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Find the relationship between the grades of Grade V pupils in Filipino and English usin
Null hypothesis
There is no significant relationship between the grades of grade V pupils in
Critical Value of (r sub-s) at the 0.05 level of signicficanc


Table 1: Grades of Pupils Table 2: Summary of Ranks

Pupils Filipino (x) English (y) Pupils Filipino (x) Rank of X
1 85 81 1 85 11.5
2 79 82 2 79 20
3 86 84 3 86 9.5
4 81 79 4 81 18
5 82 85 5 82 16.5
6 84 86 6 84 13.5
7 90 88 7 90 3.5
8 92 90 8 92 1
9 89 92 9 89 5.5
10 91 92 10 91 2
11 80 75 11 80 19
12 82 80 12 82 16.5
13 83 81 13 83 15
14 84 82 14 84 13.5
15 85 83 15 85 11.5
16 86 84 16 86 9.5
17 87 85 17 87 8
18 88 86 18 88 7
19 89 87 19 89 5.5
20 90 88 20 90 3.5
in Filipino and English using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient.

rades of grade V pupils in Filipino and English.

he 0.05 level of signicficance 20 (N) is 0.45

Summary of Ranks Table 3: Summary of Computation

English (y) Rank of Y Rank of X Rank of Y D Sub-1 D Sub-2 Sqaure COMPU
81 16.5 11.5 16.5 -5 25
82 14.5 20 14.5 5.5 30.25
Rs = 1 -
84 11.5 9.5 11.5 -2 4
79 19 18 19 -1 1
85 9.5 16.5 9.5 7 49
Rs = 1 -
86 7.5 13.5 7.5 6 36
88 4.5 3.5 4.5 -1 1
90 3 1 3 -2 4
Rs = 1 -
92 1.5 5.5 1.5 4 16
92 1.5 2 1.5 0.5 0.25
75 20 19 20 -1 1
Rs = 1 -
80 18 16.5 18 -1.5 2.25
81 16.5 15 16.5 -1.5 2.25
82 14.5 13.5 14.5 -1 1
Rs = 1 -
83 13 11.5 13 -1.5 2.25
84 11.5 9.5 11.5 -2 4 1
85 9.5 8 9.5 -1.5 2.25
86 7.5 7 7.5 -0.5 0.25 Rs =
87 6 5.5 6 -0.5 0.25
88 4.5 3.5 4.5 -1 1
0 183 Summation of D Su
sum of the difference of the grades must be equal to zer (0)






Null has been rejected, Therefor:
There is significant relationship between the Grades of Grade V pu
Summation of D Sub-2 Sqaure
equal to zer (0)
d, Therefor:
e Grades of Grade V pupils in Filipino and English.

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