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Financial Plan of 428027967.

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Retirement Planning Calculator

Client Goal

You would like to accumulate an investment corpus to

fund your retirement expenses from the age 60 to 85.

Goal Analysis
Sr. No Particulars Amount Remarks/Notes
Your Current Expenses
1 Household Expenses Input
2 Lifestyle Expenses Input
3 Add / Deduct - Other Expenses Input
Total Current Monthly Expenses 0 Output
Total Current Annual Expenses 0 Output
Your Future Annual Expenses @ Retirement Age
1 Inflation Assumption
2 Current Date 30-Mar-19 Input
3 Date of Birth 3-Dec-80 Input
4 Current Age 38 Output
5 Retirement Age Input
6 No. of Years for Retirement -38 Output
8 % Drop in Expenses after Retirement Input
Annual Expenses @ Retirement Age 0 Output
Monthly Expenses @ Retirement Age 0 Output
How much corpus you need for Retirement?
1 Life Expectancy Age Input
2 No. of Years Post Retirement 0 Output
3 Inflation during Retirement Years Assumption
4 Net Tax on Investment Income Input
5 Investment Returns on Retirement Corpus Assumption
6 Tax Adjusted Returns 0.00% Output
7 Net Returns 0.00% Output
Retirement Corpus 0 Output
Future Value of Existing Investments being Utilized (@ Retirement Age)
1 EPF Input
2 Gratuity Input

Prepared by Sadique Neelgund, CFP Page 1 of 3

Financial Plan of 428027967.xlsx and Family

3 Any Retirment Plans Input

Total Value of Assets @ Retirement Age 0 Output
Present Value of Existing Investments being Utilized (@ Current Age)
1 Fixed Deposits (Current Value) Input
2 Insurance Policies (Take Surrender Value) Input
3 Mutual Funds (Market Value) Input
Total Value of Assets @ Current Age 0 Output
Fresh Investments Required
Deficit (Corpus Required-Assets Utilized) 0 Output
Expected Investment Returns Assumption
Growth Rate of Monthly Investments (p.a.) Assumption
Lumpsum Funding Required (If Available) 0 Output
Monthly Investments (Fixed SIP) Err:502 Output
Monthly Investments (Growing SIP) Err:502 Output

Our Recommendation
Your Goal of creating adequate Retirement Corpus can be achieved by investing _______ per
month in SIP for the next ___ years. Or start with a _______ SIP and keep increasing it by ____
every year.

Note :
1.) The Expected Investment Returns in Cell D47 and the Growing rate of monthly investments in Cell D48 should not be
2.) The values of investments in section Row 40 should be current value, market value or surrender values as on date

© Network FP Knowledge Solutions. Only Network FP ProMembers are licensed to use this calculator / template.

Prepared by Sadique Neelgund, CFP Page 2 of 3

Financial Plan of 428027967.xlsx and Family

Cell D48 should not be the same.

er values as on date

Prepared by Sadique Neelgund, CFP Page 3 of 3

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