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Active Initiative

' ' Step 1. Who Goes First?
to wait in line to take their turn—the flow of battle
is always dynamic and unpredictable. Work with The first step is to figure out who acted first and
your allies to support each other, chain together triggered the scene. Most times it will be obvious which
powers and tactics, and exploit weak points as one well- character started things—someone throws the first
oiled team of adventurers. punch, or steps on the trap, or casts a spell.
This chapter introduces the Active Initiative system,
allowing players to choose who acts next in the round. DM: You're surrounded, Valiant. The hobgoblin
sneers at you. "Throw down your weapon, cleric, and
The Dynamic Round maybe we'll only cut off one hand."
Valiant: Pft, I haven't forgotten last time—never trust
With Active Initiative, there is no pre-determined order of a hobgoblin. I raise my shield and charge.
initiative. Instead, once a person has finished their turn,
they get to choose who goes next—another player, group DM: You're triggering the fight, Valiant—you have
of monsters, or environmental hazard. the first turn.
A basic round follows four simple steps:
If it's not obvious who acted first, you can determine this
1. Who goes first?: Decide who triggered the scene and randomly by rolling for initiative—whoever rolls highest
acted first. Did you throw the first punch? goes first. After that first turn is complete, switch to
2. Take turns: Take your turn. Once you've finished your dynamic turn ordering as described here.
actions, you get to pick who goes next.
3. End the round: Once everyone's finished their turn, Step 2. Take Turns
end the round and clear up any expired effects.
4. Start a new round: If there's still conflict, the last Take your turn as normal. Once you've finished your
person to act gets to decide who starts the new round. actions, you get to pick who goes next—this can be any
other character, creature, hazard, or group of monsters
Why Use Active Initiative? that hasn't acted yet in the current round.
Interrupting: Anyone who took damage during your
There are four main benefits of switching to Active Initiative:
turn can steal the initiative from you at the end of your
turn (see Interrupting), so be careful who you attack.
1. Better teamwork: Players can work together more easily
to chain their actions togther into big combo-moves. Delaying
2. More communication: Players talk more to each other.
You cannot pass or delay once your turn begins, but you
3. More attentive players: Players are actively watching
what's happening for opportunities to jump in and act.
can ready an action. This doesn't change your turn order
4. It's easy: No dice or math—just say who goes next. —if your triggered action is the last act in a turn, you
don't get to choose the next person to act.
chapter 14: active initiative | /r/darkerdungeons5e
Monster Groups
To prevent a routine side-vs-side combat or scene, make
Example of Play
sure to create a variety of taggable groups. Avoid using large Here's an example of how to use Active Initiative in a
groups of monsters—break them up and aim for 1 taggable basic round of combat—Chansi, Valiant, and Clanda are
monster or group per player at the start of a scene. fighting a hobgoblin and four goblins. With three players,
the DM has three Interrupt Points for this scene.
Step 3. End the Round Chansi makes an attack, but draws attention to
herself in the process. She then passes over to Valiant.
Once all characters and creatures have finished their
turn, end the round as normal and clear up any expired
effects—spells, powers, timers, etc. DM: The hobgoblin roars an order out to the goblins
and they spring forward. Chansi, you've got the highest
Effect Duration
initiative—what do you do?
Effects that last a specific duration of rounds tick down
at the end of each round. Once a duration reaches 0, the Chansi: I fire an arrow at the hobgoblin... (rolls 11)
effect has ended and can be removed. oof, that's a bad start.
Any effects that would expire at the start or end of DM: Your arrow misses by a wide margin. The
your turn are unchanged, expiring as normal. hobgoblin shouts, and three of the goblins look at you.
Chansi: That doesn't sound good. Valiant, might
Valiant casts Bless—a concentration spell that lasts for need you to draw some attention here...
1 minute (10 rounds). At the end of each round, the Valiant: I'm on it. I move forward and strike at the
remaining duration simply decreases by 1 round. nearest goblin with my war pick (rolls 16).
Clanda, meanwhile, uses Shield to deflect an attack. DM: The goblin curses aloud as you hit it. How
This spell ends whenever she takes her next turn. much damage does it take?
Valiant: 6 points. Then with my War Priest initiative, I
swing round to hit another goblin (rolls 17).
Step 4. Start a New Round DM: Another hit—the goblin screeches as it takes...?
If there's still conflict to resolve, start a new round. The Valiant: 7 points of damage. Now that should get
last person to act in the current round decides who starts their attention.
the new round—they cannot pick themselves.
Having finished his turn, Valiant prepares to pass over to
Interrupting Clanda. The DM, however, chooses to interrupt with one
of the monsters.
If you haven't taken your turn yet this round, you have a As the goblins took damage during Valiant's turn, they
chance to steal the initiative and take the next turn—even could interrupt for free. However, the DM spends an
if you were not nominated. This is called an interrupt. Interrupt Point to allow the hobgoblin to act instead.
There are two main ways in which you can do this:
1. You can spend an Inspiration Point to interrupt. Valiant: Ok Clanda, you're up next.
2. If you took damage during the last turn, you can Clanda: Perfect. I—
choose to interrupt for free. DM: Before you can act, Clanda, the hobgoblin
interrupts (spends an Interrupt Point) and leaps
If you choose to interrupt, you must do so before the next forward towards Valiant. He swings his longsword in a
person starts their turn. You can't interrupt if you've
already acted this round, and you can't interrupt an ally. fierce two-handed arc and hits, dealing 6 damage.
Valiant: Ouch.

Monster Interrupt Points DM: And with the goblins around you, Valiant, the
hobgoblin's attack is even more dangerous thanks to
Each scene, the DM gets one free Interrupt Point per Martial Advantage—take another 7 points of damage.
player. The DM may spend one of these points to steal
the initiative, but can only use one point per round. Valiant: Son of a...
DM: The hobgoblin laughs coldly, licking the blood
from its blade. "You have my attention, little cleric," he
Interrupts & Inspiration
sneers. The goblins begin to move—
Interrupt Points exist to give the DM a power similar to Clanda: I think not (spends an Inspiration Point to
player Inspiration Points. But if Inspiration is not a common
feature in your game—or players aren't spending their points Interrupt). Enough of this nonsense. Don't move,
to make interrupts—don't give the DM any Interrupt Points. Valiant, unless you want this Fireball in your face... | /r/darkerdungeons5e chapter 14: active initiative


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