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“Be home by curfew.

"Be home by curfew." is one of the household rules enforced strictly by our parents. As we all
know, we, teenagers, are mostly set up by this rule. However, when we heard this, we honestly got mad
and disappointed because we could not enjoy the day with our peers properly if we kept on thinking
about returning home before the exact time. But if we will try to violate this, we may receive a lot of
consequences, involving either slight or severe punishments depending on time or worst, we might get
into dangerous situations. But how important is setting up a curfew as a house rule? Do you know the
possible consequences once you disobey this? How does this affect your growth as a person? Or as a
teenager, do you agree or disagree with this?

Having a curfew is not really difficult to follow if we know how to manage our time well. The
reason why my parents enforced this, is to keep me safe and protected from accidents and crimes
especially here in the Philippines, where it is dangerous to walk during nighttime. Although, we may not
know when it will be but based on the news, different crimes may possibly occur around the streets or
unknown areas which can be prone to kidnapping, raping, and etc. Once I obey this rule, everyone in the
family will benefit since they will not worry anymore and as for that, we will gain trust to each other. But
if I disobey the rule, aside from mom’s nonstop nagging, they will surely confiscate my gadgets
especially cellphones and laptops, or not allowing me to go out with my friends for a week, or worst,
they will use physical punishment.

There are also advantages and disadvantages about having curfews. The advantages about this
rule are that when we return home early, it means we are safe, know our limitations, gains trust to one
another and we are trying to discipline ourselves for the betterment and it is likely to create harmonious
relationships within a family. On the other hand, the disadvantages are having too much freedom can
lead us to dangerous situations. We became aggressive and it leads to rebellion if they strictly enforced
it, since we are afraid of extreme punishments that await us at home. Sometimes, this can lead to
heated arguments within a family where everyone is affected. Moreover, this may affect a person's
growth physically, due to the injuries, mentally and emotionally because of the words and punishments
they received. Regarding of the enforcement of this rule, I will agree because like I said, aside from
securing our safety, I should know our limitations well to keep me from harm and through that way, I
can discipline myself as I continue to grow up ,however, not only the child, but as well as parents should
know their limitations because it creates big impact to a child once the punishment is beyond of the
boundary already. It is more advisable when they will do intensive negotiation instead.

Dealing with curfews is part of teenager’s challenges. We may encounter failures to follow this
rule but it will not stop us from learning our mistakes and correcting them in our own way. By creating
this rule, it does not mean that teenagers are acting so reckless but in my opinion, it will serve as a guide
to their paths correctly. Furthermore, they will be able to handle their own problems and responsibilities
in the future, learn to make better and wise decision as they grew up and develop self-awareness in
their surroundings.
Facebook, as defined by TechTarget, is a popular free social networking website that
allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in
touch with friends, family and colleagues. Not just communicating, but also entertaining them
by playing games online. Unintentionally, people get influenced and tend to develop facebook
addiction as they continue to engage themselves by staying online throughout the day and it
became a disorder from these modern days of technology which needs to be cured because it
has adverse effects on a person's health.

There are different symptoms of facebook addiction. First is a facebook addict spends
an increasing amount of his time on the site, coming to a stage where he needs it, in order to
obtain satisfaction. Second, a person becomes anxious and stressed easily when he is forbid to
use the site. Third, instead of socializing in the outside world, an addict likes to socialize on
facebook. Fourth, a complete addict even stops answering his phone calls, requesting his
friends to contact him on facebook. Lastly, an addict spends more than five hours on facebook.

As we all know, we can not cure addiction overnight easily, it takes time to heal and
recover to its normal state but if we will try to change our lifestyles into healthier ones then we
might be able to tell what went off beam with us. By limiting yourself from 12 hours, try to
make it as 3-5 hours being online everyday or why not start exercising instead. A balanced life is
a healthy life, now it is up to us how we want to live it. For older people who suffered from it,
we should approach them personally with care and caution and we might be able to help them.
For this purpose, their friends can aid them a lot. Facebook addiction is not a bad thing at least
when it is not taking over your life. But once it does, it creates a perplexity in the mind of the
addicted between real life and facebook life.

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