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Narrator: Greek mythology, a body of myths and teachings of the ancient Greeks. Concerning the
nature of the world, their gods, their heroes, and their origin. The story of our heroes begin with the fall
of one. Cronus was warned not to take Rhea as his wife or else one of his children would overthrow him,
yet he still did not listen. In fear of the prophecy, he would eat every child Rhea would give birth to. But
sure enough the prophecy came true. When it was time for Rhea to give birth to her sixth child, she hid
herself, then left the child to be raised by the nymphs. To conceal her act, she wrapped a stone in
swaddling clothes and passed it off as the baby to Cronus, who swallowed it. When this child grew up,
he freed his siblings from their father’s stomach. And with their help, they all together defeated Cronus
and his Titans.
Poseidon: Brother, now that we have defeated our father, one must take up the throne.
Hades: I suggest we draw lots, in order to determine which one of us will be ruler of the universe.
Zeus: Very well, (they all drew lots. Zeus won, followed by Poseidon, then Hades)
Zeus: Well, I believe that makes me the supreme ruler.
Poseidon: I would be in charge of the sea.
Hades: And I the lord of the underworld.
Zeus: (steps forward) I AM ZEUS. The god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods, as well as lord of
the sky and rain. My weapon is the thunderbolt which I hurled at those who displease or defy me,
especially liars and oath breakers. I am also the presiding deity of the universe, ruler of the skies and the
earth, and was regarded by the Greeks as the god of all natural phenomena on the sky; the
personification of the laws of nature; the ruler of the state; and finally, the father of gods and men. I am
the source of kingly power, the upholder of all institutions connected to the state. I am also the
protector of the people, and watched over the welfare of the whole community. I watch over the
mortals with tender solicitude, rewarding truth, charity, and fairness, while severely punishing perjury
and cruelty. Even the poorest and most forlorn wanderer could find a powerful advocate in me, for me,
as a wise and merciful paternal figure, demand that the wealthy inhabitants of the earth be attentive to
the needs of their less fortunate fellow citizens. Once again, I am Zeus, the god of the sky and the ruler
of the Olympian gods.
Poseidon: (forward) I am Poseidon, second to Zeus in power amongst the gods, the god of the sea and
protector of all aquatic features. Brother of Zeus and Hades, widely worshipped by seamen. I am
married Amphitrite, one of the granddaughters of the Titan Oceanus. I created the first horse, in which I
named him Pegasus. My weapon is the trident, with which I could make the earth shake, causing
earthquakes, and shatter any object. I am second to Zeus in power amongst the gods. I was considered
by Greeks to have a difficult quarrelsome personality. Combined with my greed, I had a series of
disputes with other gods during my various attempts to take over the cities they were patrons of. Once
again, I am Poseidon, second to Zeus in power, the god of the sea and protector of all aquatic features.
Hades: (forward) I am Hades. The brother of Zeus and Poseidon, god of the underworld and ruler of the
dead. I am mainly interested in increasing his subjects, and anyone whose deeds resulted in people
dying was favored by me. The Greeks were not keen on uttering my name, afraid of causing some kind
of reaction that would end up with them dead sooner. Instead, they decided to give me another name,
Plouton, deriving from the Greek word for wealth, due to the precious metals mined from the earth.
Thus, I also became the god of wealth. Although an Olympian, I prefer the Underworld and I rarely left
my kingdom. My weapon is a pitchfork, which I use to create earthquakes, similar to the way Poseidon
used his trident. I also had a helmet of invisibility, which I had received as a gift from the Cyclopes, in
order to use it during the clash of the Titans. Again, I am Hades, brother of Zeus and Poseidon, god of
the underworld and ruler of the dead.
Narrator: Still later, one more attempt was made to unseat Zeus; the Giants rebelled. But by this time,
the gods were very strong, and they were helped too. The giants were defeated and hurled down to
Tartarus. From then on, Zeus and his brothers and sisters ruled, undisputed lords of all.
And yet there were no human beings; but the world, now cleared of monsters, was ready for
mankind. It was a place where people could live in some comfort and security, without having to fear
the sudden appearance of a Titan or a Giant. Even the place the good and bad should go to after death
has been arranged. It was time for men to be created. The gods delegated the creation of men to
Prometheus and Epimetheus. But Epimetheus have given the best gifts to the animals, until there was
no good left to men. He consulted his brother and Prometheus made men upright like the gods, and
gave them fire. And because of Prometheus’ love for mankind, when Zeus hid fire from men, he stole it
and gave it back. With this, Zeus was angry, and he chained Prometheus to a rock. The reason for
inflicting this torture was not only to punish Prometheus, but also to disclose a secret very important to
the lord of Olympus.
Hermes: Tell me, Prometheus, who is she? Who is the mother of the child who will dethrone Zeus?
Prometheus: Go tell Zeus this: Whatever you do, you won’t be able to persuade me that easily.
Hermes: Please, Prometheus, stop being stubborn! Just give me the name. Only one name. And all of
these torture will stop.
Prometheus: And what if I don’t?
Hermes: These… (Looks around) (Sigh) all of these tortures will just get worse. An eagle will come at day
and eat your liver, and at night your liver will grow back and this will go on and on. You will not die even
if you want to because of your immortality. The only escape to these torture is…
Prometheus: Is what?
Hermes: Is to just give me the name! Is that hard to do, Prometheus? I am trying to help you escape
these things!
Prometheus: If you are really trying to help me, why don’t you just free me from this chain?
Hermes: I… I can’t do that! Besides, only Zeus will be able to give you freedom. You know me,
Prometheus. You know me completely. I am just me. I am Hermes. I am the Greek god of commerce, son
of Zeus and Maia. Quick acting and cunning, I am able to move swiftly between the world of man and
the world of gods, acting as a messenger of the gods and the link between mortals and the Olympians. I
am the protector of travelers, thieves and athletes. I occasionally tricked the other gods for my own
amusement or in an effort to protect humans. With the ability to move freely between worlds, I also
served as the guide of the souls of the dead to the underworld and the afterlife.
Prometheus: And that is what we have in common! We both love mankind. We are here to protect
them. I believe that is enough reason for you to help me.
Hermes: No. Even I would have the chance to help you, I will not. I’d still choose to obey my father. But
you are my friend, Prometheus. And it would be better for all of us if you would stop this stubborn
silence and just tell me the name.
Prometheus: No, Hermes. I won’t. You know me as much as I know you. I am Prometheus. I am one of
the Titans, son of Iapetus and Clymene. During the Titanomachy, the war between the Titans and the
Olympian gods, I sided with Zeus, helping him to overthrow the old gods. Siding with the winning side, I
avoided being punished with the rest of the Titans and was therefore not sent to Tartarus, the
Underworld. I have served Zeus well and I believe that my suffering is utterly unjust and I will not give in
to brutal power no matter at what cost. I refuse to submit to cruelty and tyranny. Even if Zeus would hit
me with his thunderbolt, or let the earth shake, none of all this will break or even bend my will. Tell that
to Zeus.
Hermes: (sigh) I guess that I couldn’t persuade you anymore. (Sigh) So long, my friend. (Walks away,
then stop) Oh, and one more thing. Don’t wish for this agony of yours to end, not until a god would give
up his immortality and be willing to die in your stead. Farewell, Prometheus. (Finally walks away)
Narrator: And so, generations after, Chiron, a Centaur agreed to die in exchange of Prometheus’
freedom. Zeus approved this, but this is not yet the end of Prometheus’ suffering, for the eagle is still
(Sound effect of eagle descending swiftly, then after, a complete silence.) (Prometheus getting ready for
the eagle’s attack, closes his eyes hard and after realizing that the attack was interrupted, Opens his
eyes slowly, then looks around and sees Hercules, straight-faced)
Prometheus: Who… Who are you?
Hercules: Really? Are you actually asking me who am I? Did I heard you ask? Who am I?
Prometheus: I—
Hercules: How long have you been here anyway? How come you don’t know me?
Prometheus: Are you perhaps, Her- Hercules?
Hercules: Yes, that’s me! I am Hercules. Last mortal son of Zeus. I am best known as the strongest of all
mortals, and even stronger than many gods. I am often seen as a primitive, brutal, and violent man. I
impiously wounded some of the gods; I threatened a priestess of Apollo at Delphi when an answer to my
question is not forthcoming. Well, I created most of my own problems. However, viewing me as simply a
strong buffoon is unfair. I may have held grudges, but I would also do anything to help a friend. I am too
strong for anyone to force a punishment on me. Their view of me shifted considerable over time. The
early view focused on how badly I managed despite my obvious gifts. As time passed the focus shifted to
my virtues. (Then looks at Prometheus and saw him still chained) Correct me if I’m wrong but, is it true
that when a god die, you will receive your freedom?
Prometheus: Yes, indeed.
Hercules: But why are you still chained?
Prometheus: What do you mean?
Hercules: Try to move and escape.
Prometheus: What are you talking about?
Hercules: Just do it.
Prometheus: (he did move, and was surprise to found out that the chain is no longer connected to the
rock) what—How... how did this happen?
Hercules: Well, I’ll tell you on the way, but let’s get out of here first. (Then walks away together)
Narrator: Prometheus was freed from torture, and continued to live among the gods.
And so, the gods were living harmoniously with each other, doing their tasks and sometimes, helping
mortals. Until one day,
Demeter: Persephone, my daughter, would you promise to stay here until I return?
Persephone: Where are you going, Mother?
Demeter: I am picking some flowers to bring back to Olympus.
Persephone: Can I help you pick some flowers, Mother?
Demeter: Of course, Honey. I’ll be back. (Leaves)
(Persephone hums as she picks flowers, and puts them to her basket. Hades saw her and fell in love with
her at first sight.)
Zeus: Well, well, well, Hades. It’s been a long time since we saw each other.
Hades: Yes, indeed, my brother. I just went up to the surface because I am planning to go to Olympus.
Zeus: For what’s sake, my brother?
Hades: Nothing. For no reason at all. I just want to visit my family. Oh, I have something to ask you.
Zeus: What is it, my brother?
Hades: I want Persephone to be my wife.
Zeus: Persephone? Really? The daughter of Demeter?
Hades: Yes Zeus. What seems to be the problem?
Zeus: Nothing. I was just… surprised.
Hades: Well, she is fit to be my wife. I mean, look at her. She is sweet, kind, and obedient.
Zeus: What about her physical attributes?
Hades: You know Zeus, what matters most is the character.
Zeus: Of course you also need to consider the outside appearance so that you may know if you really are
perfect with each other.
Hades: She’s perfect. She has everything I am looking for. The word beautiful is not enough to describe
her. (Still looking at Persephone)
Zeus: (mumbles) Love is blind indeed.
Hades: What did you say?
Zeus: I said of course she is! Besides I am her father. If I am good looking, then same goes to her. Right?
Hades: Quit boosting up your ego, Zeus. Now, would you help me get Persephone?
Zeus: Okay brother. As you wish.
(Zeus walks up to Persephone)
Zeus: Hello my daughter.
Persephone: Greetings, my lord. (Kneels down)
Zeus: No need, Persephone. I am just looking for your mother. I have something to ask her.
Persephone: What is it my lord? I can just pass on the message if you want.
Zeus: I would love to. Just please tell her to look for the narcissus. I am planning to give it to someone
Persephone: My lord, is it okay for you to just entrust this task for me? I would be willing to do it since
my mother is nowhere else to be found.
Zeus: Why yes, thank you my daughter! Look for me at the Olympus.
Persephone: I will find it as soon as possible.
Zeus: I shall go now, Hera will be looking for me already. Farewell, Persephone. (Walks away)
(Persephone looks for the narcissus, and searching and searching until a flower attracted her.)
Persephone: Perhaps this is the narcissus. (Pulls it up from the root, then ground began to shake) (Lights
blink (open close open close)) (Persephone panics) What—what is going on? (Lights shut down) Aaaaah!
(Lights open) (Demeter rushes back to the place)
Demeter: Persephone? Persephone! My daughter where are you? (Looks around, Looking for
Persephone) Persephone! Persephone! (Saw Zeus) Zeus! Have you seen Persephone?
Zeus: Yes I did, a while ago.
Demeter: Did you see her go somewhere? I heard her cry and I returned here as soon as possible and
now she was nowhere to be found.
Zeus: I-I-I didn’t saw her going s-somewhere else. I-I just s-saw her h-here at this spot, where I’m s-
Demeter: Zeus, please help me to find my daughter. She is everything for me. And without her, I am
lost. I am nothing.
Zeus: Demeter that is not how a god should act. You could not be dependent on anyone. Even if it is
your daughter.
Demeter: Zeus, when you left me, Persephone was the only one that kept me going. I accepted my fate
when you returned to Hera. I need Persephone. She is my only treasure. Please Zeus, please help me
look for her.
Zeus: Demeter, you know for a fact that the moment I help you, my wife will get angry and jealous. And
this will result to no good. I’m sorry Demeter.
Demeter: I understand Zeus. But if you had any information about her, please let me know.
Zeus: I will, Demeter.
Narrator: Meanwhile, after the ground shook, Persephone was taken to a place she never knew of. She
was taken to the Underworld, the kingdom of Hades, and her soon to be home.
(Underworld scene) (Persephone waking up)
Persephone: (looks around) Where am I? What is this place?
Hades: (enters) It seems that you are awake already.
Persephone: Are you Hades? Is this the Underworld?
Hades: Yes it is, my love.
Persephone: my l-love?
Hades: Yes, Persephone. From now on. You will be my wife.
Persephone: Does that mean that I will be staying here, forever?
Hades: Yes.
Persephone: And… and that I will not see my mother again?
Hades: Sadly, yes.
Persephone: Oh. (Stares blankly at the air.) I didn’t even say goodbye. I hope she is okay up there.
Hades: Do not worry, Persephone. I will take care of you. I—
Thanatos: Well, well, well, who do we have here? A visitor from the surface! Well, hello, my dearest
Persephone: Who are you?
Thanatos: Well, let me have the honor to introduce myself, milady. I am Thanatos, the daemonic
representation of death in Ancient Greek mythology. I did not play a major part in Greek mythology and
rarely appeared in any stories, as I was mostly displaced by Hades, the god of the Underworld. I am the
son of Nyx and Erebus, while my twin brother was Hypnos. I was believed to be merciless and
indiscriminate, and both mortals and gods hated me. However, I could sometimes be outsmarted. Again,
I am Thanatos, the god of death itself.
Narrator: While Persephone was adapting the nature of the Underworld, Demeter is still looking for her
daughter, and wandered around for nine days. No mortals or even god were willing to help her. She
then came to the Sun, and it told her everything.
Demeter: (slaps Zeus) so this is the true reason why you refused to help me, huh? You were actually the
reason why she was taken away from me!
Zeus: What are you talking about?
Demeter: You can’t fool me now, Zeus. Not now that I know everything you did to me, and my daughter.
Zeus: I don’t know what you’re saying. Demeter, stop accusing me for something I didn’t--
Demeter: So you want me to explain it? Fine. You teamed up with Hades and you gave Persephone to
him as his wife! Without me knowing! And when I asked you if you saw my daughter at the time of the
earthquake, you lied to me! You ruined our life, Zeus. You and Hades. You ruined us, you ruined me. And
I guess I cannot give blessings to mortals and make them happy when I myself is devastated and angry. I
will make the ground barren and it’s all because of you, and your selfish acts. (Attempted to walk away.)
Zeus: (holds Demeter at the hand) you can’t do that, Demeter! All of them will die because of
starvation! Be selfless, Demeter!
Demeter: says the one who isn’t. Why can’t I do that? I am Demeter. The goddess of corn, grain, and the
harvest. I am the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. I make the crops grow each year; thus the first loaf of
bread made from the annual harvest is offered to me. I am the goddess of the earth, of agriculture, and
of fertility in general. Sacred to me are livestock and agricultural products, poppy, narcissus and the
crane. I am intimately associated with the seasons. I was also known for founding the Eleusinian
mysteries. These were huge festivals held every five years and very important events for many
centuries. Yet, little is known about them as those attending were sworn to secrecy. And because of
these, I have the choice to whether to withdraw harvest from mortals or no. You can’t stop me, not
unless you give me my daughter back. (Finally walks away)
Zeus: Demeter, wait! (follows Demeter)
Narrator: Demeter left Olympus, and stayed at the temple built for her. She was so devastated, and she
kept the earth barren for years. Zeus sent many gods to Demeter, one after another, to try to turn her
from anger. But Demeter wouldn’t listen to any of them. Finally, Zeus thought that his brother have to
give way. He sent Hermes to the underworld, and relayed the message to them. Persephone was happy,
because she knew that Hades needs to obey Zeus’ command. He made her ate pomegranate seeds,
knowing in his heart that if she did so, she must return to him. He then gave Persephone to Hermes, and
they both returned to the surface and went to Demeter. Demeter was so glad when she saw her
daughter, and they reunited. She became sad when Persephone told her mother about the
pomegranate seeds. Zeus then sent the oldest goddess, their mother, Rhea, to try to persuade Demeter.
And because of happiness, she finally made the fields flourish, and gave back everything that she
withheld from mankind.
Demeter: My daughter, it has been years since I last saw you. Would you mind to introduce yourself to
me again? I would love to know how you have been these past years. I would like to know you all over
Persephone: Why yes, my mother. I am Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter, and the queen of
the underworld. I was abducted by Hades, the god of the underworld, infuriating my mother who made
the crops wither and the earth barren. Zeus intervened and tried to bring me back to the world of the
living; however, I ate the seeds of a pomegranate that Hades gave me, binding me to him for one third
of the year. Thus, it was decided that I will spend four months in the underworld and eight months on
earth with my mother. The period in the underworld corresponded to the winter season, during which
Demeter would make the soils barren due to her grief, while my return marked the start of the spring.
Narrator: And so once again, the gods continued to live the way it is before, sometimes intervening in
the lives of the mortals. And before we move on with the most famous event of the Greek mythology,
there are some heroes that were known. An example is Hercules, which we have introduced a while ago.
Another is Perseus, who was famous for one thing he did.
Perseus: (monologue)
Narrator: And so, we are now moving to the most awaited part of this mythology- the Trojan War. This
all started at a wedding, and all of the gods, were invited to come.
(Merry songs, happy and noisy. Full of food and festivity)
King Peleus: Attention, my honorable guests! (Silence, except for Dionysus still shouting; drunk; Apollo
hushes him and Dionysus stops, smiles sheepingly, and then drinks again, and laughs to himself) I would
like to thank you all for coming to our wedding. This is actually sponsored by Zeus and the rest of the
Olympian gods. And for those who do not know us, I am King Peleus, the son of Aeacus, king of the
island of Aegina, and Endeis, an oread nymph. I am the recently married this nymph beside me, Thetis.
But before I met my wife, I experienced so much trouble in my life. I am one of the participants in the
Argonautic Expedition. In a hunting accident, I killed someone and had to flee. I reached Iolcus, where
the king’s wife fell in love with me. I denied her advances, and then she falsely accused me of doing
something bad to her. The king, took me into a forest where he abandoned me just before an attack by
centaurs. I was saved by Hermes, the messenger god. Years later, I met a beautiful sea nymph who was
able to change form. Aided by Proteus, I managed to win her heart. And here we are now.
Thetis: And I am today’s bride, Thetis. I was courted by both Zeus and Poseidon, but I married neither of
them, out of fear of a prophecy that said my son would surpass his father in glory. When Hephaestus,
the blacksmith god, was thrown from Olympus, it was I along with Eurynome that helped him and
placed him on the island of Lemnos. There, he worked for us as a blacksmith. I then met Peleus and fell
in love with him. (Looks at each other, and then smiles)
Peleus: Now, we are officially opening the party! (Dionysus shouts wohoooooo! And was succeeded by
other shouts and claps) (party song) (the gods and goddesses are scattered, laughing and talking to each
Hephaestus and Ares: Ares/Hephaestus have you seen Aphrodite?
Hephaestus and Ares: No I haven’t.
Hephaestus and Ares: You talk first.
Hephaestus and Ares: No you go first.
Hephaestus and Ares: Stop saying what I say! (Grunts)
Hephaestus: Why are you looking for my wife?
Ares: Why should I tell you?
Hephaestus: Because obviously, she is my wife.
Ares: It’s none of your business.
Hephaestus: Oh really? You never change Ares. You are still arrogant even after the humiliation I did to
expose your acts with my wife.
Ares: In addition and agreement of what you have said, I am Ares. I am the god of war, and son of Zeus
and Hera. I represent the raw violence and untamed acts that occurred in wartime, in contrast to
Athena, who was a symbol of tactical strategy and military planning. I am depicted as a violent
personality, and I faced humiliation through my defeats more than once. Because of this, I am disliked
by both of my parents. My father, Zeus hated me more than anyone else. As what Hephaestus is saying,
I am the lover of my sister, Aphrodite. Our union resulted in the birth of eight children, including Eros,
god of love.
Hephaestus: But without me, your strongest and best weapons won’t be made. I was the one who made
almost all of your weapons. I am Hephaestus. I am the Greek god of blacksmiths, sculptors, metallurgy,
fire and volcanoes; thus, I am symbolized with a hammer, an anvil and a pair of tongs. I am the son of
Zeus and Hera. However, Hera threw me from Olympus because I am crippled and I fell into the ocean
and was raised by Thetis and Eurynome. I was later accepted back to Olympus, and became the
craftsman of the gods, creating majestic armors, shields and weapons. (Turns to Ares) Do you realize,
that without me, you’re useless?
Ares: How would you say so?
Hephaestus: Without the weapons I gave you, your battles will always lose. Those mortals don’t know
how to make a weapon as strong as mine. And therefore, you’re useless without me.
Ares: (punches Hephaestus) Does it hurt?! See? Even without weapons, I am strong. I can use my
powerful fists in battle and I will never, ever need you for my battles!
Hephaestus: How dare you—
Athena: Stop the both of you! You two are making a scene! Aren’t you ashamed of what you have just
done? You ruined this wedding!
Hephaestus and Ares: He started it!
Hephaestus and Ares: No he started it!
Hephaestus and Ares: Stop saying everything I say!
(Dionysus steps out of the crowd)
Dionysus: (drunk talking) Isthaaap quarreling! Me is drinking. Me is sleepy. You is loud and is noisy.
(Sleeps) Let’s start the party again! Yiheeee (music starts again)
Dionysus: I love parties! Yes! Yippee! Me so happy and full! I is wonderful! I is Dionysus! I am the god of
fertility and wine, later considered a patron of the arts. I created wine and spread the art of viticulture. I
had a dual nature; on one hand, I brought joy and divine ecstasy; or I would bring brutal and blinding
rage, thus reflecting the dual nature of wine. I and my followers could not be bound by fetters. I am the
son of Zeus and Semele, and I was the only god with a mortal parent. I became one of the most
important gods in everyday life and was associated with several key concepts. One was rebirth after
death; my dismemberment by the Titans and my return to life was symbolically echoed in viticulture,
where the vines must be pruned back sharply, and then become dormant in winter for them to bear
fruit. Another concept was that under the influence of wine, one could feel possessed by a greater
power. Unlike other gods, I am not merely a god to be worshipped, but I was also present within my
followers; at those times, a man would possess supernatural powers and was able for things he would
not be able to do otherwise. (Because of drunkenness, he was about to fall, but Apollo caught him)
Apollo: Dionysus! I told you to stop drinking! Even if you are the god of wine, you should be drinking
Dionysus: (pulls away from Apollo) who are you to stop me? I cannot be stopped! I is a god! *hik* me is
an Olympian! Hahaha
Apollo: I am also an Olympian, Dionysus. In fact I am your brother! I am Apollo! (Catches Dionysus when
he was about to fall again) DIONYSUS!
Dionysus: Of course I know you! Do you think of me as a stupid god?
(At the back was Athena and Artemis talking and then Artemis saw them, and then bid goodbye to
Athena, and walked to Apollo and Dionysus)
Artemis: (Laughs at first, then gasps mockingly) Dionysus is drunk again, huh? Oh my. It should be very
hard to nurse him. Am I right, twin brother?
Apollo: (mocks back) Yes it is, my twin sister. Would you like to try replacing me? Besides, you were the
one who helped our mother give birth to me. I suppose that you have enough experience in the field of
Artemis: (smitten) well, sorry to say, brother, but that is beyond my responsibility. I definitely refuse the
offer. Besides, I have many things under me. And that job is not one of them.
Apollo: Oh really? Would you please enlighten me?
Artemis: It would be an honor. (Mockingly bows) I am Artemis. (Monologue)
Apollo: (claps) what you just said is true indeed. You may be the goddess of many things, but I believe
that I am more talented than you.
Artemis: I don’t think so, my brother.
Apollo: Do you want me to enumerate those to you?
Artemis: You are just boosting up your ego. Stop being boastful. Those things might be your greatest
Apollo: And because I refuse to listen to you, just as how Dionysus refused to listen to me,
Dionysus: Hey! I heard my name!
Apollo: (ignores Dionysus) I would be delighted to introduce myself and to show you that even though I
am younger than you, I can be better (Artemis stares) Okay, I am Apollo. The son of Zeus and Leto, twin
brother of Artemis. I am the god of music, and is often depicted playing a golden lyre. I am also known
as the Archer, far shooting with a silver bow, the god of light; and the god of truth. One of my most
important daily tasks was to harness his four-horse chariot, in order to move the Sun across the sky. I am
an oracular god, as I am the prophetic deity in the Oracle in Delphi. I am considered as the god of
healing and medicine, either through me or through my son Asclepius. At the same time, I could also
bring forth disease and plague with my arrows; it was considered that a god that can cause disease is
also able to prevent it. My holy tree is the laurel, and my holy animal is the dolphin. Happy?
Artemis: (Sarcastically) Yaaay! I am really happy for all of your achievements! (rolls eyes)
(Eris enters) (Claps mockingly)
Eris: Aww, you two are so adorable to watch. (All of the gods stopped everything they are doing)
(Artemis and Apollo aims their arrow at Eris) (Dionysus suddenly wakes up, then imitated Apollo and
Artemis’ pose, with his cup.) Hey, easy, you two. Oh. Hi there, Dionysus.
Dionysus: (holds down the cup) Hi! (Then saw Apollo again, and imitated its pose.)
Hermes: (goes to Eris) Eris, you are not welcomed here. Please don’t make any more trouble.
Eris: Easy, Hermes. I just want to see the bride and the groom! (Sees Thetis and Peleus) Hello,
newlyweds! Best wishes!
Thetis: Who are you?
Eris: Ouch. You don’t know me? Well, I would like to introduce myself to you all. My name is Eris. I am
the Greek goddess of chaos, strife and discord. I am the daughter of Zeus and Hera, others say I am the
daughter of Nyx (dark night) alone. My opposite was Harmonica. I had a son named Strife, whom I
brought along with me when I rode my chariot to war alongside Ares. Considered evil and war freak,
sadly, I was the only goddess not invited in this wedding.
Hermes: Now that you have seen them, can I escort you outside?
Eris: Okay, okay. (Walks, then stopped, remembering something.) Oops, I forgot something. I have a
special gift for all of you. (Throws the golden apple) Farewell, my fellow guests. (Laughs evilly)
Apollo: What is that?
Dionysus: (drunk) obviously, that is an apple. Hahaha! What is so special about that?
Artemis: It has something written in it.
Hephaestus: It says… (Squints eye, trying to read) “To the fairest.”
(As soon as they heard the inscription, Athena, Hera and Aphrodite immediately ran to the apple)
Athena: Give it to me! I should get that apple!
Hera: No I should!
Aphrodite: What makes you think you two are the fairest? I should get the apple!
Hera: (gets the apple for herself) this apple is mine. I have all the rights to claim it. Do you all know why?
Because I am the golden-throned Hera. I am the supreme goddess, patron of marriage and childbirth,
having a special interest in protecting married women. I am Zeus' wife and sister, and was raised by the
Titans Oceanus and Tethys. My sacred animals are the cow and the peacock. Others call me as the chief
of beauty, a glorious lady that even Zeus honored it. I often interfered with Zeus's plans and I am often
able to outwit him. And with him, I had 6 children, two of whom were part of the deities of Olympus.
And the rest of his children are not with me. Our marriage is turbulent and we often clash I--
Athena: And so? I don’t care if you are the legal wife as they say it, but you don’t get privileges as much
as I do. (Gets the apple from Hera’s hand) I am Athena. The Greek virgin goddess of reason, intelligent
activity, arts and literature. I am the protector of civilized life, of handicrafts and agriculture and the
inventor of bridle, who first tamed horses for men to use. I am the first born daughter of Zeus, and also
his favorite child. I am also allowed to carry his weapons like the aegis, his buckler and even his
thunderbolt. Fully grown and in a full set of armour, I sprang out of Zeus’ head. Of the three virgin
goddesses I am the chief and was called the Maiden and Parthenos. And because of this, I became the
goddess of intelligence and wisdom. I am fierce and brave in battle; however, I only took part in wars
that defended the state and home from outside enemies. I am the embodiment of wisdom, reason, and
purity. My special city is Athens, my holy tree is the olive tree and I am often symbolized as an owl.
Aphrodite: You know, you two are quarreling over something that both of you wouldn’t get. I mean, it’s
actually obvious who really deserve the apple. It’s me. Already proven by my physical attributes. I am
Aphrodite. The goddess of love, desire and beauty. Apart from my natural beauty, I also had a magical
girdle that compelled everyone to desire me. I am the daughter of Zeus and Dionne, the mother goddess
worshipped at the Oracles of Dodona. I am the mother of Eros, or most commonly known as Cupid. My
holy tree was the myrtle, while my holy birds are the dove, the swan, and the sparrow. I represent
affection, and the attraction that binds people together.
Hera: Is that all you got? Aphrodite? I won’t be the supreme goddess for no reason at all. And that is
why I deserve the apple!
Aphrodite: Are you that desperate, Hera? To the point that you would use your title and power to get
what you want? You don’t even deserve that title of yours. Do you know why? Because Zeus doesn’t
love you. He was just forced to marry you and the truth is, he’s so sick of you interfering everything. He
Hera: Stop.
Aphrodite: You heard Athena a while ago right? Do you even wonder why Zeus never allowed you to
use or even carry his weapons? Given that you are his rightful wife? Face it Hera. He never—(Hera slaps
Aphrodite) How dare you! (Slaps Hera) (Hera grabs Aphrodite’s hair and starts quarrelling)
Hestia: Stop it you two!
(Both of them stops, glaring at each other.)
Hestia: You both are quarrelling for an apple? Are you that childish huh? Especially you, Hera? (Quiets) If
you claim yourself the supreme goddess, you should act like one.
Hera: She sta—
Hestia: I don’t care who started it. You are second to the highest among gods, following our mother. You
among everyone should act decent as possible, especially at a party like this. I am so disappointed.
(Sighs) For those of you who don’t know me, I am Hestia. The goddess of the hearth, family, and
domestic life. I am not worshipped publicly, which is evident by the lack of temples and shrines
attributed to me; this comes in contrast to the Roman equivalent goddess Vesta, who represented the
public hearth. My name meant both a house and a hearth, symbolizing the home and its residents. I also
represented the coalition and relationship between the colonies and the mother cities. I am Zeus' sister,
but although initially I am included in the Olympian gods, I was replaced by Dionysus. I took a vow to
remain a virgin, refusing to give in to the callings of Poseidon and Apollo.
Dionysus: Hey I heard my name agaaaaaain!
Apollo: Dionysus!
Athena: Are you done with that childish acts of yours? This won’t be resolved by pulling each other’s
hair and telling rubbish facts.
Hera: And what would you suggest we do, goddess Athena? It seems that you are thinking of a way to
resolve this since you are the goddess of intelligence and wisdom.
Athena: Well, why don’t we ask a god we three have in common, the mighty Zeus?
(Everyone turns their attention to Zeus)
Zeus: W-what?
Artemis: That is actually a great idea. (High five)
Aphrodite: My lord, between the three of us, who do you think deserve this golden apple, and be
considered as the fairest of all goddesses?
Zeus: Uhm, (tries to pick) (sighs, undecided). I didn’t know this would be hard. (Sigh) Well, why don’t you
ask Paris, the prince of Troy?
(The people parted, revealing Paris eating and trying to get another piece of a food, then when he
realize that they are all looking at him, he suddenly stops, then laughs nervously)
Paris: Uhm… yes?
Zeus: Paris, I am appointing you to decide which of the three you think is the fairest.
Paris: bu—wha—WH-Why me?
Zeus: Because I believe that you are a great judge of beauty, my friend. And I know that you would
choose who deserve it best without bias because you are not related to them in any way possible.
Hera: Pick me, Paris. And I will make you ruler over all Europe and Asia.
Athena: No, Pick me, Paris. And if you do, I will give you skills in war and you will lead the Trojans into
victory every time they fight, and you will be able to lay Greece in ruins.
Aphrodite: Be wise, Paris. Pick me, and I will give you the most beautiful woman on earth.
Paris: (looks at Aphrodite) the most beautiful woman?
Aphrodite: Yes indeed.
Paris: Okay. I have decided.
Zeus: What is it?
Paris: I would pick this goddess because of her beauty standing out from the rest, and I believe that I will
be very much happy and contented of what she will give me in return. This goddess is... (Drumroll)
Aphrodite. (The crowd roars and cheers for Aphrodite, as Paris gave the golden apple to her.)
Aphrodite: You are indeed what they say, Paris. You really are a great judge of beauty.
Paris: I am indeed. Now, when do I get my prize?
Aphrodite: Soon, Paris. Soon. Just wait for the perfect timing.
Narrator: The woman Aphrodite was talking about is none other than Helen. She indeed is the most
beautiful woman on earth, as shown by her many suitors. When they assembled in her home to make a
formal proposal for her hand they were so many that her reputed father, King Tyndareus, her mother’s
husband, was afraid to select one among them, fearing that the others might unite against him. One of
them was Odysseus, a suitor who had an idea to resolve this and therefore, he went to Tyndareus to let
him know this proposal of him, and the king agreed.
Odysseus: (Goes out from the curtain) (boys outside talking to each other) Okay, guys! Quiet down and
listen to me! (No one listen) (Shouts) Attention please! (No one listens) (Sighs and then shouts) A
MESSAGE FROM THE KING! (Noise dies down) (Attentions on Odysseus) Okay. I would like to introduce
myself. I am Odysseus. The son of Laertes and Anticlea, and is well known as an eloquent speaker,
ingenious and cunning. I am the great-grandson of the Olympian god Hermes. I have a younger sister,
Ctimene, who went to Same to be married. "for he has much been prayed for." Autolycus apparently in
a sardonic mood, decided to give the child, which is me, a name that would commemorate his own
experience in life. Thus getting my name, Odysseus. So I suggested something to the king a way to
resolve this problem. But first, I would like all of you to pledge to protect Helen and whoever his
husband would be at all cost. Repeat after me. I, (repeat) State your name (obeys) pledge to protect
Helen (repeats) and whoever his husband would be (repeats) at all cost. (Repeats) Okay, so what I
suggested is for all of us to draw lots. Whoever gets the lucky straw will be Helen’s husband, and will be
king of Sparta. So, let’s start! (They draw lots and Menelaus got the lucky straw) SO whoever got the
straw with a yellow tip, then he will be the lucky guy. Whoever got the yellow tip lot, please come to the
front. (No one goes) Anyone? (Menelaus stands, then goes to the front.) Who are you, mister?
Menelaus: My name is Menelaus.
Odysseus: (turns to the crowd) please welcome, the heir to the king’s throne and the husband of Helen,
Menelaus! LONG LIVE THE KING! LONG LIVE THE KING (others chant as well)
Narrator: And so, to claim what is rightfully his, Paris then asked Aphrodite about his prize- the most
beautiful woman in the world. Forgetting Oenone, a nymph in which he was inlove with at that time,
Paris is eager to get his prize.
Paris: Aphrodite, how much longer do I have to wait for me to get what you have promised me? It’s
been years!
Aphrodite: It is not yet time. Just wait a little longer.
Paris: I have been waiting all these years and yet I wasn’t able to have what should be mine! I should’ve
known better. You actually don’t have the intention to give me the woman, Am I correct?
Aphrodite: I didn---
Paris: I guess I should’ve picked Athena. I know that she will give me those skills right away unlike you, I
have to—
Aphrodite: Stop it, Paris! Okay, okay. I will give you what I have promised. Come, follow me. (Paris
follows Aphrodite, then she stops.) Oh wait! I almost forgot. Eros! (Eros shouts at the other side)
Eros: What?!
Aphrodite: Come with me, I need you for our mission today.
Eros: I need to rest first! I’m very tired!
Aphrodite: You could continue the nap when we go back. Faster!
Eros: (Eros grunts, and then enter) Where are we going?
Aphrodite: To claim his prize.
Eros: Prize? For what?
Aphrodite: Ugh. Do I have to tell you everything?
Eros: I should know. It would be nice if all of us knew what or where are we going, not just the two of
you. Besides, you are the one asking me a favor, right?
Aphrodite: Okay. So, we are going to go to Sparta, and get the most beautiful woman in the world,
Helen. It is all because of what I promised Paris in order for him to pick me as the fairest among
goddesses. (Looks at Paris, who is so much bored) Oh, Paris. This is Eros, my---
Eros: I am Eros. The Greek god of love, or more precisely, passionate and physical desire. Without
warning I select my targets and forcefully strike at their hearts, bringing confusion and irrepressible
feelings and ‘loosening the limbs and weakening the mind’. I am the son of Aphrodite and Ares. I was
often depicted as a blindfolded male, who, carrying my bow and arrow, could target any human being
and make them fall in love with the first person they would see. I am married to Psyche, and we had a
daughter, Hedone. It was I who lit the flame of love in the hearts of the gods and men. I am often
portrayed as the disobedient but fiercely loyal child of Aphrodite. My attributes were varied--from the
usual bow and arrows, to the gifts of a lover such as a hare, sash, or flower. I am always conceived and
is always represented as a handsome youth, a wanton boy, of whom a thousand tricks and cruel sports
are related, and from whom neither gods nor men were safe. I tame lions and tigers, break the
thunderbolts of Zeus, deprives Heracles of his arms, and carries on my sport with the monsters of the
sea. The things sacred to me are the rose, wild beasts which are tamed by him, the hare, the cock, and
the ram. I am also—
Paris: (-_-) Are you done? I just want to inform you that we’re running out of time! Why are you here by
the way?
Aphrodite: We need Eros and his arrows for Helen to fall in love with you. So here’s the plan.
Narrator: And so the three of them went to Sparta, with the plan Aphrodite has. They found Menelaus
and Helen at the palace, currently busy because the king, which is Menelaus at that time, is setting out
for a mission far away.
Aphrodite: Remember, Paris, only you would be able to see me and Eros. So that means—
Paris: Of course I know what that means. You have reminded me exactly fifty-seven times!
Eros: We are just making sure that the plan would work, you know.
Paris: K. (Rolls Eyes)
Aphrodite: Quit acting like a child both of you! Paris, Again—
Paris: (turns his back to them and started going to the entrance of the palace)
Aphrodite: Paris! (Follows him, together with Eros) (Paris talks to the guard, and then escorts him to the
palace proper.)
Guard: (Facing the king) my lord, There is someone who would like to have a word with you.
Menelaus: Who is it? (Paris steps out from the back of the guard)
Paris: Allow me to introduce myself to you, my king, and to those who don’t know me. I am Paris. I am
the son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. Before I was born, my mother saw a dream in which
her child was a flaming torch. The explanation to the dream that was given by the seer Aesacus was that
the yet unborn child would be the doom of Troy. Aesacus also said on the day of my birth that a child
born of royals that day should be killed in order to save the kingdom. However, my parents could not kill
me, and instead gave me to a herdsman so that he would do the deed. The herdsman, also unable to kill
me, left me to die on Mount Ida. (Faces Menelaus) I am here to ask you a favor.
Menelaus: And what is it?
Paris: I would like you, my king, to take me into your kingdom as a man seeking refuge.
Menelaus: And why should I do that?
Paris: Because of my royal blood, my relatives are looking for me, the only heir left to the throne, to kill
me like what they did to my parents. I fled from Troy, until I reached Sparta. I want to regain my
strength first and think of a strategy on how I should defeat my enemies with the help of those who are
loyal to our family. As soon as I am ready, I would eventually leave this kingdom at peace and will
reward you someday for your kindness if we succeed.
Menelaus: No need to return the favor, Paris. I am accepting you as a refugee, and therefore you can
make or get anything you need for your attack.
Paris: Thank you for your favor, my king. Only a small room would be fit for my stay here.
Menelaus: No, Paris. As our refugee, we must give you what you deserve. And because of your royal
blood as you have said it, you may sleep at any room at the palace.
Paris: But—
Menelaus: No buts and excuses. I insist, Paris. You are a guest, so we should be treating you as one.
Paris: Thank you my king! I will certainly not forget you and your kindness someday.
Menelaus: It is okay, Paris. No need to—
Guard: My king, the chariot is ready.
Menelaus: I think it is time for me to go.
Paris: Where are you going, my lord?
Menelaus: I am going around other kingdoms to transact business with them. I’ll be back after three
months probably. Feel free and at home in here, Paris. Farewell.
Paris: So long, my king. May the gods guide you and protect you on your journey.
(Menelaus leaves with the guards) (Paris is left with Aphrodite and Eros)
Eros: Good job, Paris! You are indeed a great actor! (Raises hand for a high five but Paris didn’t respond
so he receives it with his other hand) (Rolls eyes)
Aphrodite: Okay Eros. The moment you see Helen, you know what to do. Shoot the arrow first to Paris,
Then to Helen. Got it?
Eros: You don’t need to remind me again and again. I know what to do. (Sees Paris walking back and
forth) What are you doing there?
Paris: Walking.
Eros: Hey, answer me properly!
Paris: How would I answer properly if you are giving me a sarcastic question?
Aphrodite: Stop it you two!
Paris: (sighs) Sorry for being hot headed. I was just thinking of what I will say when I meet Helen. Should
I introduce myself first or should I act like I don’t--- wait, how does she looks like? How would I know if
the woman I am talking to is Helen already? What if I forgot to speak? What if---
Aphrodite: Relax, Paris! Do I need to remind you of what the plan is?
Paris: No that’s okay. I do remember the plan. It’s just that… I’m just nervous.
Paris: Why are you laughing?!
Eros: If you could see your face right now, you would probably laugh also. (Tries not to laugh, then burst
out of laughter)
Paris: What does my face looks like?
Eros: It’s like the day you would meet Hades. (Laughs) Now you’re as red as a tomato! (Laughs)
Paris: Stop teasing me! (Eros laughs even harder) (Paris goes to Eros then locks Eros’ head in his arms)
(Helen enters while holding a baby)
Helen: Uhm, mister?
(Paris suddenly stops, and Eros falls, and then Paris turns to Helen)
Helen: Excuse me, but who are you talking to, a while ago? (Paris, awestruck, didn’t talk)
Aphrodite: Eros! The plan!
Eros: Oh yes! Yes. (Scampers, and then aims at Paris, and successfully hits him.) I can’t hit Helen!
Aphrodite: Why?
Eros: She’s moving! I can’t just shot an arrow! It’s irrevocable!
Aphrodite: Paris! Say something!
Paris: Oh, yes! Uhm… Ahhh… Uhm… H-hi!
Helen: Oh, hello! I have no intention of being rude but, may I ask your name?
Paris: Oh. I’m Paris, the prince of Troy. I am here as a refugee, my lady.
Helen: Hi, Paris, I am Helen, the queen of Sparta, and this is my daughter, Hermione.
(Handkerchief falls and then Paris picks it up, because Helen is having a hard time to pick it up. Paris
then gives the handkerchief to Helen, and their hands touched, and they looked at each other, and
Narrator: With that touch, helped by Eros’ arrows, they fell in love with each other. After some time,
they grew closer to each other. With that, Paris asked Helen if she would agree to elope with him, leave
Sparta, and be together for the rest of their life.
Paris: (strums guitar) Helen, listen to this song. (Sings Youth) What if, What if we run away? What if
What if we left today? What if we said goodbye to safe and sound? What if What if we're hard to find?
What if What if we lost our minds? What if we let them fall behind, and they're never found. Helen, will
you… runaway with me?
Helen: I… I don’t know. You see, I have a daughter, I can’t just leave her alone! Also, now that Menelaus
is not present, I am the ruler of this kingdom. What if--
Paris: (holds Helen’s hand) don’t you trust me?
Helen: I... do. But---
Paris: You don’t need to worry about everything. This will go everything smoothly and quickly. (Holds
Helen’s face) I love you. With all my heart, and with everything that is left in me.
Helen: I… I love you too. And I am willing to be go wherever you go, ‘till death do us part.
Paris: (Smiles) Meet me later at the garden at midnight. Only get what you need. Farewell, my love.
Helen: Take care, Paris.
Narrator: And so, their plan was successful. They went to Paris’ hometown, the city of Troy. They went
there and Paris introduced Helen as his wife. Meanwhile, on the palace, Menelaus came back to found
out that his wife is now gone. Furious, he invoked the oaths of Helen’s former suitors, thus, creating an
army. But two important people is missing: Odysseus, the King of the island of Ithaca, and Achilles, the
son of King Peleus and the nymph Thetis. Odysseus, who was one of the shrewdest and most sensible
men in Greece, did not want to leave his house and family to embark on a romantic adventure overseas
for the sake of a faithless woman. He pretended that he had gone mad, and when a messenger of the
Greek army arrived, the King was plowing a field and sowing it with salt instead of seed. But the
messenger was shrewd too. He seized Odysseus’ little son and put him directly in the way of the plow.
Instantly, the father turned the plow aside, thus proving that he had all his wits about him. However
reluctant, he had to join the army. Achilles, on the other hand, was kept back by his mother, knowing
that if he went to Troy, he is fated to die there. His mother, made him wear woman’s clothes and hid
among the maidens. Odysseus was sent by the army to get Achilles, and disguised as a peddler, he went
to the court where the lad was said to be, with gay ornaments in his pack such as what women love, and
also fine weapons. While the girls flocked around the trinkets, Achilles fingered the swords and daggers,
and at that moment Odysseus knew it was him, and went back to Greeks along with Achilles. At last, the
Greek army is complete, and the Trojan War is about to start.
(Sound effects of Trojan War)
Thousand ships carried a great host of fighting men and the Greek Army was very strong, but the Trojan
City was strong too. The King and the queen had many to lead the attack and to defend the walls. For
nine years victory wavered, now to this side, now to that. Neither was ever to gain any decided
advantage. Then a quarrel between two heroes, Achilles and Agamemnon, both in the Greek Army,
suddenly rose because of another woman. This resulted to death of some of their soldiers. Because of
this, Thetis, the mother of Achilles, got as mad as Achilles himself.
Thetis: You picked up a fight with your comrades, Achilles? What have you done?
Achilles: I did not pick a fight! I just did what I think is right. I gave back Chryseis back to her father so
that Apollo could stop the pestilence he has given upon us and that we may focus on the war against the
Trojans. And now, he took my maiden in replacement of Chryseis. Unbelievable, right?
Thetis: This would have been better if you just listened to me.
Achilles: No mother. I am not afraid of whatever prophecy is said about my life. Whether I die or survive
in this war, the important thing is I did my best, and I am proud to say that I am part of either the victory
or defeat of this army. Don’t interfere with my decisions, mother. I don’t need you
Thetis: You don’t need me anymore? Fine. I’m done here. Just remember Achilles. You will face
consequences of every decision you make. I guess I have nothing to do now in here. (Leaves)
Narrator: Thetis then went up to Olympus, to ask a favor to the Olympian gods, most specifically to
Zeus. (The Olympian gods and goddesses Zeus, Ares, Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hera, Apollo and
Poseidon is present.)
Thetis: Zeus. I need your help.
Zeus: What is it, Thetis?
Thetis: Would you promise to help me?
Zeus: It depends on the request. State it.
Thetis: My son, Achilles refused to listen to me, and told me that he doesn’t need me anymore. And
because I don’t have any business with the Greeks anymore, I decided to go to you and ask you to…
grant the Trojans the overall victory.
Hera: What? That is not possible! Greeks are more powerful than the Trojans. They are known all over
the world and indeed they have so much influences.
Poseidon: I agree. Also, they are great sailors and I can sense that they are indeed strong and fierce in
battle. Besides, Odysseus is on their side. Also, with Diomedes and Anchises themselves, It would be
hard for the Trojans to defeat them.
Apollo: But the Trojans have Hector. And I believe that Hector is smarter and stronger than those three
Athena: No, Apollo. Troy is destined to fall. As the prophecy have said, Paris would be the reason for
this. It would have been prevented if he chose to give me the apple. The war will probably happen, but I
will give him enough strength and skills to lead those Trojans into victory.
Artemis: Well, I guess that is where we’ll disagree, my friend. Even without Hector, Priam and Hecuba
also have many sons who can defend the country from outside enemies. They are not that weak as you
think of them.
Ares: Also, Troy have the best walls around the boundaries. It would be hard for the Greeks to surpass
them. Paris is not a loss for the Trojans.
Narrator: As the gods and goddesses defend their sides, Zeus have decided to agree with Thetis, but he
remained silent and did not stop the others in debating over which who is deserving to win. Hera,
noticing his silence, knew what he was thinking, and he threatened Hera by telling her that he would lay
hands upon her if she did not stop talking. So she kept silent, thinking of ways how to make the Greeks
win the war. Meanwhile on the battlefield, a great match is happening. The match between Paris and
Menelaus: It’s been a long time, my friend. Or should I say traitor?
Paris: You may think of whatever you may call me but I will never give Helen back to you.
Menelaus: Let’s just finish this.
(Fighting begins, Paris throwing his spear, but Menelaus caught this and then hurled it back to Paris. It
rented Paris’ tunic, but it didn’t wound him. Menelaus draw out his sword, but the sword fell from his
hand, broken. He then attacked Paris. Seizing him and dragging him using a rope. Aphrodite cuts the
rope, and smoke effect, Aphrodite takes Paris away. Menelaus grunts, and leaves)
Narrator: As the Greeks and the Trojans fight with each other, the gods and goddesses are present
among them, helping their sides. When the Greeks are almost defeated, Patrocolus, a beloved friend of
Achilles saw this and asked Achilles if he could borrow his armor. Achilles agreed, and also gave him his
men. Patrocolus killed many Trojans with Achilles’ armor until he came face to face with Hector, and
gave him mortal wound, and he died. A messenger then came to Achilles to report what happened.
Messenger: My lord, with my utmost sadness, I am here to report you that your friend Patrocolus is
killed by Hector and he also have your armor.
Achilles: What? Patrocolus is dead?
Messenger: Yes, my lord.
Achilles: You may go.
(Achilles gets ready for the battle)
(Thetis enters)
Thetis: What is happening?
Achilles: Patrocolus is now dead and I am going to kill Hector for this. I will avenge my friend.
Thetis: Don’t go, my son. You know for a fact that you—
Achilles: I know, mother. I know it since the day I went here and disobeyed you. And I will accept
whatever my death would be after I kill Hector. Don’t worry about me, mother. I know that every time I
go out to fight, there is a possibility that I may die. I know the consequences. And I am ready to face
Thetis: Well then, just wait until morning. I will bring you arms fashioned by the divine armorer,
Achilles: As you wish, my mother. (Hugs Thetis)
Narrator: The next morning, Achilles found his comrades eating, but refused to eat and just waited for
them to finish, and then led the army. This will be the last battle between two great champions, as all
the immortals knew. As they were fast approaching, Achilles drowned, and his army was left on the
other side. Luckily, he survived, and then went ahead. He arrived at the gates of Troy, and there stood
Hector outside. He knew that this would be his end. Athena was with Achilles, but Apollo has left Hector,
and now he was alone. As Achilles was fast approaching, Hector got scared and then ran away. Athena
made him stop, and couldn’t move. She then appeared beside him as his brother Deiphobus, and with
this ally he thought, Hector faced Achilles.
Hector: If I kill you, I will give back your body to your friends and do the same thing with me.
Achilles: (smirks) Madman. There is no covenant between sheep and wolves, nor between you and me.
(Achilles throws his spear, and misses its aim. True Athena brings it back, Hector throws his spear, and
the spear hit the center of Achilles shield.)
Hector: Deiphobus, the spear! (Looks at his side, to found out that his brother is nowhere to be found.
Looks at Athena beside Achilles, with his disguised brother) (bows down his head) the gods have
summoned me to death. At least I will not die without a struggle, but in some great deed of arms which
men yet to be born will tell each other. (Draws out his sword, and rushes to Achilles, But Achilles draws
his spear, making Hector fall) Please… A-Achilles… give my… body to… m-my… mother and… f-father.
Achilles: No prayers from you to me, you dog.
(Hector gives his final breath)
Athena: Good job, Achilles. You have won this battle.
Achilles: Thank you for helping me.
Athena: My pleasure. Now I must go back, for I have many things to do in Olympus. Farewell, Achilles.
(Achilles sits down, and closes his eyes) (Paris enters, with Apollo on his side.)
Paris: Is that Achilles?
Apollo: Yes he is. He who killed your brother Hector.
Paris: My brother… is dead?
Apollo: Yes. Such brave warrior has been killed by Achilles. You must avenge him!
Paris: But how would I do that? I can’t even throw a spear properly!
Apollo: Don’t worry. I will guide you. Use my bow and arrow. (Gets it, then positions the bow and arrow)
Aim it at the heel.
Paris: The heel? Why?
Apollo: Because that is the only way for him to die.. When he was a child, he was dipped into the river of
Styx thus making him immortal. But his mother didn’t realize that his heel was left mortal because it was
where his mother held him. So the only way to kill him is by this.
Paris: But---
Apollo: Think of your brother. Think of those Trojans whom Achilles have killed. Their souls are crying
out for revenge! Do it!
Narrator: Paris let go of the arrow, and it hit Achilles’ heel. Because the arrow was poisonous, it
immediately killed him. Paris then ran away to leave and escape. After sometime, Paris was killed by
Prince Philoctetes, by his bow and arrow. Paris then pleaded him to send him to Oenone, who lived on
Mount Ida, his lover before he eloped with Helen. Oenone refused to heal him, still angry for leaving
her. Oenone watched Paris died, then grieved and killed herself. As for Helen, she was saved by
Aphrodite during the Trojan War and gave her back to Menelaus. And together, they again ruled Sparta,
with their daughter, Hermione.
And now, please welcome, the heroes of the Trojan War, as they introduce themselves to us
including the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen of Troy.
Helen: I am Helen of Troy. I am the daughter of Zeus and Leda, and my step-father was King Tyndareus
of Sparta. The twin sister of Clytemnestra, and sister of the twin brothers Castor and Pollux, also known
as the Dioscuri. I was considered to be the most beautiful woman in the known world, the face that
launched a thousand ships. Initially I was abducted by the hero Theseus, who left me in the protection of
his mother Aethra while he was away adventuring. During that time, Athens was invaded by the Spartan
army led by Castor and Pollux, taking me back and capturing Aethra instead. Later, a number of suitors
tried to win my hand, eventually Menelaus being the victor. All suitors, though, were bound by an oath
to assist, in case I would be abducted in the future. My marriage to Menelaus, king of Sparta, made me
ascend to the throne of the city as a queen. We had a daughter, Hermione, and three sons, Aethiolas,
Maraphius and Pleisthenes. Our marriage marked the beginning of the end for the age of heroes, which
was Zeus' decision and was brought upon with the culmination of events to the Trojan War. Again, I am
Helen of Troy, The face that launched a thousand ships.

Menelaus: I am Menelaus. I am the king of Sparta, husband of Helen. I am one of the main characters
involved in the Trojan War. My parents were Atreus and Aerobe, while my brother was Agamemnon
who ruled over the city of Mycenae. I was one of the many suitors of Helen, and when Odysseus made
us take an oath to protect the future husband of Helen at all cost. He then suggested to draw lots, and
luckily, I was chosen to be Helen’s husband. We then had a daughter named Hermione. When Helen
eloped with Paris, the prince of Troy, I was furious. I invoked the oath of all the suitors of Helen, and we
fought against the people of Troy.

Achilles: I, Achilles is a hero in Greek mythology and one of the main characters that participated in the
Trojan War. I am the son of Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, and Thetis, a nymph. Both Zeus and
Poseidon were in love with my mother, Thetis, however Prometheus warned them of a prophecy that
said the son of Thetis would be greater than his father; so, the two gods decided to withdraw, and King
Peleus ended up marrying her. When I was born, my mother wanted to make me immortal and thus,
dipped me in the river Styx. However, she did not realize that my heel, by which she held me, was not
touched by the waters, and so that was the only part of my body that remained mortal.

Hector: I am Hector. I am a Trojan prince and the greatest fighter for Troy in the Trojan War. As the first-
born son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, who was a descendant of Dardanus and Tros, the founder of
Troy, I am a prince of the royal house and the heir apparent to my father's throne. I am married to
Andromache, with whom I had a son, Astyanax. I acted as the leader of the Trojans and their allies in the
defense of Troy, "killing 31,000 Greek fighters", offers Hyginus. I am known not only for my courage but
also for my noble and courtly nature. I am peace-loving, thoughtful as well as bold, a good son, husband
and father, and without darker motives. I am martyr to loyalties, a witness to the things of this world, a
hero ready to die for the precious imperfections of ordinary life.
Odysseus: I am Odysseus. The one who led the Greeks into victory. It was I who thought of using a large
wooden horse in order to enter the city of Troy and attack them from within. We then ambushed them
and that is the reason for the fall of Troy.

Paris: As you all know, I am Paris. The brother of the mighty Hector. He was killed by Achilles, and so I
have to avenge him. The Trojan war started because of my judgement.

Narrator: And that ends the story that once was a great part in the lives of the Greeks. Presented to you
by our very own, Grade 10- St. John students. Once again,

Gods: We are the gods,

Goddesses: goddesses,

Others: and heroes



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