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Choose between Past Simple (I did) and Past Continuous (I was doing) to complete each sentence.

She (wait) for me when I (arrive). She was waiting for me when I arrived.

1. What you (say) when he laughed?_____________________________________________________

2. We (dance) while they (play) chess.___________________________________________________
3. She (start) crying while he (talk).____________________________________________________
4. Paul (drive) when the accident (happen).__________________________________________________
5. She (fall) asleep as she (read). _________________________________________________________
6. Why you (not teach) at 11 yesterday?___________________________________________________

7. While we (pack), the kids (play).____________________________________________________

8. When the phone (ring), we (have) dinner._________________________________________________
9. Where she (go) when you saw her?______________________________________________________
10. He (not drive) at midnight last night.____________________________________________________
11. As I (cycle) home, I (notice) a new shop.__________________________________________________
12. Sam (leave) home when he (see) Bob. ___________________________________________________
13. Richard (cut) his finger when he (cook)._________________________________________________
14. When we (arrive), they (wait) for us. _____________________________________________________
15. We (not travel) this time last year.______________________________________________________

1. He ______________(tan)while she ______________________(swim).

2. We knew that James _________________________(not tell) the truth.
3. What __________________________(you do) this time last Monday?
4. When we landed, it __________________________(not snow).
5. I ___________________(notice)that it _______________________(get) late.
6. When I __________________(come) back she ____________________(sit) in the hall.
7. Why _____________________(you not answer)your phone at lunch time?
8. He ________________(arrive)just as I _________________________(leave) .
9. It ________________________(snow)when the plane _____________________(take)off.

C: Complete the sentences using the past perfect or the past perfect continuous. 1. By the time I got home
they ______________ (eat) all the cake. 2. The room was very smoky. I could tell that my brother
______________ (smoke) in there all afternoon. 3. She retired at fifty-five, but she ______________
(work) hard all her life. 4. James was very irritable. He ______________ (look) for his contact lens for an
hour and he still ______________ (not / find) it! 5. I was furious with Tom when he arrived. I
______________ (wait) for him for hours. 6. Harry was sad to sell his car. He ______________ (have) it
for a long time. 7. Mary was covered in white paint. She ______________ (decorate) the kitchen a1l
afternoon. 8. Lucy went into the sitting room. The TV was on. Her brother ______________ (watch) it
and ______________ (forget) to switch it off. 9. Hattie felt terribly sick. She ______________ (eat) too
many cream cakes. 10. The journey was incredibly long. We ______________ (travel) for ten hours and we
weren't even half way yet.

Choose one of these tenses to complete each sentence: Past Simple (I did) and Past Perfect (I'd done), or
Past Perfect Continuous (I'd been doing).
1. John___________________ (be) upset because he ______________________(miss) his bus.

2. That___________________ (be) the best gift I________________________ (ever receive).

3. How long she ____________________________(knock) before he opened the door?

4. What you _______________________(eat) before you started feeling sick?

5. He _____________________________(not sleep) long when the phone rang.
6. As soon as she ___________________(arrive), everyone___________________ (cheer up).

7. I ________________________(apologise) the moment I _____________________________(see) Fred.

8. Before we_____________________ (meet) her, we ________________________(hear) a lot about her.
9. She said she___________________ (not receive) my message.
10. She_____________________ (be) tired because she _________________________(paint) all day.
11. Julie _________________(say) she __________________________(not manage) to contact you.
12. Claire________________ (be) angry because she_______________________ (wait) for two hours.
13. That was strange! I _____________________(not see) anything like that before.
That was strange!
14. I_____________________ (not be) hungry because I just _________________________(have) lunch.
15. By the time we____________________ (get) there, everyone _______________________(leave).
1. She ___________(come)back an hour after you _______________(call).
2. How long _______________(they play)before they won?
3. She _____________(call)as soon as she _______________(hear)the news.
4. He ________________(hear)what __________________(happen).
5. When the plane _______________(land) , it ______________(snow)for a long time.
6. She noticed that her friend ________________(not arrive).
7. We __________________(discover) the problem after we ____________________(play) .
8. Why _____________________(she not contact)him before that time?
9. By Friday, we _______________________(discuss)it for 10 days.
10. We realised that the film ____________________(not start).
11. I ____________________(notice)that the clock _____________________(stop).
12. Two years after they ____________________(build)a house, they ____________________(get)married.
13. Why _________________________(it not arrive)by yesterday?
14. The moment we __________________(leave), he _______________________(start)shouting.
15. They _________________(hide)for days before the police ____________________(catch)them.
16. By Friday, we ____________________(discuss) it for 10 days.
17. How many hours ___________________(she work)before she left?
18. That ______________(be)the worst experience I ______________________(ever have).

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