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HF jammer

Information network security agency

8-9-201 9
Solomon Hagos
Tekilu Yilma


First we would like to thank our God for helping as to accomplish our work. We would like also
to express our thanks to Mr. Haftom and for all our co-workers for their continuous support,
guidance, insightful suggestions and valuable discussions.

High frequency (HF) band covers frequencies between 1.5 - 30 MHz With wavelengths of 10-100
m. HF band enables jamming over a very long distances through a sky wave propagation. HF
jamming is a very important tactical jamming method, which can achieve thousand-kilometers
away jamming through the ionosphere reflections without any infrastructure support. As HF band
has several benefits like versatility and large coverage area, it suffers phenomena like rapidly
changing environment and strong interference.

HF jamming quality is not stable for the ionosphere disturbance, multipath fading and propagation
loss. When a solar flare bursts, the sun radiates a mass of X-rays and high energy particles.
CHAPTER ONE.................................................................................................................................. 11
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 11
Problem statement ............................................................................................................................... 12
Objective of the Project ....................................................................................................................... 13
General objective .............................................................................................................................. 13
Specific Objective .............................................................................................................................. 13
CHAPTER TWO................................................................................................................................. 14
2. THE IONOSPHERE, HF JAMMER PROPAGATION ................................................................ 14
AND TECHNIQUES ........................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Jamming System ............................................................................................................................ 14
2.1.1 HF High Power Jammer ............................................................................................................. 14
2.2 The ionospheric nature .................................................................................................................. 15
2.2.1 Layers of the ionosphere ........................................................................................................... 16
2.2.2 Factors affecting atmospheric ionization ................................................................................... 18
2.3 HF jammer signal propagation and path optimization ................................................................ 20
2.3.1 HF jammer signal propagation .................................................................................................. 20
2.3.2 HF jammer path optimization.................................................................................................... 20
2.3.3 Multiple hops ............................................................................................................................ 21
2.4 Jamming Techniques ..................................................................................................................... 23
2.4.1 Jamming Strategies ....................................................................................................................... 23 Spot (narrow band) Jamming ................................................................................................. 23
CHAPTER THREE............................................................................................................................. 24
3. SYSTEM DESIGN AND PARAMETERS...................................................................................... 25
3.1 Design Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 25
3.1.1 Ionospheric models ................................................................................................................... 25 Modeling of the ionospheric layers ........................................................................................ 25 Modeling of ionospheric absorption ....................................................................................... 26
3.1.2 The distance to be jammed (D) .............................................................................................. 26
3.1.4 The frequency bands ................................................................................................................. 26
3.2 System Design ................................................................................................................................ 26
3.2.1 Power calculation ..................................................................................................................... 26
3.2.2 HF jammer block diagram ................................................................................................... 29
Figure 3.2: block diagram of HF jammer system ............................................................................ 29
1. Power Supply: ........................................................................................................................ 29
2. Arbitrary Function Generator (HMF 2525/2550) ........................................................................ 30
3. Power amplifier (3061 / 3062).................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................................... 35
LAB ANALYSIS, RESULT AND CONCLUSSION .......................................................................... 35
4.1 Lab analysis of the function generator .............................................................................................. 35
4.2 The jamming technique to be implemented ...................................................................................... 47
List of Table
Table 3.1: specification of arbitrary function generator

Table 4.1: measured power values for the different wave forms
List of Figures
Figure 2.1: ionospheric incident angle

Figure 2.2: ionosphere layers

Figure 2.3: ionosphere FOT

Figure 3.1: the geometry of communication jamming warfare

Figure 3.2: block of HF jammer system

Figure 3.3: parts of power supply

Figure 3.4: front view of arbitrary function generator

Figure 3.5: back view of arbitrary function generator

Figure 3.6: front view of power amplifier

Figure 3.7: back view of power amplifier

Figure 4.1: buttons view of function generator

List of Abbreviations

HF High frequency

UHF Ultra-high frequency

VHF Very high frequency

FOT Frequency of optimum transmission

MUF Maximum usable frequency

SID Sudden ionospheric disturbance

CW Continuous wave

Pe Power of error signal

PJ Jammer power

PT Transmitter power

B Bandwidth

BR Bandwidth of the receiver

K Boltzmann constant

T Temperature

S/J Signal to jamming ratio

USB universal serial bus

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

AM Amplitude modulation

FM Frequency modulation

PM Phase modulation
FSK Frequency shift keying

TFT Thin-Film Transistors

DB Decibel

DBM Decibel-mill watts

MHz Megahertz

SA Spectrum analyzer


HF jammer devices are electronic warfare devices used to prevent illegal jammers from jamming
the HF communication system because communications held in this range of frequency needs
security and they are almost governmental and military communication system.

Communication jamming devices were first developed and used by military. Tactical commanders
use RF communications to exercise control of their forces, spy adversary information, attacks and
deceive adversary’s communication system.

A HF Jammer (sky wave communication jammer) is a system that transmit signal on the same
frequency at which the high frequency communication system operates that is in the range of 1.5
MHz – 30 MHz to interrupt, disturb and decept the communication system or blocking the
communication in this range of frequency from reaching to its desired destination. The jamming
success when the communication system in the area where the jammer is located is disabled.
Problem statement
Since almost all military and non-military agencies needs high security to keep their privacy.
Electronic protection and electronic attack plays a great role to secure the privacies. Especially
electronic attack team takes two responsibilities in this job, decepting and attacking the adversary
or illegal jammers. To do this job electronic attack team must have a deep knowledge and
understanding about the HF communication system, and able to protect from accessing by enemy
and controlling the air space for its own privacy and exploiting the spectrum for own use. In the
previous projects, this is done for UHF and VHF but not for HF communication.

So the main purpose of this project is to realize an effective HF jammer that enables us to decept,
interrupt, attack and block illegal jammers from accessing high frequency communications held
by our friendly agencies. Generally this project is applicable in the range of 1.5 MHz – 30 MHz
which is the sky wave communication.
Objective of the Project
General objective:

The general objective of this project is to understand and implement HF jammer signal propagation
through the ionosphere.

Specific Objective:

Understanding the ionosphere properties

Understanding the propagation properties of HF signal through
Raytracing the jammers signal path
Determining the power level and losses along the path
Realizing effective HF jammer



2.1 HF Jamming System

The task of the HF communications jammer is to disrupt command reception, and to jam enemy
radio links in the frequencies range from 1.6-30 MHz and 20 to 110 MHz. In HF jamming it is
presumed that these transmitters transmit on known frequency and at known times, although no
so-called "look through jamming" operations are performed with this high power jammer as with
normal tactical systems. This means that the frequencies of interest are checked periodically for
occupancy and will only be jammed in the following jamming phase if the frequency is occupied

2.1.1 HF High Power Jammer

In the selection of the high power jammer the following must be taken into consideration:

Jamming may be performed over a wide area, and long distance using sky
Wave propagation
Small areas may be jammed over short distance by using ground wave propagation.

In each of the above modes of operation, different antennas will be employed. Site selection for
jamming over long distances is relatively unrestrained, since site displacement of 100 Km and
more will have negligible influence. Transmitter locations can very seldom be changed when
operating high power HF, consequently the jammer is designed for semi-mobile operation. Set-
up and disassembly time of the station will mainly be determined by the set up time for the
antenna employed [1].

The main elements of the HF communication jammer are:

Jamming generator to generate voice communication jamming signals in different wave

Power amplifier (codan 3062) of high efficiency over the HF band, with modes of
operation; voice.
Antenna system - according to the jamming tasks. Two types of antennas must be
employed. One for smaller area coverage, i.e., urban jamming, using ground wave
propagation with the vertical HF transmitting antenna. Second for large areas, using sky
wave propagation, having horizontal log periodic HF transmitting antennas.

To understand sky wave propagation, you need to consider the effects of the ionosphere and solar
activity on HF radio propagation. We must also be familiar with the techniques used to predict
propagation and select the best frequencies for a particular link at a given time.

2.2 The ionospheric nature

The ionosphere is a region of electrically charged particles or gases in the earth’s atmosphere,
extending from approximately 50 to 600 km above the earth’s surface. Ionization, the process in
which electrons are stripped from atoms and produces electrically charged particles, results from
solar radiation. When the ionosphere becomes heavily ionized, the gases may even glow and be
visible. This phenomenon is known as Northern and Southern Lights (ionization) [1].

Also the ions and electrons formed by the solar radiation are lost through recombination, and a
simple form of the continuity equation which determines the ionization balance is [2]:


Where N+ is the positive ion density and 𝛼𝑒𝑓𝑓 is a constant, the effective recombination rate, x is
the solar zenith angle. The height and intensity of each layer varies in a systematic manner with
solar elevation [2].

Why is the ionosphere important in HF radio? Well, this blanket of gases is like nature’s satellite,
making HF radio communications possible. When radio waves strike these ionized layers,
depending on frequency, some are completely absorbed, others are refracted so that they return to
the earth, and still others pass through the ionosphere into outer space. Absorption tends to be
greater at lower frequencies, and increases as the degree of ionization increases [1].
The angle at which sky waves enter the ionosphere is known as the incident angle (Figure 2-1).
This is determined by wavelength and the type of transmitting antenna. Like a billiard ball
bouncing off a rail, a radio wave reflects from the ionosphere at the same angle it hits it [2].

Thus, the incident angle is an important factor in determining communications range. If you need
to reach a station that is relatively far from you, you would want the incident angle to be relatively
large. To communicate with a nearby station, the incident angle should be more acquit.

Figure 1.1: Ionosphere incident angle

The incident angle of a radio wave is critical because if it is too nearly vertical, it will pass through
the ionosphere without being refracted back to earth. If the angle is too great, the waves will be
absorbed by the lower layers before reaching the more densely ionized upper layers. So, incident
angle must be sufficient for bringing the radio wave back to earth, yet not so great that it will lead
to absorption [2].

2.2.1 Layers of the ionosphere

Within the ionosphere, there are four layers of varying ionization (Figure 1.2). Since ionization is
caused by solar radiation, the higher layers of the ionosphere tend to be more highly ionized, while
the lower layers, protected by the outer layers, experience less ionization. Of these layers, the first,
discovered in the early 1920s by Appleton, was designated E for electric waves. Later, D and F
were discovered and noted by these letters. Additional ionospheric phenomena were discovered
through the 1930s and 1940s, such as sporadic E and aurora [1].

Figure 2: The ionosphere layers

In the ionosphere, the D layer is the lowest region affecting HF radio waves. Ionized during the
day, the D layer reaches maximum ionization when the sun is at its zenith and dissipates quickly
toward sunset [1].

The E layer reaches maximum ionization at noon. It begins dissipating toward sunset and reaches
minimum activity at midnight. Irregular cloud-like formations of ionized gases occasionally occur
in the E layer.

These regions, known as sporadic E, can support propagation of sky waves at the upper end of the
HF band and beyond [1].

The most heavily ionized region of the ionosphere, and therefore the most important for long-haul
communications, is the F layer. At this altitude, the air is thin enough that the ions and electrons
recombine very slowly, so the layer retains its ionized properties even after sunset [1].
In the daytime, the F layer consists of two distinct layers, F1 and F2. The F1 layer, which exists
only in the daytime and is negligible in winter, is not important to HF communications. The F2
layer reaches maximum ionization at noon and remains charged at night, gradually decreasing to
a minimum just before sunrise [1].

During the day, sky wave reflection from the F2 layer requires wavelengths short enough to
penetrate the ionized D and E layers, but not so short as to pass through the F layer. Generally,
frequencies from 10 to 20 MHz will accomplish this, but the same frequencies used at night would
penetrate the F layer and pass into outer space. The most effective frequencies for long-haul
nighttime communications are normally between 3 and 8MHz [1].

2.2.2 Factors affecting atmospheric ionization

The intensity of solar radiation, and therefore ionization, varies periodically. Hence, we can predict
solar radiation intensity based on time of day and the season, and make adjustments in equipment
to limit or optimize ionization effects on the communication system [1].

Ionization is higher during spring and summer because the hours of daylight are longer. Sky waves
are absorbed or weakened as they pass through the highly charged D and E layers, reducing, in
effect, the communication range of most HF bands. Because there are fewer hours of daylight
during autumn and winter, less radiation reaches the D and E layers. Lower frequencies pass easily
through these weakly ionized layers. Therefore, signals arriving at the F layer are stronger and are
reflected over greater distances [1].

Another longer term periodic variation results from the 11-year sunspot cycle (Figure 2-3).
Sunspots generate bursts of radiation that cause higher levels of ionization. The more sunspots, the
greater the ionization. During periods of low sunspot activity, frequencies above 20 MHz tend to
be unusable because the E and F layers are too weakly ionized to reflect signals back to earth. At
the peak of the sunspot cycle, however, it is not unusual to have worldwide propagation on
frequencies above 30 MHz [1].
Figure1.3: ionosphere FOT

In addition to these regular variations, there is a class of unpredictable phenomena known as

sudden ionospheric disturbances (SID), which can affect HF communications as well. SIDs are
random events due to solar flares that can disrupt sky wave communication for hours or days at a
time. Solar flares produce intense ionization of the D layer, causing it to absorb most HF signals
on the side of the earth facing the sun [1].

Magnetic storms often follow the eruption of solar flares within 20 to 40 hours. Charged particles
from the storms have a scattering effect on the F layer, temporarily neutralizing its reflective
2.3 HF jammer signal propagation and path optimization

2.3.1 HF jammer signal propagation

To gain a better idea of the characteristics of HF propagation using the ionosphere, it is worth
viewing what happens to a radio communications signal if the frequency is increased across the
frequency spectrum. First it starts with a signal in the medium wave broadcast band. During the
day signals on these frequencies only propagate using the ground wave. Any signals that reach the
D region are absorbed. However at night as the D region disappears signals reach the other regions
and may be heard over much greater distances [3].

If the frequency of the signal is increased, a point is reached where the signal starts to penetrate
the D region and signals reach the E region. Here it is reflected and will pass back through the D
region and return to earth a considerable distance away from the transmitter [3].

As the frequency is increased further the signal is refracted less and less by the E region and
eventually it passes right through. It then reaches the F1 region and here it may be reflected passing
back through the D and E regions to reach the earth again. As the F1 region is higher than the E
region the distance reached will be greater than that for an E region reflection [3].

Finally as the frequency of the radio communications signal rises still further the strength of the
signal also increase and it will eventually pass through the F1 region and onto the F2 region. This
is the highest of the regions in the ionosphere and the distances reached using this are the greatest.
As a rough guide the maximum skip distance for the E region is around 2500 km and 5000 km for
the F2 region [3].

2.3.2 HF jammer path optimization

Because ionospheric conditions affect radio wave propagation, communicators must determine
the best way to optimize radio frequencies at a particular time. The highest possible frequency
that can be used to transmit over a particular path under given ionospheric conditions is called
the Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF). Frequencies higher than MUF penetrate the ionosphere
and continue into space. Frequencies lower than the MUF tend to refract back to earth [1].
As frequency is reduced, the amount of absorption of the signal by the D layer increases.
Eventually, the signal is completely absorbed by the ionosphere. The frequency at which this
occurs is called the Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF). The “window” of usable frequencies,
therefore, lies between the MUF and LUF. The Frequency of Optimum Transmission (FOT) is
typically 85 percent of the MUF. Generally, the FOT is lower at night and higher during the day.
These frequencies are illustrated in Figure 2-3 [1].

In addition to frequency, the route the radio signal travels must also be considered in optimizing
communications. A received signal may be comprised of components arriving via several routes,
including one or more sky wave paths and a ground wave path. The arrival times of these
components vary because of differences in path length; the range of time differences is called the
multipath spread. The effects of multipath spread can be minimized by selecting a frequency as
close as possible to the MUF [1].

2.3.3 Multiple hops

Whilst it is possible to reach considerable distances using the F region as already described, on its
own this does not explain the fact that radio signals are regularly heard from opposite sides of the
globe using HF propagation with the ionosphere. This occurs because the signals are able to
undergo several "reflections". Once the signals are returned to earth from the ionosphere, they are
reflected back upwards by the earth's surface, and again they are able to undergo another
"reflection" by the ionosphere. Naturally the signal is reduced in strength at each "reflection", and
it is also found that different areas of the Earth reflect radio signals differently. As might be
anticipated the surface of the sea is a very good reflector, whereas desert areas are very poor. This
means that signals that are "reflected" back to the ionosphere by the Pacific or Atlantic oceans will
be stronger than those that use the Sahara desert or the red center of Australia [3].

It is not just the Earth's surface that introduces losses into the signal path. In fact the major cause
of loss is the D region, even for frequencies high up into the HF portion of the spectrum. One of
the reasons for this is that the signal has to pass through the D region twice for every reflection by
the ionosphere. This means that to get the best signal strengths it is necessary signal paths enable
the minimum number of hops to be used. This is generally achieved using frequencies close to the
maximum frequencies that can support communications using ionospheric propagation, and
thereby using the highest regions in the ionosphere. In addition to this the level of attenuation
introduced by the D region is also reduced. This means that a radio signal on 20 MHz for example
will be stronger than one on 10 MHz if propagation can be supported at both frequencies [3].
2.4 Jamming Techniques

2.4.1 Jamming Strategies

It has been shown that jamming approximately 30% or more of a voice transmission degrades the
intelligibility significantly enough to deny an effective transfer of information. Therefore, denying
30% of transmissions represents a reasonable goal to strive for and serves as a useful threshold to
achieve for such communications [2].

Jamming of substantially less than 30% is effective against coded or uncoded digital data
communications, as will be shown. Jamming effectiveness criteria for digital communications
will be substantially different from that for analog, voice communications. All-important
communication systems utilize digital signaling techniques [4]. Spot (narrow band) Jamming

A jamming signal transmitted at a single frequency was shown in Figure (b). Thus, the jamming
signal is a CW tone placed at a single frequency. Spot jamming is also called Single-tone jamming.

Spot jamming places all of the jamming energy in to a single channel. The bandwidth of this energy
injection could be the whole width of the channel or it could be only the data signal width
or the complementary signal width. When there is a noise signal of average power J injected into
the data channel only, the overall signal error is calculated by Pe:

𝑃𝑒 = 𝑃

Where 𝑃𝑇 is transmitter power and 𝑃𝐽 is the average jammer power [4].

a) Possible strategies a jammer may use based on the channelized spectrum

b) spot jamming

The bandwidth of the noise can be varied. When the carrier is not modulated, the jamming
waveform is a single tone. When modulated with more than one tone, then multiple tones
are emitted by the jammer.


3.1 Design Parameters

3.1.1 Ionospheric models

Ionospheric modeling for HF-communication purposes aims at a description of the ionosphere and
its variations in time and space, which allows prediction of propagation parameters. The model
must therefore be simple enough to be practical, and sufficiently complete and accurate to be
useful. The degree of complexity and sophistication in a model depends upon the requirements
and resources of the user, and the practical solution is always a compromise between the needs for
simplicity and for accuracy. There are two different approaches to the modeling of ionospheric
circuits. The first is to fit empirical equations to measurements of signal characteristics for different
times and paths, the other is to estimate these characteristics in terms of a number of separate
factors known to influence the signal (Bradley 1979), such as critical frequencies, layer heights,
absorption etc. When a large data base exists for a particular circuit, the former may be useful, but
it lacks generality. The second approach has the advantage that a limited data base can be
combined with knowledge of physical principles to guide a description of the behavior of the
ionospheric layers [3].

The first approach has been successfully applied to medium frequency (MF) propagation, whereas
it is generally agreed that the second method is the most efficient one for HF propagation. Modeling of the ionospheric layers

If the ionospheric electron density height profile is known at every point along a propagation path,
the signal characteristics at the receiver may be calculated using some form of raytracing
procedure. A useful approximation is to neglect variations along the path and assume that the
profile at the reflection point (or points if there are more than one hop) may be used in the
raytracing [3].
The problem is then to describe this profile in terms of a few measurable parameters, so that the
raytracing through the simplified model ionosphere yields realistic signal characteristics, for
vertical incidence raytracing should reproduce an ionogram typical for the time and location of the
reflection point [3]. Modeling of ionospheric absorption

Most of the ionospheric absorption of HF-waves occurs in the D-region. D region electron
densities are, however, small and difficult to measure, and the ionospheric loss is therefore
normally modeled by means of empirical equations based upon absorption measurements. The
absorption of the ordinary wave is calculated as:

𝑁 𝜐𝑑𝑠
µ 𝑒
L = const ʃ𝑠 𝜐 2
(𝑓+ 𝑓𝑒 )+ ( )

3.1.2 The distance to be jammed (D)

This parameter is very important in our design, since the amount of the output power of the jammer
depends on the area that we need to jam. Later on we will see the relationship between the output
power and the distance D.

3.1.3 The frequency bands

The frequency band to be jammed is in the range of high frequency from 1.5MHz – 30MHz. during
the time to be jammed this range of frequency may vary to some interval. The adversary
communication to be jammed

3.2 System Design

3.2.1 Power calculation

In order to disrupt a communication system, in a given location and at a given time, two
fundamental questions arise for the jamming. One is, what is the best jamming waveform and
strategy and the second, how effective will jamming be against the system.
Today, development of communication techniques has severely curtailed the possibilities of
intercepting and communications. Thus, it seems inevitable that military communications, in the
battlefield, is forced to operating in a jamming environment [3].

Intercepting communication is more difficult since the communication energy is usually not
directed toward the jammer and also the jammer may be farther away from the communication
receiver than the communication transmitter is, so the jammer power must exceed in a considerable
amount than the adversary transmitter. This is why the Signal to jamming ratio calculation is
needed [3].

In assessing the potential effectiveness of jamming it is useful to calculate a signal to-jamming

ratio at the communication receiver. Figure 3.1 illustrates the geometric configuration, where 𝐷𝑇 ,
is the distance between the transmitter and the receiver, and 𝐷𝐽 , the distance between the jammer
and the receiver. The average power of the desired signal at the input of the communication
receiver is:

𝑃1 = (4𝜋) 2𝐷 2𝐿

Where 𝑃1 , is the desired signal power, 𝑃𝑇 . is the average transmitted power. 𝐺 𝑇𝑅 is the gain of the
transmitter antenna in the direction of the receiver, 𝐺𝑅𝑇 , is the gain of the receiver antenna in
the direction of the transmitter, ʎ is the wave length, and 𝐿 𝑇𝑅 represents propagation and
equipment losses. Similarly power at the receiver antenna due to the jammer ideally should be:

𝐽 𝐽𝑅 𝑅𝐽 ʎ2
𝑃2 = (4𝜋) 2𝐷 2 𝐿

Where 𝑃𝐽 is the average jamming power, 𝐺𝐽𝑅 is the gain of the jammer antenna in the direction of
the receiver, D is the distance between jammer and receiver. 𝐿𝐽𝑅 , represent propagation and
equipment losses of jammer and receiver, and P, is the desired signal power received from the
jammer [3].

The amount of jamming power which reaches the receiver may be reduced by two factors. First,
there is a polarization loss due to the jammers different polarization. This may be described by a
factor P which has the range 0 < P < 1. A second jamming power reduction may be caused by
receiver band pass filtering. This effect is described by the function f (BR, B,), which has the
range 0 < BR, B) < 1, where BR is the effective bandwidth of the receiver band pass filter, and B,
is the bandwidth of the jamming signal. If the jamming spectrum is included in the receiver band
pass (B < BR) then [3]:

J (BR, B) = 1

If jamming spectrum includes the entire receiver passband (B > BR) then:

Hence the net jamming power effecting the receiver becomes

At the communication receiver, the environment noise is equal to KT, BR. where K is Boltzmann's
constant and T, is the effective noise temperature. The total interference power is the sum of the
environmental power and the jamming power. Thus the signal-to-jamming ratio is [3]

If the jamming- is to be effective, it is generally necessary that P2>KTB, hence

Figure3.1: the geometry of communication jamming warfare

3.2.2 HF jammer block diagram

Figure 3.2: block diagram of HF jammer system

1. Power Supply:
This is used to supply the other sections with the needed voltages. Any power supply consists of
the following main parts:

Transformer: -is used to transform the 220VAC to other levels of voltages.

Rectification: - this part is to convert the AC voltage to a DC one. We have two methods for

A] Half wave-rectification: the output voltage appears only during positive cycles of the input

B] Full wave –rectification: a rectified output voltage occurs during both the positive and
negative cycles of the input signal.
The Filter: used to eliminate the fluctuations in the output of the full wave rectifier “eliminate the
noise” so that a constant DC voltage is produced. This filter is just a large capacitor used to
minimize the ripple in the output.

Regulator: this is used to provide a desired DC-voltage. The HMF 2525/2550 can operate at a
maximum power of 30 watt

Transfor Rectifica Filter Regula

mer tion tor

Figure 3.3: Parts of the power supply

2. Arbitrary Function Generator (HMF 2525/2550)

HMF 2525/2550 is an arbitrary function generator that generates different types of wave forms
(sine, Square, Pulse, Triangle and Arbitrary waveforms) in the range of 10μHz...25MHz/50MHz
frequencies. In this project the device generates simply a base band signal with a very low power
in the range of 1.5MHz – 30MHz.


Frequency range 10μHz...25MHz/50MHz Output voltage

5mVpp...10Vpp (into 50Ω) DC Offset ± 5mV...5V Arbitrary
waveform generator: 250MSa/s, 14Bit, 256kPts
Sine, Square, Pulse, Triangle, Ramp, Arbitrary waveforms incl. standard curves (White,
pink noise etc.).
Total harmonic distortion 0.04% (f‹100kHz)
Burst, Sweep, Gating, external Trigger Rise time ‹ 8ns, in pulse mode 8ns...500ns variable-
Pulse mode: Frequency range 100μHz...12.5MHz/25MHz, pulse width 10ns…999s,
resolution 5ns
Modulation modes AM, FM, PM, PWM, FSK (int. and ext.)
10MHz Time base: ± 1ppm TCXO, rear I/O BNC connector
Front USB connector: save & recall of set-ups and waveforms
8,9cm (3.5") TFT: crisp representation of the waveform and all parameters
USB/RS-232 Dual-Interface, optional Ethernet/USB or IEEE-488

Figure 3.4: front view of arbitrary function generator

Figure 3.5: back view of arbitrary function generator

3. Power amplifier (3061 / 3062)
Since 29.5 dBm output power from the arbitrary function generator does not achieve the desired
output power of the HF jammer, we had to add an amplifier with a suitable gain to increase the
function generator output to 57 dBm or 60dBm.

We found CODAN HF power amplifier which is reliable, affordable and designed for use with
CODAN HF transceiver. The CODAN3061 and 3062 provide 500W PEP and 1000W PEP output
power respectively, and are suitable for voice and data operation.

Table 3.1: Specifications of Arbitrary function generator

power 500 W PEP ±1 dB, 300 W average
output 1 kW PEP ±1 dB, 600W average

Frequency 1.5 to 30 MHz


Input/output 50 Ω

Operating –10 to +60°C


Duty cycle 100%: normal speech over full temperature range

100%: all modes up to maximum ambient of 45°C
Power supply 100–240 V AC ±10%, 50/60 Hz single phase


Type 3061 800 VA (two-tone), 900 VA maximum

Type 3062 1.6 kVA (two-tone), 1.8 kVA maximum

Protection Safe under all load conditions

Bypass to 125W PEP from transceiver in the event of excess
VSWR, excess heat sink temperature & internal fault conditions

Spurious and Better than 60 dB below PEP


Intermodulation Better than 26 dB below each tone

(two-tone test) Better than 32 dB below PEP

Cooling Fan forced front panel exhaust

Thermostatically controlled dual speed
Low: > 45 degree Celsius
High: > 55 degree Celsius

Size Amplifier (5RU 19" rack): 222 x 483 x 410 mm (H x W x D)

Power supply (5RU 19" rack): 222 x 483 x 410 mm (H x W x D)

Type 3061 Amplifier: 15.4 kg, Power supply: 6.7 kg
Type 3062 Amplifier: 23.6 kg, Power supply: 10.0 kg

ALC A 10 dB increase in signal input above compression threshold

produces < 0.5 dB increase in power output
Maximum ALC range > 30dB
ALC attack time approximately 2ms
Figure 3.6: front view of power amplifier (codan 3062)

Figure 3.7: back view of power amplifier (codan 3062)



4.1 Lab analysis of the function generator

As we know function generator generates a signal with different wave forms (sine, square,
triangular, pulse and arbitrary) and this was a theoretical concept but we held a lab test weather
those wave forms can be generated with appropriate signal characteristics from the function
generator. We do this successfully in the lab with hardware control method and software method.
But we do not understand the signal properties generated in the function generator itself because
the function generator shows the determined signal in time domain in the screen, and this case
questioned as to use a spectrum analyzer that show a signal generated from the function generator
in frequency domain and we do this. In the next features we will see the steps proceeded in the lab.

The function generator basically controlled using two methods:

1) Hardware method
2) Software method

Step 1: we test the function generator using hardware and software control if it is available for all
signal types and we insure that it’s available for all and displays the signal on itself screen in time
domain. The hardware control is simply pressing the desired buttons in front of the function

Figure 4.1: button view of the function generator

If we want to display a sine wave on the function generator screen we press the button with the
sine wave symbol and the same procedure for the others.
Note: in the output signal of the function generator an attenuator must be plugged in to protect the
device from damage because the revers signal from its own output signal may damage or destroy

Step 2: signals generated from function generator are time domain signals. So, we use a spectrum
analyzer to display the signal in frequency domain in order to clearly understand the signal
properties and measure appropriate signal power.

Step 3: the signal generated from the function generator can’t be directly connected to the function
generator, because the signal from function generator may be with high power than the spectrum
analyzer can cop up. Mathematically we get approximately 1watt power setting the peak to peak
voltage of the specified frequency to 20 volt but practically the output power of the function
generator may be exceed or decrees in some amount and the device may be damaged. So for more
safety we use a 40 dB attenuator that decreases the signal power by 10000 time and displays the
signal in the spectrum analyzer. The connection between the devices is in the diagram below.

Step 4: the last step done in the lab was, measuring the appropriate power for the appropriate input
signal from the function generator using spectrum analyzer. The signal power displayed in the
spectrum analyzer depends on the amplitude of input signal from the signal generator; as the
amplitude increases linearly the signal power also increase linearly remaining the other parameters

Since we are doing for HF jammer, so its frequency ranges from 1.5 – 30 MHz (sky wave
communication). We record signal power starting from 1.5 MHz, 3 MHz, 4.5 MHz….up to 30
MHz ranging by 1.5 in dBm unit. After we record each signal power from the signal generator
directly, we added 40 dB for each value because the signal was decreased its power by 10000 time
before reaching the spectrum analyzer input signal for the purpose of safety. Neglecting some
losses, we get the last appropriate signal power emitted from the jammer transmitter. The measured
power for the specified frequencies from spectrum analyzer before we add 40 dB for each
measured value is listed in the table below:

Table 4.1: Measured Power values for the different wave forms in dBm.
Frequency Signal Sine Square triangle pulse arbitrary
Amplitude wave wave wave wave wave
1.5Mhz 1 -53.60 -51.37 -55.35 -79.1 -53.51
2 -47.55 -45.40 -49.30 -73.10 -47.5
4 -41.60 -39.30 -43.50 -65.10 -41.42
6 -37.97 -35.79 -39.74 -61.40 -37.91
8 -35.50 -33.30 -37.24 -58.69 -35.41
10 -33.55 -31.36 -35.30 -56.80 -33.48
12 -35.79 -29.76 -33.72 -55.30 -31.89
14 -30.63 -28.43 -32.38 -53.97 -39.89
16 -29.48 -27.27 -31.23 -52.78 -35.42
18 -28.48 -26.26 -30.30 -51.80 -34.40
20 -27.53 -25.35 -29.29 -50.91 -33.42
Frequency Amplitude sine square triangular pulse arbitrary
3Mhz 1 -48.30 -46.20 -50.10 -66.73 -48.23
2 -42.00 -40.00 -44.20 -59.71 -42.19
4 -36.16 -33.97 -37.93 -40.10 -36.12
6 -32.66 -30.40 -34.42 -36.53 -32.6
8 -30.16 -28.00 -31.93 -34.02 -30.10
10 -28.23 -26.04 -29.99 -32.07 -28.18
12 -26.64 -24.46 -28.41 -30.50 -26.58
14 -25.31 -23.12 -27.07 -25.25
16 -24.16 -21.98 -25.96 -24.10
18 -23.14 -20.97 -24.90 -23.07
20 -22.22 -20.06 -23.99 -22.16

Frequency Amplitude sine square triangular pulse arbitrary

4.5Mhz 1 -45.77 -43.58 -47.53 -49.65 -45.73
2 -39.56 -37.53 -41.46 -43.58 -39.63
4 -33.65 -31.47 -35.43 -37.52 -33.60
6 -30.13 -27.96 -31.90 -34.00 -30.00
8 -27.63 -25.50 -29.40 -31.52 -27.58
10 -25.70 -23.53 -27.47 -29.58 -25.64
12 -24.11 -21.95 -25.88 -24.05
14 -22.77 -20.61 -24.54 -22.71
16 -21.61 -19.45 -23.38 -21.55
18 -20.56 -18.44 -22.36 -20.53
20 -19.67 -17.53 -21.44 -19.62
Frequency Amplitude Sine square triangular Pulse arbitrary
6Mhz 1 -44.25 -46.10 -46.10 -42.20 -44.30
2 -38.08 -36.07 -40.00 -36.09 -38.18
4 -32.20 -30.01 -33.97 -30.12 -32.14
6 -28.67 -26.51 -30.45 -26.60 -28.62
8 -26.17 -24.05 -27.94 -24.11 -26.13
10 -24.25 -22.11 -26.02 -22.19 -24.20
12 -22.67 -20.54 -24.44 - -22.62
14 -21.33 -19.20 23.10 - -21.28
16 -20.18 -18.05 21.95 - -20.12
18 -19.16 -17.03 20.93 - -19.10
20 -18.24 -16.13 20.19 - -18.19

Frequency Amplitude Sine square triangular Pulse arbitrary

7.5Mhz 1 -43.40 -41.38 -45.38 -47.44 -43.5
2 -37.28 -35.31 -39.22 -41.32 -37.38
4 -31.43 -29.25 -33.18 -35.28 -31.35
6 -27.90 -25.74 -29.66 -31.77 -27.83
8 -25.40 -23.32 -27.16 -29.34 -25.33
10 -23.46 -21.37 -25.22 -27.40 -23.39
12 -21.88 -19.78 -23.63 -25.81 -21.80
14 -20.54 -18.44 -22.29 -24.48 -20.47
16 -19.38 -17.29 -21.14 -23.33 -19.31
18 -18.38 -16.27 -20.11 -22.31 -18.28
20 -17.44 -15.36 -19.20 -21.40 -17.37
Frequency Amplitude Sine square triangular Pulse arbitrary
9Mhz 1 -43.12 -40.90 -44.95 -46.97 -43.01
2 -36.74 -34.84 -38.70 -40.90 -36.85
4 -30.92 -28.77 -32.66 -34.84 -30.82
6 -27.40 -25.25 -29.13 -31.32 -27.30
8 -24.89 -22.87 -26.63 -28.44 -24.90
10 -22.95 -20.92 -24.69 -26.97 -22.86
12 -21.37 -19.32 -23.10 -25.39 -21.27
14 -20.02 -17.99 -21.76 -24.05 -19.93
16 -18.87 -16.83 -20.60 -22.90 -18.77
18 -17.84 -15.81 -19.58 -21.88 -17.73
20 -16.93 -14.90 -18.67 -20.97 -16.84

Frequency Amplitude Sine square triangular Pulse arbitrary

10.5Mhz 1 -42.50 -40.55 -44.55 -46.55 -42.63
2 -36.30 -34.45 -38.40 -40.60 -36.44
4 -30.52 -28.38 -32.35 -34.55 -30.40
6 -26.99 -24.87 -28.82 -31.04 -26.88
8 -24.50 -22.52 -26.33 -28.70 -24.38
10 -22.50 -20.56 -24.50 -26.74 -22.44
12 -20.98 -18.97 -22.80 -25.15 -20.55
14 -19.64 -17.65 -21.48 -23.82 -19.52
16 -18.48 -16.49 -20.32 -22.67 -18.39
18 -17.46 -15.48 -19.30 -21.66 -17.35
20 -16.55 -14.57 -18.38 -20.75 -16.44
Frequency Amplitude Sine square triangular Pulse arbitrary
13Mhz 1 -42.2 -40.2 -46.4 -42.20
2 -35.84 -34.10 -40.40 -35.98
4 -30.12 -28.02 -34.30 -29.92
6 -26.59 -24.60 -30.78 -26.40
8 -24.08 -22.22 -28.52 -23.89
10 -22.14 -20.26 -26.56 -21.95
12 -20.55 -18.67 -24.96 -20.38
14 -19.20 -17.33 -23.36 -19.03
16 -18.06 -16.07 -22.47 -17.87
18 -14.04 -15.16 -21.45 -16.85
20 -16.13 -14.25 -20.55 -15.94

Frequency Amplitude Sine square triangular Pulse arbitrary

14.5Mhz 1 -42.30 -40.07 -46.2 -42.00
2 -35.70 -34.00 -40.20 -35.77
4 -29.98 -27.92 -34.03 -29.73
6 -26.47 -24.4 -30.52 -26.2
8 -23.95 -22.15 -28.30 -23.70
10 -22.01 -20.20 -26.32 -21.75
12 -20.42 -18.61 -23.40 -18.83
14 -17.93 -16.12 -22.24 -17.67
16 -16.91 -15.10 -21.22 -16.65
18 -15.99 -14.19 -20.31 -15.75
20 -15.02 -13.28 -19.40 14.85

Frequency Amplitude Sine Square triangular Pulse arbitrary

16Mhz 1 -41.78 -39.35 -46.01 -41.78
2 -35.50 -33.85 -40.01 -35.50
4 -29.80 -27.77 -33.96 -29.47
6 -26.28 -24.17 -30.45 -25.95
8 -23.77 -22.06 -28.26 -23.49
10 -21.84 -20.11 -26.30 -21.50
12 -20.25 -18.52 -24.72 -19.93
14 -18.92 -17.19 -23.39 -18.60
16 -17.78 -16.05 -22.24 -17.45
18 -16.77 -15.04 -21.23 -16.43
20 -15.85 -14.13 -20.32 -15.52

Frequency Amplitude Sine Square triangular Pulse arbitrary

17.5Mhz 1 -42.01 -39.93 -46.01 -41.65
2 -35.47 -33.87 -39.93 -35.37
4 -29.78 -27.78 -33.84 -29.35
6 -26.26 -24.29 -30.33 -25.83
8 -23.75 -22.12 -28.18 -23.32
10 -21.82 -20.16 -26.22 -21.38
12 -20.23 -18.58 -24.63 -19.80
14 -18.90 -17.24 -18.46
16 -17.75 -16.09 -17.30
18 -16.73 -15.07 -16.28
20 -15.81 -14.16 -15.39

Frequency Amplitude Sine Square triangular Pulse arbitrary

19Mhz 1 -41.75 -39.93 -46.12 -41.50
2 -35.44 -33.88 -39.94 -35.25
4 -29.77 -27.81 -29.22
6 -26.24 -24.31 -25.69
8 -23.73 -22.18 -23.18
10 -21.79 -20.22 -21.24
12 -20.21 -18.64 -19.66
14 -18.88 -17.30 -18.32
16 -17.72 -16.16 -17.16
18 -16.70 -15.13 -16.15
20 -15.79 -14.22 -15.23

Frequency Amplitude Sine Square triangula Pulse arbitrary

(volt) r
20.5Mhz 1 -41.74 -39.94 -41.36
2 -35.43 -33.92 -35.01
4 -29.76 -27.85 -29.07
6 -26.76 -24.35 -25.55
8 -23.72 -22.24 -23.03
10 -21.78 -20.29 -21.09
12 -20.20 -18.71 -19.51
14 -18.87 -17.37 -18.17
16 -17.71 -16.22 -17.02
18 -16.69 -15.20 -16.00
20 -15.78 -14.29 -15.09

Frequency Amplitude Sine Square triangular Pulse arbitrary

23Mhz 1 -41.73 -39.96 -41.9
2 -35.43 -33.98 -34.85
4 -29.76 -27.93 -28.81
6 -26.24 -24.44 -25.29
8 -23.72 -22.37 -22.77
10 -21.78 -20.42 -20.84
12 -20.20 -18.84 -19.26
14 -18.87 -17.51 -17.92
16 -17.71 -16.35 -16.77
18 -16.69 -15.34 -15.75
20 -15.78 -14.42 -14.84
Frequency Amplitude Sine Square triangular Pulse arbitrary
24.5Mhz 1 -41.77 -40.00 -40.98
2 -35.46 -34.03 -34.70
4 -29.77 -27.98 -28.67
6 -26.25 -24.25 -25.14
8 -23.73 -22.46 -22.63
10 -21.79 -20.51 -20.69
12 -20.2 -18.93 -19.11
14 -18.88 -17.60 -17.78
16 -17.73 -16.45 -16.62
18 -16.71 -15.43 -15.60
20 -15.80 -14.52 -14.42

Frequency Amplitude Sine Square triangular Pulse arbitrary

26Mhz 1 -41.75 -40.05
2 -35.47 -34.07
4 -29.78 -28.03
6 -26.27 -26.57
8 -23.74 -22.54
10 -21.81 -20.60
12 -20.23 -19.02
14 -18.90 -17.69
16 -17.75 -16.54
18 -16.73 -15.52
20 -15.83 -14.61

Frequency Amplitude Sine Square triangular Pulse arbitrary

27.5Mhz 1 -42.08 -40.09
2 -35.55 -34.17
4 -29.81 -28.13
6 -26.29 -24.65
8 -23.76 -22.65
10 -21.83 -20.71
12 -20.25 -19.23
14 -18.92 -17.80
16 -17.76 -16.65
18 -16.74 -15.63
20 -15.83 -14.72

Frequency Amplitude Sine Square triangular Pulse arbitrary

30Mhz 1 -41.76 -40.20
2 -35.57 -34.39
4 -29.84 -28.27
6 -26.32 -24.81
8 -23.80 -22.83
10 -21.86 -20.89
12 -20.28 -19.31
14 -18.95 -17.99
16 -17.80 -16.85
18 -17.78 -15.83
20 -15.87 -14.92

All the recorded values in the above tables are read from the spectrum analyzer display; all the
values are in dBm unit and to get the real signal power 40 dB must added to each values.

Example frequency (sine wave) 1.5 MHz the measured value is -53.6 dBm from the S.A, so the
real signal power is -53.6 + 40 = -13.6 dBm. There for the signal emitted from the transmitter is -
13.6 neglecting some fraction of loses and this is common to all other values.

4.2 The jamming technique to be implemented

As we know, we have different types of jamming techniques and they are implemented for
different purposes based on their merits and demerits. In this project we were doing to implement
spot jamming and we get a success full result in the lab.

Spot jamming is a one of the most familiar jamming techniques used to disturb unwanted signal
emitted from the other sides.

1. Jssam y.Almetlit. Mobile tactical HF/VHF EW system for ground forces. September 1989.

2. HF technology, second edition, vol. 1

3. Richard A poisel, modern communication jamming principles & techniques, second edition.

4. Ben A.witvliet and Rosa ma Alsina. Radio communication via near vertical incidence

Sky wave propagation. 2017.

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