Exp Tech

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UNIT TITLE Topic: Experimental Techniques Experimental techniques UNIT DURATION: 29th Aug- 13th Sep

LEARNING To make students

OBJECTIVES Select, Describe and Evaluate Techniques for a range of scientific operations and laboratory procedures.

(of the whole unit)

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to:

 Name appropriate apparatus
 Interpret simple chromatograms
 Identify substances and assess their purity
 explain methods of purification

Key Terms Pipette, burette, measuring cylinder, filtration, crystallisation, distillation, fractional distillation, chromatography

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Lesson no. Content Detailed Strategy

Name appropriate apparatus for the measurement Experiments may be used to introduce this by measuring
29th Aug of time, temperature, mass and volume, including the temperature, mass, and volumes of different coloured
burettes, pipettes and measuring cylinders liquids (water/food dye). (I)This will be reinforced when all
experimental work is conducted.
Experimental work can involve simple inks, sweets,
leaves, dyes and food colourings. Non-permanent felt-tip
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of paper pens work well.
29th Aug chromatography

Interpret simple chromatograms, With more able learners use Rfvalues to compare the
30th Aug including the use of Rf values height of the spots on the chromatograms obtained above

Outline how chromatography techniques Using internet demonstrate the chromatogram for
can be applied to colourless substances colourless compounds
1st Sep by exposing chromatograms to
substances called locating agents
This can be demonstrated by dissolving sodium chloride
Describe and explain methods of purification by the or other salts in water
use of a suitable solvent, filtration, and crystallisation and Filtration is used in one of the salt preparation methods
5th Sep
above to remove the excess solid
Typical solvents to use are water (salt/sand) or ethanol
5th Sep
Distillation (including use of fractionating column).
Crystallisation is used in most salt preparations to obtain
the final product.

6th Sep Practical on chromatography

Ink chromatography

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8th Sep Practical on filtration
Sand and water

12th Sep Practical to assess purity

Boiled water and salty water

12th Sep Practical on crystallisation

Crystallisation of Copper sulfate

13th Sep Practical on distillation

demonstration of the (partial) separation of ethanol from
water by distillation
2. Use of Using a measuring cylinder: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_X8yKlzbkg
resources Using a burette: www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZZqR5KlmTw

Using a pipette:www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKRQ95QfWNY
Chromatography of sweets: www.practicalchemistry.org/experiments/chromatography-of-sweets%2C194%2CEX.html
Chromatography of amino acids:
Fractional distillation of (artificial) crude oil:

An excellent collection of animations and video clips can be found at:
This was originally published by Royal Society of Chemistry on a CD ROM, ‘Particles in Motion’, 2006

3. Assignments Formative Assessments :

(FA and SA) Class test , homeworks

Summative Assessments

4. Reflection/R I could complete the topic without any problem. But I had to give extra care to Nameera and Pratham while
eview doing the practical’s and while handling apparatus. But the students were happy in doing practicals.

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