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List of Famous Geographical Principles or Concepts and

their Propounders

List of Famous Geographical Principles or

Concepts and their Propounders
Geography is the study of the lands, the features,
the inhabitants, and the phenomena of the Earth.
The concepts of geography allow us to explore
the relationships and connections between people
as well natural and cultural environment. It
provides a framework that geographers use to interpret and represent information about the
world. The development of understanding of these concepts will allow us to participate as
critical, active, informed and responsible citizens.

Famous Geographical Principles or Concepts and their


Geographer (Propounder) Principle/Concept

Georges Lemaitre Big Bang Theory

Stephen Hawking Super String theory

Lowthian Green Tetrahedral Theory

Davis Geomorphic Cycle

Penck Tripen concept

L. C. King Pediplanation Cycle

Louis Agasses Glaciated Relief Cycle

Peltier Periglacial Cycle

J. Cvijic Karst Topography Cycle

James Hall & Dana Theory of Geosynclines

Harry Hess Sea-Floor Spreading

Wegener Continental Drift Theory

Tujo-Wilson The term 'Plate Tectonics

Harry Hess Theory of Plate Tectonics

Daly Glacier Control Theory

Darwin Subsidence Theory

Airy & Whewell Progressive Wave Theory

R.A. Harris Stationary Wave Theory

Koeppen Classification of Climates

Clement Single Climate Theory

A.G. Tansley Multiple Climate Theory

Bjerlcnes Polar Front Theory

V.V. Dokachayev The First Soil Scientist

Haeckel The term 'Ecology'

A.G. Tansley The term 'Ecosystem'

GK. Zipf Rank Size Rule

Geddes Concept of Conurbation

Davide Gadren and Stefan Berteau The term `Megalopolis'

E W Burgess Concentric Model of Internal & Structure of cities

Hartshorne Regional Disparities

Fryadman Concept of Core-Periphery

Parroux Concept of ‘Growth-Poles’

J.C. Weaver Crop-Combination Analysis

Whittlesey Regionalisation of Agriculture Land

Weber Concept of Isodopanes"

Weber Locational Triangle

Losch Theory of Maximum Revenue

Frater and Hotling Theory of Competition

Meadows Limit to Growth

Jelen The term `Geo-Politics'

Herbert Spencer Survival of the Fittest

Darwin Natural Selection

Ratzel Social Darwinism

Humboldt & Ritter Determinism

L. Febvre The term Possiblism'

Vidal-de-La-Blache Father of Possiblism

Ratzel Environmental Determinism

Griffith Taylor `Stop and Go' Determinism

Brunhes Activism

Gulke Idealism

David Harvey & Peat Radicalism

Auguste Comte Positivism

Kirk and Ye Fu Tuan Humanism

Parson Universalism

I Burten Quantitative Revolution

Kirke and Valpert Behavioural Revolution

Hutton Present is the Key to Past

Haggett and Chorley Father of the Models concept

Above the list of famous geographical principles or concepts are integral to the
development of geographical understanding to the reader to think geographically.

Basic Concepts in Geography

Read more:Geographical Principles or Concepts and their Propounder , Propounder of

famous Geographical Principles or Concepts


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