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I would like to introduce myself as a student with natural aptitude a sense of logic
and the one who believes in "learning by doing". I am a Mechanical Engineer with
a Bachelor’s degree from BML Munjal University, Haryana, India and would like to
pursue Mechanical Techniques-Industrial Maintenance.

As a child growing up in India, car was a luxury, manual transmissions and

manually operated windows were great. Now cars have all kinds of sensors
(basically are computer driven) for safety and comfort and I believe pretty soon
we will have driverless cars in high volumes. This proliferation of the technologies
in automobiles has fascinated me and led me to study Mechanical Engineering in
my bachelors. I have special affinity for drive trains and how the latest
technologies can be integrated into the fundamental drive trains of an

As part of my undergraduate studies, I successfully completed few relevant

courses related to my interest in addition to all the requirements and scored
8.8/10 in 10th , 81.7% in 12th and 5.49/10 in my under graduation,. Along with the
coursework I was able to gain industry experience through a two month
internship at REVL(Rane Engine Valves Limited.) that is one of the top
manufacturer of IC Engine Valves in India. Through this opportunity I was able to
learn about design and manufacturing process for mass production. I was able to
not only see how valves are designed for performance but also see how they are
manufactured. I performed my major project at BHARAT FORGE LTD. This is the
top forging and machining company in India. I learned about new technologies in
castings and. In addition, from a very young age I spent time in my father’s engine
boring business and have developed many hands-on traditional skills. I believe a
combination of this kind of practical skills with academic knowledge gained
through higher education is the best preparation to take on innovation and new
product development. Presently I am working at Sri Venkateshwara Gear wheels,
they manufacture gears and gear box for industrial purpose. Here I am assigned
as an assistant engineer trainee, my responsibility is to follow up the process of
jobs which are delivered to SIEMENS (Aurangabad, Maharashtra).

There was shift in my life when I was away from my family with whom I was since
eighteen years to pursue my bachelors degree, In starting years I used to feel
home sick and would not be able to focus on my academics this is the reason for
my securing low GPA. When I got habituated to this from then on I was securing
above average grades. Because to achieve any goal we have to go through the
odds. This was a great learning for me and I am pretty sure that I will not be
repeating this again.

I initially came to know about your Institution through my uncle and after careful
study of the details (especially from your website), I believe that your graduate
certification program will be a great fit for me as I want to complete a hands-on
program in Mechanical Techniques that can not only provide me academic but
research/co-op opportunities. The main reason I chose to study in The Canada
because, the country is land full of opportunities where every person can achieve
their dreams. It has diverse culture and treat international students friendly. The
best part of Canadian education system is they impart education through more
practical means (hands-on-learning) than theoretical. In India majority of the
subjects are theory based where a student may not understand the subject in
depth and also has less infrastructure than Canada. My future plans after
completing my course is to get some practical exposure and experience in the
field work and come back to my Country to take care of my parents and as well
support my father in his business. I strongly believe that under the guidance of
your exceptional faculty and excellent research facilities, I can get well prepared
to join and innovate in the automotive industry in India as well as develop my
father’s Business.

In brief I want to say that I am keen to join your university. I would work with
diligence and commitment if given an opportunity in the graduate program of
your college. So I want to say that I would give my best to meet the standards of
your college and it will be my privilege to be a graduate student in your
Institution. I request that my application be considered even if there is a slight
chance for admission with financial aid. Hence I would like to take up a masters
program at your esteemed university to fulfill my career objective.

Yours sincerely

Sourish Motey

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