms: Extraordinary, Infrequent, Rare, Seldom
Synonyms: Spur, Stimulant, Encouragement,
Impetus, Boost. Usage: Opposition parties that came together at the
Kolkata rally hosted by Trinamool Congress leader
Antonyms: Deterrent, Discouragement. Mamata Banerjee had a commonality of purpose —
defeating the Bharatiya Janata Party.
Usage: If the tax were abolished, it would act as a
stimulus to exports.

3) Tandem (Noun) -- अ�ानु�म

10) Falter (Verb) -- लड़खड़ाना Definition: An arrangement of two or more objects

or persons one behind another
Definition: To show uncertainty about the right
course of action Synonyms: Lineup, Arrangement, Bunch

Synonyms: Balance, Dither, Halt, Hang Back Antonyms: Individual, One, Single, Teammate

Antonyms: Dive (in), Plunge (in) Usage: To share a dais and hold hands is one thing;
to share seats and work in tandem is quite another.
Usage: William Lloyd Garrison never once faltered
in his demand that slavery be unconditionally
4) Brainchild (Noun) -- �दमाग क� उपज

Definition: An idea or invention which is

Editorial 21 – 01 – 2019 considered to be a particular person's creation.

Synonyms: Coinage, Concoction, Contrivance,

Creation, Innovation
1) Cohesive (Adjective) -- जोड़नेवाला
Antonyms: Duplicate, Duplication, Facsimile,
Definition: characterized by or causing cohesion. Imitation
Synonyms: United, Adhesive, Tenacious
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Usage: The federal front was essentially the

brainchild of the TRS founder K. Chandrasekhar
Rao. 8) Accommodate (Verb) – समायोिजत करना

Definition: Fit in with the wishes or needs of.

5) Impulse (Noun) -- आवेग Synonyms: Help, Assist, aid, Oblige

Definition: A sudden strong and unreflective urge or Antonyms: Hinder

desire to act. Usage: The SP and the BSP have agreed on seat-
Synonyms: Spontaneity, Impetuosity, Wildness, sharing but have not accommodated the Congress;
Recklessness, Irresponsibility also, negotiations with another ally, the RLD, are yet
to conclude.
Antonyms: Premeditation, Carefulness

Usage: At the same time, it seems to have imparted

a fresh impulse to the efforts to put together a 9) Manifesto (Noun) -- घोषणाप�
viable, if not entirely cohesive, alternative to the
Definition: A public declaration of policy and aims,
especially one issued before an election by a
political party or candidate.

6) Hitherto (Adverb) – अब तक Synonyms: Platform, Programme, Declaration,

Definition: Until now or until the point in time
under discussion. Antonyms: Ambiguous, Clouded, Cryptic, Dark,
Synonyms: Heretofore, Theretofore, Yet
Usage: There is still the issue of reaching
Antonyms: Henceforth, Henceforward, Hereafter, agreements at the State level, and arriving at a
Thenceforth consensus on a common manifesto of policies and
Usage: There is also no telling how an alliance
between the Congress and the TDP, bitter rivals
hitherto, will work on the ground.
10) Akin (Adjective) -- समान �कृ ितवाला

Definition: of similar character.

7) Navigate (Verb) – संचािलत या िनयंि�त करना
Synonyms: Similar, Related, Close, Near,
Definition: To operate or control the course of Corresponding

Synonyms: Course, Cover, Perambulate, Antonyms: Unlike

Usage: Something akin to gratitude overwhelmed
Usage: Seat-sharing is likely to be akin to her
navigating a minefield.
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Editorial 22 – 01 – 2019 4) Rein (Verb) – लगाम रखना

Definition: Keep under control; restrain.

1) Intrinsic (Adjective) – आंत�रक Synonyms: Restrain, Check, Curb, Constrain

Definition: Belonging naturally; essential. Antonyms: Impotence, Impotency, Powerlessness

Synonyms: Inherent, Innate, Inborn, Inbred, Usage: An owner trying to rein in his bull was
Congenital gored to death by another behind him.

Antonyms: Extrinsic, Acquired

Usage: Tighter regulations cannot eliminate the 5) Pierced (Verb) – छे द करना

element of danger intrinsic to jallikattu.
Definition: (of a sharp pointed object) go into or
through (something).

2) Cruelty (Noun) -- �ू रता Synonyms: Incise, Intrude, Perforate

Definition: Cruel behaviour or attitudes. Antonyms: Leave, Mend, Sew

Synonyms: Brutality, Savagery, Savageness, Usage: A spectator who wandered out of the
Inhumanity, Barbarism protective cover at the scene of action bled to death
on being pierced in the abdomen.
Antonyms: Compassion, Mercy

Usage: Jallikattu may have drawn the attention of

animal rights activists for the innumerable accounts 6) Persistent (Adjective) -- दृढ
of cruelty to bulls, but the deaths fall mostly on the
human side of the ledger. Definition: Continuing firmly or obstinately in an
opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or

3) Rampage (Verb) -- �हसात्मक �वहार Synonyms: Tenacious, Persevering, Determined,

Definition: (especially of a large group of people)
move through a place in a violent and uncontrollable Antonyms: Irresolute
Usage: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s persistent
Synonyms: Rage, Tear efforts since the Singapore meeting have come to
Antonyms: Be calm

Usage: Whatever the precautions taken, and there

were many, one cannot prepare for the behaviour of 7) Curx (Noun) -- �कसी चीज का क� �ीय भाग या पहलू
a rampaging bull.
Definition: The central part or aspect of something
under consideration.
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Synonyms: Bottom Line, Bull's-Eye, Centerpiece, Synonyms: Complication, Complexity, Problem,

Core, Essence Difficulty, Predicament

Usage: The concept of “complete denuclearisation” Antonyms: Agreement, Ease, Harmony, Peace
of the Korean Peninsula that formed the crux of the
Singapore declaration has become a subject of Usage: Moon Jae-in, South Korea’s President,
conflicting interpretations. favours rapprochement with the neighbour, and a
lasting resolution of the Washington-Pyongyang
nuclear imbroglio, advocating dialogue.

8) Impasse (Noun) -- गितरोध

Definition: a situation in which no progress is Editorial 23 – 01 – 2019

possible, especially because of disagreement; a
1) Conundrum (Noun) -- पहेली
Synonyms: Deadlock, Dead End, Stalemate,
Checkmate Definition: a confusing and difficult problem or
Antonyms: Solution, Boon, Agreement, question.
Breakthrough Synonyms: Riddle, Puzzle, Word Game, Anagram
Usage: The stalemate is at best a case of Mr. Antonyms: Answer, Axiom, Explanation,
Trump’s diplomatic gambit having gone awry and at Proposition, Solution
worst, an impasse that allows Pyongyang to
prevaricate and give nothing away. Usage: Inflation conundrum

9) Rhetoric (Noun) -- अलंकार शा� 2) Persuade (Verb) -- राज़ी करना

Definition: Language that is impressive-sounding Definition: Induce (someone) to do something

but not meaningful or sincere through reasoning or argument.

Synonyms: Bombast, Fustian, Gas, Grandiloquence Synonyms: Coax, Convince, Make, Ge

Antonyms: Inarticulateness Antonyms: Dissuade, Discourage, Deter

Usage: Toning down his rhetoric, President Trump Usage: A weak performance and low inflation may
has displayed a readiness to wait and watch. persuade the RBI to go for an interest rate cut.

10) Imbroglio (Noun) -- िक्ल� िस्थित 3) Divergent (Adjective) -- िविभ�

Definition: An extremely confused, complicated, or Definition: Tending to be different or develop in

embarrassing situation. different directions.
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Synonyms: Differing, Varying, Different, Antonyms: Straighten

Dissimilar, Unlike
Usage: First, whoever wins the nomination will
Antonyms: Similar inherit the burden — and benefits — of the
considerable anti-Trump sentiment that is swirling
Usage: The inflation data have also thrown a across diverse pockets of the country.
curveball at policymakers in that their different
components show divergent trends.

7) Overshadow (Verb) -- अिधक �भावशाली या सफल

4) Entrant (Noun) -- �वेशी
Definition: Be more impressive or successful than
Definition: A person or group that enters or takes
(another person).
part in something.
Synonyms: Outshine, Eclipse
Synonyms: Beginner, Newcomer, Fresher,
Freshman, Recruit Antonyms:
Antonyms: Veteran Usage: President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Serbia
was overshadowed by ongoing protests against the
Usage: A further eight potential entrants sitting on
country’s president, Aleksandar Vucic.
the fence.

8) Revive (Verb) -- पुनरजीिवत करना

5) Accumulate (Verb) -- संचय करना
Definition: Give new strength or energy to
Definition: Gather together or acquire an increasing
number or quantity of. Synonyms: Reinvigorate, Revitalize, Refresh,
Synonyms: Gather, Collect, Assemble
Antonyms: Torpefy
Antonyms: Dissipate
Usage: He needs to revive the manufacturing sector
Usage: Ms. Harris enters this crowded arena with
and emulate other Asian countries by becoming part
the heft of her star power, having accumulated
of the global supply chain.
considerable political capital through her tough
questioning of President Donald Trump.

9) Abstract (Adjective) -- सार

6) Swirl (Verb) -- घूणर्न करना Definition: Existing in thought or as an idea but not
having a physical or concrete existence.
Definition: Move in a twisting or spiralling pattern.
Synonyms: Theoretical, Conceptual, Notional,
Synonyms: Whirl, Eddy, Billow, Spiral, Wind,
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Antonyms: Actual, Concrete Definition: Begin to grow or increase rapidly;

Usage: Robert Saunders of Queen Mary University
of London explains how the vote in 2016 reduced a Synonyms: Boom, Mushroom, Proliferate,
complex question to an abstract proposition onto Snowball, Multiply
which voters could project incompatible versions of
Brexit. Antonyms: Shrink

Usage: The report suggests that, at least during fiscal

year 2018, government spending may be what
10) Utopia (Noun) -- आदशर्लोक boosted gross domestic product growth in the top-
performing States, particularly in Bihar and Andhra
Definition: An imagined place or state of things in Pradesh whose double-digit growth rates have come
which everything is perfect. along with a burgeoning fiscal deficit.
Synonyms: Paradise, Heaven,

Antonyms: Hell on earth 3) Profligate (Noun) -- अप�यी

Usage: A vote on a concrete proposition, he says, Definition: A licentious, dissolute person.
would focus debate on the strengths and weaknesses
of a specific policy, not on the utopias (and Synonyms: Libertine, debauchee, degenerate,
dystopias) that predominated before. reprobate

Antonyms: Conserving, Economical, Economizing,

Editorial 24 – 01 – 2019
Usage: Punjab and Kerala, which are at the bottom
of the growth table, are ranked as profligates by the
1) Convergence (Noun) -- संिमलन report.

Definition: The coming together of two or more

things to the same point 4) Fraught (Adjective) – �चितत
Synonyms: Confluence, Conjunction, Convergency, Definition: Causing or affected by anxiety or stress.
Synonyms: Anxious, Worried, Upset, Distraught,
Antonyms: Divergence Overwrought.
Usage: Economic convergence within the country Antonyms: Calm
remains a distant dream as poorer States continue to
lag behind the richer ones in economic growth. Usage: Editing the ‘human germline’ is an exercise
fraught with unknown risks.

2) Burgeon (Verb) -- तेजी से वृि� होना

5) Condemn (Verb) -- �नदा करना
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Definition: Express complete disapproval of; Synonyms: Exact, Accurate, Correct, Error-free,
censure. Pinpoint, Specific

Synonyms: Censure, Criticize, Castigate, Attack, Antonyms: Imprecise, Inaccurate

Denounce, Deplore, Decry
Usage: One pitfall of embryo gene-editing is that it
Antonyms: Praise, Commend is not as precise as we need it to be today.

Usage: Chinese authorities have since condemned

the researcher, He Jiankui, with a government report
this week saying he violated both ethics and laws. 9) Mutations (Noun) -- उत्प�रवतर्न

Definition: A distinct form resulting from genetic

6) Outrage (Noun) – �ोध
Synonyms: Mutant, Variant, Variation, Freak
Definition: An extremely strong reaction of anger,
shock, or indignation. Antonyms: Sameness

Synonyms: Indignation, Fury, Anger, Rage, Usage: Studies have shown that the technology can
Disapproval result in unintended mutations, which in turn can
cause cancers.
Antonyms: Delight, Pleasure

Usage: Mr. He’s actions drew international outrage,

they weren’t revolutionary in technological terms. 10) Susceptible (Adjective) -- अितसंवेदनशील

Definition: (of a person) easily influenced by

feelings or emotions; sensitive.
7) Fiddling (adjective) -- तुच्छ
Synonyms: Impressionable, Credulous, Gullible,
Definition: Annoyingly trivial or petty. Innocent, Ingenuous

Synonyms: Trivial, Petty, Trifling, Insignificant, Antonyms: Sceptical, Streetwise

Usage: The problem is that while protecting against
Antonyms: Important, Large HIV, a deactivated CCR5 gene can also make people
more susceptible to West-Nile Fever.
Usage: In doing so, he violated the widely held
ethical consensus that it is too early for germline
editing, for we simply don’t know enough yet about
the risks of such fiddling.
Editorial 25 – 01 – 2019

8) Precise (Adjective) -- ठीक-ठीक सू�मः

1) Manoeuvre (Noun) -- प�तरे बाज़ी
Definition: Marked by exactness and accuracy of
expression or detail.
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

Definition: A movement or series of moves Synonyms: Squirt, Shoot, Spray, Fountain, Jet,
requiring skill and care.t Erupt

Synonyms: Operation, Exercise, Activity, Move Antonyms: Calm, Doldrums, Slump

Antonyms: Mishandle, Muff, Scamp Usage: The spurt in infections during the first two
weeks of 2019 cries out for an effective plan to
Usage: The high-stakes manoeuvre could lift the contain it.
profile of the Congress as a serious contender in the
general election.

5) Depute (Verb) -- �ितिनयु� करना

2) Turnaround (Noun) – बदलाव Definition: Appoint or instruct (someone) to

perform a task for which one is responsible.
Definition: An abrupt or unexpected change,
especially one that results in a more favourable Synonyms: Appoint, Designate, Nominate, Assign,
situation. Commission

Synonyms: About-face, About-turn Antonyms: Abrogate, Abdicate

Antonyms: Approval, Enactment, Validation Usage: Last year, the Union Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare deputed teams to assist Rajasthan in
Usage: In Uttar Pradesh, where it has been left high containing the outbreak.
and dry in the seat-sharing deal between the
Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party, it
sorely needs a dramatic turnaround in political
fortunes. 6) Etiquette (Noun) -- िश�ाचार

Definition: The customary code of polite behaviour

in society or among members of a particular
3) Concerted (Adjective) -- सिम्मिलत profession or group.

Definition: Jointly arranged or carried out; Synonyms: Protocol, Polite behaviour, Good
coordinated. manners

Synonyms: Joint, United, Collaborative, Collective, Antonyms: Bad manners, Discourtesy, Immorality,
Antonyms: Separate, Individual
Usage: Campaigns to educate the public through
Usage: A concerted public health push is required mass media ahead of the season, especially on
to tackle periodic outbreaks of influenza respiratory etiquette and risk reduction, can help cut

4) Spurt (Verb) – तेजी से आना

Definition: Gush out in a sudden and forceful 7) Raucous (Adjective) – सक्� या ककर् श
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Definition: Making or constituting a disturbingly Usage: Mr Maduro’s incompetence has pauperised

harsh and loud noise. Venezuelans, forcing around a tenth of the
population to emigrate.
Synonyms: Harsh, Strident, Screeching, Squawky

Antonyms: Soft, Dulcet, Peaceful, Quiet, Restrained

Usage: National demonstration against the

disastrous regime of Nicolás Maduro, now deemed a Editorial 26 – 01 – 2019
usurper, let out a raucous cheer.

1) Plunge (Verb) – अचानक नीचे िगरना

8) Internecine (Adjective) – आतं�रक
Definition: Fall suddenly and uncontrollably.
Definition: Destructive to both sides in a conflict.
Synonyms: Crash, Plummet, Pitch, Drop, Fall
Synonyms: Bloody, Sanguinary, Sanguine
Antonyms: Ascent, Climb, Rise, Rising
Antonyms: Beneficial, Restorative, Salubrious,
Salutary Usage: Venezuela plunges from one catastrophic
crisis to another.
Usage: few enemies to suspend the internecine
disputes within the opposition.
2) Grapple (Verb) – पकड़ना

9) Revitalize (Verb) – पुनज�िवत करना Definition: Seize hold of (someone).

Definition: Imbue (something) with new life and Synonyms: Seize, Grab, Grip, Hold, Grasp, Clasp,
vitality. Clench

Synonyms: Reinvigorate, Re-Energize, Brace, Antonyms: Release

Fortify, Strengthen Usage: Venezuela has grappled with an economic
Antonyms: Depress and political crisis of its own making for almost two
years now.
Usage: Revitalise the hopes of all those who want to
see the end of Mr Maduro’s rule.
3) Brute (Adjective) -- अत्याचारी

10) Pauperize (Verb) -- द�र� करना Definition: having or showing the desire to inflict
severe pain and suffering on others.
Definition: Make very poor; impoverish.
Synonyms: Atrocious, Barbaric, Barbarous, Brutal
Synonyms: Beggar
Antonyms: Merciful, Pitying, Pacific, Peaceable,
Antonyms: Rich Peaceful
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

Usage: The government used brute force to 7) Upend (Verb) – सीधा करना
suppress them, while the economic situation
deteriorated. Definition: to fix in an upright position

Synonyms: Erect, Pitch, Put Up, Raise

4) Boycott (verb) -- बिहष्कार करना Antonyms: Demolish, Flatten, Knock Down

Definition: Withdraw from commercial or social Usage: E-commerce has upended this arrangement.
relations with (a country, organization, or person) as
a punishment or protest.
8) Unencumbered (Adjective) -- अभार�स्त
Synonyms: Spurn, Snub
Definition: Not having any burden or impediment.
Antonyms: Support, Approve of
Synonyms: Burdenless, Unburdened
Usage: The main opposition boycotted last year’s
presidential election, which Mr. Maduro won with Antonyms: Encumbered, Burdened
67.8% vote.
Usage: Now they often travel by different routes,
unencumbered by shopping bags.

5) Anoint (Verb) -- तेल लगाना

Definition: To rub an oily or sticky substance over 9) Realism (Noun) -- यथाथर्वाद

Synonyms: Bedaub, Besmear, Daub, Smear Definition: Realistic depiction in art and literature

Usage: Mr. Guaidó may have hoped that by Synonyms: Literalism, Naturalism,
anointing himself a rebel President with backing Representationalism
from the U.S.
Antonyms: Irreality, Unreality

Usage: Since October a new type of outlet has

6) Treachery (Noun) -- �ऋह brought in some Lewis Carroll-like magical realism.

Definition: Betrayal of trust.

Synonyms: Betrayal, Disloyalty, Perfidy 10) Devote (Verb) – सम�पत करना

Antonyms: Loyalty, Faithfulness Definition: To keep or intend for a special purpose

Usage: We are one step before a historic event,” said Synonyms: Address, Apply, Bend, Buckle, Give
Alexis Tsipras, the embattled Greek prime minister,
who has been accused of treachery by the Antonyms: Dally, Dawdle, Dillydally
opposition. Usage: That is where ikea is devoting lots of
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Vallabhbhai Patel to highlight that its real opposition

is to the Nehru-Gandhi family.
Editorial 28 – 01 – 2019

4) Thwart (Verb) – िवरोध करना

1) Propensity (Noun) -- �वृि�
Definition: Oppose (a plan, attempt, or ambition)
Definition: An inclination or natural tendency to successfully.
behave in a particular way.
Synonyms: Foil, Frustrate, Balk
Synonyms: Tendency, Inclination, Predisposition,
Proneness Antonyms: Assist, Facilitate

Antonyms: Disinclination, Dislike, Hate, Hatred Usage: It is no secret that Mr. Mukherjee’s political
ambitions were thwarted at one point by his
Usage: It is in the nature of our polity to use any inability to break the hold of dynastic politics in the
opportunity possible for political signalling, and the Congress.
Bharat Ratna, the nation’s highest civilian honour,
has not been spared from this propensity.

5) Decry (Verb) - सावर्जिनक �प से �नदा करना

2) Bemuse (Verb) -- स्तब्ध करना Definition: Publicly denounce.

Definition: Puzzle, confuse, or bewilder (someone). Synonyms: Denounce, Condemn, Criticize, Censure

Synonyms: Bewildered, Confused, Puzzled, Antonyms: Praise, Overrate

Usage: The FBI Director, a Trump appointee, was
Antonyms: Clearheaded among the senior functionaries who decried the
governmental dysfunction.
Usage: He agreed to speak at an RSS event last year
to the bemused disapproval of the Congress party
was held out as a reason.
6) Prolong (Verb) – लंबा करना

Definition: Extend the duration of.

3) Embrace (Verb) – आ�लगन करना
Synonyms: Lengthen, Elongate
Definition: Hold (someone) closely in one's arms,
especially as a sign of affection. Antonyms: Shorten

Synonyms: Clutch, Seize, Grab Usage: If the Trump team had hoped a prolonged
government shutdown would break the Democratic
Antonyms: Reject Party’s rank and file, it didn’t happen.

Usage: The award has been a part of the BJP’s

strategy of embracing old Congress leaders such as
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Monthly Editorial – January 2019

7) Ransom (Noun) -- �फरौती Definition: Pointlessness or uselessness.

Definition: A sum of money demanded or paid for Synonyms: Fruitlessness, Vanity, Pointlessness
the release of a captive.
Antonyms: Usefulness, Fruitfulness
Synonyms: Pay-off, Payment, Price
Usage: Much has been said by commentators and
Usage: Mr. Trump will be better off if he realises political party representatives about the futility of
that holding the government to ransom to extract using the EVM because of the possibility of
compromises from Congress is not a sound tactic for electoral fraud by manipulating the technology that
a President. drives the machine.

Editorial 29 – 01 – 2019

8) Confrontational (Adjective) -- टकराव

Definition: Tending to deal with situations in an 1) Fledgling (Noun) --- अनुभवहीन मनुष्य
aggressive way; hostile or argumentative.
Definition: A person or organization that is
Synonyms: Battle, Combat, Competition immature, inexperienced, or underdeveloped.

Antonyms: Concord, Harmony, Peace Synonyms: Emerging, Emergent

Usage: He could adopt a less confrontational Antonyms: Declining, Mature

approach towards Democrats and hold talks with
Usage: The fledgling IBC has been severely tested
them with an open mind on immigration and border
in the two years since its enactment.

2) Stifled (Verb) -- गला घ�टना

9) Empirical (Adjective) -- अनुभवजन्य
Definition: Make (someone) unable to breathe
Definition: Based on, concerned with, or verifiable
properly; suffocate.
by observation or experience rather than theory or
pure logic. Synonyms: Suffocate, Choke, Asphyxiate

Synonyms: Observed, Seen, Factual, Actual, Real Antonyms: Cold, Chilly

Antonyms: Theoretical Usage: One of its better economic initiatives being

stifled by vested interests.
Usage: The implementation or evaluation of any
policy decision must consider not just abstract
reasoning but base it on empirical and historical
evidence. 3) Mount (Verb) -- चढ़ना

Definition: Climb up (stairs, a hill, or other rising

10) Futility (Noun) -- िनरथर्कता
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Synonyms: Go up, Ascend, Climb, Climb up, Scale, 6) Enervate (Verb) – कमज़ोर बनाना

Antonyms: Descend Definition: Make (someone) feel drained of energy

or vitality.
Usage: One of the major challenges mounted
against the IBC was by operational creditors, who Synonyms: Exhaust, Tire, Fatigue, Weary
are owed money by the company in the normal
course of operations for supply of goods and Antonyms: Invigorate
Usage: Novak Djokovic, at his absolute best, can
make even the most fiercely competitive of draws
appear enervated.
4) Stymie (Verb) -- �ितबािधत करना

Definition: Prevent or hinder the progress of.

7) Gritty (Adjective) -- �कर�करा
Synonyms: Impede, Interfere with, Hamper, Hinder,
Obstruct Definition: Showing courage and resolve.

Antonyms: Assist, Help Synonyms: Courageous, Brave, Plucky, Mettlesome

Usage: With the Supreme Court now ruling that Usage: To be sure, Djokovic had lost in each of the
there are “intelligible differentia” between three tournaments before the Australian Open — to
operational and financial creditors, an avenue that rising youngsters in Karen Khachanov and
defaulters used to stymie proceedings has been Alexander Zverev, and the gritty Roberto Bautista
closed. Agut

5) Recalcitrant (Adjective) -- आज्ञा न माननेवाला 8) Astonish (Verb) -- च�कत करना

Definition: Having an obstinately uncooperative Definition: Surprise or impress (someone) greatly.

attitude towards authority or discipline
Synonyms: Amaze, Astound, Stagger, Surprise
Synonyms: Uncooperative, Intractable,
Unmanageable, Ungovernable, Refractory, and
Insubordinate Usage: First in 25 finals for the Spaniard, proved
that the 31-year-old had lost none of his astonishing
Antonyms: Amenable, Docile, Compliant
powers of recovery.
Usage: This constitutes a clear signal of its backing
for the IBC which, despite all the challenges that it
has faced, has been successful in sending a message 9) Elite (Noun) -- अिभजात वगर्
to recalcitrant defaulters that there can be no more
business-as-usual when they default. Definition: A select group that is superior in terms
of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or
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Synonyms: Best, Pick, Cream, Flower Definition: The action or process of demolishing or
being demolished.
Antonyms: Dregs
Synonyms: Destruction, Knocking down,
Usage: The tournament seemed open to further
upsets, but the business end demonstrated that the Antonyms: Construction, Confirmation
elite can never be written off.
Usage: The court had ordered that the status quo be
maintained on the entire extent of 67.7 acres
acquired in the aftermath of the demolition of the
10) Gallant (Adjective) – वीर या बहादूर Babri Masjid.
Definition: (of a person or their behaviour) brave;
3) Conceal (Verb) -- िछपाना
Synonyms: Brave, Courageous, Valiant, Valorous,
Bold Definition: Not allow to be seen; hide.

Antonyms: Cowardly Synonyms: Hide, Keep out of sight, Keep hidden,

Usage: On the women’s side, this clash has seemed
heightened in recent years, and Naomi Osaka, with Antonyms: Reveal, Expose
her gallant three-set win over Petra Kvitova in the
final, firmly established herself as the next big thing. Usage: Behind the apparently equitable argument
that an extent of land not in dispute can be given
back to its original owners is a barely concealed
political motive.
Editorial 31 – 01 – 2019

4) Palpable (Adjective) -- बोधगम्य

1) Acquire (Verb) – �ा� करना
Definition: (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense
Definition: Buy or obtain (an asset or object) for as to seem almost tangible.
Synonyms: Perceptible, Perceivable, Visible,
Synonyms: Obtain, Come by, Come to have, Get, Noticeable
Receive, Gain, Earn, Win
Antonyms: Intangible, Imperceptible
Antonyms: Lose, Part with
Usage: The sense of anxiety among the supporters
Usage: The Centre’s request to the Supreme Court of the Mandir cause over the delay in the
to allow it to return the “superfluous land” it had adjudicatory process is palpable.
acquired around the disputed site in Ayodhya in
1993 is not innocuous.

5) Mollify (Verb) – शांत करना

2) Demolition (Noun) – िवनाश
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Definition: Appease the anger or anxiety of Definition: The area near or surrounding a particular
(someone). place.

Synonyms: Appease, Placate, Pacify, Conciliate, Synonyms: Neighbourhood, Locality, Locale

Antonyms: Enrage Antonyms: Foreign

Usage: It is to address this anxiety and mollify Usage: There is a case for reconsidering the lease,
elements that are unhappy with the progress of the but nothing at all for this organisation to be given
judicial process that the government wants the court the opportunity to gather its resources in the vicinity
to vacate its status quo order. of the disputed site.

6) Provocative (Adjective) – उ�ेजक 9) Forefront (Noun) – सबसे आगे

Definition: Causing anger or another strong Definition: The leading or most important position
reaction, especially deliberately. or place.

Synonyms: Annoying, Irritating, Exasperating, Synonyms: Vanguard, Van, Spearhead, Head, Lead
Antonyms: Rear, Background
Antonyms: Soothing, Calming
Usage: The U.S. Federal Reserve has been at the
Usage: A trust dedicated to the cause of constructing forefront of the current tightening cycle.
a temple to Ram on the site where the demolished
Babri Masjid stood, will be needlessly provocative.
10) Slump (Verb) – अचानक िगरावट होना

7) Demonstrable (Verb) -- �द�शत करना Definition: A sudden severe or prolonged fall in the
price, value, or amount of something.
Definition: Clearly apparent or capable of being
logically proved. Synonyms: Plunge, Drop, Collapse, Tumble,
Synonyms: Verifiable, Provable, Attestable,
Evincible Antonyms: Rise, Boom, Upturn

Antonyms: Unverifiable Usage: This is typical of all commodities that see

years of oversupply that lead to a price slump
Usage: The campaign to demolish the mosque, from followed by years of under-supply that leads to a
the Kalyan Singh government, whose actions were jump in prices.
demonstrably anti-secular.

8) Vicinity (Noun) – आस-पास क� जगह
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