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Electronic warfare directorate


25-10-2008 E.C



25-10-2008 E.C


First and for most, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to almighty God
for his inevitable cares and supports throughout our work and life time.

We are deeply indebted to our main advisor Mr. Biruhtesfa Mulugeta who has
supported us by providing basic idea, required material and guidance starting from
the beginning to the completion of the project.

And finally we would like to give our deepest gratitude for Mr Girum G/ Aregawi.
For his best support, comment and good advice to complete this project in success.


This project entitled with interfacing SR2200 black box receiver, mainly focused up on preparing
appropriate software in order to control the SR2200 black box receiver.

The first chapter of this document is focused up on the introduction part including objectives and
problem of statement. Here the basic roles of receiver and types of receiver used in Electronic
warfare were discussed roughly.

Some literature review related with our black box receiver is discussed in the second section of the
document. Since SR2200 black box receiver was designed with the heterodyne principle it was
discussed more about heterodyne receiver and its principle.

More detail about SR2200, its electrical specification and its command lists were discussed in the
third chapter.

Finally this document further discussed up on the point of interfacing SR2200 with PC, about
command lists of SR2200, method of controlling the designed software and sample result when
controlling the receiver. The sample C# code that governs the software also placed in this chapter.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iii

ABSTRUCT................................................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................................. v
LIST OF FIGURE......................................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLE ......................................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF ABRIVASIONS ............................................................................................................. ix
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Basic about receiver? ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Types of receiver ................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objectives of the project ....................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................... 5
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................ 5
2.1 The super heterodyne receiver .............................................................................................. 5
2.2 Design and principle of operation ......................................................................................... 5
2.3 Local oscillator and mixer ..................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Intermediate frequency amplifier .......................................................................................... 8
2.5 Bandpass filter ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.6 Demodulation ........................................................................................................................ 9
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................. 10
3. High end black box receiver .................................................................................................. 10
3.1 What is SR2200 receiver? ................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Main features of SR2200 black box receiver ...................................................................... 10
3.3 Advantages of using SR2200 .............................................................................................. 11
3.4 Caring for SR2200 ......................................................................................................... 11
3.4.1 Safety notice ................................................................................................................. 11
3.4.2 Level of risk .................................................................................................................. 11
3.4.3 Handling the SR2200.................................................................................................... 11
3.4.4 Special remarks............................................................................................................. 12

3.4.5 Other warnings ............................................................................................................. 12
3.5 Connectivity of SR2200 ................................................................................................. 12
3.5.1 Front side of SR2200 .................................................................................................... 12
3.5.2 Back / rear side of SR2200 ........................................................................................... 13
3.6 Technical specifications of SR2200 .................................................................................... 14
Chapter 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1 Material used ....................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.1 Hardware ...................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.2 Software ........................................................................................................................ 17
4.2 RS232 Serial communication and control interface............................................................ 17
4.3 Control command ................................................................................................................ 18
4.3.1 Communication parameters .......................................................................................... 18
4.3.2 Delimiter ....................................................................................................................... 19
4.3.3 Numerical parameter auto-correct ................................................................................ 19
4.4 Command list ...................................................................................................................... 20
4.4.1 Power ON/OFF ............................................................................................................. 20
4.4.2 Receiver mode .............................................................................................................. 21
4.4.3 Frequency ..................................................................................................................... 21
4.4.4 Reception mode ............................................................................................................ 21
4.4.5 RF-Amplifier ................................................................................................................ 22
4.4.7 Auto mode .................................................................................................................... 23
4.4.8 AF-Gain ........................................................................................................................ 23
4.5 Steps to test the SR2200 ...................................................................................................... 23
4.6 Methods of controlling software ......................................................................................... 23
4.7 Limitations of SR2200 ........................................................................................................ 26
4.8 Recommendation................................................................................................................. 27
REFERENCE................................................................................................................................ 28

Figure 1 Supperhetrodyne receiver ................................................................................................. 5
Figure 2 Low side tuning ............................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 High side tuning ............................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4 Front panel of SR2200.................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5 Rear panel of SR2200 ..................................................................................................... 13
Figure 6 Graphical user interface of controlling software ............................................................ 24
Figure 7 Graphical user interface when the software is running .................................................. 26

Table 1 pin allocation of accessory socket ................................................................................... 14
Table 2 Technical specification of SR2200 .................................................................................. 16
Table 3 commands of power ON /OFF......................................................................................... 20
Table 4 commands for receiver mode ........................................................................................... 21
Table 5 Commands for sending frequency ................................................................................... 21
Table 6 Commands of reception mode ......................................................................................... 22
Table 7 Commands for RF- amplifier ........................................................................................... 22
Table 8 Commands for RF- attenuator ........................................................................................ 22
Table 9 Commands for Auto mode............................................................................................... 23
Table 10 Command for controlling gain ....................................................................................... 23


IF Intermediate frequency

RF Radio frequency

FM Frequency modulation

AM Amplitude modulation

HF High frequency
VHF Very high frequency
UHF Ultra high frequency
GUI Graphical user interface
NFM Narrow bands frequency modulation
WFM Wide bands frequency modulation
SFM Supper narrow bands frequency modulation
WAM Wide band amplitude modulation
LO Local oscillator



It is hard to imagine what the modern world would look like without the constant exchange of a
huge quantity of information. It is currently disseminated by various means such as newspapers,
telephone and the Internet. However the fastest way, and sometimes the only way, is by radio. This
is where the transfer is by electromagnetic waves, travelling at the speed of light. In radio
communication, a radio transmitter comprises one side of the link and a radio receiver on the other.

1.1 Basic about receiver?

In radio communications, a radio receiver (commonly also called a radio) is an electronic device
that receives radio waves and converts the information carried by them to a usable form. It is used
with an antenna. The antenna intercepts radio waves (electromagnetic waves) and converts them
to tiny alternating currents which are applied to the receiver, and the receiver extracts the desired
information. The receiver uses electronic filters to separate the desired radio frequency signal from
all the other signals picked up by the antenna, an electronic amplifier to increase the power of the
signal for further processing, and finally recovers the desired information through demodulation.

The information produced by the receiver may be in the form of sound (an audio signal), images
(a video signal) or data (a digital signal). A radio receiver may be a separate piece of electronic
equipment, or an electronic circuit within another device. Devices that contain radio receivers
include television sets, radar equipment, two-way radios, cell phones, wireless computer networks,
GPS navigation devices, satellite dishes, radio telescopes, Bluetooth enabled devices, garage door
openers, and baby monitors.

Basically receiver may be either communication receiver or broadcast receiver. Communication

receiver is a type of radio receiver used as a component of a radio communication link. This is in
contrast to a broadcast receiver which is used to receive radio broadcasts. The difference between
the two is that broadcast receivers only receive broadcast bands, such as the medium wave and/or
long wave AM broadcast bands and the VHF FM broadcast band, while a communication receiver

Information network security agency 1


receives a wider part of the radio spectrum not used for broadcasting, that includes the bands.
Typically, a communications receiver is of the superheterodyne type. It features multiple RF and
IF amplification stages. Each radio receiver must have a reception antenna. It is an electrical
conductor, where voltages of various frequencies and amplitudes are being induced, under the
influence of electromagnetic fields from various radio transmitters.

Basic roles that a receiver:

 To separate the signal (voltage) of the radio station that it is tuned at from the multitude
of other voltages, whilst suppressing (weakening) all other signals as much as possible.
 Amplifies the extrapolated signal and take out information from it.
 Reproduces that information, i.e. restores it into its’ original shape.

Receivers are an important part of almost every kind of electronic warfare system. There are many
types of receivers, and their characteristics determine their roles.

1.2 Types of receiver

The following receivers are the most important type for EW applications.

1. Crystal Video receiver

A crystal video receiver is the simplest type of receiver in use today. It consists of a crystal (diode)
detector followed by a video amplifier. It has a wide band instantaneous coverage and low
sensitivity and no selectivity mainly for pulsed signals.

2. IFM (Instantaneous frequency measurement) receiver

This receiver does just what its name implies. The basic IFM produces a pair of signals that are a
function of the radio frequency of the received signal. Its coverage, sensitivity, and selectivity is
like crystal video but it measures frequency of received signals.

3. TRF(Tuned Radio Frequency) receiver

Early development of radio many receivers used this TRF designs. They had multiple stages of
tuned filtering and gain at the actual frequency of the signal being received. It is similar to crystal

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video, but provides frequency isolation and slightly better sensitivity.The simplicity of the
superheterodyne approach has largely replaced true TRF receiver designs.

4. Channelized receiver
This is one of the ideal receiver type in which a set of fixed frequency receivers with their pass
bands set contiguously (usually with the upper edge of the 3-dB bandwidth of one receiver at the
same frequency as the lower edge of the 3-dB bandwidth of the next).

5. Fixed Tuned receiver

It is a type of receiver in which a single or multiple signals that are always at a single frequency
must be monitored. It has good selectivity and sensitivity dedicated to one signal.

6. Bragg Cell receiver

The Bragg cell receiver is an instantaneous spectrum analyzer capable of handling multiple
simultaneous signals. RF signals amplified to a high power level are applied to a crystal Bragg
cell. It characterized by wideband instantaneous coverage, low dynamic range and multiple
simultaneous signals does not demodulate.

7. Compressive Receiver
This receiver also called a micro scan receiver. It is basically a superheterodyne receiver that is
rapidly tuned. It provides frequency isolation, measures frequency and no signal demodulation
takes place.

8. Digital receivers
The digital receiver seems to be the great hope of the future. Basically, it digitizes signals for
processing in a computer. It is highly flexible and can deal with signals with unknown parameters.

9. Superheterodyne receiver
The superheterodyne receiver is extremely flexible and provides optimum tradeoff of sensitivity,
selectivity, and bandwidth depending on the selection of filter parameters. Because it uses a linear

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detector or discriminator, it provides the best available sensitivity as a function of its pre detection
bandwidth and post detection processing gain. The basic super heterodyne receiver "heterodynes"
(i.e., linearly shifts) a portion of its RF frequency range into a fixed intermediate frequency (IF)
band using a tuned local oscillator (LO). A fixed IF is much more efficient for the provision of the
necessary gain and filter selectivity.

Now a day Superheterodyne receivers have essentially replaced all previous receiver designs and
normally chosen for EW and reconnaissance systems that are basically narrowband in nature (for
example, communications-band ESM systems and many ELINT collection systems).

1.3 Objectives of the project

This project is aimed at interfacing SR2200 black box receiver with PC and preparing appropriate
software in order to control from our computer.

Information network security agency 4



Basically there are two basic architectures of receiver design:

 The super-heterodyne receiver architecture

 Direct conversion receiver

The super-heterodyne is by far the most popular receiver architecture in use today and it is the
subject of the rest of this document. The other architecture now being used in signal analyzers is
the direct conversion receiver, which also goes by the names homodyne receiver and zero IF (ZIF)

2.1 The super heterodyne receiver

In electronics, a superheterodyne receiver (often shortened to superhet) uses frequency mixing
to convert a received signal to a fixed intermediate frequency (IF) which can be more conveniently
processed than the original carrier frequency. Virtually all modern radio receivers use the
superheterodyne principle. At the cost of an extra frequency converter stage, the superheterodyne
receiver provides superior selectivity and sensitivity compared with simpler designs.

2.2 Design and principle of operation

Figure 1 Supperhetrodyne receiver

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To receive a radio signal, a suitable antenna is required. The output of the antenna may be very
small, often only a few microvolts. The signal from the antenna is tuned and may be amplified in
a so-called radio frequency (RF) amplifier, although this stage is often omitted. A local oscillator
provides the mixing frequency. It is usually a variable frequency oscillator which is used to tune
the receiver to different stations. The frequency mixer does the actual heterodyning that gives the
name superheterodyne. It changes the incoming radio frequency signal to a higher or lower, fixed,
intermediate frequency (IF).The IF band-pass filter and amplifier supply most of the gain and the
narrowband filtering for the radio. The demodulator extracts the audio or other modulation from
the IF radio frequency. The extracted signal is then amplified by the audio amplifier.

2.3 Local oscillator and mixer

The signal is then fed into a circuit where it is mixed with a sine wave from a variable frequency
oscillator known as the local oscillator (LO). The mixer uses a non-linear component to produce
both sum and difference beat frequency signals. The output of the mixer may include:

 The original RF signal at fRF,

 The local oscillator signal at fLO, and
 The two new heterodyne frequencies fRF + fLO and fRF − fLO.

The mixer may inadvertently produce additional frequencies such as third and higher-order
intermodulation products. Ideally, the IF bandpass filter removes all but the desired IF signal at
fIF. The IF signal contains the original modulation (transmitted information) that the received radio
signal had at fRF. The frequency of the local oscillator fLO is set so the desired reception radio
frequency fRF mixes to fIF. There are two possible choices for the local oscillator frequency because
the dominant mixer products are at fRF ± fLO.

 If the local oscillator frequency is less than the desired reception frequency, it is called low-
side tuning.

fIF = fRF − fLO fLO = fRF − fIF

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Figure 2 Low side tuning

 If the local oscillator frequency is higher than the desired reception frequency, then it is
called high-side tuning

fIF = fLO − fRF. fLO = fRF + fIF

Figure 3 High side tuning

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The mixer will process not only the desired input signal at fRF, but also all signals present at its
inputs. There will be many mixer products (heterodynes). Most other signals produced by the
mixer (such as due to stations at nearby frequencies) can be filtered out in the IF amplifier; that
gives the superheterodyne receiver its superior performance. However, if fLO is set to fRF + fIF, then
an incoming radio signal at fLO + fIF will also produce a heterodyne at fIF; this is called the image
frequency and must be rejected by the tuned circuits in the RF stage. The image frequency is 2 fIF
higher (or lower) than fRF, so employing a higher IF frequency fIF increases the receiver's image
rejection without requiring additional selectivity in the RF stage.

2.4 Intermediate frequency amplifier

The stages of an intermediate frequency amplifier ("IF amplifier" or "IF strip") are tuned to a fixed
frequency that does not change as the receiving frequency changes. The IF amplifier is selective
around its center frequency fIF.

Typically, the IF center frequency fIF is chosen to be less than the desired reception frequency fRF.
The choice has some performance advantages. First, it is easier and less expensive to get high
selectivity at a lower frequency. Second, it is easier and less expensive to get high gain at a lower
frequency. Usually the intermediate frequency is lower than the reception frequency fRF, but in
some modern receivers (e.g. scanners and spectrum analyzers) a higher IF frequency is used to
minimize problems with image rejection or gain the benefits of fixed-tuned stages.

In order to avoid interference to receivers, licensing authorities will avoid assigning common IF
frequencies to transmitting stations. The fallowing are standard intermediate frequencies used:

 455 kHz for medium-wave AM radio receivers

 10.7 MHz for FM radio receivers
 38.9 MHz(Europe) or 45 MHz (US) for television, and
 70 MHz for satellite and terrestrial microwave equipment.

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To avoid tooling costs associated with these components, most manufacturers then tended to
design their receivers around a fixed range of frequencies offered, which resulted in a worldwide
de facto standardization of intermediate frequencies.

2.5 Bandpass filter

The IF stage includes a filter and/or multiple tuned circuits in order to achieve the desired
selectivity. This filtering must therefore have a band pass equal to or less than the frequency
spacing between adjacent broadcast channels. Ideally a filter would have a high attenuation to
adjacent channels, but maintain a flat response across the desired signal spectrum in order to retain
the quality of the received signal.

2.6 Demodulation

The received signal is now processed by the demodulator stage where the audio signal (or other
baseband signal) is recovered and then further amplified. AM demodulation requires the simple
rectification of the RF signal (so-called envelope detection), and a simple RC low pass filter to
remove remnants of the intermediate frequency. FM signals may be detected using a discriminator,
ratio detector, or phase-locked loop. Continuous wave (Morse code) and single sideband signals
require a product detector using a so-called beat frequency oscillator, and there are other
techniques used for different types of modulation.[16] The resulting audio signal (for instance) is
then amplified and drives a loudspeaker.

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3. High end black box receiver

This chapter focused mainly on the operating manuals specifications and safety use of the SR2200
black box receiver. Methods of interfacing the receiver with computer and some theoretical
concept related with the receiver were also discussed.

3.1 What is SR2200 receiver?

SR2200 is a high end external receiver, intended for government, military, security, surveillance,
media monitoring and industrial applications. It is a DSP powered VHF/UHF receiver unit
covering from 25 MHz to 3 GHz with triple conversion superheterodyne in AM, NFM, WFM and
SFM modes.

The external unit connects to an IBM PC compatible computer via a serial interface cable or USB.
IN our application/design we use a serial interface cable to communicate with the external unit.

3.2 Main features of SR2200 black box receiver

 Wide frequency coverage with no interception (25MHz to 3GHz)

 High sensitivity and selectivity
 High frequency stability
 PC controllable
 Low switching noise
 High reliability
 High switching capability
 DDS(direct digital synthesizer)local oscillator
 Multi-mode unit capable of receiving AM, WFM, NFM, WAM and SFM

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3.3 Advantages of using SR2200

 Small size and low weight

 High sensitivity
 High dynamic range
 More flexible and powerful than those of traditional radio
 Availability of additional software functions (control software is currently under

3.4 Caring for SR2200

3.4.1 Safety notice

SR2200 is designed from operation from a good quality regulated DC power supply of 12-16V
DC, which should be capable of supplying 0.6A with 1W audio output. This receiver should not
be connected to AC power outlet. And it is mandatory to disconnect the power supply from Ac
power outlet even when the receiver is not in use. The SR2200 has no user adjustable internal part

3.4.2 Level of risk

As the SR2200 is powered from 12V DC, there is little chance of serious injury as long as common
sense is applied. DC input is a nominal 12V DC wired center positive. Reverse polarity connection
will damage the SR2200 and potentially could lead to the risk of fire or explosion under severe
circumstances. NEVER connect the SR2200 directly to an AC outlet.

3.4.3 Handling the SR2200

Use a soft, dry cloth to gently wipe the SR2200 clean, never use abrasive cleaners or organic
solvents which may damage certain parts. Treat the unit with care, avoid spillage or leakage of
liquids into the cabinet. Special care should be taken to avoid liquid entering via the connection

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3.4.4 Special remarks

Do not use or leave the SR2200 in direct sunlight. It is best to avoid locations where excessive
heat, humidity, dust and vibration are expected. Always keep the SR2200 free from dust and

3.4.5 Other warnings

There are no internal operator adjustments. In the unlikely event of servicing being required, please
contact your dealer for technical assistance.

Although carefully designed, the SR2200 (like all receivers) suffers from a degree of internal
noises known as spurii. They are a product of the receiver circuitry and do not represent a fault.
The reception might be affected by interferences produced by nearby electrical appliances such as
television, PC, walkie-talkies, etc... The reception might be strongly affected by powerful
transmissions if the receiver or the antenna is located nearby a transmitter (such as TV broadcasting
transmitter). Transmissions with encrypted content cannot be decoded by this receiver.
Specification is typical but not guaranteed, subject to change without notice due to continuous
development of the product.

3.5 Connectivity of SR2200

3.5.1 Front side of SR2200

On the front side of SR2200 there is a connector labeled “Display” this connector can be used for
testing SR2200 without the need of PC, and as an extension for future developments. The
connector labeled “Display” is called remote control panel used for testing purpose only. It is the
optional control panel head (with internal speaker), similar to the control panel of AR-ONE is used
to test functionality of the receiver, when a PC is not available.

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Figure 4 Front panel of SR2200

3.5.2 Back / rear side of SR2200

At the rear of the unit, there is a BNC connector for the antenna, USB and serial control ports, 10.7
MHz I.F. OUT (to connect for example the SDU5600 Spectrum analyzer), external speaker out,
phones out, power and a ACC data output interface (discriminator & sound output).

Figure 5 Rear panel of SR2200

(1) This 10.7MHz IF OUT socket provides output to drive the optional AOR SDU5600 Spectrum
Display unit, with +/- 5MHz of bandwidth.
(2) Headphone socket (3.5mm mono jack, also wired for stereo plug). When this socket is used,
any external speaker connected to socket (3) will be automatically disconnected.

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(3) External speaker socket (3.5mm mono). The speaker should have a nominal 8 Ohm
impedance and power handling of 2 Watts or greater.
(4) Accessory socket. Provides output for audio and discriminator, or other applications you might
create. Pin allocation as follows:

Table 1 pin allocation of accessory socket

Values for pins 2, 6, 7 are for a 3 KHz FM deviation at antenna input level.

(5) RS-232C socket for PC control. The connection cable is not supplied. Please note that the
socket name “REMOTE” will be changed on production units, to a more suitable name.
(6) USB socket for PC control. The connection cable is not supplied.
(7) 12V DC input socket. The DC power cable is supplied. Please connect it to a power unit
providing 12 to 16V DC, with minimum 0.5 A. Center pin is positive.
(8) Power switch and power LED. Unit is powered and the green LED is lit, when the switch is
in the upper position.
(9) Antenna socket. BNC type. Preferably use an antenna with coaxial lead matched to 50 Ohm,
for optimal performance.

3.6 Technical specifications of SR2200

The following table describes technical specifications of SR2200 black box receiver.

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Configuration Triple conversion superheterodyne

Frequency coverage 25MHz - 3GHz

Reception modes AM / NFM / WFM / SFM

Sensitivity Band Sensitivity IP3 (dBm) S/N (dB)

IP3 25M-225MHz NFM: 0.35uV (12dB SINAD) 1 40

S/N AM: 0.6uV (10dB S/N)

WFM: 2.0uV (12dB SINAD)

225M-1.7GHz NFM: 0.35uV (12dB SINAD) 1 35

AM: 0.8uV (10dB S/N)

WFM: 2.0uV (12dB SINAD)

1.7GHz -2.7GHz NFM: 0.6uV (12dB SINAD) 1 32

2.7GHz-3GHz NFM: 1.5uV (12dB SINAD) 1 30

IF frequencies 1st IF: 255.3MHz, 744.3MHz

2nd IF: 10.7MHz

3rd IF: 455kHz

Tuning steps 100 Hz to 100 kHz (10 Hz incremental)

Selectivity NFM: +/-10kHz, 60dB

AM/SFM: +/-6kHz, 60dB

WFM: +/-180KHz, 60dB

Spurious Sensitivity 60dB>

Adjacent Selectivity 55dB >

Dynamic Range 90dB>

Unwanted Spurious emissions < -57dBm

IP3 +1.0 dBm

Frequency stability +/-1ppm (0-50℃)

Audio output 1.2W (8 Ohm) max.@ 10% distortion (no internal speaker!)

Power requirements 12 - 16V DC, 0.5 A with 1W audio output

Aerial connection 50 Ohm BNC

IF output 10.7MHz

Control interface RS-232C / USB , 38400bps

Operation temperature 0 to 50℃

Dimensions 200(W) x 31(H) x 230(D) mm, without projections

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Weight 1.23kg

Nominal filter bandwidths 6kHz, 15kHz, 300kHz.

Memory channels 1000 (10 banks)

Search banks 40

25 steps per
Scan/Search Rate second.

Pass frequencies 2000

Priority channels 1

Table 2 Technical specification of SR2200

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Chapter 4
4. Interfacing and PC control of the system
As it was described earlier SR2200 is PC controllable receiver. So we have to prepare appropriate
software and interfacing mechanism in order to control by using our personal computer.

4.1 Material used

4.1.1 Hardware

 IBM PC with an available RS232C port

 Antenna
 DC power supply

4.1.2 Software

 Visual studio 2010

 Window 7 Operating system

4.2 RS232 Serial communication and control interface

Many PCs and compatible computers are equipped with three basic ports serial, USB and
parallel port. Although these ports are used for communicating with external devices, they work
in different ways. In this project we used serial port to interface our black box receiver with PC.

All functions of SR2200 can be controlled by a PC by means of serial port (RS232C) or universal
interface bus (USB) port interface using either the supplied AOR control software, Microsoft
windows hyper terminal software or you may write any software using any type of object oriented
programming our design we use RS232C port as interface to control the operation and
function of the SR2200 through PC. Interfacing of SR2200 and PC is done with help of serial port
cable which is compatible to connect our receiver and PC.

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Serial communication is basically the transmission or reception of data one bit at a time .Serial
ports are typically identified on IBM compatible computers as COM (communications) ports. In
contrast to a parallel port serial port is used for serial communication interface through which
information transfers in or out one bit at a time. A bit is basically either a logical 1 or zero .The
serial port contains an electronic chip called a universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
(UART) that actually does the conversion.

RS-232 stands for Recommend Standard number 232 and C is the latest revision of the standard.
The serial ports on most computers use a subset of the RS-232C standard. The full RS-232C
standard specifies a 25-pin "D" connector of which 22 pins are used. Most of these pins are not
needed for normal PC communications, and indeed, most new PCs are equipped with male D type
connectors having only 9 pins.

4.3 Control command

As it was described earlier, SR2200 is controlled by personal computer via RS232C
or USB port. In order to prepare appropriate control software it is necessary to
understand communication parameter, delimiters of the command, response format
and numerical parameters. Microsoft Windows Hyper Terminal may be used to control
the SR2200, or you may write your own software using any type of object oriented
programming language such as java script, Microsoft visual studio(c#).

4.3.1 Communication parameters

The fallowing parameters are the specifications for the communication protocol used.
 Baud rate 38400 BPS
 Data length 8 bits
 Stop bit = 1 bits
 Parity NONE
 Flow control = NONE
 Local echo=ON

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4.3.2 Delimiter

 PC → SR2200
<CR> (0x0d)
<CR><LF> (0x0d 0x0a)
Note: <LF> will be ignored
 SR2200 → PC
・ “OK” response when the command has been correct:
<SP><CR><LF>(0x20 0x0d 0x0a)
・ Response when the command has been incorrect:
?<CR><LF> (0x3f 0x0d 0x0a)
・ Response to the read command:
Following the output of the parameter, the correct response should read:
<SP><CR><LF>(0x20 0x0d 0x0a)

4.3.3 Numerical parameter auto-correct

The SR2200 does correct the numerical command parameter to the digit format
applying to the given parameter. In the following example, the DB command has to
be followed by a 3-digit number.
Ex.: DB003 <CR>
The SR2200 will add one or two “0” in order to achieve three digits.
DB3<CR> ......... processed as DB003<CR>
DB03<CR> ....... processed as DB003<CR>
However be aware that for some commands like Memory Channel or Search Bank,
if you input MQ33 for MQ303 (bank 3, channel 3), the SR2000 would mistakenly
correct your entry to MQ033 which means bank 0, channel 33.

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4.4 Command list

In this section most common lists of command were discussed. The fallowing are command list of
SR2200 receiver.
 Power ON/OFF
 Receiver mode
 Reception mode
 RF Attenuator
 RF- Amplifier
 AF-Gain
 Auto mode
 Frequency step

4.4.1 Power ON/OFF

This command is used to make the receiver power ON or OFF. This is possible only
if the receiver is ON by default.
Power ON
Command or header R/W Command description
X W When the receiver's power is off, any key will power it on.
Power OFF
QP W Power OFF the receiver
Table 3 commands of power ON /OFF

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4.4.2 Receiver mode

This command name is used to hold frequency. It contains VFO, memory read,
memory scan, memory select and memory search.
Command or Header R/W Command description
Vx W VFO selection. x = A - J ( DEFAULT is VFO-A )
MRmmm Memory Read. m = BANK # from 0 - 9 and n = CH #
from 00 - 99.
MSm Memory Scan. m = BANK # from 0 – 9
SM SM Memory Select
SSm Normal Search. mm = BANK # from 01 – 40
Table 4 commands for receiver mode

4.4.3 Frequency

This command is used to send the desired frequency (in Hz and MHz) to our receiver. The
command “RF” is used to read which frequency is displaying.

Command or Header R/W Command description

RFnnnnnnnnnn W Active VFO's Frequency in Hz.
RFnn.nn Active VFO's Frequency in MHz
RFnnn Active VFO's Frequency in MHz
RF R Active VFO's Frequency. RFnnnnnnnnnn ( Hz)

Table 5 Commands for sending frequency

4.4.4 Reception mode

We have to choose reception mode manually between NFM, SFM, WFM, AM or WAM.

 AM (Amplitude modulation). IF filter bandwidth of 6 kHz.

 NFM (Narrow band Frequency Modulation): IF filter bandwidth of 15 kHz.
 WFM (Wide band Frequency Modulation): IF filter bandwidth of 300 KHz.

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 SFM (Super Narrow Frequency Modulation): IF filter bandwidth of 6 KHz.

 WAM (Wide band Amplitude Modulation): IF filter bandwidth of 15 kHz.

Command or Header R/W Command description

MDn W n = 0 … NFM ( BW = 15 K )
n = 1 … WFM ( BW = 300 K )
n = 2 … AM ( BW = 6 K )
n = 3 … SFM ( BW = 6 K )
n = 4 … WAM ( BW = 15 K )
Table 6 Commands of reception mode

4.4.5 RF-Amplifier

This command used to select either “auto”, “ON” or no selection for disabling the preamplifier.
Command or Header R/W Command description
AMn W n = 0 … RF-AMP OFF
n = 1 … RF-AMP ON
n = 2 …AUTO (Depending on the signal level, ATT will
automatically change to
Table 7 Commands for RF- amplifier

4.4.6 RF-Attenuator

Command or Header R/W Command description

AMn W n = 0 … 00 dB
n = 1 … 10 dB
n = 2 … 20 dB
n = 3 … AUTO (Depending on the signal level, RF-AMP will
automatically change to ON or OFF
Table 8 Commands for RF- attenuator

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4.4.7 Auto mode

If this command is active, it automatically choose reception mode, frequency step and bandwidth.

Command or Header R/W Command description

n=1 for AUTO MODE ON
Table 9 Commands for Auto mode

4.4.8 AF-Gain

This command is used for controlling the volume of external speaker or headphone. Note that
SR2200 has no internal speaker.

Command or Header R/W Command description

AGnn W AGnnn----nnn=000 to 255(Default is 255)

Table 10 Command for controlling gain

4.5 Steps to test the SR2200

Step 1: Connect SR2200 receiver your PC using serial port cable.

Step 2: Connect the antenna, power supply and external speaker or headphone to SR2200. Note
that reverse polarity connection will damage the SR2200 and potentially could lead the risk of fire
or explosion under service circumstances. Never the SR2200 directly to an AC outlet.

Step 3: Power ON the SR2200 using power switch.

Step 4: Launch the control software.

4.6 Methods of controlling software

The control software contains the command lists described in the section 4.4. And it was easily
understandable for user. The fallowing figure shows the graphical user interface of controlling

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Figure 6 Graphical user interface of controlling software

This graphical user interface shows the controlling software of SR2200. By using this control
software user can be able to manage the following operation:

 Power ON/OFF operation

 Storing frequency
 Selecting reception mode
 Selecting RF-Attenuator and RF-Amplifier
 Volume control
 Noise & level control
 Manually searching frequency
 Saving frequencies on database and accessing from it
 Searching frequencies between two given frequencies

We can switch power by using power ON/OFF button labeled at the bottom left of the graphical
user interface. This is possible only if the receiver power is switched on by default. Frequency can

Information network security agency 24


be stored on receiver mode which is labeled on the top left of the graphical user interface. And this
is done by selecting storage VFO (A to J). This software can also be used for choosing reception
modes of the receiver. It was labeled on the top left of the form under receiver mode. We can
manually choose reception mode between AM(IF filter bandwidth of 6KHz), NFM(IF filter
bandwidth of 15KHz),WFM(IF filter bandwidth of 300KHz),SFM(IF filter bandwidth of 6KHz)
or WAM(IF filter bandwidth of 15KHz). This software also used for controlling the preamplifier
statues by selecting either AUTO, ON, or OFF for disabling the pre amplifier. The Attenuation
label can be chosen between 0dB, 10dB, 20dB or AUTO. By activating Auto mode we can choose
reception mode, frequency step and bandwidth automatically.

Selecting the above parameters is not only the objectives of the project. But they are important
parameters for receiving the desire frequency. It is easy for user to tune frequency manually by
using this software. This is done by giving start frequency, stop frequency and step value. The step
size can be choose between 0.1, 0. 5, 1 , 2 , 5 , 6.25 , 9 , 10 , 12.5 , 20 , 25 , 30 , 50 ,100KHz. The
left arrow is used for down tuning and the right arrow for up tuning. Note that for fine tune use
lower step value. Noise, volume (scaled from 000 up to 255) and output level can be controlled by
using this software.

At the right side of the interface there is a part used to perform frequency scanning. There is also
database table in order to save desired frequencies.

For scan application

 Write the numerical value of start, stop and step value in the appropriate text box.
 Click search button to scan desired frequencies of those having output power level above the
threshold level.

Note that in the scanning application of SR2200, we are able to perform the fallowing tasks:

 Adding new record to the database

 Deleting of records from the database
 Updating records of the database
 Searching records in a database

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The fallowing figure shows the snipped picture of the graphical user interface when the software
is running.

Figure 7 Graphical user interface when the software is running

As it was shown on the figure almost all commands were displaying. Note that it is not mandatory
to display all commands, but this figure is to show the appearance of all commands. The selection
of some commands like reception mode, RF–Amplifier and RF-Attenuator are basic and common
in the operations of the SR2200 receiver.

When we look at the frequency scanning, the receiver is scanning frequencies between 88.1MHz
and 108.1MHz and saves frequencies having above threshold power level.

4.7 Limitations of SR2200

 Lack of more suitable socket name for some connections of SR2200(example REMOT,
 Like all receivers carefully designed SR2200 receiver suffers from a degree of internal noises
known as spurious emission (produced internally from receiver circuitry).

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 The reception might be affected by interferences produced by nearby electrical appliances

such as television, PC, walkie-talkies, etc...
 The reception might be strongly affected by powerful transmissions if the receiver or the
antenna is located nearby a transmitter (such as TV broadcasting transmitter).
 Transmissions with encrypted content cannot be decoded by this receiver.

4.8 Recommendation
 There must be a fully descriptive and clear manual of SR2200 receiver (such as command,
specification and features).
 Receiver with wide band frequency coverage and highest frequency stability.
 Receiver capable of receiving more than one frequency simultaneously.
 Receiver capable of selecting multi IF bandwidth along with the ability to shift IF.

Information network security agency 27



1. SR2200 operating manual.

2. Super-heterodyne FM Receiver Design and Simulation, Bhavya Daya, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL, 32608, USA.
4. Software defined radio, INSA, EW directorate, ECM research group, 2011G.C.

Information network security agency 28

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