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‘Copyright 1997, 199, 2008 ‘by Diego Inocencio Tapang Gilsania “Al ghee. No port of is oo rere in ay fom ob "iow he prior persion 0 “Types of Flu. ‘Mass Density. Specific Valume ai igor Specie Weigh Specific Gravity. Visco ‘Kinematic Viscosity. Surface Tension... Copia. Compressbilty Pressure Disturbances Property Changs el Ga. Vapor Pressure SOLVED PROBLEMS. Hydrostatic! ‘Total Hydrostatic Force on Plane Surface... Properties of Common Geometric Shapes occ ‘Total Hydrostatic Force on Curved Surface Dea Energy and Head, ae Power and Efficiency pan : eds Bernoulli's Energy Theorem. be “ a nergy and Hydraulic Grade Lines pada Ge a i. SOLVED PROBLEMS on. a SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS, Statical Stability of Floating Bodies, ‘Stress on Thin-Walled Pressure Ve Sel thn eee CHAPTER 6 herical Shell i = Fluid Flow Measurement. i — : Device Coefficients. lead Tost in Measuring Devices Orifice. ae Values of H for Various Conditions, ‘Contraction ofthe Jet Orifice under Low Heads. MamBBEeys gag seeyeupeuy iv Unsteady Flow SOLVED PROBLEMS. i f vo 307 O37 SUPPLEMENTARY PROBI- EMS... vat 37210374 CHAPTER 7 uid win ce Defiitnsen on <= am Repos No cy Dotan pce Shag See np Meade Mir ed tame Bic esac maa acai x ‘Manning Formula... Hazen Williams Formula Minor Head Loss, Pipe Networks... SOLVED PROBLEMS... ‘SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS... ‘Kalter and Gunguillet Formal, Manning Formula Bazin Formula Powell Equation ‘Uniform Flow. i Boundary Shear Sess "Normal Depth. ‘Most Etfcient Sections Proportions for Most Eificient Sections Rectangular Section, Trapecdidal Section “Triangular Section. cular Sections ‘Velocity Distribution in Open Channel Alternate Stages of lon Froude Number... Critical Depth [Non-Uniformor Varied Flow Hydraulic Jump. Flow around Channel Bends SOLVED PROBLEMS.. ‘SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS, PeSRGRRERERRRRSS soi, 3. BG Wai Uae Nasictesy “The cardinal objective of this book is to provide reference t Engineering students taking-up Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics ‘This may also serve asa guide to engineering students who will ‘be taking the licensure examination given by the PRC. “The book has 9 chapters. Hach chapter presents the ipl and formulas involved, followed by solved problems find supplementary problems. Each step inthe solution is arefully explained to ensure that it wil be readily understood. Sone problems are even solved in several methods to give the reader a choice on the type of solution he may adopt. ‘Most of the materials inthis book have been used in my review clases, The choice of these materials was guided by their lelfeciveness as tested in my classes. {wish to thank all my fiends and relatives who inspired me Anwting my books and expect my chien and beloved ‘wife Imelda who is very supportive to me, 1 will appreciate any errors pointed out and will welcome any suggestion for further improvement. ‘a our Children Kira Deuce, Ken Dainil, ‘and Karla Denise FLUID MECHANICS & HYDRAULICS | Pai Macs physical science dealing with the acon of ids at rst rin foton, nd with appitons and devices In engiceing using Suds. Fluid “Sieh canbe sued i 0 map ae sts which del wi ee eo rae ae ae uns 1 applied to the flow of igus t low-velocy gas Hom Ire the pcan beconidered at bang sentaly incompressible syncs als with the appston of id mechanics engineering devies (tsiing igi, usualy ter oro Hydzalics deals with such problems 8 fo af pen cannes the design of sage dams Tian ach soz vests owes “res oF FLUID is are peneraly vide it tw categories: ea is nd els at as “Assumed to have no vacoty (and hence, no etanceto shea) Have urfor vocty when Bowing Nofrcon between moving yer of ld {Noeiulycanents or trbtence Ron fas Ei itt notin { Nonandorm vloty dltbuton when wing SCompreeie 4 ton an tarbulenc in ow Since the mus ofan objects blu ace wil silbe 2g = TF Is the weight of 45, boulders io Urought ta place where “The ape ait of enti Ealealat is (0 specie woight in te 8 ee ie Iya tN od) sigs /# and e pene narra ier W=Me pases f° in * Game so 65am/e y= 5585) Specifle weight 1 = 08 Tizlaxoa Problem i-@ Specific welght,7=125 Nit an objet as amass of 2 bate evel) what wl be is weight at teh ert dnc ting 875/? (Wha rl es mes tarpon __ (205101229)<102 197 = de 28) is kept ata presse of 290 kPa abacte and = temperature of Cin a $00- eecontsner Whats he ass fa? ‘lend cabo has ota mat of ste length ois de? Sp, gr. of fet 7 and volume of 099% li a ety (of the il iets 4206) mG) pens abe al is pec gravity 0978 inmate vicoty in ms and aud which il the space bstwsen te cylinders a tarque of O38 Nem is une fo mantainan angular elt of radian. Assume the vlchy Tonos vent x10 a | vedi 107 m/e yen x10 stoke uw yosssin15*= 00-03) U=ssit m/s the height to which water wl re in capil tube of diameter 3 see = 00728 N/m andy = 9610 N/m er wate An fg hb sds downa 1 ncn pln on 3m ino wi ‘ony = 00614 Freeh nate 3m hc om ‘iy oes Nei ae Solution Wem. n6stn ‘Terminal velocity ataned when the am ofall forces in the lection of _ s0510yoon1409 ya” GeI0s13.9j0.072) Capillary ss, =-D0059em (be ep sin natal CCaptary depression, = 59 mm 1-36 tranamater operte at 2 mpc per aecond. tf the device ie fh water (Eq = 204 109 Pj an the ocho i ceive ‘quarren one Properties of Hs Problem 3-38 i th angle the cute tension AM ewes the glee for « vert inmesed in vatrf the diameter O23 ch and heey che 08 Uwe =a 1h Problem 1-39 What force sie to i thio wie nag 6 om a diameter for surface a 20°C? (oof wate at °C = O0728N/m). Nagle weight ay 0274 I} The un atmosphere ais) defined ax w preawure of 1S82 (U9 bn), whch in rme of the conventional scary berms, to 760 mim (982) in) of marcury. The anit klepasal (RP) Ie igure 2-1: musvatin of assay The as ofA mechanics ar ose Ten ro obureable a many evry stuatons. Fo ample te pes hr by water hot son lee be fs aie ec by war a th ton of a mck awe i ied depth eas consant. a longer pipe ied with wae tea that teaches» msm faire iho ewer wl rt hse pres (Relative Pressure) 4 bre prosuree above of below the almosphere and can be Moy pressure gauges or manometer, For small presse diferencey 8 Mhanometer i ased. It conte of & Uhaped tube with one end Wo the conser and theses open the atmosphere Fld with a Mich as water of mercy we dierence nthe god stsface bevels tivo manometer igs indctes the presue diference from local ie conditions. For higher pressure aflerence, 2 Bourdon ga0g, sites te French inventor Eugene Bonedon 6 used. Ths const of Arete tbe with an oval cro section, Dentin the shape of «hook: One The tbe is cowed, the other open and connected to the measurement Ic Psi she pressure at any one point onthe earth's surface from iit ofthe ul abowe tA omnes a space tha sll ate removed TR Te cr vem aU bora uv ywacuum system some molecules are always present the aren Bren remote eons of outer space ave a small amour of ga: ‘hn als be dese ts 4 rojo of space where the prosere Test the nora tno presrar of 760 mi (29.9 in) of excry on = 26 bY 7p 290 nhes of mercary (hs) 750 mung 1 Rte eure nee ee 1 Thanalerane sae sou tthe ree abit oro points 2 & 2), whose aiferance a elvaion on he scm having rose setonal ares and lng of nat etal ves sting upon east equim Le gure 2-3: Roni ane san gow presses Note: Us terse soci ns oc, ete ese sc ip eae Mencuny naRoMereR “ate wy tanga Sunes nore ‘ (pes tse wage ee cose rcs gen entry asthe Wer onal eu eee Reunite ah sen me eo be but Lain d= {Sears nae peek = the dgeoce pres eeon any opin in hemogenes fi toh protcl of univ th aid) lth eral stance anne Gegiwnctinstoe he ois, ‘A mononetr isa tube assay bent ina form ofa U,cotaning ast ‘now specif rath surface of which moves roportamally 0 change ‘Open Type = MA ah are vrlace in one tog and capable ‘mesing gage pene Dilferenta Type= without on ssp hac sures an apbl of a ‘oni eres prs Plerometer EA) ‘Sumup pressure esd fom A 08 Inmet of waar, Pa x-osgoss)ey= FE f Be =s-ys05m 384 @) Subsite xy = 102i Bg 1) 083 Itached to pips ss shown Galeuate the prostate Afernce between iat A and Sum-up pressure bend fom Ao nme of water A. y09)-01086) +0109) +409) = PE AB -a30936)-0109 et oie aah -17, Prope 246k Fiewe 0) Faure) InFigures,sur-ap pressure head from At Bin meters of water Pa -6-nasong +0as+ai~ Be cum: 64 Sinspes ction In Figure po'= pa ‘Sum uppreaareeed fom Ao Bin meters of water, #.(06-1)-038¢ 91868 235 +3)= PH ager ag-mae 205 +1= New mercury decom = 289+ 2: = 250 2143 ‘New mercury deflection = 874 mm sie Sum-vppreseure heed fom Ato Bin mets of water 24 voapss)-omnen9-031089)+025-0x0 = PE Problem 24 inthe gue shown, deter he ference in promure between ons A nd ‘Awning normal bree prestre, how deep in the ccean isthe point Aver a rb, upon reaching ee surface has sc ies is volume than t Jd theo? ‘Applying Bay's Law IS, tra condition) boven prcioid +9s1a.5) Praia +1010 wav peitis+o=i013 fieev ais 030497 =3013(67) Sotoeh 013-13 ke suis I inf ot wn level where the atmosphere peste i 1013 the tenpertue is 21°C, 10445 HPs, Assuming he tie dees what isthe gage prestre within the re on 246 A por indies the baromere prere ls 28.5 ch of man js the atmospheric pressure in pounds per square “Ans: 14.02 pat Ef Z Bea ea eee = eer Re ptt tnsiee vee et tes eee ee eRe elena 031m SES Tire did hot expand, volume fale Va=V ‘nol temperature on T= 3+ 279478 ah pals : th Th 58690) | (rasp alg ea as p=51657 “Problem 2-48, a pois 8, Deana E Bs poste t sn inthe gure compute he prsrure a pois Bre Neptune fee pent nnlal Problem 2-49 ‘A hss Utube open to the atmosphre a Both en i shown. fs U- ‘ais aed wer, determine the spacey o th ol i ‘Ane rvs tank conning ing Did fay 08) s+ Feces tiwag: de Ka ge Reon ee reve fom moving othe top of theta Usa eight InFgure 18 in which i ila pres of 70K it achieve? ‘As yc 2-53 / nl mane hn meager pipes The nating gud is nercry (pei revily = 1.) | es 28 many ad he 300 mun. What he pressure erential ewe pipe. a rom the figure, yin = Sine yi the nit pes he conto of the say abe expend oe plane ae, th formal eens eer eae peerage rans oe ees Bae eee cuarmen: “Toa Hydonai ore on Suc ONO 9: " Fr io manent ffs sit, gh ncen nf the plane area and the liquid surfs), By> fur where dF=yysin ddA Pepsin’ Av raino ag y.~ [yysnoea) an oagy srsine faa Fromatety, (7 (ooment of ner bout) tA = By wanser formula of moment of inert: bantaY? 1A’ curren “eral Hyon Fre on Sues "t= verte projection of submerged curve plane ares) fho> peste tthe contri ofA xe: Te prone nie Fst some ae ta eed P73 I: FULD BELOW AND ABOVE THE CURVED SURFACE ‘Guarren ms “Toa Hoste once on Sura DAMS PURPOSE OFA Dam Dan ar bul forte alowing purpose: 4: tigation and drinking er 2 ower supply tytn) Navigation 4 Root contal 5, Mali pps ‘gure 3-2: Seno ane eee lak ti te gt Sr a be fo BO ge opr ance cums Be My Grity dams ws only the fore of gravity to est water pressure Bar hey hots bck the water By the seer fore of thee weight vr dovmwerd To des gravity dams must consist of mas 50 Fact atthe water in a esereucannet push te dam dowastcar ae tse Thy ae much ther the base than the top—a shape TatZanoct the dun othe foros of the water ages the dam. JONES taromes deer i exerts moe Rorizonal pressure on the aoa Cety das oe eltvly thin oar he surface ofthe reservoir teeth wer presue Ie Hight. thick Base cables the dam 10 Ueiistd whe ore intone water presure at the Bottom of the 1 betes dam corso ofa vl ot face, suppor by vel Detar i dovnocea se Theta fla ter nade of cones tat roofed wit Baten piel spud aco te dan se ery 60 30. Oto 100 lpentng pon tin se and sign fe dan. Bote das te ‘thet lat Rliw dae Beso the ten So motor ta allen acre re val gure 3-4: Grey com 2. An embankment dem i gravigy dan formed out of oe rok, eth, ra combination ofthese material The upetiesin and downateam slopes of embankment dans are Sater than thse of concrete previ ats In esence they more closely mate the natural slope of ple of 8. Ak dame are concrete o masonry stucturs that curve upstream nto ‘reservar, stoching fom one wal fa iver cajon ote othe TAs design, based on the same principles ar the architectaral atch and ‘ull transfers some water pressure ont the walle of the canyon. Are daz requite a rately narow iver canyon with soe rock wall pale of wistanding a siglfeare amount of horizontal rust. These dams donot need to bo as massive as gravity dame becuse the ‘anyon walls can part te presse enced by the reserve Paure 3-7: tle cam i ‘ANALYSIS OF GRAVITY DAM A dam is subjected to hydrostatic forte dele water Which Se asd on i upateam side. ‘These fores eae the da 10 side hersentay Se 2 Weight of water inthe upateam ide (any) Wane “4, Welghtor parapet ster onthe das 4 Hydrate Uli they Va usa Horzntal Fore 1 Total Hydrostatic Force acting atthe versal proton ofthe suberged porn of te dam, Fey 2 Wind Presa 4 Wave Acton 4 Hosting Boies 5 Fanhquake Lend Sone for he Reaction A Neral Reaction Ry Keath, Byes WW FO 2, Hossam Reaction Re Urtemesare Keath oe Moment abou te Toe TA Rightng Moment RM. (ttn rd upstream sie) RM= Wx ise Ness Wi uF pure 3-8 1p sen of» ay am rt sib ove acing ‘Steps of Solution | With mforenet Figure 8 fr purposes of ston, an au 1madein tbe spe the up posse degre or 1. Consider unt) lng fda perpendicular he sesh) 1, Overturning Moment OM rain tows he dostremn side) OnaPys tists 1, Deters acting Avera force, he tpt wate 9811/00 : ke ‘ye unit weight of concrete won Toei eon 250) i al ‘Use (2) to get the ses at point where Ry = nearet_ In the above, use (2) 0 got rare (to get eA negative sess sil cannot carry any tense stres the result of, 3 14s fvald ithe is pouive Ths wll appenife> 6/6. should this happen. Formula Bg 3 tate Force on Surices fEDES' PRINCIPLE ple covered bythe Grek sini Arhlmedes that states ht “ony iri fii ced pen bon war fs ogin fe oa oa of the dace id a unt weight of the fad Vp volume displaced. Volume ofthe tody below the gud surfs ole probs in agency, ety the fre ating and ply conditions of Bis ricco known a thls, eps obo Noting nd ‘imurged cin ato ane as Tre body of hah Has conanthorzanal cosrsetnal area sch ax Wercal cylinders, eck, eth hy gure 3-9: Foc nn on tee! ny BPs Fa, = Wok) -0Vst) AF =yVo,— Vol) curren THRE ‘Total yeosttc Force on Suaees TR esate Fore on Surfs bry is sted upon by two equal opposing forces, These ae, the Dwight (acting a ts cntr a eat) and its uyant fore BF (ating pigs beret ected ter gry of be deed When thse fre at collar shown n igre 3 10 (oti a pig poston. However, when he boy deo wid ot ave ston tie of boyucy ss new postion x own in Fgte 3 ean the wo fre wich ae lng olay, process eel equal ‘The toy will ot overturn I ths couple mas the by mse towed rigial potions sown in Figure 310) and wil encore he aon Steshounin gues 10 ‘The plat of itrscon between thea ofthe body ad the tine of acon of ‘the Buoyant force ical he meaner. The ditanc from the meter). to the center of graviy () of heb scaled the metact beght (MC). 1 can be sen that a ody is suble Ms above Gs shonin BRTUMTBE HT baw Cassbownn gue 310 (0) IM eancds wt G, the body is said to be just stable. + # ‘ge -10(0: nave poten igure 240: Forces en ety boy MOMENT AND OVERTURNING MOMENT INTS OF A FLOATING BODY: ght ofthe bog Chhoyant foc avays equal to}¥fora outing body), ent of grit of the aly ss foc nt wh ton feenold ofthe i) (eteta of buoyancy inthe ted pson tYolumedipaced the point of intersection between the Une of ion llth buoyant force andthe ak ofthe boy 1 pay othe wedges nnersion and emerson) we 2-104 Ups postn Figwe 3-10 Sale pston Poa datance between the cy sof the wedges stance om G0 Bo = etcenirchight distance fom Mo G ‘cuarren Toe 93 “oul ideo Fore on Surfacer Use () WG teabove Bo Use (2) blow Bo som Mabie toe vaLUe OF ma, “The salty ofthe body depends on the amount ofthe righting moment wh int is dependent onthe mclaren ight MG, When tho body, ‘otro buoyancy shia fo ara pion (Bo). The hifing ako caer ‘wedge ahi to.a now ponton' 9. The moment duet te sting of {TIAL VALUE OF MB, ‘oyant force BF) nat ual moment duet wedge Sit 9) sal values of (@ =00r0 =O wo mef ee comesroety Figure 2-41: Recngiarooy Constr toy tn the shape of etangular parablepped ength Ls own snPigure3-11 © Vue of weds 2 = 148/28/2) ta oI Volume of wedge, = } LB? or small aluosof0,s= $8 o a But 3 Lis the moment finer ofthe watalin sein 1 eet mal can no ay set Since the metic hight MGs depen wih My the sail of Aoang tesy tho depen on the omer ef ann of he eso Secon ean abo be sent he body to mre Rae tn CREAT re png str har at lng vo=8DL este tn einai tase 20/2482 owen sofia Terghing roeingmmentn oe sc Cll oang¥ From gomery t= tt (8/2) (8/2086 WU sins it 16 Tal yoni Fore on Surtces nl presnre ands sto be fy Poi te toll sta of he Hi MBe= Z(ac661)—tutsos a1 + tnt oe a, 2 101+ a0) +3 rear Bolte ano) Pcs to SrAua 125,600 pDs=2s 51660] ‘STRESS ON THIN-WALLED PRESSURE VESSELS “THIN-WALLED CYLINDRICAL TANK. ‘A tank or pipe carrying a fi or gat under pense subjected to teale ores, which rest bursting, develope scos login and tansver OD ofp the stress tthe wall can be expend a Fan) =r be — Sala tense af the hoop ThelmatonofFisatihecmiold othe prea digan ‘Av comascnl anf haoe cae ru oar xn aia se a tn ats D eee (ibe iu autocm, cee f ese Fm tebe 3/3 is ah, D= diameter ofthe pipe auyr tame 100 oat ydrosatic Force on Suces Problem 3-2. [A vera tringslar surface of eight d and horizon base wid 8 ‘htmeagd in gui witht vera he ga sure, Dsterine the fore Feting once side an te losaton rem the iid src, Soli raph Fags Anyi Feregadnnie Pe dye Bevis Peyinsr) pone ‘an em ag peers moi ‘Using the pseuredgran forts aI ult complicated. With he shown ie wae can be computed by ingrason Hence, presare ny oe nly the te rectangular, ith one eho Taner) eae fut for Bac arna=aae sng sae agra Volume presse dagam fojanntaae P= 0x01) = foe Foe athcnld te gram which of ade erie Problem 3-3 ‘vert cur gle or adr satenerged in guid with 5 top Ashe onthe gu artace. Determine te mage an oan ofthe fore ang on onesie he ge " 15 m wide and 9m hgh ssbnergs in water wih op edge 2m tlow te water ura he tol preere acu on ene th gat on ia loeston roms he oto. Fev frist 2=35m F 95191090)) PEISASLEN eodt, a 20510" = BOS" corm as365) eee yoiscoze 128m ing press gra P= Volune epee daa r (2 )e9 aoe Fomoa) FDISistEN TERIA As 96) a Arar As= 105 a] sear =6r0) 450) 1a Groeten gt na Fe [psn oanigyrsa.53)1 PoSi3KN ote 0510" AF PASGIG e067 bakte $m tromthe uae a 3 (SE Baas May 99) eral eng inte atin it = 09) at an ra te hase inte ssc What sta of “hp ttatese nanny wg Force on upper hal Fosyha Fo= tu 0844/9160/2) To=Uiyebt Force on owe al Tunas Pale tobe one 0814/2) + 4/0) P= O55 tod = (68 yo 4/2 = 7 (CE Board May 1954) Ahold the gtein positon? Solution ete ciculargate in a tel 83 jn dnmete as i op. 08) on ad onthe reels abo vert ee sr po Ok? wns will ge upper be aad abort vet ta 3-8 (CE Board May 1992) Tank 2 m in diamser apd 8 m deep with axe veel fom deep of ol (p-g= 08). The a above tho bqud surface has a 108 kg/cm the ttl normal fre in ig acting on the Mis locaton rm the Bota of he nk Barra ia Fas 681 3)» 5 Fa 31564N 1 a ae 196 padeesssm 05m Poem par Ae 30% $08 Fee 201018 “The saper te ed pln O whee he mm oa Fats zero, "Shes Fu Fas Ome te Slow Pa f tes) Tele = alt Gop fezina-y Soogeeg Roped Jere 8 kp/em! = 8000 ka? oops «2 = 32.000 peeeie7m fre 7a 100 «0 +000 ee 1A kg/m fy Toad) = 1242000 kg sole fore Rewla *B4g0ne = (000 0 ex 6) Fegotm Ig, one? eo) sso padeenarim f+ FietS6pt0e kg > Total normal force F-Aytey (056800) y= 200m) © 24sanay2.7) Ye3Kim > Location o Ff the boon Using the pressure diagram Peosih (xis) Peursk = 80002) 1280 ig PP. + Pe 1568008%g > Total normal force Py-Pye mu (1555009) y= 123.0005} + 8.805)2) Y=36im’ > Loation Prom hehe, its a fated clrcolar gate fe submerged ina gud vo hats op edge ae hl sree. te to eto erce acing on the ower bal ae 2 ingen he pp al In the figure shown, sop 8 wil ea ihe oreo recs 4 IN Pn thecal wate depth The Tngth ote perpendica tthe teh 3 Face on Sue long tam rete 9m of wat Inthe igure Fn the oa nt force acu onthe da ant i Weston tn coer of pretce thom the bates Solution FavkA = 281491¢0(002%) ws, Plaga ___ 400003905 e103 oD) ye 39-1722 y-3464m y> }002%)~ 3464 m Problem 3-12 “The omer ingle gale shown in the Ngure hinged at and weight {SIO What the aly force acing on oe seo th gain JaloNewton? Pavia Ra35+7/9 Fe (810 0.8)(616740305 rate Posh ew am 3 acined, crear ote min the figure ine thet te R2e 05s i260 Po9a12.439)$(0) PIA TI6 KN, ‘urna oes “Tua Hyomac Fonte on Suc Ss 0.9106) sxx) tein th Figure shown 1.5 mda Ning a poi A, ane et ag ral at 3. Compt) the otal cen he pats df ser, ")-Rua)=0 insite Ra= 1500 0) Ry-Peos8=0 Ry =21895 cor 9° Ry=1Sh64N Ree Rate es (aig 855 7 er ye7ain @ Fava (1 solprssue atthe oe Using: eA ABP = HR 866) ‘agatha vs 2 sol pressure at te heel Caeidermlengivet dam Woe rin tre 2102200) Wem = 24)[%(6-4}2040)) 218) -9 FeyhA= (10(@040) Fade Ratha? R=20, Rya3h< Wit 2211324896 y= bby 1152 2) actors of Sty ator of fey agit ing 707 F5.nagses actor of fey apn ovrtming- 5,- RM SOM 1 SLA y = ACL oa) 1¥, Maman about he oe RM = Wi-2)* M3 (0-8) 211240 -2) + 4-69 ($(8-3) 2112 = 8224 + 684-1287 + 2867 RM = 68+ 6828-16 ont Fan) = 2000/9) om = 133.5 VY, Location of RToRM-OM ‘Since te resultant force wil pass throng tho extreme edge of ‘he mile ted near he be, =8/3 Than (24 +1152 /3)= 168 + 13.25) 1564y- 1385.) 84 2848 = 1685 = 88287-16587, p+ 4480155973 20 = ‘Considering hy rosa uplift pit fore, U5 (28) Baws Mth 2 aby + 11527-1087 R= 1By +1852) RM =H -2) + 1013.0-9) RM = 166% +69.25-16647 (ont Fe) = 28/3) (20/3) #105 28/3) (OM = 678% 130833) Rye > RU-OM. any = 1182/9) = 0 + 89.207 16847 (70 +1505) ‘eed 488 -19873 0 ao Bae (an? acai 6) B= 13766m = 140n740.980/ +1820.) Rosanzi ea tare |S taza astra Problem 3-31 (CE Board May 2002) ‘Te secton of concrete gravity = 1861 Banka = 981G\6%1) Pa 17658hN y=} (=2m Wearh =23526)0) rokN Werve =Z5b42)6)001 n=4-40)-9, = G/3)2)=1508m Rea FH T76500N overturning moment RM f,- BM IBA 994 FS 16 ict ofthe masonry dam es hw, The spec weight of water {hy and eat of concrete 543M)” Amaming up presume ton ofa gravity dams own the gee Aaeome ‘yrs pitt vary ‘rely om fal hydestate Uuplt fom the Bele 2 Mhetos. etemine the tal resco per ang atthe Tosatti da Useape gree once = 2 Solution Re (RFORP Consider foot gt fda: Rea Payha am tit Wt Winns =(24.24 22 oy = 2401be Wiens = (24.2928 o0) i 44908 sa, Yom «24 00/400) A Wie PiBbas Ibe Were Vax 624) 400960) 4 Wi 5160 Una Ya= 29) 4enx700 swoan-ons | D neers Bla woe rim ss. 00 faa =U Rx [CHIR 800) + Gee STABF =209.200 por foot = 2.54 s2]70))~2200 = 23.54 (EY E2H) = 8969 WN aes ae soakafa-n02=89m sree tp hoop ass 120 3-0 (Coad hovember 1977) Nome of weer =(285 059164) +098 385 rs bving pet ry f BL Rago mt wate 1 ‘eb osah=28 is oe sbws rv an 10 cx ms via © Beveso tte? isan 9n—0) fevered oa a= 08140524) on 22ssc65)= 0125+ 9sUm0800 >) pi ee ‘80430904 18 + 2590-5618 BE oma Vo 89% 1013286-98104=0 P= Disint03y(¥ 1000 P= 101031V 100) p= 2890-101 325(1522- 08) ~9811.522- 0519-0 250k 15122+ Shs -14354 +4950 ‘eae + 656k 15422 0 Hepes ot hotegencous id body ating cn a omogenansgui ‘The maximum tril sta crus atthe btw ofthe tank Vos 28 ay = TH Vw, Taga Yagi popessi@si) | y= 26957 Ps = 0.21937 Pa ia a v-r000=82y, eon ‘.o796v ~ 1000 eo) = 36cm D168 ! D159 m=1589mm 3 6E (CE Board ay 2003, Nov 200%, Nay 2000, Wov 1992) beck of wood 049m» 260K mates in dimersion was thrown int the ean oats with 018 m prjeingabove the wate surface. The same lock ‘eon ine iain ofa Nga having spe gravity oF O90 ant Om projeting above the sure Deere ellowing | 27 = 024970459040) T=92N {ae vale oh. i (@thespetc gravity of he lk and % (© the weight ofthe block . 3-65 (CE November 1997) ‘ale of wood (2g, ~ 050) bas Sin sides Compute the magnitude ‘irection oft force auld to hol! he wood comply submerged Solution Wieght of wood = (2.4060 (8)! =157951h8 Buoyant force when completly submerged in water BP =624(3) =26205 be Reguled force = 23305-15795 Regie force = 1053 Bb downward m3-67 fre block of sel = 785) rable 3= 66 (CE Wow 7000) The Block shown inthe figure weighs” 85.000 Is.” Fin the valu oth BE. BR =W7 Te Voet Ye Von =H Sanna) 81% 1350,4»9)~ 981 ~785[AG+ Solution 1388 = 7857 rom the gure shown S7lb=6isa | Pp bar. 35000 Bit Vo n= bbacoayr2a23) B28. bs aasesaa F-35000 ‘y= 13856 bs B= Aas a24 (020218) passe ‘cuarren THE ‘Nerletne he buoyant force ont Blt = Waa ln 1000103 y)= 5 "000504 » 05312] soar 3-70 codon buoy (eg, 6) SO mm by 50 mm by 3m lng is made o Moa in ae (sg = 1085). How many N of tal (ag = 785) ahold be atached 40 Toton to make the Booy font with exactly 450 mun exposed above he esac? ° renee Win BF Wms =H" : Bh Va : ass Me Bs OBO 15) i ros 28 Yen 3 . Fronts tno Br an as y005 3055) retin = poy a Ifa 5g tal pat atch one eof 1m 03 mx 1.20 m hese, — 7 Tale ats length plore wat! Use op of wood of 50 hielo ener ce Wow = (1000 x 0.5)(0.1 «03x 1.2) Winn = (9810 % 7.85) Vis { Woo = 18 KE Behe, Win * 7008.5 Vint 1085 Vn 14562-7085 Vns=0 tee | We Fs ona Vaan To 006m a ine =10735}001270 Beta <755 Vee ae Woe 2.258 N cdma i anh ea aT pions * Vises Bra? Bn of Fead (sp. gr 11.3) is tied to a 130 cc of cork whose sf ravity is pce of fea (sp. gr 123) specific gravity A a oo - “hylan luna tr What the weg he 5055 = Ba Wes Wi.= BRe+ BF, Wem teVe Wes (+029)030) o> 325 grams r= (3) Bea 13 gr. Wes oct) ¥. Woot v Brave a=) ve seseu3 v.10 % Vin 9atee (9) tat fat use (tess ped nce one OP acer Lead is astened ouside ‘Beate Vo Pre= 981 0719) Brea 11561N Brom ve Br =atVe Weanv watov, A=0) BPS BRL = + i, 1156+ 981V= 55 +1107, Y=007 ee wy.= 1100072) Wi=s4okN Problem 3-72 (CE November 1983) ‘Atualowe cylinder 1m in diameter and high weighs 325 (a) How | ofan weighing 110 KN? mus be fastened tothe outside botom of Lend inside the cylinder r= o] Wi Wes are Tic 35 = 1158 W877 aN onsiing «ayer of water 150m thick overlayer of mercury. Delrnne| poston ofthe back when thas each olin. Sotuion W025 Bru ni Bhye= CAI 136/024) By = 1049881 x Va S((0287(028- BFy=70910028-2), - 7 = = = (624-<1.49(22)(0.2-h} + (604 082270) B= (eos s224 08-1ah- 0) We eassroipayen+(24xonia3y0) er=0) Bit Big =W 10439814 +769.1028- 3) = «25 fuerte anne = 00n6m x= 216mm “Therefore the block wil lost with 2.6mm below the mercury surface reo [624 227 (.08-1.4h+ 08H) = 24 «2257255 38-14 + 08421764 077 ‘A cube 22 fot on an edge thas slower Ballo 9g = ‘band upper halos = 07. Ite ina trouver ‘ld ith tower sg. = 24 and upper sg = 06 ‘o-mm diameter sold cylinder is 95 mm high and weighing 375 N is i alguid (= 8175 HN) contained i atl tal cylinder ving len eam of pg. O84 is 150 mm by 150 mm and is tng at A, as min the Figure. Atsehat angle @ wil de ean ft in water? (2) cr mescn ‘Seve for the dtte Din gro nYo=w Weight of eam, 7 un Vaan (179 Vo=a75 Weight of eam I= 0 068 01575) Vo 000587 mt ‘Wight of bear W’= 70632 4N ree a Buoyant fore, BE= tae Vo 3009 D= 436.76 ant force, BF= 80.15) sD = 584m Baofant oes 9F = 2207250 Beato) ‘When the seid ylnder Is nese, dhe igi in the leider iss to volume of liquid displaced Therefore, the volune of lina ‘sins he toa volume of rea nd imaghaay ged above the original Vaan = Vo $0253) 8716 #-9380m 1F-05y) ow = W25cos8) 2207284(5-08)- 70632728) a i po DCF MOTH) 2105) From Figure Ber-Dey yrs 8 s88 y= 556mm 2m ys wr ontsar hrf th sid ender lot with stom 8976 ma hove ‘bottom ofthe hallow cylinder 13-77 (CE Board May 2008) the gure below, i shown tha he gate 1.0 m wide and is Potion ofthe sin Compas te flowing athe hyo force nN acting om he al, [tthe lation ofthe center of perso the arom the hinge [othe minimum volume of conte (lt weight "26 N/m) nea ep the gate ln closed poston, 3-78 (CE Board November 1993) ig rs saltwater (pg ~ 15) ea wate 6p. gr. = 1.0) sinks fn and afr burning 72730 hg of coal se up by 1524 om. Find the dpacenent ote borin sea wer NBN, FryhA=98i()2x1) +: Pe I962kN bgt asa yo ¥0)= 0687 m é Bang) Faye Ta25 rome isiouan=25r et have fo assume tat the boat hae a contant com-setionl een A blow rom the FED ofthe crete ater uric a Se oe = 1000 Tarps Be =o) rene cnet wie BF Vin" 981 Vi We hao «20914009 We ac Va Woeonad 250) 5232+ 981 You 26 Vere Vn 396 We toniac0+00760) = ind + e763) 34.0) ae (Gv Vp.= 240m «2.200 In igre) (ie sas BW. 7270 100410 -00783).=W-72790 > Ea.) ‘rom 8.) and Bg w= 105040 = 10ma(D + 0976) ‘mead = r0m9 +762 D=254m (Graftinsea wate) Sovig regent inh ate (iia 2240 «240 Vaeketosest® Powe) Let be the dferecein the ras in fresh seater: Von= Vous Area pe aeksos. = 80 00 rom Fa.) iv tena W= 251624 zt ‘onA(254 0072) = 21624-72730 2468 = 251624-72790 TB 0 37 (EE Board Woverer 1995) der anaitvar shaped toy wih submerged volume Vanda density Tee : Submerged nai dent Whats th nt vere con he oy Watamsmep oman res? y= 1246524g 1/100) Wasa kN Ben ¥s i= mse Fanos Ve Problem 3-79 A ship having a displacement of 24.000 tons and s draft of 34 fet in enters harbor of fash water. I he horiaonal section of the ship st aeine 32000. fe what depth of fresh wars requ to fant he Assume that marine ons 2.240 I an that sen wer an es water weight et and 522 po respectively, Ea spherical ballon, 9 in dlameter i led wit lum gas presurzed to 111 treats eperatre of 27, and anchored yaropet he rune Neglecting Jad welgt ofthe balloon determine the tension nthe rope. Use R= 2 for lum gas and ar = 11.76N/ tT Solution Vase = 35.7 m? Bevo. BEW-T=0 Problem 3 82 ‘The buoy in Figure 3-1 has $0 of tol weigh tached, The buoy has kp sgsinst a rock 2m deep. Compute the angie with the horizontal o which ‘oy wil lea, asumng the rock ovr ne moment on the bas B= a Vat Bre 1126817) Br=4aN Wrage Viton W177 oR Wein, 621-7 8067 N en Vt 102 Br” Tae Thee = 1707/0 ie= 4562 (fom Figure 3-1) BF ye Vo BF Sn(L025}(0057] BF 25380 ‘We(LS cos 6) BA(L/2)cos 6} = 0 $520.5) 251381(/2)=0 e768 t=23m 5 a gue Raving ip gr FOB, 50 Th “The rue downward vera forces: reaeW. BF at Vane BE Ato «08){(0/2N0/29021, Broan reat6 F=251N Note: This free Fe 251 N becomes orotant no saer how deep Further the cones submerge. “eal Hydra Freon ures ‘Arig cca cone 100 min dianstor and 200 mum high and welghs 16 Incl How much fee oops the cine tex dort) nts vy Tow such addon force i equte. o path the baso 10 mm below the tae hae Diaser er ane snd =267 Solve by il and Ty a=170 “0710-70 =276 (267) yo 168 10) 1807)- se" = 2689. (247) iy 0 68e SA (e180) -sints5a8* = 267 OK, berg het Q)eos 0/2) Probie 3-85 A kof nod rie oc of ON ee mer int and forca of 10 to asp i inmered in glycerin GP. gr = 13) Find he snap prof tof the wood. et V= veh of ood. Inwater Br =o) Be. W-F=0. Smiov-1V =40 vw >a ee ier=0) Br W-F=0 (@ai0~13)¥-W=100 ato 19 [S20] -Ww=100 s2+13W-W=100 Walon From Ey, ( Untwolght 9=78N/m? Spgrs= amt = ZS n10 Sp. ena Since the volume ofc emaln archangels Van Vain (05)6}.29 = O-yeye) D274 am © Awcangslr tank of intra wth of ‘my as shove, conta al sp. ge = 08 find water) ind the depth af (8) Ws 10 Sc of wood load inthe ll what is the rie i renin he water in contact wih a? ‘As shown in igre the il-vatr interface drops by a ditance of the foe srtce of water wil ie by y/2 since the resection aren of the righ comptinet ste that oe eft compartment. Sun-up pressure head from ol aioe o water surface nm of wat Ot0108) 6-9) 4-y/2=0 4108-1 39/2~0 y/2= 0108 M/2~ 00135 mor 136mm ‘Theoret fe surface of water wil Hse 136 mm. Tr open Sinead ak SST wae Th ARTS STE AT HET TTT fers info ebay of water withthe open end dew and oats ith 1300 N ioc of contol (gp. ge = 24) sospended ats lower nd Neglecting the Irie of the yin, wn depth open end be serge in water? Fire () (o) Depth oft eer Free Sctrupprastrehes sol arc © twat ste @ in of ater al Bw Bfyy-W=0 9.64 (0) Fisnos+3-4= 2 rae | 0+ 08h-1-0 Vee = Wesne. isa Tex | ee (Reso hotest gue) on” IO, ae Ven OTE rao cee (too vo 100 fon = SIO) Yoram Basan Brg Yoo Vo | Bey = 20014 03598 Bry 38

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